A Sacred Homecoming: Making Peace with Every Woman You’ve Been

Make peace with all the women you once were

The one who doubted her power.

The one who gave too much, even when it hurt.

The one who was told to shrink, to stay small, to silence her fire.

The one who fought, who rose, who refused to be erased.

Every version of you paved the way for the woman you are today.

On this International Women’s Day, we are called to honor not only the women who inspire us but also the women within us—those past versions who survived, adapted, and did the best they could with what they knew.

Too often, we carry shame, guilt, and unresolved wounds from who we once were. We judge our past selves harshly, forgetting that each chapter of our lives was a necessary part of our becoming.

But what if we approached these past versions with compassion instead of criticism?

What if we saw each past self as a guardian—holding wisdom, strength, and lessons meant to guide us forward?

The Journey of Reclamation

This journey is not about forgetting the past but rather about reclaiming the parts of ourselves we left behind. Through Reiki, ancestral healing, and spiritual guidance, I help women untangle from old stories, heal ancestral wounds, and rewrite their narrative with compassion and power.

Healing isn’t about erasing who we were—it’s about embracing her.

The girl who once dreamed.

The woman who dared to heal.

The wise one rising now.

This is the path of the Sacred Feminine.

This is the power of self-forgiveness

The Medicine of the Wise Woman Retreat – October 5th (click here)

If this resonates, I invite you to join me for the Medicine of the Wise Woman Retreat on Sunday, October 5th—a day dedicated to connecting with the wise, whole, and healed grandmother ancestry of blood and bone.

Through vibrational healing, ceremonial practices, and experiential activities, we will journey together to heal ancestral lineages, reclaim personal power, and embody the wisdom of the women who came before us.

This is for the woman ready to rise.
This is for the woman ready to remember.
This is for the woman ready to make peace with all she has been.

>> Secure your spot now to walk this sacred path with us.
>> Learn more and register at Medicine of The Wise Woman Retreat 
>> Tag a woman who needs this journey.

Share this to spread the energy of self-forgiveness and empowerment.

This International Women’s Day, let’s not just celebrate—we RISE. We HEAL. We REMEMBER.

Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Episode #11: Reinventing Yourself After Cancer

Welcome to Episode 11 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for a fun amazing podcast episode on “Reinventing Yourself After Cancer” with Actor, Producer & Renaissance Man – Eli Hans.

Eli shares his journey from growing up in a conservative home as a “gay boy” to a life of constant go go go to losing his partner to suicide to being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer with a 10% survival rate to 7yrs remission, to falling in love, to the importance of incorporating your intuition into your healing, to the pandemic … to what it took & the journey within in writing his journey of unpacking & healing his life in a rich authentic deep funny musical play that audiences are raving about – “Out of the Blue”



Eli is a true Renaissance man; an actor, writer, artist, producer, director, singer, and recently, a composer. Eli has reinvented his career many times, from producer and director of TV commercials and large-scale corporate events to interior designer, and now a life and creativity coach. He has always dreamed of being on Broadway, and after surviving a dire cancer diagnosis, he decided to create an autobiographical musical called Out of The Blue, an inspiring story of hope and resilience in which he plays 25 characters. He recently had a sold-out run of his World Premiere in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and a successful U.S. Premiere at the Hollywood Fringe Theater festival.

Listen to the episode HERE

OR watch the episode here:

Additional Resources:


Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

7 Simple Rituals To Maximize The Full Moon Energies

Doing a full moon ritual or a ceremony are sacred practices that date back to ancient times. These moon rituals are found in almost every ancient culture where worshiping the moon was part of their culture as we have seen in Celtic traditions, Babylonian, Egyptian, to Shinto in Japan and more.

There is tremendous power in learning to harness – what I like to call – moon magic, which is the energies, flows, rhythms. However, like anything else, this is NOT a one shot deal and poof, it’s magic. It takes dedication in learning these sacred rituals, implementing them, getting into vibrational alignment with them, and more.

The moon is our teacher and we are her students. Over time, we learn how work WITH these natural flows and rhythms in all her phases. Tuning into these phases of the moon can help provide us with a framework or guide to work from. This can be immensely empowering.

Working with the moon in a ritualistic or ceremonial way is needed more than ever in our technological driven culture that is ever increasingly losing connection to the greatest influencers, creators, and destroyers in life – the moon, father sun and mother earth.

What Does The Full Moon Represent?


This is when the moon is at its peak energy – a time where there is a build up of energy accumulated – both illuminating and shadowy – light and dark.

She represents the receptive energies or what others might call the feminine.

She reflects back to us a strong full illumination from the sun where she is the brightest.  She highlights all that needs to be illuminated in your life in this lunar cycle.  This is where the energies are most potent and a time for strong creative and intuitive influxes.

The full moon is all about endings and completions of a cycle and in this case the lunar cycle. This is a good time to:

  • reflect
  • evaluate
  • access
  • cleanse
  • recharge

Here are three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual

1) Focus on what you have done in the past 28-30 days. What transpired in this time? Where are you stuck? Reflect.  How have you utilized the energies in this lunar cycle?

2) What have you reaped – gained? Reflect.

3) What needs to be leg go of? Purified? Cleansed? Reflect.

Photo by: Laura Joseph, (c) 2021

Preparations For Full Moon Rituals

This is a great time to take a hard look at what has come into fruition and what has not.

It is a time to get quiet, connect, and honor the sacredness of the moon, all she offers us and the other elementals harnessed.  Implementing these rituals should show clear respect with proper cultural appropriation.

This includes asking for permission of the ancestors of the land you occupy to guide you. For me, that would be asking permission from the Massachusett People, the original stewards of this land I reside on, to be here.  Asking the ancestors forgiveness for those who may have come before me and asking for them guide me today in this sacred ritual so I may become a better steward for all future generations to come.

Here are additional tips to prepare:

1) Get centered & calm – so yes, meditate in preparation

2) Write it out – (see three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual above for prompts)

3) Take a sacred bath – you can use epsom salt or Himalayan salts with some herbals like roses, lavender or essential oils. The intention here is asking the moon and waters to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit.

Photo by: Laura Joseph (c) 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Here are 7 simple rituals to maximize the full moon energies.

1)  Cleanse – Clear, cleanse, purify your mental and physical space. Clean out those closets. If you choose to smudge, please consider avoid using white sage or palo santo due to the increasing poaching of these items leading to imbalances.

2) Put out a bowl of moon water.  Let the bowl of water bask in the radiance of the full moon energies.  Create intentions and rituals.  Sip it daily as a reminder of the intentions created and the full power of the moon.

3) Releasing Ritual – Write whatever you wish to release, let go of on a small piece of paper.  Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then with things you want to release either place in a bowl of water and sprinkle pink Himalayan salt to purify/cleanse or burn in a ceremonial sacred fire.

4) Meditate – This is one of the most important things you can learn, do, and incorporate as part of your daily rituals. This is the space we can access the wisdom and answers we seek.  However, this is NOT something you want to initiate on a full moon as a new practice if you have not already been practicing meditation.

5)  Dance – Physical release is a good way to purge stuck energies that need to move and filter out.

6) Gratitude Ritual – Write whatever you wish to be grateful for – successes, opportunities, etc on a small piece of paper.  Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then bury it in the garden and wait til the next new moon to plant any seeds and watch what grows.

7) Charge your stones/crystals – Put them in the moonlight to bask in the energies of the full moon to cleanse, charge, and purify these stones and crystals.

Laura Joseph, Seattle, WA 2018

Above all, remember to set good intentions and check out the 2021 energy forecast for more.

Approach these rituals from a soulful place and less from the egoic earthly place with honor, respect, and sacredness.

You’ll be amazed at what shows up for you when you adopt these flows & cycles into your life.  Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment below if you find these tips helpful.

With appreciation,

Be sure you are on our email list for special insights, specials, and events. Click hereOR join me on Patreon.

The 2020 Intense Karmic Start and Four Tips To Move Forward

Well in case you missed my January post, 2020 is a massive year for “change” being a four year in numerology in all areas of our life. It is also a “work” year, a year to cultivate our deep inner spirit, and connect with the ancestors for healing and wisdom.

And boy oh boy, 2020 has not failed to disappoint to hold to that theme. What a karmic shakeup January started off. What a shift show!!!!!

Have you felt this?

2020 Kicks off a karmic boom and waves of change

I am gonna mention something that is taboo – politics. There is a spiritual component.  Hear me out before the eyes start rolling. I see politics as a reflection of what is within us all collectively. We are all feeling this, but we are often too triggered or afraid to voice our truth about it.

Well let’s just start with the energetics of the impeachment trial. Regardless of which side of the fence you believe in, no one can disagree with the debacle being made of our system.

So what is the spiritual component to all this?

With that said about what is happening, truths are still being revealed and triggering disruptions. 

The recent shooting in Hingham, MA and the subsequent racial/classist undertones that ensued afterwards is upleveling the shadows hidden in the darkness. 

Some of these disruptions may include the sudden unexpected transitions of loved ones. I talking about my feelings surrounding the Kobie Bryant crash here

As an empath, healer, intuitive, and trauma specialist we will continue to see unresolved trauma surface – personal, generational, karmic, and past life. The ideas around power, control, manipulation will continue to be “seen”.

Moving forward, the idea of Spiritually bypassing your way through life will not help anymore for any one of us. Trading one feel good addiction for another is more harmful than good.

It means we stand in our truth unapologetic. We speak out for those who do not have a voice. We call out and address predatory behavior infiltrating sacred safe spaces and protect those preyed upon by predators. It means we do not stay silent.

It means we change the way we live and address simple things we can do NOW

What is the solution moving forward?

The solution is to FIRST have the courage and take full responsibility for where you are at. Getting real and getting raw with yourself is where you will ultimately find the peace and freedom as well as tap into the natural flow of the Universe with ease. 

Second, spiritually bypassing our issues away is no longer an option and an addictive behavior that leads to a bottomless pit. Click here for more information and tips to guide you. Triggers are a mere flasher trying to redirect you back to the inner being of who you are.

Thirdly, challenge your belief system. Decolonize your mindset. Are your beliefs your own or are they part of the collective consciousness and/or conditioning?


There is NO way around this, but through. Your inner child will thank you for taking this leap of faith. This is NOT work that can be done by reading a book or watching videos. It requires ongoing support and guidance. I am here to support you. If you are feeling ready to do this work, click here to book a session today.

In the meantime, we continue to come face to face with our shadows. The more we surrender the stories of the egoic mind and into the flow of our intuitive soulful self continues to rise.

Let’s take shame out of our unrealistic egoic expectations of BE-ing spiritual by sharing our experiences.

Life is a journey & lesson for evolution of soul to BE EXPLORED. That exploration continues into 2020.

THIS … THIS is multi-layered, multi-faceted. Some of this is individual & some of this is collective.

It’s a SH*T SHOW. Yes, it is … if we choose to see it this way or we can choose to see what is happening as an opportunity which brings me to a saying someone ones said to me early on my healing path.

What do you choose?

Finally, this is election year, the Universe is asking us to VOTE with our conscious NOT by party affiliation. Do not let the external world brainwash you, manipulate you, bully you, or intimidate you into swaying from YOUR truth.

Please leave your comments below and let us know how we are doing.

To read and/or watch the videos of the 2020 energetic forecast, visit “Three Lessons 2019 Taught Us, Three Things To Know About Navigating the 2020 Energies, & What It All Means“.

With appreciation,

Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.

For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.

To book a private session, click here.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.

© 2015-2020 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

How Solar Minimum can Affect Our Health, Communications, and Climate Change

Are you having periodic episodes of sleep issues? Can’t sleep? Wake up at 3am and can not go back to sleep?

Are you having periodic episodes of unexplainable or amplified severe fatigue?

Are you experiencing GPS issues or cell phone glitches?

What about periods of unexplainable or amplified bouts of stress and anxiety?

Have you felt great one day and then suddenly you got seriously ill as if it was out of the blue?

Have your dreams been increasing in frequency and vividness?

What about time? Are you struggling with managing time or feeling as if time escapes you or as if you are in a time warp?

If you answered yes to any of those, keep reading.

If you have been following me on Facebook or Instagram, you may have noticed I have been talking a lot about space weather and how it has been affecting the planet and us as humans.  Yes, we as a species are evolving.

Many of the posts have been about how the incoming space weather may effect our sleep, moods, energy levels to GPS systems, cell phones and computer glitches not to mention effects on earthquakes, volcanic activity, hurricanes, blizzards, and more.

As humans, we see the sun rise and we see the sun set. We hear about events like solar eclipses and are like ooooo ahhhhh. However, the sun does change and it is currently changing.  Did you know this?

Enter The Solar Minimum

Since 2015, the sun began transitioning into what is called the solar minimum phase after a very intense solar maximum phase. This is a solar cycle the sun enters approximately every 11 years with a “grand” maximum phase approximately every 200 years.

The peak low period for the potential of solar minimum phase is forecast to enter between 2019-2020 with ignition of the potential grand solar minimum phase.

This basically means the sun’s activity is reduced to its lowest level and the sunspots and solar storms have quieted down a bit.  It is the “calm” phase of the sun.

Research shows that the last “Grand” solar minimum was believed to have occurred sometime between 1645 and 1715.

There are four major shifts that are affecting all life on earth right now known as space weather:

  1. Solar flare activity
  2. Solar wind storms from coronal holes
  3. Cosmic rays
  4. Geomagnetic storms

All these shifts with the sun weaken the earth’s magnetic fields. Since this cycle began, we have experienced an approximate 30% reduction of the earth’s magnetic fields and the acceleration of the shifting of the poles.

The strength of these magnetic fields is needed to shield all life on earth from harmful space weather particles. So understanding how this affects us is important so we know how to navigate.

Also, during this solar phase, earth will gradually cool with potentially colder, more eventful winters and has been likened to a mini-Ice Age.

A fairly recent study predicts that the next grand solar minimum could see the sun with almost a 7% reduction in light and heat – and this is 7% below the normal solar minimum.[1]

Valentina Zharkova, a professor of mathematics at Northumbria University in the UK, states  “… solar activity will fall by 60 percent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the ‘mini ice age’ that began in 1645…”[2]

Don’t panic.  All in all, what is important to remember is that the sun-earth relationship is always in a constantly state of flux doing their magnificent dance in our solar system.

What are solar flares?

Solar flares are magnetic explosions that happen on areas of the sun called sun spots. The emit flashes of X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation.

During a grand solar minimum phase, there are fewer sun spots emitting solar flares which means there is less CME’s bombarding the earth.

Because the solar flare activity is quieting down on the sun, we are experiencing another interesting phenomenon… coronal hole storms.

The Coronal Hole Storms

 “Coronal holes are vast regions in the sun’s atmosphere where the sun’s magnetic field opens up and allows streams of solar particles to escape the sun as the fast solar wind.” (NASA)[3]

We have been experiencing over the past few months more coronal hole activity that spews massive streams of solar wind that can affect the earth’s magnetic field causing what is called a geomagnetic storm.

These solar wind storms can cause disruptions to communication systems like cell phones as well as GPS systems because of the friction satellites experience at the time.

Cosmic Rays

You might be saying to yourself what pseudo-science is this? I assure you this is a thing and can be verified through NASA website.

According to NASA: “There are unique space weather effects that get stronger during solar minimum. For example, the number of galactic cosmic rays that reach Earth’s upper atmosphere increases during solar minimum. Galactic cosmic rays are high energy particles accelerated toward the solar system by distant supernova explosions and other violent events in the galaxy.”[4]

Cosmic rays can “trigger larger flash floods, hailstorms and – due to jet stream disturbance and mixing of atmospheric layers – local long-duration precipitation events (e.g. atmospheric rivers)”[5] as we have been witnessing over the plain states this year.

It can also trigger earthquakes, lightening, and volcanoes and other tectonic anomalies.

How Does Space Weather Affect Us?

Disclaimer: Please see a doctor for anything deemed a medical emergency. What is posted here is not a substitute for medical care and is for reference and education only.

To me it is validating and interesting to see what science is beginning to say to substantiate what many of us empaths, healers, and others in the spiritual community have been saying using different terminologies.

The effects from this recent sun cycle began to amplify how we are experiencing things after the solar eclipse of August 2017.

We can anticipate more earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning, and other electric events and an enhanced risk for a solar flare that can disrupt our power grid.[6]

There is even some discussion in the scientific communities about the biologic effects of space weather on humans.  There is more space radiation entering the earth’s atmosphere due to the earth’s weakened magnetic field. This means humans are more susceptible to the influx of cosmic rays, harmful electromagnetic radiation and space particles.

Some of you have heard me talk about the science behind the space weather and earth’s weakening magnetic fields and how it may impact our health.

What might you personally experience? All are deemed unexplainable or amplified for those with existing current medical conditions.

  • Bouts of inability to sleep
  • Bouts of serious fatigue or mega sluggishness
  • Cardiac arrythmias
  • Chest pressures
  • Mood shifts
  • Time warps or feeling as if you are. May feel as if time is speeding up and then slowing down.
  • Emergence of unresolved old wounds or traumas
  • Spiritual awakening and growth
  • Heightened sensitivities or empathic abilities

Those who are at greatest risks? Those with cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, and sleep disorders as well as those who fly. You can read about this from the research conducted about space weather from the University of NH.[7]

Here is another article from the European Space Agency about the biological effects of space weather radiation.[8]

Please do not go into panic mode. I do not write this to create chaos and doom and gloom. The intention is to make you more aware and awake to the effects space weather might have on your human body and mind.

We forget we are made up of mostly water that conducts electricity and the heart and brain are centers for electrical conduction. So how can we NOT be affected?

The point of writing this is to help you navigate some of what you might experience and better explain some of the symptoms especially when the medical community cannot explain or help you.

I have learned over the years that the “not knowing” factor can be quite debilitating to our very being. So education, understanding, and doing the self-care work are key.

As humans, we are evolving and experiencing some mass spiritual awakening that is coinciding with all of this. We are healing generational traumas, old belief systems and patterns.

It is important moving forward if you are sensitive to the space weather and learn tools to manage these effects.

In Summary, What to Expect During Solar Minimum or a Potential Grand Solar Minimum Phase

If the space weather forecast is correct, we may be entering a grand solar minimum phase. Here are some things to consider:

Interestingly, some research connects the grand solar minimum periods or aka the ‘bad-weather periods’ to times of also relative peace, reason and of improvements of human rights.

Is this a surprise?

I have seen just in my own work a surge in humanity seeking, spiritual awakening, and desires for deep healing. With that comes some disruption.

In the climate:

  • Ionization of atmospheric molecules –Cloud nucleation
  • More cloud formation and erratic precipitation.
  • Long-term cooling of the earth
  • More snow and ice reflect solar radiation
  • More localized larger flash flooding
  • More Hailstorms and lightening
  • Crop damage, local surface heating, wildfires and biological damage can all be accelerated by an increase in UV radiation
  • Earthquakes and volcanoes and other tectonic anomalies triggered by cosmic ray influxes

Space Weather

  • Weaker solar magnetic field aka solar flares
  • More cosmic ray influx from space
  • Longer coronal hole wind storms
  • More UV radiation entering the earth
  • The shift in our galaxy moving from its protective magnetic bubble

In Our Health

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Bouts of serious fatigue or mega sluggishness
  • Cardiac arrythmias
  • Chest pressures
  • Mood shifts
  • Time warps or feeling as if you are. May feel as if time is speeding up and then slowing down.
  • Emergence of unresolved old wounds or traumas
  • Spiritual awakening and growth
  • Heightened sensitivities or empathic abilities
  • Joint pains
  • Headaches
  • Vivid dreams

Other Disruptions

  • More electric events that affect communications such as cell phones and GPS systems
  • An enhanced risk for a solar flare that can disrupt our power grid
  • Increase risk of more radiation when flying
  • Deconstruction – political systems, relationships, jobs

As humans, we are experiencing massive spiritual upgrades as we deconstruct old beliefs systems and patterns. The storms, quakes, and tremors taking place on earth are also taking place within us, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

All these external experiences occurring reflect a universal transformation process affecting all levels of existence. It is important to get in alignment with these cycles energetically to master the flow of change within us. The changes taking place have a higher purpose.

The mainstream systems such as political, religious, media, and financial will try to gaslight the masses out of fear and desire to control. Resist the urge to go relinquish your natural born rights and freedoms. This does not mean to be a shithead. It means to step into your soul path.

The old ways of power grabs, belief systems, and patterns are being deconstructed for a higher spiritual evolutionary reasoning beyond our own comprehension.

Those in power do not like this and will attempt to gaslight and control the masses.  When we allow others to control us and force poisons into our bodies, minds, and spirit against our will, we give up responsibility to nurture our divine selves.

But the cosmic events and space weather do not lie.

We are in an interesting time in history literally and metaphorically. As we go through these multi layered shifts, we may feel out of balance at times – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. These are NORMAL when going through soul growth and expansion.

Actions to Take

  • Move out of the head and into the heart and gut space.
  • Listen to the wisdoms of the body as it has a wealth of knowledge for you to tap into.
  • Turn off tv programming that creates fear and agendas that are not in alignment with your very core being of who you are
  • Be careful of the inner critic. Don’t always trust that old chatter.
  • Trust that no matter what, your soul has your back.
  • Treat Your Body as a Temple. That means refrain from putting toxins into it.
  • Grow your own food or support a local, organic farmer.
  • You are more than the reality that you perceive. We are frequency and vibration. So work with the space weather to become a master of the flow.
  • Find a competent well skilled healer – who has done the work and walks the walk – to help you reset your nervous system, immune system, and endocrine systems.
  • Be aware of your triggers and work on healing those cords
  • Practice daily grounding, meditation, and gratitude
  • Release fear and step into your light and power.

What is happening with our space weather is just to help you better understand what is happening within and around us so we know what actions to take and know how to master the energetic ebb and flow of change.

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

Share with us what you learned or an experience with us that resonates with things in this post.

With appreciation,


To learn more about space weather, check out:

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission.
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

[1]The American Astronomical Society; The Astrophysical Journal Letters; “Ultraviolet Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength Observation of Solar Analogs”; Dec 27, 2017; https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aaa124

[2] Life Science; “How the Sun’s 11-Year Solar Cycle Works”; Denise Chow; 2011; https://www.livescience.com/33345-solar-cycle-sun-activity.html

[3] NASA Science; https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/solar-minimum-is-coming

[4] NASA Science;  https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/solar-minimum-is-coming

[5] Abrupt Earth Changes; “The next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes (an introduction)”; SACHA DOBLER; January 2018 https://abruptearthchanges.com/2018/01/14/climate-change-grand-solar-minimum-and-cosmic-rays/

[6]  Abrupt Earth Changes; “The next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes (an introduction)”; SACHA DOBLER; January 2018 https://abruptearthchanges.com/2018/01/14/climate-change-grand-solar-minimum-and-cosmic-rays/

[7] Space Weather Archive; “The Worsening Cosmic Ray Situation”; Dr. Tony Phillips; March 2018; https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2018/03/05/the-worsening-cosmic-ray-situation/?fbclid=IwAR1rh1iUZ2r-Uzd-w7y_HMX7cPizn3NDdOV8nimtaVQU0LtJYnnOCaZQ5-U

[8] ESA United Space In Europe; “BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION”;European Space Agency;  April 2017; https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Preparing_for_the_Future/Space_for_Earth/Space_for_health/Biological_effects_of_radiation/(print)?fbclid=IwAR1qy9emOccbpFgpqQzLJt0aTZtA10eHsYGg0qnaUET6dVTqlyWbMSeYS-M

Self Love – A Journey With The Divine in Nature

Happy happy. What a glorious day it is here in New England, and what another whirlwind of a month February has turned out to be.

This heart rock I am holding was one of the many hearts I found while on the walk with the dogs last week just after the full moon.

This was the same walk with a picture I posted on social media last week with the green orb heart as pictured below. I will post more pictures from this day at the very end of this post.

Green heart orb under the rising full moon. Feb 2019

The Revelation

Fascinating as I stop and pause in reflection of my life …. The journey I have been on since 2005 has been extraordinary to say the least when I really think about all I have endured and overcome since then. It has been far from easy re-discovering myself and back to a fearless love state deeply rooted to my soul.

When things started to not only get more difficult for me after seeking protections from abuse, but escalated, and I didn’t know what to trust or who to trust or what to believe or not to believe, I stopped out of desperation as if it were my last breath of life.  I asked the divine for a sign that I was on the right path and that the decision I was about to embark on at the time was for my highest and best during one of the darkest days in my life desperate to be free from constant onslaught of abuse.

That happened 10 years ago this month in 2009. What I have learned about myself since then is still a masterpiece in the works.

When I posed that question to the universe out loud asking for help, I said a prayer to acknowledge and release all fear and asked for a sign that I am on the right path.  About an hour later, while driving over the Fore River Bridge, in Quincy, Massachusetts, I happened to see an angel in the sky.

Quincy, MA February 2009

Of course I took a picture.  And that picture was not one angel, but two. However, with the naked eye I only saw one.  To this day, I believe this was a divine sign from my aunt and grandmother who can also come in as one divine messenger too!

The quote came as a result of doing some picture collages for my children and this quote suddenly come to me in the form of a message from the divine to “stop, listen and observe for they will guide you”.


Understanding Love In Its Pure Form

There were many things I didn’t realize at the time when my journey began in 2005.  I had to re-learn what love is in its pure form, and undo what we are conditioned to think or believe based on propaganda, societal and religious ideologies that tend to be patriarchal and sexualized in nature.

In order to understand what love is in its pure form, I had to first learn how  to self-love again . This also means I had to understand that my desire to be “needed” or “validated” in order to feel loved was not love but my desperation for love from others.  This was also a form of dependency which many of us confuse with love as well.  We confuse doing for others or “martyrdom” as love and selfless, but at least to me and in my self discovery it is not.

What Love is NOT

Do I look in the mirror and focus on what’s wrong and focus on all the flaws?

Do I focus on why I can’t do something right?

Do I focus on comparing myself to another and loathe at what I am lacking?

Basically do we Gaslight the s*** out of ourselves or do we see the light that we are in its pure form and acknowledging all the perfect imperfections as divinely in order as it supposed to be?

How did we condition ourselves this way?

Who conditioned us with these beliefs?

We were not born this way.  It is time to break the cycle and step into our power and embrace the love energies the Universe is giving us.

The Journey Into Self Love

I refer back to the angel sign from February 2009. Since I did not know who to trust or what, I went up to the spirit realm. Since then, I have developed a relationship with and a language with the divine, and every now and then when I am off track or when I ask for guidance, I am blessed with messages in the form of signs.

Last week, a part of me reverted to old beliefs and patterns, and each time I was redirected in the form of signs of hearts everywhere and on this walk, there were at least ten hearts. Some are pictured below.

Love is BIGGER than us and yet one of the strongest emotions we experience as human beings.  We tend to put our defining moments and perceptions of love onto an experience with another.

In order to attract the love we seek in another, we must first have the greatest love affair with our self and through that vibration we attract that kind of lover and partner.

It’s been a journey into the discovery of love for sure. We forget that love is inherently FREE, yet many times we allow fear, judgement, and attempts to understand what it means distort the magic of it. However, I believe, we have yet to truly understand what is means in its pure form and in relation to self love, because we are conditioned that fulfillment resides in the magic of love with committed romantic relationship.

So what are we missing?

Over the years, I’ve learned love is pure and weightless that creates a chemical shift in our neurological system.

It is a force of nature pure and simple.

There are no conditions or expectations associated with love.

Love is about honoring what is and mastering presence.  It is NOT euphoria that comes and goes like passion, seduction and infatuation where we tend to confuse with love.

Love is bigger than the self or human conditioning. It’s the light that radiates within you. It is interconnected to all life and to the collective consciousness.

It is not a commodity that can be traded on Wall Street or something that can be turned on or off like a light switch.

You can invite love in. You can surrender to love by releasing fear, practicing presence and living in a state of gratitude.

Love is the life force that resides within you. It is unconditional.

when we honor the divine within, we open the door to infinite possibilities.

I am grateful for the divine signs to remind of these facts when I fall off track myself.

What is love to YOU?

What has love taught you?  Please share your thoughts and experiences with us.

How do you define love in your life?

In the meantime, I am here to help you. Don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

Please leave a comment below to let us know if this post inspired or helped you on your path.

With appreciation,

Book a reading or healing session today. Contact us here.

Here are the pictures from that walk.

 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

What January Taught Us and The February Reveals

How are you doing so far since 2019 began?

Are you spinning yet?

Are you feeling this acceleration?

Holy cow. Talk about energetic shift shows knocking us for a loop forcing us to release old belief systems, fears, traumas in order for us to step forward into our authenticity and personal soul-based power.  I talked about the Mid January 2019 Cosmic Energy Updates and What You Need To Know” in a video on YouTube. Click here  to watch the video.

As I have said previously, I am not immune to these shifts. I am grateful for the skill sets I have learned and still learning to help me navigate these shifts hopefully with a little more finesse.

What January Taught Us:

  • clear away blocks of resistance
  • purge the old outdated stuff, things, people, relationships, etc
  • resistance to this change yielded lots of disruptions in our health, personal life, careers etc.
  • taught us to trust our own inner guidance systems
  • that what manifested physically might actually be something spiritual
  • taught us more about the need for community and collaborations
  • that self care has never been more important than ever before to get to where we want to go and be.
  • understand that we need to call in reinforcements to help us.
  • working with our shadows. 

Over the past month I have been expanding, growing and building collaborations all while the shadow stuff still emerges in us all. There is a lot in the works right now that I can not share with you just yet, but it is VERY exciting. Keep checking out our calendar for updates.

My Journey from January to February

I am about to embark on some big life transformations that I’ve waited so long for. I can’t share the details yet,

It is ok to periodically stop and say f*** it for a “self-care” soulful PAUSE. I did this the other day when I made an impromptu stop at the beach in Duxbury, MA in order to digest it all and collect my thoughts.

Photo Credit: Beach Dunes, Duxbury, MA by Laura Joseph (c) 2019

I remembered to breathe deep cleansing nourishing soulful breaths.

I reconnected to the roots of my BE-ing.

I felt the ocean breezes invigorate and cleanse my BE-ing.

I gazed over towards the sun that was struggling to break through the dark stormy clouds.

I felt the sand beneath my feet grounding me to Mother Earth.

I practiced gratitude for all that is and all that is to come.

Above it all, I felt close to home … home inside my very BE-ing.

I was reminded that my anxious fears are not because of lack of anything, but because I am closer to becoming the kind of “whole” that I haven’t felt in decades and question “how” to get it done.

Sometimes we fear failure. Sometimes we fear success. What if … what if. .. I actually succeed? What if …?  And the flood of anxious emotions surface

It has definitely been a fear of success and feeling of being overwhelmed with all the great things I’ve been working towards. For now,  I called in my inner dragon warrior goddess to blaze through the remaining obstacles easily and effortlessly.

Today, I stand before you as I am that I AM – unapologetic, raw, pure, soulful, heart filled with dragon beside me to guide me.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey with me.

Photo Credit: (c) 2019 by Laura Joseph. “Ava” during the cold winter’s sunset, Hingham, MA

February Reveals:

  • residuals from the January eclipses are still affecting us as the ripples begin to level out if we surrender to the process
  • breakthroughs in many areas of our life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
  • understanding the deeper meanings of self love and what that looks like
  • deeper understanding that what is reflected external is what is also reflected internal
  • deeper ventures into the shadows to heal, release, bring into light
  • more shedding of old beliefs, traumas, and situations to people, places, and things.
  • self-empowerment
  • ability to step forward into your personal power increases.
  • continued battles between ego mind and the soul.

As we move through the month of February, it’s important to press PAUSE. Take a slow deep breath and repeat. Then make sure your choices, decisions, reactions, actions are coming from a place of soul.

Learning to connect with the divine within and tapping into the wisdoms of the body can help you with this process.

Be gentle with yourself and trust that your soul has your back.

Here are TWO new blog posts to check out:

  • #TimesUp Healers & Reiki Practitioners. Plus, Tips on Finding a Reiki Practitioner (including video). Click here
  • 12 Tips and 10 Questions to Ask a Reiki Practitioner and/or Teacher When Healing Trauma. Click here

In the meantime, I am here to help you. Don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

Please leave a comment below to let us know if this post inspired or helped you on your path.

Book a reading or healing session today. Contact us here.


 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Embracing The Dragon Within

Dragons have been a huge part of my life and over the past few years, their energy and connection to me has grown stronger. I wrote this a few weeks ago and posted it on social media and felt I needed to share with you here as well.

Step into the embodiment of dragon, and step into your power.

Dragon … protect me, guide me, give me strength.

Let your scales protect and shield me as I travel into the shadows of death to face myself.

Let your claws break through the toughest of resistance for which is mostly likely buried in the depths of my own ego.

Let your #strength lift me out of the depths of darkness and into the light.

Let your wings be the hurricane to carry me, act as the winds of change needed for my highest and best and guide me on this journey.

Let your breath mix with mine and become one churning away in my pit of my belly and burn away my fears as I release its fire.

Let your #courage allow me to easily and effortlessly step forward trusting in my path.

Let your spirit energy raise my frequency and vibration.

Let your fierceness give me courage to do all that is needed for my soul’s growth

Written by: Laura Joseph, Healing with Spirit
Copyright 2018


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 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Spiritfest – Cohasset

Spiritfest is sponsored by Healthy Living Magazine. We are a Community of Mind/Body Individuals providing tools to transform your personal lives and help make the world a better place. Stop in to meet your community health and wellness experts.

Featuring 40+ Vendors, Experts in the Health & Wellness Field, Expert Readers & Healers.

Booking Info With Laura

Laura will be one of the readers at Spiritfest this year.  You can pre-book your reading with Laura, but it is not required. Click here to book with Laura now

For more information about this event, click here or call Candita 508-615-980