Triggers & Spiritual Medicine
Turn Triggers into a Superpower & Reclaim Your Life
Are Triggers Stealing Your Joy?

Triggers subconsciously hijack our life … that may be the result of some form of hidden bias, cultural conditioning, religious indoctrination or unresolved trauma.
However, it does have to be this way. This does have to be the life sentence society dictates.
We don’t have to LIVE the labels that society dictates.
Let’s turn our triggers into a superpower & reclaim our life …TOGETHER. Alone we are strong, but together we are POWERful and UNstoppable.
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Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions.
Let’s address the epidemic of unrecognized unhealed unresolved trauma that is placing misguided burdens on our society, increasing rates of chronic illness, mental illness, & addictions & stressing an already taxed broken healthcare system ill-equipped to treat root issues because it is NOT profitable.
We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change, inequities and more.
It is then we can find a unified voice – neighbor to neighbor – regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, or status we can address the collective root causes such as toxic capitalist colonizer structures, systemic oppression, patriarchy, and religious indoctrination.
In these collaborative programs, we hope to share a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions. Each episode shares at least 3 actions steps you can take and offers additional resources.
We will turn the “need” to heal ourselves, our communities, our nations, our planet into a “burning desire”.
Join our revolutionary radical motion in the ocean.
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Who Started This?
About the Founder & Her Vision:
Since 2006, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph has been providing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment with a subspecialty in trauma healing & recovery.
She is a best-selling author, experienced multi-generational healer, speaker, podcaster, social justice warrior, advocate, spiritual teacher, medicine woman & holistic health professional.
Laura is also a survivor of child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence & systemic oppression. Since 2005, she dove deep into healing the roots to the “broken me” and over the years, she’s become a thought leader in her work.
Through Laura’s decades of advocacy & policy work, she puts difficult – sometimes unpopular – ideas into words that communicate well, yielding to possibilities, healing, change and growth.
As a guest speaker, she addresses the intersectionality and root systems, provide proven practical ways to elevate and emPOWER others quickly… in a way that makes her unique.
Since 2017 she’s been deepening her studies in the areas of diversity, inclusion & allyship for deeper interweaving understanding of trauma that infected humanity like a silent virus. In 2020, she enrolled in an addiction. counseling certification program at UMass Boston.
When the pandemic happened in 2020, Laura was asked to contribute to a community on a weekly basis online donating her time to help folks cope with what was happening. This grew into addressing triggers and offering spiritual medicine over the next several months. This is how this podcast, Triggers and Spiritual Medicine was born which debuted September 2022.
Laura’s Vision: To break the unrecognized epidemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.
To learn more about Laura, click here.