Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer
February 5, 2019

What January Taught Us and The February Reveals

How are you doing so far since 2019 began?

Are you spinning yet?

Are you feeling this acceleration?

Holy cow. Talk about energetic shift shows knocking us for a loop forcing us to release old belief systems, fears, traumas in order for us to step forward into our authenticity and personal soul-based power.  I talked about the Mid January 2019 Cosmic Energy Updates and What You Need To Know” in a video on YouTube. Click here  to watch the video.

As I have said previously, I am not immune to these shifts. I am grateful for the skill sets I have learned and still learning to help me navigate these shifts hopefully with a little more finesse.

What January Taught Us:

  • clear away blocks of resistance
  • purge the old outdated stuff, things, people, relationships, etc
  • resistance to this change yielded lots of disruptions in our health, personal life, careers etc.
  • taught us to trust our own inner guidance systems
  • that what manifested physically might actually be something spiritual
  • taught us more about the need for community and collaborations
  • that self care has never been more important than ever before to get to where we want to go and be.
  • understand that we need to call in reinforcements to help us.
  • working with our shadows. 

Over the past month I have been expanding, growing and building collaborations all while the shadow stuff still emerges in us all. There is a lot in the works right now that I can not share with you just yet, but it is VERY exciting. Keep checking out our calendar for updates.

My Journey from January to February

I am about to embark on some big life transformations that I’ve waited so long for. I can’t share the details yet,

It is ok to periodically stop and say f*** it for a “self-care” soulful PAUSE. I did this the other day when I made an impromptu stop at the beach in Duxbury, MA in order to digest it all and collect my thoughts.

Photo Credit: Beach Dunes, Duxbury, MA by Laura Joseph (c) 2019

I remembered to breathe deep cleansing nourishing soulful breaths.

I reconnected to the roots of my BE-ing.

I felt the ocean breezes invigorate and cleanse my BE-ing.

I gazed over towards the sun that was struggling to break through the dark stormy clouds.

I felt the sand beneath my feet grounding me to Mother Earth.

I practiced gratitude for all that is and all that is to come.

Above it all, I felt close to home … home inside my very BE-ing.

I was reminded that my anxious fears are not because of lack of anything, but because I am closer to becoming the kind of “whole” that I haven’t felt in decades and question “how” to get it done.

Sometimes we fear failure. Sometimes we fear success. What if … what if. .. I actually succeed? What if …?  And the flood of anxious emotions surface

It has definitely been a fear of success and feeling of being overwhelmed with all the great things I’ve been working towards. For now,  I called in my inner dragon warrior goddess to blaze through the remaining obstacles easily and effortlessly.

Today, I stand before you as I am that I AM – unapologetic, raw, pure, soulful, heart filled with dragon beside me to guide me.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey with me.

Photo Credit: (c) 2019 by Laura Joseph. “Ava” during the cold winter’s sunset, Hingham, MA

February Reveals:

  • residuals from the January eclipses are still affecting us as the ripples begin to level out if we surrender to the process
  • breakthroughs in many areas of our life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
  • understanding the deeper meanings of self love and what that looks like
  • deeper understanding that what is reflected external is what is also reflected internal
  • deeper ventures into the shadows to heal, release, bring into light
  • more shedding of old beliefs, traumas, and situations to people, places, and things.
  • self-empowerment
  • ability to step forward into your personal power increases.
  • continued battles between ego mind and the soul.

As we move through the month of February, it’s important to press PAUSE. Take a slow deep breath and repeat. Then make sure your choices, decisions, reactions, actions are coming from a place of soul.

Learning to connect with the divine within and tapping into the wisdoms of the body can help you with this process.

Be gentle with yourself and trust that your soul has your back.

Here are TWO new blog posts to check out:

  • #TimesUp Healers & Reiki Practitioners. Plus, Tips on Finding a Reiki Practitioner (including video). Click here
  • 12 Tips and 10 Questions to Ask a Reiki Practitioner and/or Teacher When Healing Trauma. Click here

In the meantime, I am here to help you. Don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

Please leave a comment below to let us know if this post inspired or helped you on your path.

Book a reading or healing session today. Contact us here.


 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

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6 years ago

So much of what I have been feeling myself is in your writing this week Laura. Big shifts coming! May they bring great blessings to you!Thank you for the reminder to pause and breathe.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Thanks Laura for sharing your wisdom. I love that you call in your “inner dragon warrior goddess”. It’s a great visual! I appreciate the message to “Be gentle with yourself and trust that soul has your back.” Thanks for the reminder and for sharing where you’re at and what’s in store for us.

A most reflective blog with lots of perspectives!
Yes to “clear away blocks of resistance.”
And heck YES to “ability to step forward into your personal power increases.”

Best wishes for your big reveal and all the new that’s unfolding in your life! Looking forward to hearing more.

6 years ago

When I reflect back, Laura, January was a kind of load shedding month but I didn’t experience any resistance to the change. I must be getting better at it. 🙂

Looking forward to a happy February.

6 years ago

January was full of big shifts and changes for me… and February has the potential for more of the same. Thanks for a helpful post.

6 years ago

Definitely still feeling the letting go aspect. I’ve been extremely tired and brain fogged and unproductive. Like I can’t think enough to do anything or even converse very well. I am hoping that phase passes soon and the lessons learned can be fully integrated with ease

6 years ago

I love this post Laura and especially your assertion “that self care has never been more important than ever before to get to where we want to go and be.” Thank you for walking us through your self-nurturing practice of going to the beach to ground. So empowering!

6 years ago

Well. This helps to explain a lot of what transpired in January, and the heads up in preparation for the dance floor February is providing as I stumble across it. I’m grateful for your insights. And, I can appreciate your statement, “I called in my inner dragon warrior goddess to blaze through the remaining obstacles.” Yep. Sounds familiar.

6 years ago

OMG I have been feeling the energy big time. You have hit the nail on the head with this post. Great job Laura! I am riding the waves of launching my kindle book at the end of January and now self publishing a new book, launching at the end of February.It has been a wild ride. By the way, I love the picture of light with your dog Ava (heaven sent!)

6 years ago

The energy has been palpable and the shift with it. Thanks for sharing the waves you are riding. I have some new possibilities percolating – it will be an exciting year, especially as my soul has my back!

6 years ago

So many of your messages are spot on, so much wisdom, thank you for putting it out there in the world. Allowing soul to lead the way is the way to go


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