7 Simple Rituals To Maximize The Full Moon Energies
Doing a full moon ritual or a ceremony are sacred practices that date back to ancient times. These moon rituals are found in almost every ancient culture where worshiping the moon was part of their culture as we have seen in Celtic traditions, Babylonian, Egyptian, to Shinto in Japan and more.
There is tremendous power in learning to harness – what I like to call – moon magic, which is the energies, flows, rhythms. However, like anything else, this is NOT a one shot deal and poof, it’s magic. It takes dedication in learning these sacred rituals, implementing them, getting into vibrational alignment with them, and more.
The moon is our teacher and we are her students. Over time, we learn how work WITH these natural flows and rhythms in all her phases. Tuning into these phases of the moon can help provide us with a framework or guide to work from. This can be immensely empowering.
Working with the moon in a ritualistic or ceremonial way is needed more than ever in our technological driven culture that is ever increasingly losing connection to the greatest influencers, creators, and destroyers in life – the moon, father sun and mother earth.
What Does The Full Moon Represent?

This is when the moon is at its peak energy – a time where there is a build up of energy accumulated – both illuminating and shadowy – light and dark.
She represents the receptive energies or what others might call the feminine.
She reflects back to us a strong full illumination from the sun where she is the brightest. She highlights all that needs to be illuminated in your life in this lunar cycle. This is where the energies are most potent and a time for strong creative and intuitive influxes.
The full moon is all about endings and completions of a cycle and in this case the lunar cycle. This is a good time to:
- reflect
- evaluate
- access
- cleanse
- recharge
Here are three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual
1) Focus on what you have done in the past 28-30 days. What transpired in this time? Where are you stuck? Reflect. How have you utilized the energies in this lunar cycle?
2) What have you reaped – gained? Reflect.
3) What needs to be leg go of? Purified? Cleansed? Reflect.

Preparations For Full Moon Rituals
This is a great time to take a hard look at what has come into fruition and what has not.
It is a time to get quiet, connect, and honor the sacredness of the moon, all she offers us and the other elementals harnessed. Implementing these rituals should show clear respect with proper cultural appropriation.
This includes asking for permission of the ancestors of the land you occupy to guide you. For me, that would be asking permission from the Massachusett People, the original stewards of this land I reside on, to be here. Asking the ancestors forgiveness for those who may have come before me and asking for them guide me today in this sacred ritual so I may become a better steward for all future generations to come.
Here are additional tips to prepare:
1) Get centered & calm – so yes, meditate in preparation
2) Write it out – (see three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual above for prompts)
3) Take a sacred bath – you can use epsom salt or Himalayan salts with some herbals like roses, lavender or essential oils. The intention here is asking the moon and waters to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit.

Here are 7 simple rituals to maximize the full moon energies.
1) Cleanse – Clear, cleanse, purify your mental and physical space. Clean out those closets. If you choose to smudge, please consider avoid using white sage or palo santo due to the increasing poaching of these items leading to imbalances.
2) Put out a bowl of moon water. Let the bowl of water bask in the radiance of the full moon energies. Create intentions and rituals. Sip it daily as a reminder of the intentions created and the full power of the moon.
3) Releasing Ritual – Write whatever you wish to release, let go of on a small piece of paper. Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then with things you want to release either place in a bowl of water and sprinkle pink Himalayan salt to purify/cleanse or burn in a ceremonial sacred fire.
4) Meditate – This is one of the most important things you can learn, do, and incorporate as part of your daily rituals. This is the space we can access the wisdom and answers we seek. However, this is NOT something you want to initiate on a full moon as a new practice if you have not already been practicing meditation.
5) Dance – Physical release is a good way to purge stuck energies that need to move and filter out.
6) Gratitude Ritual – Write whatever you wish to be grateful for – successes, opportunities, etc on a small piece of paper. Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then bury it in the garden and wait til the next new moon to plant any seeds and watch what grows.
7) Charge your stones/crystals – Put them in the moonlight to bask in the energies of the full moon to cleanse, charge, and purify these stones and crystals.

Above all, remember to set good intentions and check out the 2021 energy forecast for more.
Approach these rituals from a soulful place and less from the egoic earthly place with honor, respect, and sacredness.
You’ll be amazed at what shows up for you when you adopt these flows & cycles into your life. Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment below if you find these tips helpful.
With appreciation,
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