Survivor Stories Project: Laura’s Story Published on The Pixel Project

I must admit, Mother’s Day this year was not a joyous day for me and it can be challenging for me every year knowing I failed to protect my children from abuse and there is nothing greater than grief over the loss of having your children in your life. Sadly, taking children away from the protective parent is more common than not as the abusers last straw to get back at the the person they are terrorizing for leaving.

BUT, I got great news today.

Although, my circumstances with my children remain the same unfortunately, I always look for things where I CAN make an impact and hopefully use my story to facilitate change.

So, after a challenging weekend digging into my own shadows of grief, I see THIS.

My story involving domestic violence with the The Pixel Project – It’s Time To Stop Violence Against Women. Together. was published as one of 31 stories of not just happened to me, but how I am healing and rebuilding my life and helping other women do the same.

About the Pixel Project

The Pixel Project is proud to present our sixth annual Survivor Stories Blog Interview Project in honour of Mother’s Day 2019. The annual campaign runs throughout the month of May and features up to 31 interviews with a survivor of any form of violence against women (VAW) perpetuated by men and/or patriarchal culture/system including domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, stalking, online violence against women, female genital mutilation, forced/child marriage, sex trafficking, breast ironing etc.

This campaign was created to provide:

  • VAW survivors a platform to share their stories and solutions/ideas on how they rebuilt their lives and healed/are healing.
  • Girls and women currently experiencing or who have survived VAW ideas, hope, and inspiration to escape the violence and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and there is help out there.

About Laura’s Story

Laura from a recent trip meditating in the forests of California

Trauma is an unrecognized epidemic in this country with links to explainable health issues, chronic illness, mental health, and even cancer, and Laura aims to use her experience to break the cycle of abuse through healing.

Click here to read my story as featured talking about:

  • My personal experience with gender-based violence (this may include domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, female genital mutilation etc)
  • How I escaped the cycle of violence
  • How I healed and rebuild my life as well as actions I took to make it happen
  • Suggestions shared for another woman or girl facing the same situation as I did
  • How I think we can end violence against women
  • Why I support The Pixel Project

We would be honored if you would follow me on Facebook at Healing Trauma Through Spirit and/or Healing With Spirit. and help me continue to facilitate change by breaking the cycle of abuse through healing.

Your support is much appreciated in this mission to heal something so elusive in the medical community and as a society as a whole despite the ongoing ACE study and other data regarding violence against women and children.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story

I want women and mothers to know …


I am here to help guide you.  In the meantime, don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

With Appreciation,
Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Trauma Specialist and Healer
Providing Spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment. Available for private sessions, speaking opportunities, workshop facilitations, events, and groups. 

© 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

12 Tips and 10 Questions to Ask a Reiki Practitioner and/or Teacher When Healing Trauma

Welcome.  So much has changed over the years in the modern reiki world … at least in the United States of America. With the varying schools of reiki training, the growing legislation by some states to regulate many spiritually based practices and healing modalities such as reiki, and predators invading spiritually based communities to seek out their next grooming victim, it is important know how this affects you, how to find the right reiki practitioner and/or teacher to help you, and how to navigate all these changes.

This includes understanding the basics such as what is reiki since reiki in this country has gone through many changes adding many non Japanese or reiki practices within the scope of many reiki schools and training despite reiki itself never having evolved or changed except for in the western cultures.

My goal is two fold for this post:

  • to awaken reiki practitioners and healers to their full optimum potential while understanding their ethical responsibilities to their clients and/or students,
  • and to help guide those seeking healing services for themselves or a loved one.

12 Tips To Choosing A Reiki Practitioner

Healing varies from person to person and what some call “reiki training” varies from teacher to teacher since there is no standardization of training in the Unites States.  Most reiki training teaches the basics centered around stress reduction and relaxation. While others who call anything involving some form of energy healing or hands on energy work, reiki, can sometimes be misguided.

Let’s be clear first and foremost, reiki  is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy, self care and meditation practice  that works with the human body’s bioenergy field. I won’t go into details here. You can click here for more elaborate description.

Administering or facilitating a reiki session to someone who has been traumatized or abused is NOT part of the standard training curriculum for most reiki practitioners.

If you struggle with healing from trauma associated with abuse, here are 12 tips in choosing the right reiki practitioner for you.

  1. Make sure you find a qualified reiki practitioner. This means someone who actually apprenticed with a qualified reiki teacher in person NOT online. In my opinion, much is lost in translation with the digital world in regards to the traditional ways of learning the magic of reiki that can only be experienced in person.  This is not to mention that online certificates are not valid in some professional reiki associations nor valid in some licensing depending on state or country. 
  2. Make sure you find a practitioner who has been practicing Reiki several years as trauma has its own intricate needs that goes above the skill set of just reiki. Several years also meaning they have been seeing a minimum of 5 reiki clients a week and who practices reiki full time for many years. Reiki experience is crucial and not always understood in a culture that prides certificates over experience.
  3. Ask questions about the Reiki practitioner’s training and belief system. Do they add other non-reiki elements such as crystals, christian/religious ideology, auras, chakras, etc? There is nothing wrong with these elements and have benefits of their own, but they are a more western new age concept that are not rooted to origins and original teachings and practice of reiki and can give a misperception of the effects or experience of what reiki is.  It is important to know whether or not these elements are a benefit to you.
  4. Seek out a practitioner who is at least a level III/Reiki Master in westernized reiki and at least Okuden (level II) in Jikiden Reiki due to the inherent training that includes working with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
  5. Be sure to understand what system of reiki the prospective reiki practitioner studied. This is important to know in regards to healing trauma for optimum results and experience. For me personally, the content and quality of Jikiden Reiki training has been the most thorough and something I feel comfortable referring individuals with a history of trauma.  That is coming from a place where I taught the more westernized Usui Reiki for 6 years from superb teachers.
  6. Be sure to find a practitioner who not only practices reiki every day, but “embodies” its principles. If they do not know what that is, I would recommend seeking another practitioner.  If they are not practicing reiki every day, how can they possibly understand how to help you? This goes beyond just reiki, but understanding trauma and all its intricate components.
  7. Trust your own instincts. They are primitive in nature, but are built in to your own body awareness to guide you. Listen to them. This will help you identify who is the right practitioner for you.
  8. Inquire about the reiki practitioner’s training and experience in working with trauma such as victims of abuse or rape. The effects of trauma is one of the most difficult things to heal from. I find it takes a skilled person understands the intricacies of this that goes beyond the training of basic reiki to work with those with a history of trauma.  Considering there is an epidemic of unresolved trauma in the USA, this is something to consider. 
  9. Be sure to find a practitioner that has enough understanding of basic medical  terminology, anatomy and physiology surrounding the effects of trauma and how is it manifesting mentally, physically, and spiritually.   It is important for the practitioner to have enough basic knowledge on how to communicate effectively and work with your mental health counselor and medical professionals. Unfortunately, from my experience, this is something that many reiki practitioners do not always understand when they begin with work with someone with a history of trauma. This is because in some reiki schools, it is taught reiki can do no harm, and put your hands on everyone. This approach is misguided and unethical. Healthy boundaries is a must. Reiki does not do the harm, but the inexperienced or over zealous reiki practitioner can.  Furthermore, in Jikiden Reiki, we have certain treatment protocols depending on diagnosis. Not all schools teach this nor believe in this. It is important to understand the difference to ensure you receive the maximum benefits authentic reiki has to offer.
  10. Make sure the reiki practitioner does not ask you to take your clothes off at any time or touches you in any inappropriate manner. There is NOTHING sensual or sexual about reiki. This is NOT reiki. These are predatory behaviors as discussed in the video.  If they violated you in any way sexually, please do not remain silent. Contact the police immediately and speak out publicly.   *** Note: if a practitioner who is trained in another modality such as a massage therapist who incorporates reiki in their massage, THAT IS DIFFERENT. We are strictly talking reiki. ***
  11. A practitioner should maintain healthy boundaries at all times. If a practitioner gets too much into your personal space or tells you how they can “fix” you, “heal you” or they act “overly” concerned like a “knight in shining armor”, then walk out and do not go back. If you are unsure, check  out the video I made regarding this topic.
  12. Be sure to ask questions. Below are some questions to ask a prospective reiki practitioner.

Questions to Ask a Prospective Reiki Practitioner and/or Teacher:

JordyMeow / Pixabay

  1. What system of reiki did they study? This is important to understand to know in regards to healing trauma for optimum results and experience.
  2. What was included in their studies? This goes back to point number 3 and how much is what they learned in their training was reiki and/or added elements being mistakenly called reiki.
  3. What level of Reiki have they completed? As I stated before, I would recommend seeing a practitioner who is at least a level III/Reiki Master in westernized reiki and at least Okuden (level II) in Jikiden Reiki due to the inherent training that includes working with mental health issues.
  4. How long have they been practicing Reiki? Reasons as stated above.
  5. How do they practice AND incorporate reiki in their every day life? (My apologies as many reiki practitioners may disagree,  I feel THIS is the most important question). If they are not practicing reiki every day, how can they possibly understand how to help you? This goes beyond just reiki, but understanding trauma and all its intricate components.
  6. What is their level of experience and training in working with people with trauma?
  7. How many clients have they used Reiki for healing trauma?
  8. Ask the practitioner what their treatment protocol is and how they work with medical professionals. This is important to know as stated above in tip #8 and #9.
  9. Ask how they use Reiki in healing trauma and what their previous experiences have been.  This is important for you to make an informed decision.
  10. For teaching – What made you decide to teach? How long have you been teaching? What certification process did you go through to become a teacher?
This is just a simple guide, but you can also check out the articles for more tips and guidance:

I hope what I wrote helps someone out there in need who needs something to help them survive in order to thrive.

For healers who read this, my hope is that this inspired you to be better than you already are. The world needs more healers. We need you to step up and help be the best version of you.

Please share the love and compassion.

✔ Join in the conversation

✔ invite others to join

✔ Share on your wall or group

With love and appreciation,

Laura  Joseph,
Jikiden Reiki® Shihan, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Speaker, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Advocate, Trauma Specialist

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me

Subscribe to our mailing list

Follow me on Facebook

 © 2008-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

#TimesUp Healers & Reiki Practitioners. Plus, Tips on Finding a Reiki Practitioner

In this post, we will explore the following to address perceptions, boundaries, trauma, predatory behavior, healing, and healers.

My goal is two fold:

  • to awaken reiki practitioners and healers to their full optimum potential while understanding their ethical responsibilities to their clients and/or students,
  • and to help guide those seeking healing services for themselves or a loved one.

In this post, we will address the following:

  • Introduction to this sensitive topic from a personal and professional perspective
  • #TimesUp healers and reiki practitioners video
  • 12 Tips To Choosing A Reiki Practitioner
  • Questions to ask a prospective reiki practitioner

Introduction to This Sensitive Topic

In search of “healing the broken me” as I would like to call it from years of abuse that resulted in complex C-PTSD or complex post traumatic stress disorder, I originally delved into the traditional American Healthcare System in hopes I can quickly return to my unbroken self. Like many others, I have felt that I was not getting better and band-aids were being applied to my mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that were not getting better and began to spiral out of control.

I realized there had to be more to all this and began looking into the spiritual aspects of my issues that the healthcare system couldn’t figure out.

I started reconnecting to my spiritual path. I began meditating. I eliminated inflammatory foods. I sought out reputable teachers and healers. I started connecting with the divine within me and my divine team. I learned and studied multiple holistic health modalities and spiritually based practices.

These practices saved my life and has been allowing me to reclaim my life in ways to defy all logic. I was fortunate in who I sought out as healers and other professionals to help guide me.

However, abusers and predators are still very skillful at their tactics, which is what sparked this post. I have been doing this work since 2006, and I have experienced numerous situations that were quite disturbing that made me wonder how to communicate such a delicate and serious topic that would hopefully be welcomed and received both by the healing community and trauma survivors.

This leads me to the next point …


#TimesUp Healers and Reiki Practitioners Video

I need your help on what I consider a very sensitive topic.

This video which was recorded in April 2018 took over 4 years to make due to concerns of my ability to communicate what needs to be said in a way that is heard and openly received

What healers and survivors need to know.

Have you experienced THIS?

My goal in this video is to help healers and practitioners to awaken to their full potential while understanding their ethical responsibilities to their clients and/or students.  Abusers are infiltrating the spiritually based communities and healing arts.
  1. Are you aware?
  2. What steps are you taking to ensure the safety of those around you?
  3. What are you doing to help break the cycle of abuse?

Ironic or what … that this article was published on the same day as my live video on same topic from the NY Times“In the space of a few short hours on Monday evening, Eric Schneiderman went from being known as one of the nation’s most progressive and influential attorneys general to being cast as a drunken, abusive monster who terrorized women in his personal life even as he publicly advocated women’s rights.”

This NY Times article is worth the read to tie into my argument.  In the meantime, I will share with you 12 tips in choosing a reiki practitioner and questions to ask.


12 Tips To Choosing A Reiki Practitioner

Healing varies from person to person and what some call “reiki training” varies from teacher to teacher since there is no standardization of training in the Unites States.  Most reiki training teaches the basics centered around stress reduction and relaxation. While others who call anything involving some form of energy healing or hands on energy work, reiki, can sometimes be misguided.

Let’s be clear first and foremost, reiki  is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy, self care and meditation practice  that works with the human body’s bioenergy field. I won’t go into details here. You can click here for more elaborate description.

Administering or facilitating a reiki session to someone who has been traumatized or abused is NOT part of the standard training curriculum for most reiki practitioners.

If you struggle with healing from trauma associated with abuse, here are 12 tips in choosing the right reiki practitioner for you. Plus, 10 questions to ask a prospective reiki practitioner/teacher. 

You may also check out the article I wrote several years ago while teaching college on Reiki Can Do No Harm or Can It? for more tips and guidance.

Click here for more posts about healing trauma

Click here for more posts about reiki.

I hope what I wrote helps someone out there in need who needs something to help them survive in order to thrive.For healers who read this, my hope is that this inspired you to be better than you already are. The world needs more healers. We need you to step up and help be the best version of you.

Please share the love and compassion.

✔ Join in the conversation

✔ invite others to join

✔ Share on your wall or group

With love and appreciation,

Laura  Joseph,
Jikiden Reiki® Shihan, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Speaker, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Advocate, Trauma Specialist


To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2008-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Where the American Healthcare System Meets Jikiden Reiki®

So this just happened, and I am still in awe …

I just left my endocrinologist’s office for a follow-up visit and was pleasantly surprised that THIS happened.

During the visit he opened my chart and my eyes could not believe what I saw. I had to take a double take. What was it? It was the word Reiki written in kanji.

My doctor began to tell me that after my last visit with him, he was so taken back by my last visit that he decided to do some research on Jikiden Reiki® in his own. He even went on to show me his written notes from my last visit where he wrote the word Reiki in kanji. I was pleasantly surprised as this was unexpected.

So TODAY he inquired more about Jikiden Reiki® and how it has helped me overcome some of these “issues” where the American healthcare system was unsuccessful.

He was very curious and inquisitive which was refreshing to see from someone in the medical field. He said as a physician, he is limited in scope of care and there are many things that in the healthcare system, people just have to live with and listed many examples on why that is – eluding to how broken the system is.

My reply was “But it does not have to be so and this is why”. He said he’s never met a patient like me before in all the years he has practiced medicine.

I thought wow. I made this much of an impression on this western doctor so much so that after my last visit, he took it upon himself to research how reiki works medically.

Granted what I have overcome throughout the years shocks many. I explained to him that I am not a doctor, and looking to solicit his assistance to help working together to find out what this last issue that is hindering me to back to myself fully 100%. It is my belief that he can help me do that with appropriate tests and a diagnosis so I know how to treat possibly myself either via Jikiden Reiki®, nutrition, supplements, etc.

To give you a little back story about me and how I landed here…

Some of you know my story, but most of you don’t. To summarize, I left an abusive relationship in 2005 only to have my abuser use the system to continue patterns of abuse until 2014. As a result, I was officially diagnosed with complex PTSD.

In search of “healing the broken me” as I would like to call it, I originally delved into the traditional American Healthcare System in hopes I can quickly return to my unbroken self. Like many others, I have felt that I was not getting better and band-aids were being applied to my mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that were not getting better and began to spiral out of control.

This affected everything with many bizarre symptoms that I felt or manifesting physically as a result of the trauma and abuse I endured.

Some of these symptoms include:

  • From my ability to swallow
  • Choking on water and own saliva
  • Enlarged thyroid
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Intestinal issues
  • Bladder issues
  • Hemorrhagic uterine bleeding
  • Low stress tolerance
  • Heart flutters and palpitations while in a calm state
  • Avoidance issues and fear
  • Nightmares and flashbacks
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Chronic physical pain
  • Memory issues
  • Vision disturbances
  • Left sided weakness
  • Fluctuating weight
  • Circulatory issues

So I increasingly became very frustrated with our system and their ability to help me put myself back together with each new physical symptom that popped up. No one seem to be able to connect the dots to whole picture.

I am more than my uterus or brain or thyroid etc. My body is a miraculous being that is interconnected and multi-functional.  There is NO one shoe fits all as the system attempts to do. Just look at how separated our system is designed by specialists in areas of body parts. Where is the physician who can tie into the link between what is going on in my inner ear with my gut for instance? That what might be going on in one area of my body my actually be caused in another area of my body?

I realized there had to be more to all this and began looking into the spiritual aspects of my issues that the healthcare system couldn’t figure out.

I started reconnecting to my spiritual path. I began meditating. I eliminated inflammatory foods. I sought out reputable teachers and healers. I started connecting with the divine within me and my divine team. I learned and studied multiple holistic health modalities and spiritually based practices.

It wasn’t until I learned Jikiden Reiki®, my entire life drastically changed. I had already been practicing and teaching the more westernized cousin of reiki for 6yrs. But this was different, and in a league of its own.

I’ve learned over the last several years that we have become a culture that will take something that is pure in its roots and traditions … that is connected somehow deep to some ancient wisdoms and healing … and “Americanize” it or westernize it. This is when we have lost the magic aka medicine for the soul to fully heal those deep wounds that escape our awareness.

While practicing all these other westernized forms of healing and spiritually based practices, I didn’t quite understand this until recent years. As time goes on and I work on my craft and my own personal healing, the clearer that gets.

Needless to say, today I see my health almost fully restored thanks to these alternative treatments.

I avoided a hysterectomy, a root canal, 3 rounds of antibiotics for infections due to these therapies and saved my body from additional physical traumas and toxins that would stifle the work I am doing to restore wholeness in my life.

So sometimes, there is more to what’s going on with you than meets the eye.

My question for you is this … when the healthcare system is unable to help you restore “wholeness ” in your life, do you or would you consider alternative therapies to help you?

Do you believe there is more to illness and disease than what’s presented in the way the healthcare system categorizes it?

I come away with a few thoughts:

  1. Don’t give up on you docs who are AT LEAST open to learning, supporting, and aligning with the concept of mind-body medicine or proven alternative therapies
  2. Be a good patient. Walk the walk. Do the work to improve your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually without spiritually bypassing, and watch everyone around you ask you how you did that. Best testimonial is your own story.
  3. When you take responsibility for your life and health – eat right. remove toxicity – foods, thoughts, poisons, environment, etc. not only employ therapies such as yoga, reiki, meditation, thai chi, etc, but embody them… your health care team will want to learn more on how you do that without the need to “sell” them.
  4. A pill and/or a procedure will fix very few things so called, wrong. When we understand this and understand how to support our body’s ability to heal itself, and actually choose to live a better healthier life, toxic pills and harmful procedures will be lessened and the burden on our health care system financially will be significantly reduced. This is not to mention the side effect of a lessened burden on our ecosystem and environment due to reduction of medical waste.
  5. Trust your instincts and listen to the wisdoms of the body.
  6. I can keep going on, but won’t. This is a long enough post. The rest may just be added into a chapter in the book I am writing. So stay tuned …

Have you had a good experience like this bridging western medicine with holistic therapies? Please share.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me and supporting my life’s work

With love and appreciation,

To learn more about Jikiden Reiki, click here.

To learn more about Trauma, click here.

To read more about my reiki stories, click here.

Follow me:


Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Today I Bless My Junk Part 3 – Speaking Out and 10 Tips You Can Do Today To Be The Change

This series “Today I Bless My Junk” has been quite the challenge for me. However, I feel if I am to convey a certain message, I choose to be raw, real and authentic seeing all of me with an unaltered video.

Here is part three in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk”. This topic is on what happens when you speak out and why women wait 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years to speak out.

  • I go into the retaliations and a little bit of my story and my experiences with retaliations. I have only spoken out twice in my life outside this video series, and both times I experienced retaliations that I feel were worse than the abuses themselves.
  • So, why wait?
  • Why speak out now?
  • Don’t be fooled by the bogus apologies.
  • When will it all end?
  • Followed by 10 tips on what you can do today to be the change for the future.

Other Videos in the Video Series

For my other videos in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk #metoo

Question To Ponder

I ask for you to consider one question

Are you part of the solution to systemic abuse or are you part of the problem? The choice is yours and only yours to make.

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

Take action on the things I mention in this video series

  1. Share these videos
  2. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  3. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  4. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  5. As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.

With love and appreciation,

Changes, Growth, Healing, Authenticity and the Holidays Ahead as We Close Out 2017

Wow, what a ride this past November. Have you shifted out of your comfort zone yet? Have you made peace with the shadow part of self?

We are still experiencing a tremendous shift in consciousness and what a “shift” storm it has been. There are lots of changes and revelations as we prepare to close out 2017.

Truths continue to be revealed.

Shadows continue to be brought into the light.

My question to you, Do you bless your junk?

As a trauma survivor, it was refreshing to see all that came to light this past month. I felt in some cases my voice was being heard through so many other survivors of abuse. Yup #metoo.

BUT … for me, I choose to focus on the healing and the gifts born out of a horrible experience. Please check out my video on “Today I Bless My Junk #MeToo”.

My hope is to shed light and understanding in order to create a positive shift in perception, healing, reality, dimensions, and higher consciousness.

So much may have been perceived to go wrong lately, but with that said, so much has been gifted to us in the form of awakening, growth, and lessons.

Growth is many times is not always easy and sometimes results in metaphorical death. However, if we shift our perspective just a little and see the world through a different lens, we just might surprise ourselves.

The holidays are here!

The holiday season is a time of giving and thanks for what we’ve been given, and the gift of healing and self care is a great way to show your loved ones you care.

Who doesn’t love the look on someone’s face when they open something special from you?

Try this … lets all do a random act of kindness this holiday season and shift the global consciousness one frequency and vibration at a time.

Are you in?


Be sure to read “Conquer Toxic Holiday Stress”  for tips to guide you through the holidays.

Also, be sure you take care of YOU. That means take a pause when needed or a nap if you feel inclined. The self care mantra has pounded us til we are raw, yet so many of us are still resisting? Why? Are you self punishing? Cut the crap, and start cherishing YOU and taking care of YOU.

Come in for some reiki or vibrational healing with the Tibetan bowls and clear out some toxicity and restore wholenness. OR come in for some spiritual guidance and coaching.

I am not your go to? That is fine too. Just find someone who can assist you on your path. Remember, what you may have considered the norm in the past is no longer the norm.

It is time to shift your vibration and live more authentic and true.

My goal is to help illuminate your soul, guide you on your path, remove toxicity and restore wholeness. I offer a variety of spiritually based holistic health enrichment:

  • Trauma 
  • Dementia 
  • End of Life 
  • Pre-op/Post-Op 
  • Anxiety/PTSD 
  • Stress 
  • Spiritual Healing 
  • Cancer 
  • Pets 
  • Pain 
  • Physical Injuries 
  • Digestive Issues
  • and more …

Looking for a unique gift for a loved one?

We offer gift certificates at any dollar amount. Contact us to purchase your gift certificate today. Gift Certificates can also be mailed directly to your loved one. Inquire for details today!

In the meantime, don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.
With love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Speaker, and Healer
Providing Spiritually based holistic health enrichment

Today I Bless My Junk #MeToo Part II: Reality and Stats, Tips for Survivors, Tips for Others

This was a video recorded live through Massachusetts Survivors Outreach Facebook Page on Nov 25, 2017 as a follow-up from the first “Today, I Bless My Junk” which can be found on Youtube.

What I share with you is raw, real and pure stemming from my years of healing trauma associated with abuse. These video series were inspired by all the recent events of the media finally choosing to cover many of the abuses women have been faced with and silenced.

This video summary::

  • Update since last video on YouTube and what happened as result
  • The reality of the abuse epidemic
  • Stats
  • My experiences and vulnerabilities posting
  • Tips for survivors on managing triggers, how to bless your junk, and how to let your junk empower you back to you to wholeness.
  • Tips for everyone else to support survivors and not become a bystander abuser

Are a survivor? Empath? A loved one of a survivor? Bystander? Please join us.

Would love YOUR support.

Other Videos in the Video Series

For my other videos in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk #metoo

Question To Ponder

I ask for you to consider one question
Are you part of the solution to systemic abuse or are you part of the problem? The choice is yours and only yours to make.

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

Take action on the things I mention in this video series

  1. Share these videos
  2. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  3. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  4. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  5. As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.

With love and appreciation,

Do You Bless Your Junk? One Story of Healing From Trauma

Part 1 of a Series …

Thank you to all who have come forward to share their stories as this gave me the courage to do this video.

Do you bless your junk?

Have you been feeling all these cosmic changes and shift storms especially since the solar eclipse?

Truths are being revealed and shadows are coming to the light.

Learn how to take your old traumas (personal, generational, and karmic) and stories and bless them. Learn how to let go so you can Free Yourself of your past.

This video was inspired after the countless courageous women who stood up against abusers especially those in a position of power and are finally being heard.

This is my journey of healing from multiple abuses from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence that resulted in PTSD.

I hope this inspires you on your healing path, and I thank you for reading and watching.

Please be kind and leave a positive comment here or on Youtube. .


This video is the first in a series “Today I Bless My Junk”

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

  1. Take action on the things I mention in this video series
  2. Share these videos
  3. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  4. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  5. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.
As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
With love and appreciation,

Reflections with Osprey Post Solar Eclipse

Picture taken during the 2017 solar eclipse on Cape Cod
by: Laura Joseph

I wrote this after a few days of sifting through pictures, deep reflections and meditation with osprey. 
For some reason I felt a huge tug every time I looked at the photos I took of a few osprey while on Cape Cod during the 2017 solar eclipse. So I decided to let the messages flow at the end of my pen.

I hope you receive the magic and guidance of osprey as I did. Here is what came out as a result:

Today, I continue to spread my wings surrendering my fears.

Fear and anxiety begins to dissipate when I trust my wings will guide me to new heights.

All is well.

The osprey in me guides me to reclaim my power healing old emotional wounds surfaced and let the past traumas of abuse to strengthen me.

With the osprey, I am taught to trust in abilities and have the confidence to know I can achieve my goals.

With osprey, I gain clarity in my visions strengthened by the recent solar eclipse (I took this pic at the observatory while we witnessed the solar eclipse)

With osprey, I am keenly aware of the messages from the divine and listen for their divine guidance.

With osprey, I transform and transmute all that no longer serves me for my highest and best.

With osprey, I communicate more effectively.

And so it is

Thank you. 

Thank you. 
Thank you.

With love and appreciation,

copyright 2017 Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit. All rights reserved.

Medical Study of the Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-Being

I am ecstatic to see this observational medical study on the use of Tibetan singing bowls. The study was published involving 62 women and men with the mean age 49.7 years of age. I found the results quite interesting.

The study was published in PubMed as well as Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine:

“Poor mood and elevated anxiety are linked to increased incidence of disease. This study examined the effects of sound meditation, specifically Tibetan singing bowl meditation, on mood, anxiety, pain, and spiritual well-being. Sixty-two women and men (mean age 49.7 years) participated. As compared with pre-meditation, following the sound meditation participants reported significantly less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood (all Ps <.001). Additionally, participants who were previously naïve to this type of meditation experienced a significantly greater reduction in tension compared with participants experienced in this meditation (P < .001). Feeling of spiritual well-being significantly increased across all participants (P < .001). Tibetan singing bowl meditation may be a feasible low-cost low technology intervention for reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression, and increasing spiritual well-being. This meditation type may be especially useful in decreasing tension in individuals who have not previously practiced this form of meditation.”

Although the study results are brief, I find it promising.  I began using tibetan singing bowls in my work in 2015 as something I felt drawn to do on an instinctual basis for my own healing. As a someone who has a history of trauma resulting in PTSD due to repeated abuses stemming from child abuse to rape to domestic violence to systemic abuse, I welcome this study.

I went through the traditional medicinal route and felt I was given a band-aid with a wound that continued to grow and fester with no relief in sight. So since 2005, I began looking into me. Who I am, and how can I heal especially when my very trust for humanity was so broken. I went up and build my trust in my spirituality.

For me, I understand these ideas:

  1. The human body is made up of mostly water
  2. We are beings that self generate electricity, and therefore vibrate energetically a frequency and vibration out creating a ripple effect.
  3. There is a mind/body connection to all illness and disease
  4. 75 – 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems [1]
  5. How we resonate with our external experiences affect our internal experiences and vice versa. How we resonate with our internal experiences affect our external experiences.
So no wonder the bowls have a magical feel to them.  When I searching for ways to heal my own trauma, I was led on a very spiritual path. Over the years as I worked with myself and others on healing, subconscious changes began to take affect. The more I began to trust my instincts and intuition, the more breakthroughs I was led to.
Needless to say, I was led to these bowls.  I believe it was a culmination of all the personal spiritual and professional work I have done over the years. I feel it was a calling, and the day I was gifted my first bowl, I knew I was onto something special. It mesmerized me and calmed me.
Laura’s Tibetan Medicine Bowl

After the gift of my 5th bowl by another healer as well as my Tibetan bells, I had an epiphany. I was using them in a reiki healing attunement meditation for a group of over 20 healers. I was told how incredibly powerful and amazing the experience was. I was asked if I taught this. I responded ‘no’, because every time is different, and I would not know how to teach something like this. I realized how I would just allow myself to be divinely guided in the whole process from acquiring these beauties to where to place them to order of sound to implementing them in meditations and healing sessions. I could not even tell you what each bowl’s musical note represents. I just know this bowl goes here to acquire this result.

All I know is the effect they have on me and those around me. This is a modality that has been used by Tibetan monks for hundreds if not thousands of years, but originated in India.

You can go to for a wonderful interview of Lama Lobsang Molam, a monk at a monastery in Swyambu, Kathmandu, Nepal, by Rain Gray on the history of the Tibetan bowls. Here is an excerpt of that interview:

“They say this is a relic that came from India and was used by the previous Buddha, so this is a very precious relic. So, that’s why everybody wants to listen to that singing bowl, the singing, you know, sound. So, many people are making offerings to this singing bowl, and offering money to that singing bowl. So, he said that if someone has pure or not pure karma, you know, if someone has negative karma, their self they have to round, they have to play it with a stick. If someone has a lot of negative karma, this bowl won’t give any sound. It gives sound but, not so nice, it’s very small and not clear. If the person who rings it has pure karma, it gives a lot of singing and a big sound, wang, wang, wang, wang, like this. It gives a big sound. So their saying this is the story of . . . their saying like this. Even he saw, you know. So in Tibet they have three singing bowls only.”

If you have been questioning on how to break through that wall and feel stuck, going to a Tibetan bowl meditation may be of benefit. Tremendous healing can be accomplished with the use and help of these sacred gems.


I would air one word of caution, however.  For those with severe PTSD or anxiety, please find the right teacher. Finding the right teacher who not only understands trauma, but has some training and/or experience with it is important.

Because the bowls create a very powerful frequency and vibration, it creates a metaphoric glass shattering effect which can trigger some emotions that many with PTSD or severe anxiety may still want buried. You must be ready to release those fears, traumas, and karmic cords in order to  heal. Finding the right teacher is key.

What We Offer:

Healing With Spirit offers private sessions and a variety of classes that many times incorporates the use of Tibetan singing bowls such as, but not limited to:

  • Self Care for the Empath Workshop
  • Reiki Vibrational Healing Attunement Meditation Groups
  • A Soul Partnership Workshop
  • Private Reiki Sessions
  • Vibrational Healing
  • Sound Bath Meditations
  • Chakra Clearings and Balancing

Private sessions are offered via in office, phone, and skype. For more information, please contact me at Healing With Spirit.

As always,

With much love and appreciation,

Laura  Healing With Spirit

Metaphysician, Spiritual Medium, Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Jikiden Reiki® Shihan

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, event, or speaking engagement,  please visit Speaking Engagements – Fundraisers – Events – Classes – Services



  • America’s #1 Health Problem; The American Institute of Stress;
    1. Tibetan Singing Bowl History, An Interview with Lama Lobsang MolamBodhisattva Training Co Inc; By; Rain Gray; 
    2. Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-being
      An Observational Study
      ; Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative MedicineTamara L. Goldsby, PhD, Michael E. Goldsby, PhD, Mary McWalters, BA, Paul J. Mills, PhD


      1. Tamara L. Goldsby, PhD, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, Center of Excellence for Research and Training in Integrative Health, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. Email:

Copy right 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Joseph, Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent