November 29, 2017
Today I Bless My Junk #MeToo Part II: Reality and Stats, Tips for Survivors, Tips for Others
This was a video recorded live through Massachusetts Survivors Outreach Facebook Page on Nov 25, 2017 as a follow-up from the first “Today, I Bless My Junk” which can be found on Youtube.
What I share with you is raw, real and pure stemming from my years of healing trauma associated with abuse. These video series were inspired by all the recent events of the media finally choosing to cover many of the abuses women have been faced with and silenced.
This video summary::
- Update since last video on YouTube and what happened as result
- The reality of the abuse epidemic
- Stats
- My experiences and vulnerabilities posting
- Tips for survivors on managing triggers, how to bless your junk, and how to let your junk empower you back to you to wholeness.
- Tips for everyone else to support survivors and not become a bystander abuser
Are a survivor? Empath? A loved one of a survivor? Bystander? Please join us.
Would love YOUR support.
Other Videos in the Video Series
For my other videos in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk #metoo“
Question To Ponder
I ask for you to consider one question
Are you part of the solution to systemic abuse or are you part of the problem? The choice is yours and only yours to make.
Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.
How Can You Help?
As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.
Take action on the things I mention in this video series
- Share these videos
- Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
- Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
- Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
- As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
- Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.
With love and appreciation,