FLOW RISING: Trauma HealingThe Mind, The Body and The Spirit With Laura Bonetzky Joseph

In this episode, Flow Rising sat down with intuitive healer, Laura Bonetzky Joseph to talk about the types of mindset and mechanics which get in the way for people when they travel down a path of healing from trauma.

In 2022, Laura published two books. She’s the co-author of “Feisty: Dangerously Amazing Women Using Their Voices to Make an Impact”. Her chapter, “#MeTooFamilyCourts”, highlights what it takes to leave a domestic violence relationship in a broken system that punishes you. Her first solo book, “The Secrets To Healing: An Invitation To Healing Trauma And Other Root Causes of Chronic Illness Using the Japanese Reiki Gokai” weaves her personal story, her work, the science, and the teachings with nine client case studies.

Laura currently sits on the Massachusetts T.R.A.C. coalition addressing legislation and policy for survivors of abuse. Laura brings an authentic unique view with a unique talent and skill sets uncommon today. Laura’s podcast, “Triggers and Spiritual Medicine,” can be found on YouTube, her website, and most podcast streaming platforms.

If you would like to connect with Laura, tap the link below

If you or someone you know need help with a domestic violence situation, contact the national domestic violence hotline at 800-799-7233

TSM Episode 25: Moving Through Breast Implant Illness with Ellie Vixie

Welcome to Episode 25 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for an eye-opening episode on the topic of one woman’s incredible journey “Moving Through Breast Implant Illness” with the incredibly powerful, Ellie Vixie.

In this episode we talk about Ellie’s experience of wanting implants at the age of 18 years old to having children years later and getting sick. Eillie shares her journey navigating the biased health care system, learning to trust the wisdom of her body that led to the root cause of her health issues.

We talk about self-image, patriarchal cultural conditioning, body dysmorphia, to body wisdom and Ellie’s reclamation of her life.

She shares 3 tips folks to consider if you are thinking about breast implants and she shares more tips on what steps you can do now if you think you might have breast implant illness.


Ellie Vixie is a Breast Implant Illness (BII) survivor, an Energy Healer and Intuitive Wellness Coach and is passionate about educating other women, with and without implants, about BII. 

After 17 years with implants, and making excuses for her chronic health issues, it took learning about BII to take a look at what the effects of having implants was doing to her body. 

She focuses on empowering women who are dealing with the challenges of Breast Implant Illness (BII) through holistic healing approaches such as energy healing, nutrition, and self-care. Her aim is to provide them with the tools, support, and resources needed to navigate the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of their healing journey, ultimately helping them reclaim their wellness, self-confidence, and authentic beauty.


To Learn more about the Triggers and Spiritual podcast, click here or to check out prior episodes, click here.

TSM Episode 24: From CEO of a NY Mental Hospital to Author of the Scriptural Guide to Overcoming 7 Mental Ailments

Welcome to Episode 24 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for an enlightening episode on the topic of one woman’s incredible journey “From CEO of a NY Mental Hospital to Author of the Scriptural Guide to Overcoming 7 Mental Ailments” with the incredibly powerful, Precious (Yakira-Eden) Stepney.

Precious is a native New Yorker who always dreamed to be an advocate. She saw herself as someone whose clients could relate to and identify with while also serving as a model. At the time she did not realize how much of a role model she could play.

She talks about how she started out her career in the juvenile justice system working with at risk youth which allowed her to do some statistical analysis and quality management in a psychiatric hospital. She then went on to work in corrections to forensic psychiatric hospital. Over 20 plus years, she rose up to become the CEO of a major state funded mental hospital in New York as a younger melanin dominant woman.

Then C0VlD began and that changed everything. She realized how important it was to BE more authentic and to give of herself more. She retired from her position at the hospital at the age of 44 and the steps that led her to write her book began. This is her story.

Precious shares 3 actionable steps listeners can do today.

Topics of conversation include:

  • her life path as an advocate
  • how her accomplishments surpassed her childhood dream
  • working in juvenile detention to corrections
  • desire to ensure the clients were receiving quality care.
  • challenges and root issues at-risk youth faced.
  • empowering leadership to see the WHOLE person which was unheard of 20 years ago
  • dynamics of systemic challenges
  • remedies shared as an advocate.
  • how to make a safe and healthy connections
  • working in a forensic psychiatric hospital
  • why running a hospital a certain way and how it translates to quality patient care.
  • how she prioritized her mental health, and the defining moments that led to her to resign as CEO
  • limitations she experienced due to her superiors.
  • how she created a healing space within her office at the hospital complete with essential oils diffusers and a selenite wand on her desk and its impact on staff.
  • how she infused wellness into the space with staff and union leadership
  • the big defining employment and union contract negotiating moment that impacted the staff.
  • religion vs scripture vs spirituality
  • blending her experience in mental health with yoga and scripture to help process stuff in the body.
  • the process of her book writing by NOT identifying with any formalized religion by examining a story and a process that crosses ancient cultures through time
  • soul energy
  • yoga
  • finding spiritual medicine in a text that has been misused.
  • the vibration of words and the power of storytelling
  • the infection and trigger that FEAR creates, the cycles, the doubt & how to shift that.


Precious (Yakira-Eden) Stepney is an active mother of two, an enthusiastic member of ANU Life Global Ministries, a facilitator of the Alpha Woman Now experience on YouTube, a True Health Live podcast co-host, and founder of Sacred Lotus Blossom rites of passage program. She’s spent the past 20+ years of her professional career as a mental health administrator and recently stepped away from the role of Chief Executive Officer of a large state-operated psychiatric hospital. Throughout her career as a mental health administrator, she has worked alongside clinicians assisting those experiencing anxiety, depression, disruptive behaviors, relationship challenges, and trauma.

Yakira-Eden now functions as a healthcare consultant and leadership development advocate. As a Lean Six Sigma Blackbelt nowadays you can find her coaching and supporting clients through everyday life challenges using scripture lessons, somatic movement, meditation, Lean methodology, and personnel management techniques to empower the overcomer within.

In 2021 under the direction of ANU Life Global Ministries Chief Jegna, she was charged to use her experience and zeal for biblical studies to author Scriptural Guide to 7 Mental Ailments. She is an avid Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra enthusiast and offers this as a service as well. Her motto is, “Righteous life-affirming holistic wellness is possible for all. As we stretch our bodies, we stretch our minds.”

To connect with Yakira-Eden please find her LinkTree and follow her onIG@AlphaWomanNow, @Yakira-Eden amd YouTube @AlphaWomanNow

To learn more about ANU Life Global Ministries visit www.Anulifeglobal.org ; IG @AnuLifeGM, YouTube @ANULife Global Ministries


To Learn more about the Triggers and Spiritual podcast, click here or to check out prior episodes, click here.

TSM Episode 23: A One Mom’s Battle: Post Separation Abuse, Parental Alienation & Reunification Camps

Welcome to Episode 23 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for deep, enlightening, raw podcast episode on the topic of “A One Mom’s Battle: Post Separation Abuse, Parental Alienation & Reunification Camps” with the incredibly powerful, Tina Swithin.

Society believes that there are laws to protect victims of domestic violence from abuse. However, when victims, especially women, are faced with custody against abusers in family courts, laws seem to NOT apply in many cases.

Tina highlights the “FOR PROFIT” industry of the family court system that many times operates like a business. We as citizens believe, the system is supposed to operate in the best interests of the children, until we or someone we know goes into this “industrial complex”.

In this episode, Tina shares her lifelong journey in the family courts system first as a child and later in divorcing a narcissist.

In family court, children are used as pawns and property as if they were like a commodity traded on Wall Street, which is the very definition of legalized trafficking of children.

We highlight the following in Family Courts:

  • No accountability
  • No transparency
  • And judges have FULL immunity for their actions even if their actions deliberately cause the death of a child.
  • The lack of training of judicial officers or the deliberate training to discredit abuse in these cases.
  • The use of parental alienation as a tactic abusers uses to gain custody. Why victims of abuse should NEVER use this terminology as it furthers dark money.
  • The use of “high conflict” terminology to discredit abuse .
  • The use of “reunification camps” as a form of legalized kidnapping and brainwashing tactics to discredit abuse for MONEY.
  • the use of prisons to silence and punish victims for speaking out about abuse.  We talk about how DA’s punish and prosecute survivors when seeking help to save their own lives from abuse.
  • the monetization racket.

We highlight cases like Catherine Kassenoff, Anna Walshe, as well as Maya and Sebastian.

The Medicine Portion:

Tina goes on to share how she harnessed the medicine and power of her voice to create change through her social media platform, her “channeling” of her writing, her publishing her books, and her courses.

She talks about why it is important to NOT stay silent on what is happening surrounding the growing abuse in family courts.

She talks about her journey and why this path is personal for her, how her children were afraid of their father, what that looks like, and how she is using her voice to address the growing bigger issues surrounding the monetization of parental alienation and reunification camps in family courts.

She talks about the importance of language in the courts. Why survivors should be studying the system, describe the behavior, document and show patterns of behavior of period of time. Tina talks about why it is crucial to be able to communicate these patterns in a way that would register with the courts.

Because of the consistent work of Tina, there are some very BIG things are happening – movies, books, criminal investigations, and class action lawsuits.

In the end, Tina shares 3 actionable steps to be a change and how to create change.


Tina Swithin survived a “Category Five Divorce Hurricane” while acting as her own attorney in a high-conflict custody battle that turned her family’s life upside down for over a decade. While divorces are never easy, Tina quickly learned that a divorce involving a narcissist takes the term, “high-conflict” to a level that few can comprehend. To articulate what was happening, she took shelter from the storm by chronicling her journey in her (now) internationally recognized blog, “One Mom’s Battle.” Tina’s plight grew from just one mom to a village of tens of thousands who all share the same story. There were different variations and nuances, but the common denominator is toxic, high conflict individuals and post-separation abuse.

With all odds against her, Tina’s battle came to an end on August 30, 2019, when she successfully terminated her ex-husband’s parental rights. Tina has chosen to assume the title of survivor versus victim and has become an advocate for change in the Family Court System after seeing the flaws first-hand. Tina believes that the courts have lost sight of their primary focus, which should be the best interest of the child and instead, are too focused on parental rights.

Tina believes that children are suffering unnecessarily due to the lack of education on the front lines—and behind the judicial bench.

Tina Swithin is the author of Divorcing a Narcissist (series) and founder of the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program. Tina is a co-founder of the National Safe Parents Organization. Tina resides in San Luis Obispo, California with her husband and her two daughters.

Website: www.onemomsbattle.com

To learn more about Laura, her work, her social justice and sacred activist work, social media, podcast, books, etc visit: Laura Healing With Spirit | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Additional Resources:

To learn more about the Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast or to become a guest, click here.

TSM Episode 22: Sexy But Psycho: How the Patriarchy Uses Their Trauma Against Them

Welcome to Episode 22 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on the topic of “Sexy But Psycho: How the Patriarchy Uses Their Trauma Against Them” with the incredibly powerful, Dr. Jessica Taylor.

Honestly after interviewing Dr. Jess, I’ve never met someone so akin to my life’s work and what my soul came here to accomplish here as a human.

For those who do not know Dr. Jess … I can’t highly recommend her and her work enough. This episode is life changing.  I rarely rarely rarely endorse anyone for good reasons. So when I do, there’s a good reason and I’d stake my reputation on it.

This talk is deep, direct, and powerful while addressing the elephant in the room, and offering 3 actionable steps folks can do today.

About Dr Jessica Taylor

Dr. Jess Taylor is a leading expert Forensic psychologist who has worked extensively with PD in SA, DV, CSA and sex trafficking cases in the UK.

She is also the Director of Victim Focus, and has authored multiple international best-selling books including:

  • “Why Women Are Blamed For Everything”
  • “Sexy But Psycho: How the Patriarchy Uses Women’s Trauma Against Them”
  • and her latest “The Trauma Impact Manual”.

She has made appearances on British television, including BBC Two documentary “Womanhood”, and in the true crime documentary “My Lover, My Killer”.

Whilst completing her undergraduate degree, she had written to professors and academics to submit her ideas and research proposals on the psychology of victim blaming of women and girls. Academics at University of Birmingham accepted her preliminary literature reviews and research proposals and offered Jessica an opportunity to study a PhD beginning in October 2015, at the age of 25.

During the PhD, Jessica explored emerging perspectives and critical approaches to understanding victim blaming. She also studied advanced psychometric theory and created the BOWSVA Scale (a validated psychometric which has the ability to measure victim blaming attitudes of women subjected to sexual violence and abuse).

It was this specialism which led Jessica to become publicly critical of psychometrics and screening tools being used with teenage girls subjected to sex trafficking and exploitation. In 2016, wrote several articles and speeches about the oppressive use of screening tools and measurements which led to widespread anger and backlash from leading services, academics and authorities. The organization Jessica worked for in senior management was targeted and told to stop her from criticizing the tools. It was this which led her to resign from a position she loved, as she didn’t want to draw negative attention to a charity she was committed to.

Jessica had a vision for an independent organization that could challenge, change and influence millions of people to understand that victim blaming, misogyny and pathologization was embedded into every system in the world, and so in April 2017, she launched VictimFocus.

In September 2018, Jessica was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts for her outstanding contribution to psychology and feminism.

In April 2020, Jessica released ‘Why Women Are Blamed For Everything’ in paperback by self-publishing via Lulu. With no publisher, agent or publicist, the book caused an international conversation and celebrity endorsements resulting in 10,000 copies sold in the first six weeks. With no distribution centre or logistical support, Jessica, Jaimi and Jaimi’s mum, Mandy, fulfilled tens of thousands of international orders from their dining room during the first part of COVID-19 Lockdown.

In March 2022, ‘Sexy But Psycho’ was released and went straight to Sunday Times Best Seller, entering at #5 in the national non-fiction book chart.



Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this collaborative program, we hope to share a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions.

Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives https://www.patreon.com/HealingWithSpirit

Learn more about us, links to other podcasts, our books out on Amazon, social media outlets and more – Laura Healing With Spirit | Twitter, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree

TSM Episode 21: From Chaos to Power: Empowering People To Make A Difference in These Times

Welcome to Episode 21 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on “From Chaos to Power: Empowering People To Make A Difference in These Times” with Brighid Murphy.

Brighid brings over 20 years experience as a solid rooted healer and activist into this deep rich conversation about real issues facing most folks today and how to navigate these challenging revolutionary times, we are in. In the end Brighid shares 3 tips on what you can do today to show up better in the world you want create and see.


Brighid Murphy is a leading expert in transformational healing, a shamanic practitioner and teacher, and a healing catalyst. She’s a mentor and empowerment teacher for spiritual seekers and holistic healers.

Brighid created the Sacred Listening Method, facilities The Healers Collective, in-depth group immersions, and 1:1 healing experiences. She’s passionate about ceremonial healing through community and advocates for marginalized identities within the contemporary spiritual and wellness industries.


Additional Resources:


Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this collaborative program, we hope to share a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions.

Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives https://www.patreon.com/HealingWithSpirit

Learn more about us, links to other podcasts, our books out on Amazon, social media outlets and more – Laura Healing With Spirit | Twitter, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree

TSM Episode #20: Seeking Clarity Through the Labyrinth, A Daughter’s Journey Through Alzheimer’s

Welcome to Episode 20 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on “Seeking Clarity Through the Labyrinth, A Daughter’s Journey Through Alzheimer’s” with author, business owner, labyrinth walker and facilitator Jessica Stokes.

Jessica brings her personal experience as a caregiver and professional experience as a labyrinth walker and facilitator into this conversation about a topic that affects so many families with the debilitating disease of dementia.

We share some hard truths, the spiritual medicine through such a difficult disease, some laughs, stories, and three tips to help guide you on this path.

Listen here:

or watch here:

ABOUT Jessica Goldmuntz Stokes

Jessica Goldmuntz Stokes is an entrepreneur at heart. She co-owns a successful cleaning business in the Denver Metro area. She believes strongly in supporting all people on their journeys, wherever they are. Always seeking her own growth and truth, she teaches and performs belly dance, and practices Therapeutic Touch and Reiki. She is a daughter, a mom, a wife, a friend, and a caregiver. She has navigated multiple family members with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. She is an avid labyrinth-walker, a Trained Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, and a published author. She provides Labyrinth workshops for anyone experiencing loss.

Seeking Clarity in the Labyrinth, A Daughter’s Journey Through Alzheimer’s is the story of my family’s way of supporting and eventually losing loved ones to Alzheimer’s. At times, it was like walking the path inside a labyrinth, we got turned around, and even lost. Yet it is also a story of how we found our way out of loss and confusion. I hope this story helps others find solace and peace. My wish for the reader is that this book will give them a sliver of strength, perhaps some clarity, and tools for healing.




Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions. We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more.

In this collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives https://www.patreon.com/HealingWithSpirit

International Women’s Day: A Personal Journey Part II

I was recently reminded about a similar post I made on 3/8/19 where I shared my journey, as well as an empowerment mantra. In light of events since then and in reflection, it feels more like I wrote that piece during a different era comparatively to where we are today. On one level feels like we slipped backwards in a time warp 50-100 years ago despite all the milestones women have made throughout history.

This year – do we celebrate, or do we organize and rise the fuck up????

So, BEFORE I share with you some yummy affirmations, I feel like we need to face some harsh truths FIRST. We cannot change what we can NOT acknowledge right?

You will have to help me, because I am not sure that women under the age of 35 really understand what is at stake. Women first gathered in 1848 to discuss the issue of gender equality. Over 170 years later, women have sought gender equality through various waves in American history.

Despite all the progress we women have made, since my last post in 2019, I have witnessed an erosion of women’s protections and rights that go beyond just the reversal of Roe.

The #1 screening to prevent cervical cancer is no longer recommended annually, but every 4-5 years and in many cases is no longer covered on insurance. I recently learned that Medicare/Medicaid is NO longer covering this unless “medically necessary”.

From child marriage laws to Missouri enacting a law that women can no longer bare their arms in government buildings to family court judges incarcerating women to silence & punish them in domestic violence cases involving custody to judges legally trafficking children to either their rapists or abusers or to a cottage industry of parental alienation 4-day camps where children literally disappear with NO outside contact with the world or school or doctors etc for 100+ days or longer and more.

Then lets NOT forget the vile mass mob mentality of deliberately set out to harm Amber Heard that was originally orchestrated by Johnny Depp who PAID millions BEFORE his trial to gain influences to launch a “global humiliation” and destruction of his victim, Amber Heard.

Finally, we have the toxic vile abusive influencers like Andrew Tate who admittedly sexually trafficking & enslaving women and encouraging YOUNG boys and men to BE like him.

It is actually quite refreshing to see professionals like Dr. Jessica Taylor , psychologist & speaker, take on the toxic misogynistic culture we STILL live in from a psychology standpoint of both the Andrew Tate situation and Amber Heard. She is also the author of “Sexy but psycho: HOW THE PATRIARCHY USES WOMEN’S TRAUMA AGAINST THEM”.

We are at a crossroads, as we chatted about in the Triggers and Spiritual Medicine Podcast Episode 5 “How The Burning Times of Witches Influence White Women Culture Today From The Eyes of A Breast Cancer Survivor”

Women who say … “yeah but” – need to seriously pause a bit and see what they are really endorsing. I recently saw a self-proclaimed domestic violence advocate (not connected to any nonprofits), who said the “yeah but” to Alex Murdaugh being found guilty of murdering his son and wife claiming he was set up.

Anyone who truly understands the dynamics of domestic violence, narcissism, coercive control, AND his entire familial history, would NOT be saying “yeah but” unless they still have some serious unpacking to do still. You cannot advocate for victims of abuse and say this man with his history is innocent.

Many of you know that I believe that in order to FULLY heal trauma, you must address root issues and systems. I also believe that as a multi-generational healer & intuitive and spiritual teacher, we cannot fully help others heal without doing our own inner work – this includes unpacking patriarchal & colonialist ideologies – and without doing sacred activism. They do go hand in hand in my option and to many well-intentioned folks, bypass these necessary steps.

So, here is the deal – Both Trump & Biden – BOTH political parties – have been BLOCKING the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution (Us Archives)- The Equal Rights Amendment (dif link)- that would guarantee equality of women to men.

So when I originally wrote my 2019 post, I was going thru lots of growing pains & was on the verge of a major breakthrough … the kind I’ve waited a lifetime for if not multiple lifetimes … that was halted when the pandemic shutdown commenced, and the onslaught began – medically, systemically, politically, and legally.

NOW – if we choose – we can be the lotus flower rising from the darkness.

Despite the obstacles and setbacks, we do have opportunity here. We must remember that we do NOT grow during the party or celebrations. We grow in the darkness like the lotus flower or any seed you wish to plant.

Despite my own setbacks over the past four years, I published not one, but two books last year, on top of my healing work & professional practice:

Currently, I am a part of a statewide domestic violence task force, and Massachusetts has numerous bills pending involving coercive control, abusive litigation, and making cutting off a GPS bracelet a felony. I am waiting to see if the language supports victims in a way that abusers are unable to weaponize them against their victims or targets, because on the flip side, MA is currently trying to build a $50 million prison. I am using my sacred activism and voice to ensure that does NOT happen and we become FREER and safer from abuse.

Check out Families for Justice as Healing and their efforts to prevent this building of a women’s prison. I wrote about my incarceration story in the book Feisty on how I was sentenced for 30days plus 6mo of criminal court community service (my regular 12-15hrs a week community services to victims of domestic violence was prohibited) by a family court judge who also denied my right to an attorney and to medical care for $400 in holding by D.O.R. While incarcerated, I learned about how many women turned to substance abuse to cope with the trauma inflicted by the courts failing to protect victims of abuse AND that approximately 15-20% were sent there by family court judges as a way to silence them.

In January, I shared the 2022 in Review & 2023 Psychic Spirit Energy Forecast in episode 17 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine Podcast where I talk about these changing times and how to navigate these ever-intensifying energetic shifts – that do impact the daily life, politics, laws, governing, social justice etc.

In the Secrets to Healing book, I wrote an extended version of the “Embracing the Dragon Within” that I wrote originally in 2018. NOW is the time to call in the energies of the dragon.

Dragons have been a huge part of my life and over the past few years, their energy and connection to me has grown stronger.  If we want to make the kinds of changes we want and need to make, we must look at ALL facets including the spiritual realms.

The reason why so-called extremist groups use tactics such as race or religion to incite division, fear, and control to disempower and enslave their followers, is because their narcissistic abusive methods of power are threatened.

Women are more educated now. Or are we?

Have you ever wondered why women do not support each other – especially white women? Especially in business and careers? Instead, we often feel envy, jealousy, or judgement?

Have you ever wondered why women are so darn critical of other women? Like where does this stuff really come from?

Have you ever wondered why women feel an instinctual need to compete against each other, but you do not know where it is rooted or why if we are hard wired to be in community and support of each other?

Have you ever wondered where the ideology of women serving the man ever came from?

I ask you to tune in to THIS very thought-provoking amazing podcast episode as we shed the beliefs systems, we’ve been conditioned to believe that runs through our very DNA over hundreds of years.

I will add … this episode may be triggering for some who are not ready to dive deep into the root issues many of us women – especially white women are experiencing and WHY we keep repeating cycles that do not serve us OR repeating cycles that serve us in a way that still keeps us chained to the patriarchal expectations.

Do not be seduced by the systemic patriarchal misogynistic ways or their toxic agendas that target your fears and vulnerabilities.

Alone we are strong. However, together we are stronger.

Together, we rise.

Together, we are unstoppable.

But do you believe that? Really?

Let’s bare witness to the transformation and magic of dragon within in the depths of our souls.

Today I celebrate ALL OF ME and all the brave courageous strong women before me.

I celebrate the wisdom of my ancestors breathing and pulsating in my veins.

I celebrate all the badass women and men who have guided me, supported me, journeyed with me, and mentored me throughout the years.

Thank you.

I am dragon.

I am the divine feminine.

I am the fire, water, air, and earth in the womb.

I am woman. 

I am ME.

Together we rise. Together we are unstoppable.

Let’s do this shall we???

Happy International Women’s Day 3/8/23

With appreciation,

TSM Episode #19: Rethinking Our Space: Resizing For Bigger Living

Welcome to Episode 19 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on “Rethinking Our Space: Resizing For Bigger Living” with author & multi-vocational woman, Judy Granlee Gates.

Judy brings a different lens to the conversation about how we live in our homes and helps us to reframe how we view our space after 34 years in the residential construction industry. She helps us to create more space by rethinking how we relate to our space and re-sizing.

Listen here:

or watch here:


A fourth-generation small business owner and multi vocational woman, Judy Granlee-Gates has worked in Residential Construction for 34 years and strives for continual improvement in her processes. She is a driven problem solver and uses her organizational skills to benefit her customer’s experience. An award-winning custom home builder and remodeler, dozens of her projects have been recognized on local, state and national levels and her company received a Pacesetter Award from Custom Home Magazine for outstanding customer experience. Judy utilizes her degree in Education, Training and Development to take her customers through the homebuilding and remodeling process with confidence, fun and outstanding results. Her first Job was decluttering the supply are of her mom’s busy hair salon at the age of 7 and she is decluttering for herself and others to this day.

Judy released Bigger Living, Smaller Space; Resizing for a Clean and Cozy Home on 1/31/23. Her book focuses on the challenges clutter brings to our lives and how to solve it, room by room, or the entire home. She takes great joy in figuring out ways to repurpose sentimental family items that are part to part with. She helps you resize your current home, and explain what to consider if you are considering going smaller. Judy is an advocate of smaller living without sacrifice.

She is a construction industry blogger, owns a successful and popular Vacation Home Rental in Central Washington, avid note writer and sender, an active philanthropist, and artist. Judy is the parent of a grown “singleton” and lives in Washington State with her husband and pets.


Additional Resources:

Clutter and anxiety: https://www.mother.ly/home/its-science-clutter-can-actually-give-you-anxiety/


Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions. We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more.

In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed. Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives https://www.patreon.com/HealingWithSpirit

Episode #18: From Multi-Generational Abuse & Domestic Violence to Women’s Empowerment & The SheIsMeConference

Welcome to Episode 18 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph.

Join us for amazing raw empowering podcast episode on “From Multi-Generational Abuse & Domestic Violence to Women’s Empowerment & The SheIsMeConference” with Lisa Jimenez, Survivor of domestic violence & Founder of SheIsMeConference and Creative Life Happy Soul.

This episode goes deep. We talk about the following:

  • How we look for “the familiar”
  • When a 7yo asked the parents to divorce
  • What is taught. Why we stay.  Walking on eggshells
  • That switch that went off where her ex tried to kill her in front of her children.
  • How family, courts, and society rallied to help support her abuser in prison. Yet, she was left to fend for herself and her children.
  • The impacts of a failed system on the children.
  • Why the ERA – Equal Rights Amendment needs to be published to grant women equal rights to men under the constitution.
  • Why are men doing this?
  • The impacts of Andrew Tate, Amber Heard, Ana Walshe
  • How to support survivors
  • The failures of psychotherapists and how harm was perpetuated.
  • How a family court custody judge gave an attempted murderer 50/50 custody.
  • The police who refused to remove the guns from the home.
  • … To how Lisa began volunteering in women’s groups in a domestic violence shelter.
  • To meeting other women and gathering in community.
  • To unpacking the pain, trauma, and conditions placed upon her.
  • To creating programs, groups, conferences for women.

This conversation is deep, rich, and empowering.


Lisa Jo Jimenez is the founder and CEO of The SheisMe Conference and Creative Life Happy Soul. Lisa is an art therapist, empowerment coach, professional artist and lightworker.

Her mission: To help women uncover their gifts, believe in themselves, and live the life they were meant to live. No excuses. No apologies.

It is Lisa’s life’s work as a healer, creator and transformational coach, to help all women that she attracts to realize their magic, to stand strong in themselves, and to live their most authentic and abundant life.

Her work in creating the SheisMe Conference expands her role in women’s empowerment and her platform gives women around the world the opportunity to teach, empower and inspire with the goal of making sure no woman ever feel alone.

You may find Lisa at www.sheismeconference.com or at Creative Life Happy Soul – Live Your Best Life



Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more.

In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives https://www.patreon.com/HealingWithSpirit