Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Episode #8: Addressing Trauma in Yoga

Welcome to Episode 8 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph and guest trauma educator, Melanie Brown TOPIC: Addressing Trauma in Yoga Practices

In this episode, Melanie shares her experiences as a trauma survivor, yogi, and trauma educator when she went to a yoga class in the Boston area that was NOT only as advertised – which created harm – but when the class actually triggered Melanie, the yoga instructor was dismissive of the harm the class had which created a secondary harm.

We talk about white washing sacred practices and the various unintentional harms committed by westerners.

Melanie shares 3 tips for yoga instructors and studio owners on how to improve so unintentional harm is NOT perpetrated, and she share 3 tips for anyone looking for a yoga class on how to find one that is more trauma informed.

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Click here to watch: Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Episode #8: Addressing Trauma in Yoga



Embeing’s® Melanie Lynn Brown holds an MA Ed. in Mindful Education and Trauma Studies from Lesley University and a BA in Government from Smith. She has spent 20 years working in Education with trauma survivors and in political advocacy. She formed Embeing®, a consultancy, to teach and promote both macro and micro trauma education, trauma-informed policies and compassionate systems analysis. She takes on a limited number of personal clients, primarily under 18 years, to support nervous system regulation and holistic wellness. Her clients include trauma survivors and autistic young people. Her approach is best described as “empowerment through education.” You can reach Melanie at:



Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Click here for more information:


Learn About “MY WHY” I Launched on Patreon

I did it. Say whaaaatttttt?

After partaking in another Patreon as a member with strong social justice goals, and watching the benefits unfold, I finally created a Patreon account to give you a better virtual experience, expand our virtual reach, offer exclusive specials and offers while broadening my social justice goals that are so important to me.

I want to share with you more about myself with you.  So, I would be honored & grateful if you could take a moment and read my WHY I launched on Patreon.

  • My why
  • What I have done in the past
  • What is happening NOW
  • What I can offer It take a community to make this happen.

Let’s join forces AND BREAK The CYCLE of the Perpetuation of Unresolved Unhealed Trauma TOGETHER.

To be honest ….

I am a bit Nervous.



AND that is all ok.

I am putting the trust and faith in this journey and allowing it to unfold as it needs to.

Have you ever heard of Patreon before?

Here is the dish … It is a wonderful subscription service for content creators and in my case content creators with a social justice or social impact mission in mind.

What is unique about this platform, it lets people financially support and reward content creators — such as podcasters, writers, and YouTubers — through a monthly subscription.

Creators can set up multiple membership tiers with various rewards so each subscriber can choose the amount of money they feel most comfortable giving to a project and in my case – healing the perpetuation of unhealed unresolved trauma that is plaguing our society.

So, please check out my “My WHY” Patreon post, and if the message resonates, please consider
  • commenting on the original post
  • sharing with loved ones or those in your community who identify with my mission.
  • joining to support my social justice impact goals
  • or joining for the great benefits such as FREE 1:1, FREE events, and up to 40% off classes offered.

Would LOVE your thoughts AND …

I am new to learning how all this works and working on building a team to make my dreams and missions come to light so I can show up more effectively and more impactful for YOU.

Me doing THIS work is and always has been about BE-ing of greater service to the community & our Mother Earth.

Like everyone else, I am learning HOW to show up BETTER to meet that soul journey mission.

If you decide to become a patron on Patreon, you become active participants in the work I am doing while supporting a cause we all love and NEED especially during these challenging times where the trauma epidemic is running wild like an uncontrolled unchecked avalanche or a volcano that is about to explode.

Let’s DO THIS … TOGETHER … Shall we?

Click here to learn more about this initiative.

I have so much love and appreciation in my heart for all your support in my journey.

Thank you.


To learn more about me, visit “About” tab.

To learn more about my work healing trauma, click here.

Guest: Laura Cowen’s Empowerment Hour Radio Show

I am grateful and honored to have been invited to be on Laura Cowan’s Empowerment Hour radio show.

Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:


✔ Join us THIS Monday 11/9 at 7pm (EST)/6pm (CST).

✔ SHARE this offering with loved ones or anyone who could benefit.

Laura Cowan on the Tamron Hall nationally syndicated tv show.

For those checking this out, I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.

I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy. She’s a powerful speaker and radio personality.

If you are struggling right now, please join us.

If you are a survivor of abuse, please join us.

If you just need extra support right now, please join us.


Please join us Monday evening 6pm CST (7pm EST) where we’ll be chatting about

♡ our shared healing journeys from abuse,

♡ my upcoming book on healing the roots to chronic illness & trauma through a Japanese healing system,

What I will be sharing will give you a glimpse into my upcoming virtual classes on healing trauma whole-istically through Spirit:

You don’t want to miss this broadcast.

Via: Zoom and Facebook Live

Guest: Part 2: Laura Cowen’s Empowerment Hour Radio Show

I am grateful and honored to have been invited to be on Laura Cowan’s Empowerment Hour radio show.

Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:


✔ Join us THIS Monday at 6pm.

✔ SHARE this offering with loved ones or anyone who could benefit.

Laura Cowan on the Tamron Hall nationally syndicated tv show.

For those checking this out, I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.

I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy. She’s a powerful speaker and radio personality.

If you are struggling right now, please join us.

If you are a survivor of abuse, please join us.

If you just need extra support right now, please join us.


Please join us Monday evening 6pm where we’ll be chatting about

♡ our shared healing journeys from abuse,

♡ my upcoming book on healing the roots to chronic illness & trauma through a Japanese healing system,

What I will be sharing will give you a glimpse into my upcoming virtual classes on healing trauma whole-istically through Spirit:

You don’t want to miss this broadcast.

Via: Zoom and Facebook Live

Can Spiritual Based Therapies Heal Trauma?

I am incredibly honored to been asked to be a guest on Mal Duane’s AMAZING podcast “Awaken Divine Wilderness” recently where we talked about the successful spiritual & integrative processes I’ve learned over 15 years in healing trauma.

There are too many children and women that are subjected to abuse. I’d like to share that conversation with you on how spiritual based practices can heal trauma associated from domestic abuse and rape .

How can we help more of them feel loved and safe?

Listen in

Or on

Thank you for supporting my journey.

With appreciation,


The “Epic Comeback” Interview

I am happy, humble and yet grateful to announce the guest appearance I had on this amazing podcast “The Epic Comeback” with the incredible Nikki Bruno talking about my story healing from trauma and abuse.

On Episode 71:

I share that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are

(1) to get out of your head and into your body;

(2) to “bless your junk” by transforming pain, hurt, and trauma into wholeness;

(3) to understand that the solutions to your challenges are internal, not external; and

(4) to take back your power and illuminate your gifts. Laura learned these lessons while enduring domestic abuse and rape.

You can catch the episodes here:

With appreciation,


#TimesUp Healers & Reiki Practitioners. Plus, Tips on Finding a Reiki Practitioner

In this post, we will explore the following to address perceptions, boundaries, trauma, predatory behavior, healing, and healers.

My goal is two fold:

  • to awaken reiki practitioners and healers to their full optimum potential while understanding their ethical responsibilities to their clients and/or students,
  • and to help guide those seeking healing services for themselves or a loved one.

In this post, we will address the following:

  • Introduction to this sensitive topic from a personal and professional perspective
  • #TimesUp healers and reiki practitioners video
  • 12 Tips To Choosing A Reiki Practitioner
  • Questions to ask a prospective reiki practitioner

Introduction to This Sensitive Topic

In search of “healing the broken me” as I would like to call it from years of abuse that resulted in complex C-PTSD or complex post traumatic stress disorder, I originally delved into the traditional American Healthcare System in hopes I can quickly return to my unbroken self. Like many others, I have felt that I was not getting better and band-aids were being applied to my mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that were not getting better and began to spiral out of control.

I realized there had to be more to all this and began looking into the spiritual aspects of my issues that the healthcare system couldn’t figure out.

I started reconnecting to my spiritual path. I began meditating. I eliminated inflammatory foods. I sought out reputable teachers and healers. I started connecting with the divine within me and my divine team. I learned and studied multiple holistic health modalities and spiritually based practices.

These practices saved my life and has been allowing me to reclaim my life in ways to defy all logic. I was fortunate in who I sought out as healers and other professionals to help guide me.

However, abusers and predators are still very skillful at their tactics, which is what sparked this post. I have been doing this work since 2006, and I have experienced numerous situations that were quite disturbing that made me wonder how to communicate such a delicate and serious topic that would hopefully be welcomed and received both by the healing community and trauma survivors.

This leads me to the next point …


#TimesUp Healers and Reiki Practitioners Video

I need your help on what I consider a very sensitive topic.

This video which was recorded in April 2018 took over 4 years to make due to concerns of my ability to communicate what needs to be said in a way that is heard and openly received

What healers and survivors need to know.

Have you experienced THIS?

My goal in this video is to help healers and practitioners to awaken to their full potential while understanding their ethical responsibilities to their clients and/or students.  Abusers are infiltrating the spiritually based communities and healing arts.
  1. Are you aware?
  2. What steps are you taking to ensure the safety of those around you?
  3. What are you doing to help break the cycle of abuse?

Ironic or what … that this article was published on the same day as my live video on same topic from the NY Times“In the space of a few short hours on Monday evening, Eric Schneiderman went from being known as one of the nation’s most progressive and influential attorneys general to being cast as a drunken, abusive monster who terrorized women in his personal life even as he publicly advocated women’s rights.”

This NY Times article is worth the read to tie into my argument.  In the meantime, I will share with you 12 tips in choosing a reiki practitioner and questions to ask.


12 Tips To Choosing A Reiki Practitioner

Healing varies from person to person and what some call “reiki training” varies from teacher to teacher since there is no standardization of training in the Unites States.  Most reiki training teaches the basics centered around stress reduction and relaxation. While others who call anything involving some form of energy healing or hands on energy work, reiki, can sometimes be misguided.

Let’s be clear first and foremost, reiki  is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy, self care and meditation practice  that works with the human body’s bioenergy field. I won’t go into details here. You can click here for more elaborate description.

Administering or facilitating a reiki session to someone who has been traumatized or abused is NOT part of the standard training curriculum for most reiki practitioners.

If you struggle with healing from trauma associated with abuse, here are 12 tips in choosing the right reiki practitioner for you. Plus, 10 questions to ask a prospective reiki practitioner/teacher. 

You may also check out the article I wrote several years ago while teaching college on Reiki Can Do No Harm or Can It? for more tips and guidance.

Click here for more posts about healing trauma

Click here for more posts about reiki.

I hope what I wrote helps someone out there in need who needs something to help them survive in order to thrive.For healers who read this, my hope is that this inspired you to be better than you already are. The world needs more healers. We need you to step up and help be the best version of you.

Please share the love and compassion.

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With love and appreciation,

Laura  Joseph,
Jikiden Reiki® Shihan, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Speaker, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Advocate, Trauma Specialist


To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2008-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.