The Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour on VoiceItRadio Cleveland, OH
In case you missed the LIVE broadcast on Monday, November 9, 2020, here is the recording from the Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour Show where we talked about healing and empowering survivors of abuse & trauma.
Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:
I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.
I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy, strength, and power.
In this episode, we chatted about our stories, healing, trauma, the broken system and how to heal the “broken me” after a series of abuses – child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and systemic oppression.
If you are struggling right now, please check out this episode.
If you are a survivor of abuse, please listen in.
If you just need extra support right now, this is sure to be inspiring.
Would love your feedback on this radio show episode.
Wow … this September new moon was a doozy for this empath, Pisces, and intuitive. I thought I would share with you my experience yesterday. How I pause and my processes leading up to this morning. I call it the #cantmakethisshitup story with signs.
The story may be different than yours, but I am curious to know if you’re experiencing anything similar maybe with signs or polarity or processing.
I started my morning early with a multitude of signs starting with cardinal/finch feather then a juvenile turkey feather and followed by a mourning dove feather all before 7am.
Signs galore on the new moon of 9/17/20
Then around noon time, I took the puppy for a walk to find a $5 bill in the parking lot. Ok signs? feathers? One? Two? Three? Four signs in a few hours? Now I think, something must be up and it is more than just the new moon or is it?
The energies this week with the uncontrolled fires on the west coast mirroring the anger and rage within the hearts of folks in the US had the trauma survivor, empath, and intuitive in me amped up with stuff coming at me from all different directions despite my feet firmly planted on the ground.
When to Pause
The veils have been quite thin since the sun entered its new solar cycle 25 and mars went retrograde. I can feel it. With this new moon hailed by astrologers to be one potentially a productive one, I saw opportunity, desire, and need for space for this new moon ritual, but something was not aligning.
When things are NOT flowing as easily or effortlessly as I had hoped in this process, I see this equally as a sign.
I recognized the power in the pause.
So I stopped.
I paused.
I attempted to get myself in alignment to tap into the new moon as well as all the other crazy energies for vision and clarity and struggled a bit mostly because I wanted to go DEEP to ensure my egoic mind is NOT impeding.
However, there was lots of static creating lots of indecision.
Gracie the 12mo old mix breed pup
When this happens I usually need alone time out in nature to quiet the static and listen to the whispers of the divine. This was ANOTHER sign that I was NOT to go through this process in a LIVE video, but needed to sit and work through this alone.
So I took Gracie (the 12 month old puppy I am fostering & rehabbing.) outside to accomplish 2 things.
1) to attempt more off leash training
2) to get myself grounded, centered and connected to the natural world around me. I know that when I access this, I access one of my so called super powers for the wisdom, clarity, and answers I seek.
Then THIS happened yesterday while outside …
The 5th sign on the new moon on 9/17/20 – Turkey feather.
… the 5th #sign of the day with MORE turkey. This one is an adult. The other from yesterday morning that I posted was juvenile.
Initiating The Processing
So I instantly gravitate to the juvenile Turkey feather & the adult one & think: “Does this mean that mother & daughter will finally be united and the justice scales begin to repair a long overdue injustice?”
“Does this mean that after 13 years, there might be a positive outcome that I had thought at one point was lost in this lifetime?”
As a trauma survivor and as someone who has experienced first hand systemic injustice and oppression, where the systems in place that on the surface were to protect people like myself and my children FAILED miserably.
If I couldn’t trust people nor myself back then, then who or what do I trust do I trust NOW?
This is where I learned the power of the pause where we can access the clarity, wisdom, and spiritual guidance aka the whispers from the soul that go beyond our logical mind that at times may seem incomprehensible.
SO I did what I have been doing for a long time. I stop. Paused and I went up … into spirit, God, the Universe or whatever divinity calls to you.
Beginning early 2009, I began my relationship with the divine in a new way through signs. I recall the experience as if it were yesterday driving and seeing angels in the sky.
That particular story is too long to share, and I will share that experience with you another time. Let’s just say, it changed my whole trajectory
Receiving signs from the divine have taught me so much since then. The first lesson I got from that initial experience was “Stop, pause and listen for they will guide you”. This was the message I heard from that first time seeing my first sign.
A deep healing needed to happen. The kind I was blinded from seeing at the time due to the protective mother hypervigilance of fight/flee/freeze that resulted in complex post traumatic stress disorder or CPTSD. So I improved my skill sets. Addressed and healed the wounds and continue to do still today. I don’t believe we are ever done. We just get better at addressing and healing them is all.
So yesterday was one of those days. I stopped. I paused. I open the gates to the awareness beyond what my eyes can see, my ears can hear, and my body can sense.
Turkey Medicine
Turkey medicine has so much to offer and has been one of those message bearers that has been with me on/off through this journey.
Turkey are most known symbolically associated with abundance and reflect an energy of sharing.
Turkey has been showing up STRONG since right before I found out what happened with my family. I guess time will reveal itself these truths soon enough.
I’ve learned to NOT expect an absolute truth over the years, but more of a process like putting pieces to a larger puzzle together for a different picture than maybe originally thought.
Turkey is sometimes called the earth eagle with rooted connections to our great Mother, inner vision and the 12mo cycles and is one of the most adaptable birds.
It also reminds me of a very powerful PBS documentary I watched a few years ago called “My Life As A Turkey”
And finally, some indigenous mythologies talk about how Turkey can fight off evil spirits. Hmmmmm I wonder if this is what I need to listen to. The sitting. Pausing. Allowing. Processing will reveal when it is time what is needed to be known.
This is not something we can force, but align with and allow the flow of the process to commence in a sacred partnership.
Eagle Medicine on 9/18/20 a Master 22 Number in Numerology post new moon
The Eagle & The Master 22 Number
This morning as I woke up writing about this experience, I lost track of time, and was late to our FB LIVE event.
What I discovered was today is a master 22 number in numerology with eagle as the spiritual medicine.
The 22 is one of three master numbers in numerology that is about uniting the spiritual world with the material world in a four year in numerology – a number holding true to its energy as a “work” year balancing the egoic mind with the spirit – in a ninth month on the sixth day.
How Does It All Tie In Together?
ALL SIGNS if read like a sentence that says to continue to build and work on the relationship with spirit side of you. That all those things that have been surfacing for you this year from either a past trauma, generational link, karmic tie, past life experience will be closing this chapter soon.
As the eagle showed us this morning, there are no obstacles, only opportunities. The eagle does not need to fly into the storm. It can fly above the storm.
As we move forward, we need to be in conscious partnership with spirit on equal footing as things continue to amp up. The veils are thin right now which is giving us a prime opportunity to co-create with the divine.
These so called signs are an indication and invitation from spiritual world to embrace the courage that will help us choose the kind of freedom we are actually seeking.
I get it …. of coarse we do not have time, enough sleep or enough money …. we never will. If the time is NOT now with the earth literally burning, the waters polluted, nature poisoned by humans, the masses of folks enraged … then when?
Remember turkey is the the earth eagle that helps us stay grounded in the material world reminding us of the abundance that is coming. The eagle can soar the skies while seeing the smallest detail with precision without losing track of the larger picture.
This new moon was a doozy, but with the pause and silencing the mind, I got a clearer direction and validation that the choices made so far were the correct ones.
My heart is aching as I continue to find my place in this world. This has been quite the spiritual journey in the depths of the shadow realm this year, and there is a LOT surfacing personally, collectively, karmicly, and generationally in the first 6 months amidst a COVID19 outbreak with growing protests & civil unrest.
A spiritual message is born.
We are going now into our 12th week broadcasting LIVE: 3x a week in our Facebook group (free to join); 1x a week in the Web of Love on Zoom; 1x a week for Jikiden Reiki Practitioners on Zoom.
Each week, I have been consistently offering extra support, spiritual guidance, spiritual medicine, Gokai, meditation, and movement. We have learned so much in these gatherings.
In this post, I will talk about:
What We Have Learned So Far
My Premonition 10 Years Ago
My 2020 Forecast
Then COVID Happened – The spirit message
The Current Civic Unrest – what it means spiritually and energetically
The Culmination – A string of energetic, solar events, protests and other events on Friday 5/29/20
Spiritual Medicine with Jaguar
Here is what we have learned so far:
reaching out through the virtual world can be powerful medicine
coming together as a group through the virtual world can be powerful medicine
“Trust our instincts” and “ego destruction” has been consistent messages we have been seeing play out throughout our 12 weeks together
For me – I have learned to trust my premonitions and spiritual guidance and NOT try to pretend to make what I see better than it really is.
My premonition
I had a vision that began over 10 years ago. Obama was running for President at the time. I recall when I first talked about what I saw during a private psychic medium party I was asked to give guidance to the attendees. At the end of the event, I was asked what I saw coming, and I recall saying, there is a code, if we see difficult times ahead, we try not to feed it, but try to adjust to it for spiritual growth.
What I saw – I said I feel war coming on our soil. I did not know what or how at the time. I sat with this for quite some time. I mentioned that I felt it would be bigger than 9/11, but unsure of time frame or how.
That was the beginning, as time went on, my vision has NOT waived, and it actually got clearer.
About 3 years ago, I sat in ceremony with some very deeply connected and rooted spiritual friends. The vision I had was quite disturbing. I saw red skies at night and people running around screaming. I heard “you are going to see a lot of this. Do not get off your path”.
It was shortly thereafter, I saw a war being waged a different kind of war. The clarity came in. I did not see bombs and was told this is not the same kind of weapons. I saw the use of technology and bio-weaponry being used.
My January 2020 forecast was difficult for me to write. It came in 2 parts as I felt something quite disruptive trying to emerge that I struggled with for over two weeks trying to find a way to make this a positive forecast for folks.
As January moved forward everything I was feeling was coming into play.
Click here for my 2020 Forecast with three things 2019 taught us and three things to know to navigate in 2020 and click here for the updated forecast with the karmic kicker with four tips to move forward posted at the end of January 2020.
Then COVID Happened
We got blindsided. It did not matter how prepared we were, this took the average person by surprise. Those in a position of power knew about this virus in advance. Check out my COVID forecast here.
In the beginning, I found myself highly triggered and my fight/flight/freeze response kicked into HIGH gear. I had to sit with this. Then I wrote my response to what was happening from a TRAUMA perspective where I talked about facing the shadows & healing during Covid.
This was an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.
I told a story that is relative to what is happening all around me with the growing mental health crisis I am witnessing before my eyes and hoped it will shed light for someone who needed it.
We are six months into 2020 and things keep spiraling out of control with greater velocity.
I am witnessing so many folks highly charged & triggered with much surfacing out of the depths from the shadows on so many fronts. Instead of addressing what is surfacing, folks are resorting to very toxic egoic reactionary triggered behavior.
The current energetic climate is amplifying what’s already there.
Addictions up.
Suicides up.
Violence up.
Domestic Violence up.
Racist attacks UP.
We, in New England, forget how women were burned at the stakes for simply loving nature and having a connection to plant medicine. Then we have the indigenous who were brutally genocidally massacred. The Wampanoag are who greeted the first white man are now being faced with LOSING THEIR LANDS FEDERALLY.
The soil we reside on is riddled with many centuries worth of oppression, trauma, rooted in a colonized mindset model buried deep in the subconscious DNA of the collective birthed from the very soil we’ve tainted and poisoned.
We need to be mindful of what triggers surface for us as we move forward. We need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Pronto.
Call in the appropriate help whether a mental health counselor or
Hire a BIPOC coach to help you understand your own white privilege, white fragility and want to learn how to unpack your stuff
Please do NOT escalate what’s bubbling inside to violence, oppression and hate.
We all must do the inner work being REQUIRED of us. There is NO avoiding it as talked about CONSISTENTLY in almost every post in recent years.
The Culmination
Then CAME THIS message Friday, 5/29/20 with pieces to the puzzle coming together with interesting updates:
The date: 5/29/20 = 2 in numerology = balance/duality/change in a closing of a chapter
In light of what’s happening especially in USA today with protests, rallies and the arrest of Officer Chauvin.
Lions gate jellyfish suddenly washing up on our shores TODAY on the beach by me. These things apparently pack quite the sting.
NASA cams suddenly went down today 15min prior to a big solar event.
Emotions especially anxiety/ptsd type, fatigue/energy challenges and sleep issues were affected. I now know why.
Finally … The sun threw its FIRST BIG SOLAR M CLASS FLARE TODAY in years since 2017.
And Schumann’s resonance jumped up to an amplitude over 60 – The Chart was not easily able to read that day.
This is big.
There’s lots to process and digest just with this.
Today’s Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar
Here is a quick highlight from this morning’s FB Live – bridging all this together. I apologize for low sound quality. I am unsure how to boost that for you.
Video Flow:
Check in
Spiritual Medicine with Jaguar
Brief Meditation
Movement to “Dragonborne”
About Robin and Rabbit
Where do we go from here?
Do we continue resisting what the divine whispers aka soul whispers within are guiding for us?
Do we give in to our triggers, rage, anger, worry?
Do we finally buckle up our bootstraps and face our shadows with courage knowing this is the ONLY way through?
Remember, what we see externally is only a mere reflection of what is internal. Go inside, and you will find the super powers that reside ready to be unleashed when you beckon the call.
In the meantime, can we at least start with a discussion in the comments below???
Let me know your thoughts on this post.
Dragon Warrior
With appreciation,
Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.
For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.
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