Join us for the SheIsMe Conference, a transformative 5-day virtual event featuring over 50 speakers from across the globe. This conference offers a unique opportunity to actively engage with speakers through interactive presentations, dynamic panel discussions, and immersive workshops. Our three powerful panels—“Navigating Leadership in a Changing World,”“The Intersection of Wellness and Professional Success,” and “Empowering Women Through Solidarity and Social Justice”—invite your participation, making you part of the conversation as we explore these critical topics.
Laura Joseph will speak at the conference and share “10 Tips to Turn Triggers into a Power.” Her session will focus on transforming emotional triggers into tools for personal empowerment, drawing from her extensive experience in trauma healing.
In addition to three inspiring keynotes and special guest appearances, attendees will have the option to dive deeper with a full day of interactive workshops, allowing for hands-on learning and meaningful connections and as usual, all sessions are recorded and accessible on-demand. Plus, don’t miss the chance to join us on the 2025 SheIsMe at Sea cruise, where the journey of empowerment and community continues in person.
SheIsMe is more than a conference—it’s a movement for women, by women. In this safe, inclusive space, we mentor, inspire, and uplift each other. Together, we share our stories, celebrate our successes, and create meaningful connections with women who understand that true empowerment comes from embracing our self-worth and rising together. Shame and judgment have no place here—only growth, solidarity, and the opportunity to achieve everything you’ve dreamed of.
The Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour on VoiceItRadio Cleveland, OH
In case you missed the LIVE broadcast on Monday, November 9, 2020, here is the recording from the Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour Show where we talked about healing and empowering survivors of abuse & trauma.
Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:
I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.
I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy, strength, and power.
In this episode, we chatted about our stories, healing, trauma, the broken system and how to heal the “broken me” after a series of abuses – child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and systemic oppression.
If you are struggling right now, please check out this episode.
If you are a survivor of abuse, please listen in.
If you just need extra support right now, this is sure to be inspiring.
Would love your feedback on this radio show episode.
I am grateful and honored to have been invited to be on Laura Cowan’s Empowerment Hour radio show.
Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:
Join us THIS Monday 11/9 at 7pm (EST)/6pm (CST).
SHARE this offering with loved ones or anyone who could benefit.
Laura Cowan on the Tamron Hall nationally syndicated tv show.
For those checking this out, I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.
I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy. She’s a powerful speaker and radio personality.
If you are struggling right now, please join us.
If you are a survivor of abuse, please join us.
If you just need extra support right now, please join us.
Please join us Monday evening 6pm CST (7pm EST) where we’ll be chatting about
♡ our shared healing journeys from abuse,
♡ my upcoming book on healing the roots to chronic illness & trauma through a Japanese healing system,
What I will be sharing will give you a glimpse into my upcoming virtual classes on healing trauma whole-istically through Spirit:
I am grateful and honored to have been invited to be on Laura Cowan’s Empowerment Hour radio show.
Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:
Join us THIS Monday at 6pm.
SHARE this offering with loved ones or anyone who could benefit.
Laura Cowan on the Tamron Hall nationally syndicated tv show.
For those checking this out, I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.
I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy. She’s a powerful speaker and radio personality.
If you are struggling right now, please join us.
If you are a survivor of abuse, please join us.
If you just need extra support right now, please join us.
Please join us Monday evening 6pm where we’ll be chatting about
♡ our shared healing journeys from abuse,
♡ my upcoming book on healing the roots to chronic illness & trauma through a Japanese healing system,
What I will be sharing will give you a glimpse into my upcoming virtual classes on healing trauma whole-istically through Spirit:
If we look at the state of our society in 2020 in the United States of America, we might question, “how did we get here?”.
After the Spanish flu in 1918, Rockefeller discovered that humans and disease could be traded as a commodity on Wall Street. As a result of this colonized model, Americans in general are now suffering unprecedented increasing rates of
uncontrolled stress
domestic violence
chronic illness
autoimmune disease
trauma related illnesses
What I Have Witnessed In 2020
Since March 2020 when COVID shut our country down. I began offering extra support, spiritual medicine and meditation to the community 3x a week in our FB group. I am witnessing A LOT.
I have also launched polls via social media, worked with clients individually while elsewhere witnessed very heightened and triggered responses plagued with assumptions, toxic tongue, and weakening immune systems.
So what do we do about this?
As an empath, intuitive, seer, truth finder, healer, medicine woman, educator and trauma specialist in me, I began to witness some collective patterns.
Could there be a solution?
In this video, I share
my 15 year journey on how I turned my PTSD into a super power
the offering
why these mini classes are so important to the NOW in the grand scheme of things.
why take these classes
I share some very vulnerable things in this video about my journey not for sympathy but to let you know I GET IT and I have got skills to help you too.
I share with you my HOW
Culturally, we have turned what could be powerful negative emotions into an addictive toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing. We have become a culture of avoidance, addiction, distraction as a form of oppression, while blinded on seeing a way out and a path to wholeness.
Words have energy do they not?
Word have spiritual power that affect our physiology more than we really know or understand from a scientific standpoint.
If what we say can affect us, then HOW we say it affects us even more.
That is what makes gaslighting so effective to create harm, but why haven’t we mastered the power of the word to empower us? Learn what is missing and how to harness this simple power to breakthrough imaginary walls and empower our very BEing.
We will use some very simple Japanese concepts rooted in Shinto teachings. There is a reason why Japan did NOT have a written language until Buddhist was imported in 4th century.
Words can heal or words can harm!
You may know this, but is your reality matching what you think you know?
The Power of the Pause
This is the most widely known concept, but the most misunderstood.
Shift the power of the word and shift the energy that is driving it. Bring clarity into the problem and identify HOW you can move towards an effective solution.
Learn what is missing and how to harness this simple power. THIS is the power that Ruth Bader Ginsburg mastered that enabled her to win five our of six supreme court cases.
Are you ready to learn the secrets of what you may be missing in this super power?
The Power of the Processing
Learn the million dollar question when told to just “let it go”. In this class, learn HOW to let go and move on.
This is a step I witness most folks frequently wanting to avoid, escape from, or numb ourselves from. Learn why this is a crucial step that is needed and why processing our junk effectively matters.
It is important to undue the toxic oppressive cultural conditioning of the way we have been taught to misuse these powers in ways such as.
Words -> abuse, shame, greed
Pause -> silence, lack of, control, enslavement
Processing -> Getting triggered & reacting without pausing without understanding the power of the word or energy behind it and we become fuel to the raging fire instead of the sacred waters.
By facing this shadow aspects of these power, we can harness these powers effectively and create the shifts we need with more joy in our hearts.
Are you ready to own your power?
Are you ready to take the next step to learn HOW?
coming soon
I have spent the last 15 years looking to heal the broken me searching for the right seasoned rooted teachers that span the globe. THIS is important because I have been witnessing another phenomenon of spiritual addictions over the years as a way to avoid doing the work to heal, elevate or create necessary changes in our lives aka spiritual bypassing that is leading to our chronically sick culture.
I have walked this path NOT just talked it.
I have understood that value and power of the undoing, healing, letting go, processing, languaging, pausing, and more. This is personal to me. Maybe this momma bear does not want to see the kind of suffering I am witnessing and wants to share a BETTER WAY of EXISTING.
Are you ready to learn how to harness these powers for empowerment and growth?
I am still in the planning stages of this offering.
Click here to stay in the loop as these classes unfolds and for special offers. You may also join our Facebook group to also stay in tapped into what is happening with this launch.
I look forward to sharing the wisdom, lessons, and power behind it all and most importantly the HOW through a virtual format to including experientials and meditation.
As a parent, there is no greater heartache than losing a child. What can sometimes be harder is feeling that loss over and over and over again, because your children are still alive, but the emotional torture of knowing they are living with a documented abuser and you are powerless, because the system is beyond broken, is unbearable.
Unfortunately, THIS is exactly what abusers are aiming for – to continue their patterns of abuse by using the system against their victims outspending them at the expense of the children.
This is NOT how a parent SHOWS love for their child. These children are just pawns for their abusers sick game. In the end, the children lose and our broken system that claims to protect victims of abuse, do not. In fact, it may be getting worse in light of a 2014 MA Supreme Court cases granting custody of the children to a documented abuser ignoring the best interest of the child statute. With a pending supreme court case currently being heard. Click here. THIS IS DANGEROUS.
This is not to mention how domestic violence in itself spikes during the holidays which can be a dangerous time for survivors.
My Motherly Grief
This holiday season will be the 13th holiday without my children.
I spent over $300k in legal fees defending myself against my abuser whose admitted ONLY mission was to destroy me AND erase any memory of me or my family in my children’s childhood memories. He won cuz he outspent me.
My children were nothing more than a commodity traded on Wall Street legally trafficked by way of family courts.
How can ANY judge NOT see this as a continuing pattern of an already documented history of abuse.
I had hope one day … one day … my children would be old enough to seek me out. I used to count the days to when my children were adults and they would come back to me. I used to have a motto I would say to myself, “As each day passes, I am one day closer”. Meaning, I was looking forward to the day my children were old enough to no longer be in control of their abusive father. It was a way of giving myself hope.
However, what I am now experiencing as each year passes, the grief gets unfortunately gets heavier. Each holiday I am finding to be more painful as two of my children are now over 18 years old with the ability to reach to me. Yet, they still do not want me in their life based on a forced absence and a brain washing technique called, gaslighting resulting in a phenomena called Stockholm Syndrome. This pains me deeply. They have NO concept of what I had to go through to keep them safe, protect them from harm, and fight for them over an exhausting 11 years straight until a judge prohibited me from fighting for them anymore.
It is sad how much our society
condones this type of abuse,
routinely sides with abusers,
victim shames
& we wonder why we have the escalation of gun violence happening in our country.
Our society tripled the damage just with my 3 children alone, never mind the 58,000 American children this happens to EVERY year.
Why do I do what I do?
I feel part of healing trauma is
Laura at Deer Valley Buddhist Retreat Center, San Diego, CA
facing this very dark harsh reality,
keep talking about it until someone listens,
stand in our truth against all odds,
when our children are legally trafficked from us, when we heal our energetic core, we also heal theirs on some level too
& somehow we make peace with it all.
The BEST revenge against any abuser is to THRIVE against all that was stolen from us.
So for those struggling right now with the loss of your children, know I feel you. I empathize with you. You’re NOT alone. We are in this together.
The BEST action is to support survivors in whatever way necessary. This means:
holding space for survivors
believing a victim of abuse
question the abuser NOT the victim
stop shaming survivors
assist in funding housing and job creations
assist in babysitting
volunteer at a shelter
donate to the cause – it take A LOT of money
become a good litigation family law attorney with a focus on domestic violence law and custody
walk the walk
model healthy behavior for your children and DO your own inner work so the cycle of generational abuse can finally end.
I see too many survivors STILL aligning with abusers. THIS must end if we are to change the abuse culture we live in today.
My pain is still here, but I choose to channel it into something that will break the cycle of abuse perpetrated against my children
One of my reasons for sharing my story, my healing path, my journey publicly is
Laura on Cape Cod, MA
NOT to gain sympathy,
but to shed light on an unrecognized epidemic in our society,
to bring voice to others lurking in the shadows silenced by abuse,
and to know no matter how dire, healing CAN HAPPEN.
Up to 80% of contested custody cases involving abuse award abusers and legally steal our children away from us as punishment for speaking out, saying “no more”, seeking safety, justice or all the above.
We can NOT let the abuser steal our life TOO. If we do, THEY win. The best we can do for our children, is SHOW what healing, recovery, and resiliency look like.
Our ability to THRIVE CAN happen.
Please don’t lose sight of the mission.
How will you use your pain? Loss? Grief?
Thank you for supporting my journey.
With appreciation, Laura
For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.
Feeling depleted? Overwhelmed? Stressed? It is time to press pause. Let go of your obligations and responsibilities just for one day to replenish and tickle your soul. You ready to take some “you time”?
Women hold the medicine our world needs. Join us for a full day surrendering into self-care, journeying into self-discovery, nurturing your soul, and community. Spend the day with us pampering the soul and lifting your spirit. This is about YOU.
This retreat is designed to help you create a deeper awareness and connection to the inner wisdom in a very nurturing environment.
Get back to you … Your authentic you.
Here is a small taste of your day:
A deeper discovery into self through an enrichment circle
Self-care and soul-fillment experientials
Renewal and reflection with Journaling and Creative Arts
Spiritual journeys of self-discovery and exploration in nature (earth, wind, fire, water)
Reiki vibrational healing meditationwith the Tibetan Singing Bowls
Quiet time in nature
Connect with like-minded community
Get out of your mind and into your body and heart through conscious movement, music, dance, and energetic explorations of a Journey Dance* guided by Deneen McQueen
Healthy lunch, light snacks, and water provided.
Empower yourself and your soul. This will be a powerful interactive day with built in quiet time to go within. You will no doubt leave more empowered and living more in vibrational alignment with your authentic truth.
What previous attendees had to say:
“Highly recommend”
“Love it. An Awesome day! Thank you.”
“I loved the bowls (OMG)”
“This was the best retreat I have been to and I go to a lot.”
“Others should know how relaxed and calm you will feel.”
“This retreat exceeded my expectations”.
“I loved it all – enough movement & contemplation – nicely balanced!”
“I thoroughly enjoyed Laura’s ability to guide me back to my inner self and appreciate me for all that I am.”
“Laura has a unique ability to guide attendees and help them become more in tune with themselves. She helps all see the beauty within and gives the tools to continue the work on your your own and carry it forward.”
“The journey dance experience was extraordinary”
What To Bring:
Dress comfortable with wear loose, easy to move in clothing for movement, but be mindful and suitable of weather
Yoga mat
Comfortable shoes for movement and nature
Wear/Bring socks or bare feet for journey dance
A pen or colored pencils
Something for our sacred space (sage, flowers, herbs, crystals, etc)
Optional: Something to share with others for goodie bag (samples, biz coupons, etc)
An open mind
A smile
Retreat time:
Doors Open: 8:00 am
Social Gathering, Creative Time: 8am
Retreat: 8:30 am-5pm (with breaks for snack and lunch)
*About This Event’s Journey Dance Portion:
Get out of your mind and into your body and heart through conscious movement, music, dance, and the energetic explorations of JourneyDance.
Through a combination of dance, expressive arts, sacred drama, supportive mentoring, and contemplative process guided by Deneen McQueen, discover how to live your life with enthusiasm, passion, and purpose.
All are welcome to become part of this vibrant community and share this journey of self-exploration and self-acceptance. Absolutely no dance experience necessary!
Local accommodations at Nantasket Beach Resort located approximately 1-2mi from the retreat. On the beach with swimming pool and spa. Private units complete with fireplaces.
To Register:
Option 1: Please mail a check made payable to “Laura Joseph” and mail to Cohasset Medical, Att: Laura, 256 Hull St, Hingham, MA 02043. Put in subject line Oct Retreat with email address.
Option 2: Pay online via eventbrite. Click here to pay with credit card.
$175 – Healthy lunch, coffee, tea, water and snacks included
Plus, goodie bag for each attendee, raffle, custom notebook, and more.
For latest updates, please check out our Facebook Event by clicking here.
Be awakened. Be empowered. Be Informed. Be Healed.
We all have junk … Do we not? We all have junk aka “stuff” lurking in our shadows … in our closets … in the depths of our minds.
These are exciting times for GREAT change. Although it may be perceived differently. Truths are being revealed, shadows are coming to the light, and the divine feminine continues to rise up. We are being called to be something greater than we are. In order to be who we fully are, we need to bless our junk.
The challenge is that humans do not like change nor like to face the darker sides of ourselves. Despite the positivity of many changes we may know, we still resist change.
It is time to stop living life ruled by fear! Have the courage to step forward fully into your power; see your life in a way beyond what you think it can be; and free yourself from the shackles of the past. It begins with blessing your junk
To bless your junk means to take all the pain, hurt, trauma, betrayals, etc and transform it for wholeness, happiness, prosperity, and success.
The energies in the Universe are perfectly aligned to assist you in the process right now.
Learn how to take your old traumas (personal, generational, and karmic) and stories and bless them.
Learn how to let go so you can Free Yourself of your past and take back your power.
This is an interactive class designed to help enlighten you and empower through your shadows and into the light.
We will get real, raw, authentic. Face our shadows and bring them into the light in a supportive, compassionate environment.
Transform your story. Write a new chapter you were destined to write.
This class is jam packed filled with numerous exercises to help you discover you and bless your junk.
Class materials and notebook included. Light snacks provided
Class size limited to 8
Introductory Investment: $55
Register by February 28th: $44
Registration deadline: March 26th.
A Little More About Your Facilitator:
This class is taught by Laura Joseph, speaker, healer, artist. She has been providing spiritually based holistic health in enrichment at Healing With Spirit in Hingham, Ma since 2006.
Her mission is to help illuminate your soul, guide you on your path, remove toxicity and restore wholeness.
Laura has over 15 cumulative years in the healthcare field and has experience as a college educator, domestic violence advocate, and trauma-informed holistic care.
Diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of multiple traumatic events stemming from abuse, Laura has employed many therapies in order to transform her own personal traumas and stories. One of the most difficult things, but yet most empowering things she learned to do was how to bless her own junk. This enabled her to blaze her own path into where her life is currently heading into. Her mission is to help you do the same.
Laura blends her own personal experience into self-discovery, self-care, and self-love with her professional training to guide you in this class.
To Register:
Call/text 857-880-0365 to register for this class or private message us.
Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver.
Are you considered overly-sensitive? Are you frustrated because you haven’t yet healed? Do any of these resonate with you?
– Overweight/Underweight
– Unexplanable lethargy
– Unfocused, or feeling lost
– Anxious or depressed, or
– Do you have digestion/elimination difficulties?
You may be empathic. Our sensitivities to the energy in and around us may be the cause for you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other dis-ease of the people around you.
This class, self care for the empath may provide the answers you seek. The Universe has spoken and we have all been called to listen. Many of us have decided to choose the path of soul and spiritual living which has placed us on a path of self-realization.
In this class:
♡ Learn what about the traits of the empath.
♡ How to recognize when the “stuff” you are feeling is your own or someone else’s and what to do.
♡ Learn the tools of self discovery and see the gifts you have as a not a curse, but as a gift.
♡ Learn techniques that teach you how to effectively protect yourself from surrounding energies.
♡ Learn how to powerfully release the energies that no longer serve you.
♡ Learn how to honor and empower yourself.
♡ Learn how to trust your gut instincts aka your intiution aka the voice of your soul
♡ Also exercises given to be done at home in between classes.
• receive customized notebook
• access to a private self care for the empath support group.
This will be a powerful interactive class. You will no doubt leave more empowered with many tools for self care.
Join us for this special 4 week intensive of healing and empowerment. You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU
There will be a 45 min break for lunch
Dates: Two Sundays back to back in order to give you exercises to work on in between classes.
“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie