FREE Virtual Event: Support, Spiritual Guidance & Meditation

I am here for you & to support you through this … what some see as isolation, confinement or quarantine … I see as cocooning.

Many of us mystics have been warning & preparing us for these times building up until now and there have been many prophecies foretold over the years.

We have a choice.

If you say we don’t, we do. We have a choice to go outside or not. We have a choice to be mindful of our actions or not. We have a choice to use hurtful words or kind words. We have a choice to find opportunities, potentialities, and possibilities in chaos.

Let us … all the spiritual people who have been apprenticing for decades for these times … help you navigate these changes.

I am here for you.

I am holding space.

I’m offering *FREE* support, spiritual guidance, energy updates, meditation and more in the FB group Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit

Join us VIRTUALLY in the comforts of your home for some virtual love, spiritual guidance, energy updates and meditation and more as we navigate these shifts together.


Funds are running low to keep these events operating for FREE.  Help  support our FREE initiative, by making a donation to help us keep offering these events for FREE by making a donation via VENMO to Laura-Joseph-88

FREE Virtual Event: Support, Spiritual Guidance & Meditation

I am here for you & to support you through this … what some see as isolation, confinement or quarantine … I see as cocooning.

Many of us mystics have been warning & preparing us for these times building up until now and there have been many prophecies foretold over the years.

We have a choice.

If you say we don’t, we do. We have a choice to go outside or not. We have a choice to be mindful of our actions or not. We have a choice to use hurtful words or kind words. We have a choice to find opportunities, potentialities, and possibilities in chaos.

Let us … all the spiritual people who have been apprenticing for decades for these times … help you navigate these changes.

I am here for you.

I am holding space.

I’m offering *FREE* support, spiritual guidance, energy updates, meditation and more in the FB group Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit

Join us VIRTUALLY in the comforts of your home for some virtual love, spiritual guidance, energy updates and meditation and more as we navigate these shifts together.


Funds are running low to keep these events operating for FREE.  Help  support our FREE initiative, by making a donation to help us keep offering these events for FREE by making a donation via VENMO to Laura-Joseph-88

FREE Virtual Event: Support, Spiritual Guidance & Meditation

I am here for you & to support you through this … what some see as isolation, confinement or quarantine … I see as cocooning.

Many of us mystics have been warning & preparing us for these times building up until now and there have been many prophecies foretold over the years.

We have a choice.

If you say we don’t, we do. We have a choice to go outside or not. We have a choice to be mindful of our actions or not. We have a choice to use hurtful words or kind words. We have a choice to find opportunities, potentialities, and possibilities in chaos.

Let us … all the spiritual people who have been apprenticing for decades for these times … help you navigate these changes.

I am here for you.

I am holding space.

I’m offering *FREE* support, spiritual guidance, energy updates, meditation and more in the FB group Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit

Join us VIRTUALLY in the comforts of your home for some virtual love, spiritual guidance, energy updates and meditation and more as we navigate these shifts together.


Funds are running low to keep these events operating for FREE.  Help  support our FREE initiative, by making a donation to help us keep offering these events for FREE by making a donation via VENMO to Laura-Joseph-88

The “Epic Comeback” Interview

I am happy, humble and yet grateful to announce the guest appearance I had on this amazing podcast “The Epic Comeback” with the incredible Nikki Bruno talking about my story healing from trauma and abuse.

On Episode 71:

I share that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are

(1) to get out of your head and into your body;

(2) to “bless your junk” by transforming pain, hurt, and trauma into wholeness;

(3) to understand that the solutions to your challenges are internal, not external; and

(4) to take back your power and illuminate your gifts. Laura learned these lessons while enduring domestic abuse and rape.

You can catch the episodes here:

With appreciation,


A Day On Cape Cod: Osprey Medicine

Why self care matters – at least to me.

I am in the business of energy balance, healing, spiritual guidance, mentorship, and transforming lives. How my vessel is maintained is crucial to my work. If I am exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, or unwell, I am not at the best I can be for who I serve.

If I want my clients to listen to the guidance given to them, then I must walk the walk. To me, it is the easiest form of helping another – leading by example.

There has been a LOT of growth, transformation, breakthroughs, healing, and more this year. That kind of movement can throw anyone well disciplined off tracks from time to time as it can feel like a treadmill speeding up but you can not always keep up. So, you pause a moment.

As a result of all this growth, I made a commitment to myself earlier this year to make room for more self care, personal development, self growth, healing, unplug, and connection to the divine as it going to be needed moving forward.

I have attended 2 one day retreats already this year, a sisterhood of the staffs gathering, and a sacred community weekend event with indigenous elders. I have more planned still this year including Italy and Vancouver.

For me, this allows me to come back and be present and be of service to others in need more effectively. This is not about going out traveling and partying. It is about listening to the needs of the soul and the wisdom of the body to flourish.

A Few Days on Cape Cod:

Photo: Laura Joseph – Swan Pond, Cape Cod, MA August 2019. All Rights Reserved

This week I took a few days off to go to Cape Cod for some much needed self care to reboot my energy, gain some insight, heed to calls of the wisdom of my own body, and the meet the needs of my soul.

I spent a great deal of my time kayaking for at least 3 hours every morning while invoking meditation, ceremony, connection to our Great Mother Earth, and divine wisdom.

One of the message bearers came from Osprey soaring the skies effortlessly, making it’s presence known with it’s unique calling, taking chances on questionable housing, and blended with the natural landscape when needed to ground itself with the medicine of the trees.

They are truly a majestic bird of prey and hunter of the oceans. Unlike the cousin, hawk, the osprey is a true master of the air, land, and oceans with the alchemy of fire.


Osprey medicine can come when we are faced with overwhelming or uncomfortable times in our lives.

Photo: Laura Joseph, Bass River, Dennis, Cape Cod, MA August 2019. All Rights Reserved

In my case, they can serve as a reminder to make sure my boundaries are healthy and clear enough to command the respect we desire from others.
As I observed continuously on the daily, osprey have sharp keen vision and can fearlessly dive into the oceans with sharp talons to catch it’s prey.

Finally, the osprey is also interestingly enough associated with solar forces with the alchemy of fire. What does this mean? Because, it has no fear of the sun, it is able to hunt and see unhindered by it.

It is able to work through the land (physical body), the air (the mental body, thoughts) and the ocean (the emotional body) to transform and transmute and misqualified energies within.

Its power and majesty make the Osprey an important symbol in spiritual and esoteric activities. It helps those who view it as a symbol of strength and power.

Because of this, osprey, like its cousin hawk, may be viewed as a messenger of the gods, with its swift wings and mastery over air, land and the oceans. It can fly anywhere as well as get anything it wants in a seemingly effortless way.

The Osprey is connected with Hermes or Mercury linked to communication and divine inspiration. As I witnessed these past few days, the osprey was quite vocal when it needed to be.

Photo: Laura Joseph, Bass River in Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA – August 2019. All Rights Reserved.

This Week’s Osprey Medicine:

  • Control over our own fate
  • Clarity of vision
  • Know your true power
  • Soar the skies effortlessly
  • Mastery over emotions and communication
  • Be Precise
  • Trust in our abilities backed by the confidence to know they can achieve their goals.
  • Message bearer – communication, divine inspiration
  • Avoid distractions
  • Motivation

Was this post helpful?

Please share in the comments below.

With appreciation,


Facebook Group: Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit

To book a psychic party or eventclick here or to book an appointment online, click here

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more. Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

Orca Symbolism and Medicine on Cape Cod

The Orca Sightings Off Cape Cod

On May 7, 2019, social media lit up with news of a sighting of an orca trolling off the coast of Cape Cod and Plymouth Bay in Massachusetts.

My eyes lit up for many reasons. First, orcas are not native to this region at all and secondly, they were one of the first animal totems and spirit guides I received over 25yrs ago.

I wrote a social media post about it, and then got “busy”. So, I neglected this message. I never sat in silence with the orca energy to see what I needed to see or a message we needed to hear collectively. This is teaching me to not neglect this part of my journey and to step up my game.

Then on Sunday, June 9, 2019, an orca was spotted off Chatham on Cape Cod. This is the 2nd sighting in weeks. Here is the video clip.

Again, my eyes lit up, and I thought “WOW some serious medicine being dished out here”. That same day, we hosted a very powerful women’s retreat. Also, on this day, the earth experienced a geomagnetic storm due to some space weather from the sun emitting winds from the coronal holes of the sun. I talk more about these effects HERE.

I am sitting here pondering “why NOW. Why is orca showing up here now?”

Just like the bizarre occurrences of snowy owls in 2013 that were spotted as far south as Texas, these are signs we can not ignore. This is a collective message for us, humans, to heed.

In the past, there has been a rare spotting of a lone killer whale named Thom between Maine and Chatham apparently over the years. So yes, they can come to MA.

Orcas, although the largest part of the dolphin family, were called “Killer Whale” due to misunderstandings, but now has earned great respect symbolically.

Orca Medicine

Nature-Pix / Pixabay

There is lots of orca medicine to pay attention to and I will share with you my own insights. The increase sightings of orcas off Cape Cod are subtle messages from Nature and the Universe.

As far as the actual medicine, I will need to sit with this for a while to see what message and medicine we need as sometimes they come through as patterns especially since this is not a one-time occurrence. 

BUT, my first read is since this orca is solitary, it may have to do with diving deep into the depths of our inner world fearlessly. All the knowledge we seek for ourselves is within our soul, and our own inner guidance system. Spiritually bypassing this is not going to help us here. The fact that orca has been spotted more than once in this region recently, it is a message we need to heed. Going inward and digging deep right now is the only way to break through the resistance and barriers preventing us from moving forward.

This is in alignment with my what I wrote in my May e-newsletter last month.

I have always been fascinated with orcas with their grace, beauty, family connections, strength, and mastery, but it was not until later in life I understood how they truly are a mighty guardian of the cosmos including our soulful journey in this life.

“Orca whales are a female-centric society – matrilineal. This means the whole clan (family – or group – also known as a “pod”) acquiesces to the leadership of the head female of the group. In fact, when a mother Orca passes away, the males will take the lead of the sister, grandmother, or the next female in the lineage. This is big symbolic juju. It implies a parallel to the divine feminine, or yin energy.” (What’s Your Sign)

Orcas are very protective of their pods and babies very much like I view elephants or wolves. They are also very loyal and mate for life like I have watched swans and mourning doves do near my home and office.

They are masters of the oceans deep, travelling thousands of miles in their journey and can survive even the harshest climates. Like the depths of the shadows within (many of you have been hearing me talk about) the deep ocean is connected to the emotional parts of our being deep within.

These ocean depths hold many truths. In order to access their wisdom, we must turn inward and trust our gut instincts. The orca medicine can teach us to delve deep within our very being. Going deep within into our shadows is not easy. With the help of orca medicine, we must trust that we will be shown the way through any obstacle or fear.

Orca Symbolism

In the past, I saw killer whales associated with family, community and protection similar to wolves which was my other spirit guide at the time and still do. Considering the wolf and orca are often compared as similar in many ways symbolically, I was grateful to my earlier life experiences with both as my guides.

Today, I also see orcas connected with spirituality, connection, healing, strength, perseverance, and teachers of magic in addition to what I mentioned.

Since, orcas are a sea mammal that can only survive in the ocean, water becomes a powerful element. Water is symbolically connected to the orca medicine in areas such as emotions, dreams, intuition, flow, healing, purification, or cleansing.


skeeze / Pixabay
  • monumental sign,
  • family
  • protection,
  • seeing the unseen,
  • guardians of the oceans
  • emotional and spiritual health
  • communication
  • perseverance
  • strength
  • loyal
  • magic
  • cosmic journeys
  • cosmos
  • empowerment
  • step out of fear

Native American Orca Connection

Orcas are an “important medicine animal to the Native American tribes of the Northwest Coast. Killer whales are considered a particular symbol of power and strength, and catching sight of one is considered a momentous omen.  Some tribes, such as the Tlingit, view the killer whale as a special protector of humankind and never hunted killer whales (although they were accomplished whale hunters of other species.) The Kwakiutl tribes believed that the souls of marine hunters turned into killer whales upon their death, just as the souls of forest hunters turned into wolves. For this reason, there were a number of special rituals regarding the killing of a killer whale, so that its spirit could be reborn as a human once again.” (Native Languages of the Americas)

In Summary

Symbolically, I love the Orca.

Orcas are a very powerful contender literally and metaphorically. There is a reason why orcas have chosen to NOT prey on humans. There are even stories of orcas saving humans and stranded boaters bringing them to shore.

It will be surely interesting to see how these majestic animals reveal to us in the coming days, weeks, months here in New England.

Take a ways

skeeze / Pixabay
  1. Maternal orca hierarchy in alignment with what many mystics have been saying in regards to the rise of the divine feminine.
  2. Orcas have always been a powerful ally to humans and a strong balance in nature.
  3. Step out of the fears you have been holding onto so tightly so that you can embrace your life’s purpose.
  4. Symbols of perseverance and strength.
  5. Go deep within for the answers you seek. This is a spiritual/soulful journey.

Finally, if ever you needed a sign to jump on the spiritual train and your spiritual path, this is it. We are being supported by the divine. It is time to step forward into our truth… into our path … fearlessly.

I invite you to step into the realm and the spiritual medicine of orca, and see where this journey this takes you.

Are you feeling this call?

What does orca say to you?

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

Share with us what you learned or an experience with us that resonates with things in this post.

With appreciation,


Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

Surrender To Self Care & Journey Into Self Discovery Women’s One Day RETREAT

Feeling depleted? Overwhelmed? Stressed? It is time to press pause. Let go of your obligations and responsibilities just for one day to replenish and tickle your soul. You ready to take some “you time”?

Women hold the medicine our world needs. Join us for a full day surrendering into self-care, journeying into self-discovery, nurturing your soul, and community.  Spend the day with us pampering the soul and lifting your spirit. This is about YOU.

This retreat is designed to help you create a deeper awareness and connection to the inner wisdom in a very nurturing environment.

Get back to you … Your authentic you.

Here is a small taste of your day:

  • A deeper discovery into self through an enrichment circle

  • Self-care and soul-fillment experientials
  • Renewal and reflection with Journaling and Creative Arts
  • Spiritual journeys of self-discovery and exploration in nature (earth, wind, fire, water)
  • Reiki vibrational healing meditation with the Tibetan Singing Bowls
  • Quiet time in nature
  • Connect with like-minded community 
  • We move away from intellect & embody the magic we want to make manifest. We will be using our hands, our intent & gorgeous herbs & candles to bring forth the energy of the song in our soul.
  • Healthy lunch, light snacks, and water provided.

Empower yourself and your soul. This will be a powerful interactive day with built in quiet time to go within. You will no doubt leave more empowered and living more in vibrational alignment with your authentic truth. 

Check out our YouTube Channel for videos from previous retreats or scroll to the bottom to view a sample .

What previous attendees had to say:

“This retreat exceeded my expectations”.

“Highly recommend”
“Love it. An Awesome day! Thank you.”
“I loved the bowls (OMG)”

“This was the best retreat I have been to and I go to a lot.”

“Others should know how relaxed and calm you will feel.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed Laura’s ability to guide me back to my inner self and appreciate me for all that I am.”

“Laura has a unique ability to guide attendees and help them become more in tune with themselves. She helps all see the beauty within and gives the tools to continue the work on your your own and carry it forward.”

Your Retreat Facilitators:

Laura Joseph is a healer, educator, speaker, a natural born intuitive, metaphysician, trauma survivor, health advocate, mentor, artist, writer & overall spiritual badass.

She has a private practice on the water near the Atlantic ocean in Hingham, MA providing spiritually based and holistic health  enrichment services, events, and classes privately as well as groups since 2006.

She has experience as a trauma specialist, college educator, domestic violence advocate, end of life transition specialist, and has over 15 years experience working in the healthcare system.

Laura’s mission is to help others rediscover the power that lies within and helps other to become their own superhero.  She has been providing spiritual retreats throughout New England since 2012 to help others rediscover that power.

Guest Facilitator:  Rev. Dr. Sandy Range, Ph.D. LMHC is a trauma specialist, clinical hypnotherapist and neuro-linguistic programming coach & practitioner, Usui Reiki Master, Cherokee Medicine Elder, Pachakuti Shamanic Practitioner, Meridian Therapist, and Sound Therapist.

She is a multifaceted counselor, coach, facilitator and ordained esoteric minister. She incorporates her rich bloodlines (Cherokee, East Indian, African & Scotch/Irish) to promote healing and wholeness through the cultural inclusion of spirit, mind and body into her practice. She is a life-long student of Spiritual, Metaphysical, Energetic and Shamanic practices with over 50 years of experience.

Dr. Sandy has a new book now available at Amazon Books and Barnes & Noble: “You’ve Lost Your Mind Now Find Your Soul.” 

To Register:

Contact us to pay via check or cash. Make check payable to “Laura Joseph” and mail to Cohasset Medical, 256 Hull St. Hingham, MA 02043.

To pay via credit card through eventbrite, click here. (added fee)

To make a donation to pay for a scholarship for another to attend, visit eventbrite. There is a donation button in the purchase tickets.



$175.00 Register by Sept 1st for discounted rate.

$222.00 AFTER Sept 1st – December 28th

$275.00 AFTER December 28th


Refund Policy: NO refunds. Non-Transferable.

Retreat time:

Doors Open: 8:30 am

Social Gathering, Creative Time: 8:30am

Retreat:  9 am-4:30pm

(with breaks for snack and lunch)


Local accommodations at Nantasket Beach Resort located approximately 1-2mi from the retreat. On the beach with swimming pool and spa. Private units complete with fireplaces.

What To Bring:

  • Dress comfortable with wear loose, easy to move in clothing for movement, but be mindful  and suitable of weather
  • Yoga mat
  • Comfortable shoes for movement and nature
  • Wear/Bring socks or bare feet for journey dance
  • A pen or colored pencils
  • Something for our sacred space (sage, flowers, herbs, crystals, etc)
  • Optional: Something to share with others for goodie bag (samples, biz coupons, etc)
  • An open mind
  • A smile

Surrender To Self Care & Journey Into Self Discovery Women’s RETREAT W/ Laura and Asha

Feeling depleted? Overwhelmed? Stressed? It is time to press pause. Let go of your obligations and responsibilities just for one day to replenish and tickle your soul. You ready to take some “you time”?

Women hold the medicine our world needs. Join us for a full day surrendering into self-care, journeying into self-discovery, nurturing your soul, and community.  Spend the day with us pampering the soul and lifting your spirit. This is about YOU.

This retreat is designed to help you create a deeper awareness and connection to the inner wisdom in a very nurturing environment.

Get back to you … Your authentic you.

Here is a small taste of your day:

  • A deeper discovery into self through an enrichment circle

  • Self-care and soul-fillment experientials
  • Renewal and reflection with Journaling and Creative Arts
  • Spiritual journeys of self-discovery and exploration in nature (earth, wind, fire, water)
  • Reiki vibrational healing meditation with the Tibetan Singing Bowls
  • Quiet time in nature
  • Connect with like-minded community 
  • We move away from intellect & embody the magic we want to make manifest. We will be using our hands, our intent & gorgeous herbs & candles to bring forth the energy of the song in our soul.
  • Healthy lunch, light snacks, and water provided.

Empower yourself and your soul. This will be a powerful interactive day with built in quiet time to go within. You will no doubt leave more empowered and living more in vibrational alignment with your authentic truth. 

Check out our YouTube Channel for videos from previous retreats or scroll to the bottom to view a sample .

What previous attendees had to say:

“This retreat exceeded my expectations”.

“Highly recommend”
“Love it. An Awesome day! Thank you.”
“I loved the bowls (OMG)”

“This was the best retreat I have been to and I go to a lot.”

“Others should know how relaxed and calm you will feel.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed Laura’s ability to guide me back to my inner self and appreciate me for all that I am.”

“Laura has a unique ability to guide attendees and help them become more in tune with themselves. She helps all see the beauty within and gives the tools to continue the work on your your own and carry it forward.”

Your Retreat Facilitators:

Laura Joseph is a healer, educator, speaker, a natural born intuitive, metaphysician, trauma survivor, health advocate, mentor, artist, writer & overall spiritual badass.  She has a private practice on the water near the Atlantic ocean in Hingham, MA providing spiritually based and holistic health  enrichment services, events, and classes privately as well as groups since 2006.  She has experience as a trauma specialist, college educator, domestic violence advocate, end of life transition specialist, and has over 15 years experience working in the healthcare system. Laura’s mission is to help others rediscover the power that lies within.  She has been providing spiritual retreats throughout New England since 2012 to help others rediscover that power.

OUR GUEST: Asha D Ramakrishna is a #1 Best Selling Author of the book “The Priestess Code: Awakening the Modern Woman,” where Feminine Principles are revealed for a more organic and harmonious approach to life. With a background in molecular biology and business development, she breaks all esoteric teachings into practical logical approaches to living. Asha is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking & incorporates philosophies such as Feng Shui, Karma Healing, Human Design, to name a few. She is originally from Venezuela and is part Indian. She currently lives in Harvard, MA with her soul mate, two human daughters, and a 50 pound Portuguese Water Dog.

To Register:

Contact us to pay via check or cash. Make check payable to Laura Joseph and mail to Cohasset Medical, 256 Hull St. Hingham, MA 02043.

To pay via credit card through eventbrite, click here. (added fee)

To make a donation to pay for a scholarship for another to attend, visit eventbrite. There is a donation button in the purchase tickets.


$175.00 Register by April 15th for discounted rate.

$222.00 AFTER April 15th – May 31st

$250.00 AFTER May 31st


Refund Policy: NO refunds. Non-Transferable.

Retreat time:

Doors Open: 8:30 am

Social Gathering, Creative Time: 8:30am

Retreat:  9 am-5:30pm

(with breaks for snack and lunch)


Local accommodations at Nantasket Beach Resort located approximately 1-2mi from the retreat. On the beach with swimming pool and spa. Private units complete with fireplaces.

What To Bring:

  • Dress comfortable with wear loose, easy to move in clothing for movement, but be mindful  and suitable of weather
  • Yoga mat
  • Comfortable shoes for movement and nature
  • Wear/Bring socks or bare feet for journey dance
  • A pen or colored pencils
  • Something for our sacred space (sage, flowers, herbs, crystals, etc)
  • Optional: Something to share with others for goodie bag (samples, biz coupons, etc)
  • An open mind
  • A smile

March News: In Like A Lion, Self Love A Journey, Dragons in the Sun, Mercury Retrograde

Hmmmmm do we have the luck of the Irish this month?  Got spring fever yet? As I am typing this, the sun is shining, and the outdoor temperature is in the low 40’s as we prepare for a massive storm stretching most of the US kicking off the month of March.  I always see storms as something significant in the spiritual path and something to view within all of us to help our souls growth.

There is soooooo much shifting, healing, revealing, and shaking up going on, and I do not anticipate that momentum slowing down any time soon.

Forget the Lamb. Hello Lion.

Right? Are you feeling this already? Holy cow. Or should I say holy lioness? Or is it the DRAGON masked as the lion?

This month, I edge closer to the 50 mark on the solar calendar and this is the time of year I check in deep with myself and where I am going, where do I find joy and what still need to be accomplished.

Over the next couple months, I will be doing LOTS of traveling for personal and professional development to attend a magical wedding, co-facilitate a men’s healing group in VT, and attend the Trauma Training Conference with Vander Kolk. Just to give a glimpse.

This month I feel will definitely push boundaries and push us out of our comfort zones forcing us to dig deeper before the thaw and emergence of the new plantings of spring.

Self-Love: A Journey

1 of 10 hearts stumbled upon a walk mid Feb 2019

Last week I wrote about an experience I had at the park with hearts on the 10 year anniversary of the divine sending me signs and learning to build a partnership with the divine to help guide me on my path.

You can read the post here, Self Love – A Journey With The Divine in Nature. I write these posts from the heart to share these journeys with you. As always, I would cherish your comments and feedback on the post and know if what I write resonates with you and helps guide you on YOUR path.


Dragon and the Sun

Screen shot of video of sun activity 2/27/19

Many of you have been hearing me talk about dragon energy increasingly over the last few years and may have even attended an event I facilitated where we tapped into dragon energy. Well check this out… this is filed under #cantmakethisshitup.

I was watching a scientific video on the updates of solar activity and how it affects the sun dated 2/27, and while watching it, I saw a dragon in the coronal hole of the sun (or what I like to call the shadow side of the sun). Do you see it? Here is the screenshot I took.

I believe this is the same solar storm that spewed out a dragon northern light show that was circulating all over social media on the 28th.

So now we are in March … how lion … I feel like our the wounded unhealed part of our egos might get quite the challenge this month and it is important to remember to come from a place of soul and view what surfaces emotionally for you as a road map of what needs to be released, healed, or reevaluated.

Mercury Retrograde

With mercury going retrograde on March 6th, it will be a good time to re-evaluate, relax, rethink, redo, plan, prepare projects or situations. Now I am a Pisces, so what I know is that it is important to PAUSE and seek the lessons or pearl of wisdom that is being presented to you. You might find this challenging because we are a culture and a society that let’s our emotions control us vs guide us.  Yes there is a difference.

So What Does This All Mean? 

This month we continue the themes of :

  • past/present/future colliding and finding balance
  • understanding love, unconditional love, and self love on a deeper cosmic level.
  • like the dragon, muster up the courage to take a leap of faith in the direction that has been beckoning your soul.
  • Time to face our inner demons, heal old wounds, and purge old belief systems so new and more soulful beliefs can be birthed.
  • Dig deep and get real with yourself and continue to go into the shadows of self and confront your fears. This is where the buried treasure resides.
  • connect to the divine within on a deeper level

I am available for consultations, private sessions, spiritual guidance, and more. I am here to help you

In the meantime, don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

With love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Speaker, and Healer
Providing Spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment

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 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

An Intimate Day W/ Loved Ones in Spirit; A Mediumship Demonstration

Not every psychic is a medium, but every medium is a psychic. A medium is someone who connects with Spirit entities or loved ones who have crossed over into the spirit world. The job of the medium is to prove that “…the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.”

Join Laura for an exciting and uplifting intimate afternoon of love, hope and healing as she connects with loved ones in spirit. Guests will receive evidential validations and messages of hope, love, and healing from loved ones on the higher side of life demonstrating that love never dies and life continues after the change called death.

Laura will do her best to reach as many guests as possible with a personal message as time permits.

Seats are limited for this venue.

Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.


Described by audiences as “amazing” and “phenomenal”, Laura has been a frequent guest speaker and medium at many Spiritualist Churches throughout New England, various venues throughout New England and Florida, as well as area celebrity charity events. She was also a featured guest on CBS radio, local TV in MA, RI, and NH,  and many Blogradio guest appearances.

Laura was born with the gift of mediumship with a passion to finding long term solutions to healing.

For more about Laura and her work, click here.


To Pay with a credit card, click here.

To Pay via check or cash, please fill out this form including that you would like to pay for this event via cash or check.

For check payments, please make payable to “Laura Joseph” and either mail or drop off to Healing with spirit, 256 Hull St, Hingham, MA 02043. Please fill out the form below to let us know it is coming. We will hold the seat for 3 days. Please be sure to include phone number and email address.

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