What 2018 Taught Us, the Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019, and 6 Tips to Guide You in 2019

Happy New Year and Thank You …

First, I would like to thank you for supporting me in my journey doing what I was put on this earth plane to do.

It has been an honor and pleasure to serve you and our community, and I look forward to continuing to grow, expand, collaborate, serve, and evolve together as we move into 2019.

Here is some insights to help you navigate you through this post:

  • What 2018 Taught Us
    • Highlights of 2018
    • What I Personally Experienced in 2018
    • Death and Dying
    • Understanding the Role of Trauma in Our Lives. Exposing It. Healing It’s Roots.
    • Every Day Miracles
    • Personal Expansion
  • Energy Forecast for 2019
    • Lessons and Themes for 2019
    • More Miracles
    • Challenges For Many Still
    • Numerology Aspect
  • 6 tips to guide you in 2019

What 2018 Taught Us

What an intense master number (11) year of revelations, soul growth, expansion, and self care as we dug deep into our shadows to bring to light old beliefs, old patterns, old traumas (personal, generational, and past life), and wounds to the surface.

For those who are spiritually awake or began to experience this awakening this year, we understood all we experienced needed to be experienced for our soul’s growth and as part of the greater expansion of the Universe.

I have said it before and I will say it again … healing sucks, but ohhhhh so worth it. When we dig deep, and heal what is buried in the depths of our shadows of our subconscious minds, cellular memory of our body, and souls, we raise our frequency and vibration.  We also free ourselves of all the resistance and blocks that were suppressing our gifts and light and step into our power of who we are as soul beings.

And we did just that – We got deep. We got real. We went into the darkness of our souls to heal and expand.

Here are some highlights of 2018:

  1. The #MeToo movement continued to gain momentum as the veil continued to lift.  With the divine feminine energy that has been rising, no wonder we are seeing this also rise up, and will continue to see it rise up in 2019. I suspect a few surprises in store for 2019. Don’t be shocked is all I will have to say.
  2. There are some who are resisting to dig deep in their own shadows and heal whether it be out of fear and/or complacency creating clashes with those awake and doing their spiritual work. What we have seen play out across the globe in the environment, climate, and politics that mirrored this.
  3. We recognized that what was “broken” in our lives – health, relationships, job, etc, was the result of either something unresolved or unhealed buried in our shadows or following path of ego spiritually bypassing our soul’s growth and healing.
  4. We are understanding clearer what it means to stand in our power and live authentically unapologetically. This energy will amplify in 2019 for those doing their spiritual work. So hold on tight.
  5. Our senses, especially empaths, became heightened and more sensitive. Some even found an increase sensitivity to toxic foods, chemicals, and medications.
  6. Many experienced spiritual crisis or healing crisis that may have baffled the medical communities. I am not surprised as the medical system, although is wonderful in many ways, is designed to treat symptoms not root causes. It was a surge in these root causes (many stemming from old wounds or trauma) that are rising to be healed and cleared. This is where we have seen a surge of alternative therapies succeeding where traditional medicine is failing. I feel this trend will also continue into 2019.
  7. The presence of dragons has never been stronger as it is right now. I know there are many out there who are feeling this too, and there are many who will disagree. The dragon energy is a powerful one to harness and a powerful force to work with moving into 2019.

What I Personally Experienced in 2018

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. ” – Nikola Tesla

Death and Dying

I received a profound message from Spirit in the fall of 2017, while preparing for 2018.  I heard a whisper from Spirit to keep the early part of the summer free from commitments as I would be dealing with loss.

This triggered waves of anxiety as there were several people and pets around me seriously ill and some I knew were terminal with cancer.  Oddly enough, I was also triggered with waves of solace and peace as I’ve witnessed how the spirit world works in mysterious but beautiful ways.

So in the end of June of 2018, I experienced the loss of four individuals within 2 weeks.  I was blessed and honored to have been a part of the end of life spiritual care and assisting in transitions of two of these beautiful souls.

What I experienced assisting several individuals in 2018 in the transition process is that death can be celebrated if not beautiful.  Death doesn’t mean life ends or it’s over. It just means transformation from one energy vibration to another … often times our loved ones in spirit will leave us “signs” to let us know they are around.


Understanding the Role of Trauma in Our Lives. Exposing It. Healing It’s Roots.

The work I have been doing with trauma this year has shot up exponentially in ways I have found the traditional medical community ill-equipped to truly help these individuals experiencing what I considered an awakening that triggered a spiritual crisis.

The kinds of experiences I witnessed this year needless to say blew me away.  My ability to expand grew as did the experience to bare witness to all sorts of incredible breakthroughs of so many brave amazing souls.

What we learned in 2018 is that much of our physical and/or mental issues whether a headache, tooth pain, sinus infection, IBS symptom, need for a knee replacement, need for hysterectomy, back pain etc was much more than what was presented on the surface. There were deep seeded layers upon layers subconscious wounds of old traumas (personal, generational, and/or past life) trying to be released.

Once we understood the connection, we shifted focus to treating the root cause vs the symptom with a team approach including family, therapists, doctors, significant others, domestic violence support groups, and much more in order to become “whole” again.

What we witnessed at the National Domestic Violence Conference I attended in September 2018, is that we must stand on our conviction.  Plus, integrating ancient wisdoms, traditions, and healing practices as part of helping survivors of abuse was refreshing to finally see. To witness the power of an 11 yo girl stand in her full authentic power was inspiring. That being government funded is another way of patriarchal control preventing deep healing from taking place for survivors.

Since then, the VAWA has since lapsed and many programs are now in jeopardy. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out for 2019.


Every Day Miracles:

“But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize. A blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black curious eyes of a child, our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

We witness miracles every day, but many times in our current society, we take them for granted and focus on the adrenaline rush of the “BIG” moments.

There are miracles every day from our body’s ability to self generate electricity to fight off cancer to transform the air we breath into nourishment for the soul to the earth’s ability to ward off harmful rays of the sun to the sun stimulating plants to grow and our bodies to manufacture valuable vitamins such as Vitamin D. Here are some miracles that happened in 2018:

  • To have a client who has been unwell for months with possible flair up from a degenerative autoimmune neurological condition, tell you that they can’t remember the last time they had function and mobility in their hand ever like they did after 2 sessions, and I was like WOW. They also informed me that the injection they get to treat this disease costs over $200k per dose.
  • To have an end stage terminal client unable to swallow their own saliva preventing them from eating for days, and after one focused session, that ability returned and would give a 3 day relief and ability to live out their final days with quality and dignity, before another session had to be administered.  There was NO traditional medical treatment available to assist with this issue at that time
  • To watch my first ever local bald eagle circling over my office. When noticed, he flew off, and was later the sighting was validated in one of the major local newspapers. For those who follow me and understand, THIS was a great omen and sign.
  • To be able to participate in the transition of a loved one into spirit along side of a Catholic priest was a first for me and a beautiful experience. And in 2018, I was privileged with assisting in the transitions of three individuals this year,.
  • To being asked to be a guest speaker and medium at a local church and after the service, to receive not one but many beautiful letters from one special lady and this made me smile. Miracles happen when we least expect them.
  • To increased messages from Mother Earth – You may have read some of my experiences on social media or about a message from a tree during a storm or the wisdom of the stormy seas.


Laura at sunrise in Seattle, WA studying with Tadao Yamaguchi in April 2018.

Personal Expansion:

This year I grew too along with all of you.  I continued to work on the shadow aspects of myself and called in trust sources to assist me in the process.

I increased my own self care regimens and took a break from anything that would cause over-stimulation – tv, public places, computers, etc.

I sat in some powerful sacred circles with some amazing individuals who embody this spiritual walk.

I was also fortunate to study with Tadao Yamaguchi in April for my continued teacher Jikiden Reiki training.

Our programs also expanded. We offered 2 women’s retreats this past year where we dug deep and journeyed into self discovery in a community of sisterhood in a safe supported sacred container.  We will are looking at collaborations to expand this program for 2019. Stay tuned.

As of this past fall, we also now offer our reiki vibrational healing meditation with the tibetan singing bowls twice a month at 2 locations.


Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019

It is a new year and a time for new beginnings to manifest.

How well you stand in your truth and authenticity and how well you respond to chaos externally will determine how well 2019 will go for you.  Let’s look at how.

Insight into 2019:

  • Lessons and Themes for 2019
  • More Miracles
  • Challenges For Many Still
  • Numerology Aspect
  • 6 tips to guide you in 2019

Lessons and/or Themes For 2019

  • I feel 2019 will be an amplified version of 2018 depending on where you are at in your spiritual journey, and could prove to be a difficult one for some.
  • Heighten sensitivities will increase.
  • What will be important as we move through 2019 is how well grounded or centered we can be.
  • “Master the calm within the storm” – Buddha. It will be important to be in a place of stillness regardless of what turbulence is around us.
  • The divine feminine will continue to rise shifting frequency and vibration.
  • Dragon energy and other forces like it will intensify. Dragon has connected with me personally, but it may be another force that connects with you being phoenix, eagle, angels, etc.
  • Personal power and authenticity will ring strong this year. 2018 prepped us for deeper work in this area. Be ready to dig deep in the shadows and shine in your power.
  • As I stated in last year’s forecast, the the theme of Social Awareness and Social Justice will continue.
  • The major theme is really about being the best piece of the larger puzzle of the universe. No   competition. No grass is greener on the other side type themes, but more about you and being best version of you.

More Miracles

I feel miracles about to happen on so many fronts and dimensions. This #metoo movement has restored much in me that I thought was lost forever. Many of you have been hearing me talk about for months regarding the paradoxes, the silver linings, and shifts of focus.

Many of us have worked hard and diligent in cleaning up our vibration, facing our shadow selves, and choosing to live more authentically.

I see the personal storms clearing and the sun returning. This is the perfect time to plant those heirloom seeds you been wanting to plant.

Challenges for Many Still

If you have not worked on your shadows aka your junk over the past couple years, this year could prove to be challenging.

Healing the past is crucial to moving forward. I have seen a surge of “old traumas” over the past few years surface and amplifying with each year passing – whether our own, generational or past life.

We are at a crossroads now. We have become a culture who has normalized abuse and violence in many ways. So when it comes to things we did to others or things that may have happened to us in the past, we think time will heal all wounds, and brush it under the carpet.

Some of us may have seen ourselves do this. We may have even “gaslighted” ourselves in the process.

In order to move forward, you must heal and accept your authentic true self. No one ever said healing was a pleasant journey, but it is a worthwhile one that can lead us to our soul purpose and path.

As a matter of fact, healing can down right be painful and exhausting giving glimpses of questioning life and our faith. However, somehow, we manage to push through the barriers and search for that rainbow at the end of the storm that just wreaked havoc in our lives.

It is through our greatest adversities where we find the greatest gifts.

The hard human lessons for this year will include:

  • More transitions from physical form  to spiritual form. Some physical bodies may be to weak to move forward. Others may have a soul that is too high of a frequency for the physical body to handle. Others may choose to exit and return in a different vessel.

Numerology Aspect

This year is a three year in numerology (2+0+1+9 = 12/3). I always associate 12 with karma. This year will focus on a LOT of deeper issues and stuff especially in the realms of trauma, justice, and oppression. Some may not even be your own. It may be generational (can go back up to 7 generations) or it could be past life stuff.

The number three is about creative self expression, communication and is connected to the Ascended Masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Archangels.

Just as in 2018, the concept of self care, self acceptance, self love will increase momentum in 2019. You will be forced to look within and understand the relationship you have with your own soul and inner guidance system will be a huge determining factor on success and your definition of success.

The number three is connected to:

  • past, present, future
  • birth, life, death
  • beginning, middle, end
  • divinity number
  • number connected to magic – “three times a charm”
  • The three Borromeam Rings are three rings that are interlocked.  If any single ring is removed, the two remaining rings will fall apart.
  • primary colors – red, yellow, blue
  • The Triple Moon/The Triple Goddess. It shows her three aspects as maiden, mother and crone.
  • Gemini is the third astrological sign of the Zodiac. (May 21 – June 21)
  • Number three is the number of Jupiter.
  • In the Tarot, three is the card of the Empress which is symbolic for creation and growth.
  • Great Pyramid of Giza:  There are three larger pyramids side by side mathematically aligned in position to Orion’s Belt. There are also three smaller pyramids nearby. The ancients emulated these shapes found in nature using threefold and sixfold symmetry.

The number three is a big transformational number too. Nikola Tesla understood this better than most.

“If you knew the magnificence of the three, six, nine, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a genius and superstitious. He understood the magic of these numbers and the universal language of pattern aka numbers found in life, galaxies, evolution, sacred geometry, and almost all natural systems  which are actually devoid of the numbers 3, 6, 9. He understood that 3 + 3 + 3 = 9. Nine is a number connected to the secrets to unlocking the mysteries of the Universe.

So this is another BIG year in numerology terms. This will be focused on digging deeper into the shadow aspects of ourselves, stepping forward in our    authenticity and power, personal transformation and letting go of expectations of people, places and things for 2019.

Are you ready?

Here are 6 tips to guide you in 2019:

These tips are pretty much the same as I wrote about for 2018, but will be amplified for 2019. The concept of living more authentically in 2019 is crucial.

  1. Practice the art of presence. Some refer to this practice also as mindfulness. Be aware of your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Adjust as necessary to bring you back to the present moment.
  2. Listen to the wisdom of the body. When we build a relationship with our bodies and listen to its wisdom, we are given insight and healing to things before that may have left us feeling stuck like a hamster on a wheel.
  3. Raise your vibration. By being more mindful of our thoughts and how it affects our wellbeing and life, we can become more aware of how to shift. When we listen to the wisdom of the body, we become more aware of how our thoughts physically, emotionally and spiritually affect us. By focusing on gratitude, we raise our vibration. Sickness and disease live on lower vibrational energies.
  4. Live authentically. If we have not stepped into our power and authenticity, now is the time to do it. I can not stress to you how important this part is for this coming year. This is where it is at. Spiritually bypassing will not get you there as I discussed in the video in Nov 2018.
  5. Self Care. This has been a theme than began in 2015, but really increased its momentum as witnessed in 2018. Self care needs to no longer be at the bottom of the list, but rather at the top of the list. You and your loved ones will thank you in the end. Not to mention, you set a prime example of caring for yourself in a loving and compassionate way to your children. What a gift!
  6. Rise Up. Act. This is time to get involved in a social justice project. The energies have not been more supported in this area since I began my personal journey in 2005. I am excited to us all become more empowered and living more authentically in our truth.

As always, I am here to help you illuminate your soul, guide you on your path, assist you in removing toxicity, and restore wholeness in your life.

I am available for private sessions, groups, speaking appearances, and more. Contact me for more information or to schedule a private session.

Happy New Year to you and yours.  In the meantime, be gentle with yourself, and master riding these waves of change.

With love and appreciation,


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 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Cosmic What? What You Need To Know Moving Into The 2017 Waves Of Energetic Change

Laura at the San Diego Zoo (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved

As we close out the year, we can sit back and reflect on all the growth and changes we have made throughout the year. As difficult as the year has been for many, we are, nonetheless, still here for a reason. If you are reading this, you were meant to.

So right now we are at the completion of 2016, and with it our last period of mercury retrograde which so many people look at and dread. Everything is a matter on how you choose to react and perceive things. I choose to work with these energies for what they are intended for such as what I call the “re” effect like reflection, redoing, readjustment, relaxation, revamping, realignment, repairing, etc. I have personally been reflecting all month on where I was, where I am, what work I still have to do, and where I am going.

All year we have been met with some very exciting times for soul and human growth, combined with what may appear as extreme smack downs. No one ever said healing was a pleasant journey, but it is a worthwhile one that can lead to all of what your soul desires.

As a matter of fact, healing can down right be painful and exhausting giving glimpses of questioning life and our faith. However, somehow, we manage to push through the barriers and search for that rainbow at the end of the storm that just wreaked havoc in our lives.  It is through our greatest adversities where we find the greatest gifts.

Just like the life of the caterpillar that transforms into the beautiful butterfly, the journey in the cocoon is quite ugly. Yet, the caterpillar still chooses to cocoon and continue onto the journey.

Can you relate to this at all so far?  If you are unsure if this makes sense, let me elaborate through my personal experience and story and hope it helps give you some clarity.

The Northern Harrier Laura captured while visiting Cape Cod
in August of 2016. (c) 2016 All Rights reserved.


When this year began, I was excited about the path I was leading, but suddenly I was met with what my human self aka ego would perceive as extreme setbacks with the surprise of not only an ending, but severing of several very close relationships, one being with my children.  This was extremely difficult for me and made me reevaluate, question, and at times beg for divine intervention to help me move past the crap that I had endured especially in regards to a previous abusive 10 year marriage that ended 10 years ago, but his abusive pursuits only stopped in the last 2 years.
It was hard, and many of my writings and public speeches discussed some these experiences not to air my stuff, but to help others who may be experiencing similar know they are not alone and what to do. As I continued to release, let go, continued my meditation and reiki practice, and work with my divine team, my faith was slowly being restored.
My experiences this past January were far from glorifying, but outright painful as I was forced to look at all the painful traumas in this life, generationally, and karmicly all at the same time. With all that I knew and all my training to date, I was not sure I would make it to be honest.

My physical body began to amplify some disturbing symptoms from:

  • Sleep issues
  • Extreme irregular menses
  • Extreme almost hemorrhagic uterine bleeding
  • Re-emergence of PTSD symptoms such as flashbacks, fear, worry, nightmares, and more.
  • Severe pelvic pain and lower back pain 
  • Ringing in my ears
  • Weight gain
  • Severe anxiety
  • Severe fatigue
  • Vocal strains
  • Bizarre instances of choking
  • Fluttering in heart area
  • Periods of inability to move

These are just some of what I experienced to name a few. All of the doctors could not explain the cause of my symptoms. However, my divine team kept reassuring me that things will begin to improve by mid-June. I work both in the spiritual realm, but also the holistic health realm with a background in western healthcare. So when I go to a western medical doctor, I already have a clue as to the cause of my symptoms, being a combination of spiritual ascension symptoms as well as adrenal stress from years of PTSD fight or flight. However, my goal is to try to get my western medical teams to prove me wrong.

(c) 2016 Laura Healing With Spirit
So needless to say, as the months went on, I stayed on the path best I could as instructed by my divine team since my western medical team could not find a cause for any of my variety of symptoms. The only treatment was a hysterectomy and medications to mask the cause or numb the cause that they did not know was the issues. All my tests to that point have been negative.

By mid-May, my lower pelvic and back pain escalated as well as my bleeding where I bled heavily for over 30 days straight so much so I hemorrhaged a few days prior to me flying out for my continued Jikiden Reiki training. I sought out medical attention and had physical exam, blood work and ultrasound. All NORMAL.

The day after, my symptoms began to improve. That date was key and my spiritual guides reminded me of the significance because I began doubting that things would improve by mid-June. How could they if I am seemingly getting worse? That date in May was the anniversary of a very traumatic event. My physical body was trying to release it. It just needed my help emotionally, mentally and spiritually to help it do so.

I knew once I went out for my training program, things might get a little worse if I was right all along that this is a spiritual cleansing and karmic healing. And it did. So much so that my teacher instructed me to see a Tibetan doctor known for treating the Dali Lama. I did as requested. For the first time in years, a doctor confirmed my suspicions, but recommended additional dietary and herbal supplement changes on top on my routines. 

So like everything else, things came in waves. With each wave, I did my best to do some introspection as to what is coming to the surface to be let go of. Some things have been easier to release than others. That is our human side, but especially the traumatized human side fearful of change despite what you already know.

My spiritual practice and personal life have been significantly improved. The quality of individuals of who I surround myself with have improved. Some of the things I have been working on for over 10-11years have finally manifested. So it appeared that I was finally at home stretch. 

Cape Cod with Laura communing in nature 2016


fast …

So just before the holiday, my small dog that I use as a therapy dog was attacked by a domestic dog. On top of this, I was hit with the massive cosmic energies that were bombarding the Earth plane since Thanksgiving which zapped me energetically as I was forced into slow motion for a few days. Again, the cosmic shifting forced me to address old stuff and strong emotions like anger that had risen for the first time in many many years. At the time I did not realize this, but later understood that if anger emerged, that was a very old emotion. This means I am closer than I realize to where I need to be.

In regards to the dog attack, the irony here is the night before we came in contact with a coyote, but no incidence. We have come in contact with a coyote by itself at least a dozen times and on 2 occasions with a pack, with no incidence in recent years. I have chosen to learn to live in harmony with these magical beings that some like to call vermin. I am not naïve as I take precautions when I am out especially at night. It starts with awareness and vigilance. I do not fear the coyote so it does not smell fear on me. I one time chased one with my dog in my arms just to let him know who’s the alpha dog around here.

So I was stunned that what appeared to be a nice domestic dog would just attack and rip my dog’s head open. However, then I remind myself the state of the cosmic energies and planetary alignment. So instead of getting mad or upset at that moment, I chose to reflect and even felt bad for the other dog as to what happened to it for it to feel the need to attack especially to attack a dog used as a therapy dog.

At one point, I was extremely emotional wondering if she would need surgery to repair a salivary gland as she began to make a turn for the worse the day after Christmas. That day I began a regimen of adding turmeric to her food, reiki, community prayers. Within two days, her wound is suddenly improved and no surgery required as of yet. So what is the lesson here this time? What is it that I am supposed to learn?

When I asked that question to my divine team as I was leaving the surgeons office, I heard “magic” and “miracles”. Sometimes these setbacks although can be very exhausting, labor intensive, and draining, forces you to stick to what you’ve learned and trained for all these years since you left your abuser finally in 2006. This was a validation of the power of holistic treatments and community prayer. 

Now I filled you with all of the “what went wrong” scenarios. What went right? When I spoke about my challenges publicly, I occasionally spoke about the affects of the changing energies on the human body especially with those inflicted with trauma and how to deal with it.  
The bald eagle Laura captured off of Parsons Beach in Maine
in September 2016. (c) All Rights Reserved.
During my big event in January, I had countless people come up to me to tell me how inspired they are and I deepened their understandings in their own lives. Later, when I spoke about some of my own traumas and what I did holistically and spiritually to heal,I will never forget the young man who if I were to judge looked like he walked straight out of a gang. I was scared that day to talk about a subject matter of a trauma I never talked about before, but spirit kept insisting to do. So,  I did.  This young man approached me afterwards and told me he could not thank me enough. He just went to an AA meeting a few days prior and disclosed some of the traumas he endured for the first time and by witnessing my strength, gave him courage to stay clean and gave him hope. 
I have countless emails, feedbacks, and more that I have received over the year from so many people, that it made what I was doing so worth while and reassuring that I was and am on the right path even when I doubted myself. By talking about my journey and sharing it, I was keeping it real. I was keeping it authentic.
Other amazing things happened in moments of the divine such as experiences with hawk, bald eagle, osprey, coyote, and more. The messages were profound and reassuring.

 Lessons of 2016:

So for 2016, we close out a chapter that primarily focused on the previous 10 years. This year I was taught to have a little more faith and trust since it was stripped from me, and each of these events were difficult, but also reassuring that things are happening for a higher purpose. This is what I learned:

  • To take my power back from especially abusive, narcissistic, sociopathic individuals. And I did not do it the way the human logical brain would expect you to do it either. My explanation on that will come at another time.
  • Help from the divine does happen, and many times leave you signs to let you know they are there or as confirmations you are on the right track. 
  • How well we partner with our soul. 
  • How well we surrender and trust in the divine. 
  • How well we let go of control of the things that are making us sick even if ego says not to let go, but the gut says yes. 
  • How well we choose the right people who are in vibrational alignment with us not the ones we empathize so deeply for we end up sacrificing ourself so much it is harmful to us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. 
  • How well we institute the RIGHT self-care practices that address the whole mind, body, and spirit. 
  • To invest in our well-being for no other reason so we can shine our inner light brighter. This is not for superficial means for superficial instant gratification either. 
  • How well we do not reach for a pill first or external fix for an internal problem that will only mask or create a band aid effect temporarily. Eventually, you will need to deal with your junk.
  • Learning to slow down a bit. 
  • Learning to shut off the noise and propagandas shoved in our faces daily by those living in lower vibrations refusing to change or on a path driven by ego and greed. 
  • How well we raise our vibrations in times of crisis.
  • How well we stay in vibrational alignment with our truth and purpose.
Wells, Maine where Laura liked to connect in nature and
meditate. (c) 2016 Laura Healing With Spirit

So what is in for us in 2017?

I anticipate a rocky transition for some due to the cosmic climate. The year 2017 is a one year in numerology. What does that mean? Either you have been doing your work or not, that is up to you and your higher self. Next year is the year for new beginnings with a new cosmic cycle.

So you have a choice to write not only a new chapter in your book, but write a whole new book altogether. What do you choose? Are you going to write a new book or are you going to keep relooking and staying stuck in the last book you have read how many times?

I feel 2017 will focus us on two areas … our internal environment and spiritual development and the awakening of more truths combined with many external events we need to address and not bury our heads in the sand.

One of the signs Laura ususally receives from Spirit is hearts.
Do you see the heart? This was taken in Maine
(c) 2016 All Rights Reserved
I anticipate the energies to still feel like massive waves of various energies hitting us at various rates and intensities as we enter 2017 while we continue to have our physical bodies, emotional and mental bodies, and spiritual bodies adjust. These adjustments or recalibrations from my perspective are not only the cosmic vibrations to a higher dimension that is actually altering our very DNA structure, but affects how we balance the needs of the physical self with the needs of the spiritual self.

I feel it will take a few months depending on where you are at in your spiritual development to feel less rocky waves and a period of calmness. I feel the cosmic climate may also feel a little strange as we shift in between dimensional worlds depending on what sign you are and where you are at in your spiritual development. We may feel lapses in time, accelerations or time warps. Mood shifts or erratic behaviors may amplify and seem weird or out of the blue. As always, I say with preparation and awareness, you can shift your reactions and therefore, shift your results.

However, I caution, that the more your internal world is creating more peace and balance, you will be more awake than ever and certain truths if have not already been revealed, will continue to reveal themselves. When this happens it might not look pretty. Just like Keanu Reeves waking up in the film the Matrix, certain external “events” will need your call to action. I suggest you begin aligning yourself with an agenda to be a part of whether it be the homeless, “water is life” Dapl movement, human rights, affordable health, sustainable renewable energy, GMO, or the like as I feel these are all areas under attack that are asking you to choose your battle.

The peace you are developing within is also aligning you to a greater consciousness … and unity which is where the greatest power of all lies … Universal LOVE. It is from this place, you will become the greatest instrument of change.

There is NO greater power than the Universe itself. With that power you have ying/yang or in this case the power of love/fear. The next 10 years of the evolution of consciousness and how we all align will determine the fate of all humanity. Mother Earth has been asking for us to align with her. Many have heard her call. However, many also need to heed her warnings.

We can start today. On top of what I mentioned we can choose if we buy water from a company who aids in polluting our waters. We can choose to buy foods that are not the equivalent to eating arsenic making us ill. We can choose to shop and support your local farmer and retailer. We can choose to not put our monies in big banks that fund the destruction of our very resources that keep us alive and into smaller local banks or credit unions. We can choose to invest in energies that are better for our planet. We can choose to do random acts of kindness. We can choose to live in a more eco-friendly sustainable environment. Some of these take time, but at least it is a start.

The hawk feather Laura stumbled upon while on her
meditative walk in Maine. (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved.

Miracles do happen to those who believe. Never forget that. See the hawk feather below? This is one of many signs Spirit gives me daily to guide me or to reassure me that I am on the right path.  
It is important to keep the faith. Stay focused, and count our blessings not matter how difficult things may appear. New beginnings are just around the corner. It is time to spread your wings like the butterfly.

The Butterfly story

I heard this story about the butterfly and found it so profound, I want to share with you. I can not recall the source and will do my best to tell the story in hopes you find it equally as profound.

One day, this girl saw this caterpillar in her yard and she stopped for a moment to stare at it. She was neither disgusted nor in awe by this little creature. She was just curious as she watched it munch away on a leave of a plant in her yard. She thought she would help it by gathering more leaves to feed it. She got a little discouraged that it did not eat anything she had left for it. She was worried it was not eating enough.

On day she returned, and saw it was dangling from a branch, and did not know what to think. So for that day she left it alone. The next day she returned to check on her new caterpillar friend to see is struggling so hard inside this encasement, and it worried her so much. She ran home to tell her mother, but mom said not to bother.

The little girl was all frantic, and she was afraid for the little caterpillar and felt the need to save it somehow. So she found a knife and went back to check on her caterpillar friend once again, and it appeared to be violently struggling inside this encasement. Her pulse began to rise. Her breathing began to become rapid, and she began to panic. She thought to herself, that there must be something she can do to save the caterpillar.

So she did what she thought was the next best thing, she cut open the encasement to free her caterpillar from all the struggle. A very wet wing not fully developed fell out as well as what appeared to be a newly forming butterfly. The butterfly fell out and onto the ground. It attempted to move its very wet not fully formed wings, but could not.

The little girl wept, not knowing what to do. All she wanted was to help the little caterpillar so it did not have to be in pain or struggle so hard in that encasement. She thought what she was doing was trying to save it from its pains and struggles, but instead, the butterfly died as it was not fully developed and ready to fly.

Just like the caterpillar needed to make what may appear as a violent, painful struggle to become the caterpillar, so do our human souls.

It is time to complete the transformation and become the butterfly we were all meant to be. Are you ready?

The choice is yours to make. The Universe can keep giving you signs til you  are blue in the face, but at the end of the day, it is you that must make the first step.

If we learn to surf these crazy energetic waves of change instead of fearing what wave will hit us next, we not only raise our vibration, but create the change and bring more joy.

There’s a Buddhist saying about mastering the art of calm in the middle of the storm.
Together, we can make a better world. Here is our chance. The choice is yours to make.

With Love and appreciation,
Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Shihankaku in Jikiden Reiki

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please visit www.laurahealingwithspirit.com 

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(c) 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

6 Tips To Guide You Towards Soul-fillment in 2016

What a year 2015 has been. No matter where you are in your spiritual quest, I think there is one thing we all shared … GROWTH.

I wrote about my reflections called “Reflections as We Close Out 2015 – 5 Lessons 2015 Taught Me”.   If you are unsure of your path or where you are going, then I suggest you read that post. Hopefully, it can help open you to a whole new perspective.

So many of us are resisting the path of soul. One way I chose to connect was through nature. Nature is such a beautiful aid in our path if we just slow down from the fast pace and demands of society and learn to reconnect again. I received many messages and signs from the divine here

  • In the form of heart rocks,
  • Animal interactions such as the turkey, hawk, coyote, rats, blue jay and crow,
  • Some funky clouds in the shapes of hearts, angels, or other distinctive shapes,
  • Rainbows or the like.

Probably one of the greatest “A-ha” type messages came to me from the turkey over this past year which I also talked about in previous posts.  Turkeys have served as a great reminder of where I’m going and to let go of fear. Even though I KNOW to trust in the divine, my soul, and my spirit team, my ego still likes to throw out temptations to fear and all that I am letting go. That is the will of ego. That is also what makes us human while giving us the lessons our souls came here to learn in this lifetime.

The juvenile that captured
Laura’s attention. for 45 min

Recently, they gave me a blessing knowing it’s safe to trust and tools to know difference. Around Thanksgiving, I watched one of the juvenile turkeys go round and round and round a mirror outside my home for over 45 minutes.  I chuckled at the behavior as the other four were eating the fallen bird seed from the feeder wondering what the message he was trying to make and then I heard it from Spirit.

#messagefromspirit: “Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge.

I am now further along in my spiritual path developing a strong partnership with soul and my spirit team.  To sum up last year, I learned many things which all lead to my overall spiritual growth.

Right now, Mother Earth is filled with chaos in the world at this time from terrorism, to senseless acts of violence, the radiation leakage from Fukushima, to the dying sea life, extreme weather patterns, greed, addictions, wars, etc. Some are calling it the beginning of Armageddon or World War III or the final prophecy of Nostradamus.

I attribute the global chaos to a loss of connection to soul … the divine self … source energy mixed with a segment of the population eagerly seeking a divine connection to source energy and soul. When we awaken from the realities of what society has dictated to us in a false sense of reality to one that aligns with our soul in our true reality, things get shaken up, and our vibrational alignments change.

That is what I see happened increasingly over the past few years, but especially in 2015.  Many have been challenged especially in the areas of learning to let go and trust that your soul has your back. Because if you let go and trust, then that means you lose control. Right?  Actually, the opposite is true. When you let go, you are in full control of your own personal realities and you shift seeing the world from a whole new perspective. Your very vibration changes and aligns with soul and source energy.

The human race can let you down. Governments can let you down. However, your soul and your spirit team will always be by your side.  I also learned throughout the years that your head and heart will steer you wrong because of ego. However, your gut … your seat of your soul … will never steer you wrong.

Over the years, I learned to let go of what was and a perception of a life I thought I had with the help of my spirit team, angels, and source energy. I slowly surrendered to Spirit or soul over a period of 10+ years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years healing from my traumas learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul.

So what does the year 2016 year hold for us now? It is the year of transformation

There are 6 major focuses for this year which are about:

  • Taking personal responsibility for your life,
  • Accepting what is and all that led you to this point,
  • Having faith in where you are going,
  • Following a more soulful path,
  • Manifesting the means to get there,
  • And trusting your soul has your back.

We are entering a new era of spiritual consciousness and our spirit team, Angels, and soul are waiting for us to build a relationship with them. If you have not started yet, are you ready now?

So what is so special about this year?  This year is a 9 year in numerology. Not only are there various cosmic shifts, but understanding this part is very significant. This means the end of a era is near and the future that you are creating through your vibrational alignment is beginning to come to fruition. However, it also means time to get serious and tie up loose ends. Whatever actions you put in place this year will guide the next phase of your life.

Whether you see yourself in a good place or not so good place right now, you have a choice to make. Are you willing to get to work so you can live a more soul-filled life without the pressure of unresolved matters from the past holding you back? Remember, as one door closes another opens. It is all how we choose to view our world. So if you are stuck thinking nothing will get better and all the doom and gloom, then you will not be able to see all the new opportunities and possibilities that await you.

So you might be asking me how?

We were given the answer as given to me by spirit before: “Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge.”  We spend more time running away from self, than getting to know self.  This is why partnering with soul is so important. Talk to soul. Email soul. Go out to dinner with soul. Facebook soul. Text soul.  Get to know yourself and all the divine wisdom you hold within. ALL the answers you seek lie within.

First, take personal responsibility for where you are at in your life. You can not move forward without that. It is important to release all the attachments – emotional, mental, physical – that no longer serve you for your highest and best.

Secondly, accept what is. Accept everything in your past and feel all those buried emotions you have not been able to feel.  Right now see yourself as the caterpillar inside the cocoon  trying to crack it open with the tip of a wing or the leg of a butterfly beginning to emerge, but can’t because it has not fully evolved yet. Making peace with your emotional realities is crucial to breaking free.

If you currently feel stagnant or stuck, I want to say to you it is because you are resisting and letting fear control your progress. It also means you are quite close to acceptance, but something is holding you back.  This is usually something in the emotional plane. So what ends up happening is that certain situations or experiences that you have been attempting to put behind you are constantly repeating themselves. In some cases it is like rapid machine gun fire.

It is important to be in touch with your emotions and all the cords attached to them in order to heal them, process them, and move forward.

Like I said earlier, many also have chosen the path of resistance whether it is done consciously or subconsciously. If you choose to not accept things or to take personal responsibility for your life and let go of stuff, then the patterns of repeating the same old situations with same mistakes continue. Many will continue to feel dissatisfied and unhappy, and many times continue to blame everything and everyone for their life circumstances.

For this to change, it is important to accept the new realities before you. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions need to be in complete vibrational alignment. How you navigate your emotions this year will play a big role in your path and overall spiritual development.

Thirdly, have unwavering faith in where you are going. You are no longer that caterpillar, but an emerging butterfly. It is important to make the necessary alterations and improvements in all areas of your life this year. Just like the caterpillar who can not see inside the cocoon, it knows it will soon emerge as a beautiful butterfly.

THEN … Only then will you be ready to break free.

You have a choice … a choice to longer live in the past and emerge as the beautiful butterfly that you are or not. That is your choice.

Since this is a 9 year, things are ending. Why do we fear endings? All this means is you have the freedom to choose the beginning of the next phase of your life. It is all how we choose to focus and see things. So shift your perspective, and you will shift your results.

Free yourself from the restraints, erroneous beliefs, and illusions of the past. Why continue to be stagnant? Let go. Break free from that cocoon that is holding you back from shining. The new things you are trying to accomplish will only bring more frustration and resistance until you release the old.

Activate your personal power and give yourself the gift of healing and soul-fillment.

Partner with your soul, your spirit team, and angels. Ask them for strength, guidance, and help in this transformation.

You are not alone. You can not fly like the butterfly until these endings and purges are complete. Let your divine team help you in the process. They are waiting for you to call upon their assistance, and trust that your soul has your back if nothing else.


An important message my spirit team
shared with me and I shared with you

This year is going to be a magnificent year. It is all about how you choose to perceive your world. The Universe is starting off this year with mercury in retrograde. See this as a grand opportunity to get to work. This is the perfect time reevaluate, readjust, and release all the old junk creating resistance in your life.

Shower yourself and all those around you with generosity and compassion. The more you get in touch with self on a deep emotional level, the greater opportunity for growth and change.

This is the year to heal all those unhappy moments in your life as you will be creating a new reality of inner peace and happiness to emerge. You will exchange your erroneous belief systems with new truths and possibilities.

The more you accept where you are at and take personal responsibility for your life, you open the door to all that the Universe has to offer you.

You will morph from the old to the present you and the vibrational alignment you are creating – your will and your desires – will set pace for where you are going.

We create attachments to people, place, and things. When we let go of those emotional attachments, the perspective of our world shifts. You might just feel a huge sigh of relief. Not everything is doom and gloom.

This will be an exciting year if you choose it to be.  It is up to us. However, it is so important to develop a partnership with your soul – the ultimate love affair that lasts for an eternity. Your soul is your guide and can help you attune and navigate the ever changing waves of energy.

We are all one. We are all being called to unite as one for the betterment of all life. We can change the world and make it a better place, but it all starts with finding peace within and to stop the raging wars that reside within self.

Remember, this is just a mere journey … Let go and trust your soul has your back. All is as where is should be. Who is ready to journey with me for an empowering transformative year ?

Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.