Cosmic What? What You Need To Know Moving Into The 2017 Waves Of Energetic Change
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Laura at the San Diego Zoo (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved |
As we close out the year, we can sit back and reflect on all the growth and changes we have made throughout the year. As difficult as the year has been for many, we are, nonetheless, still here for a reason. If you are reading this, you were meant to.
So right now we are at the completion of 2016, and with it our last period of mercury retrograde which so many people look at and dread. Everything is a matter on how you choose to react and perceive things. I choose to work with these energies for what they are intended for such as what I call the “re” effect like reflection, redoing, readjustment, relaxation, revamping, realignment, repairing, etc. I have personally been reflecting all month on where I was, where I am, what work I still have to do, and where I am going.
All year we have been met with some very exciting times for soul and human growth, combined with what may appear as extreme smack downs. No one ever said healing was a pleasant journey, but it is a worthwhile one that can lead to all of what your soul desires.
As a matter of fact, healing can down right be painful and exhausting giving glimpses of questioning life and our faith. However, somehow, we manage to push through the barriers and search for that rainbow at the end of the storm that just wreaked havoc in our lives. It is through our greatest adversities where we find the greatest gifts.
Just like the life of the caterpillar that transforms into the beautiful butterfly, the journey in the cocoon is quite ugly. Yet, the caterpillar still chooses to cocoon and continue onto the journey.
Can you relate to this at all so far? If you are unsure if this makes sense, let me elaborate through my personal experience and story and hope it helps give you some clarity.
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The Northern Harrier Laura captured while visiting Cape Cod in August of 2016. (c) 2016 All Rights reserved. |
My physical body began to amplify some disturbing symptoms from:
- Sleep issues
- Extreme irregular menses
- Extreme almost hemorrhagic uterine bleeding
- Re-emergence of PTSD symptoms such as flashbacks, fear, worry, nightmares, and more.
- Severe pelvic pain and lower back pain
- Ringing in my ears
- Weight gain
- Severe anxiety
- Severe fatigue
- Vocal strains
- Bizarre instances of choking
- Fluttering in heart area
- Periods of inability to move
These are just some of what I experienced to name a few. All of the doctors could not explain the cause of my symptoms. However, my divine team kept reassuring me that things will begin to improve by mid-June. I work both in the spiritual realm, but also the holistic health realm with a background in western healthcare. So when I go to a western medical doctor, I already have a clue as to the cause of my symptoms, being a combination of spiritual ascension symptoms as well as adrenal stress from years of PTSD fight or flight. However, my goal is to try to get my western medical teams to prove me wrong.
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(c) 2016 Laura Healing With Spirit |
By mid-May, my lower pelvic and back pain escalated as well as my bleeding where I bled heavily for over 30 days straight so much so I hemorrhaged a few days prior to me flying out for my continued Jikiden Reiki training. I sought out medical attention and had physical exam, blood work and ultrasound. All NORMAL.
The day after, my symptoms began to improve. That date was key and my spiritual guides reminded me of the significance because I began doubting that things would improve by mid-June. How could they if I am seemingly getting worse? That date in May was the anniversary of a very traumatic event. My physical body was trying to release it. It just needed my help emotionally, mentally and spiritually to help it do so.
I knew once I went out for my training program, things might get a little worse if I was right all along that this is a spiritual cleansing and karmic healing. And it did. So much so that my teacher instructed me to see a Tibetan doctor known for treating the Dali Lama. I did as requested. For the first time in years, a doctor confirmed my suspicions, but recommended additional dietary and herbal supplement changes on top on my routines.
My spiritual practice and personal life have been significantly improved. The quality of individuals of who I surround myself with have improved. Some of the things I have been working on for over 10-11years have finally manifested. So it appeared that I was finally at home stretch.
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Cape Cod with Laura communing in nature 2016 |
fast …
So just before the holiday, my small dog that I use as a therapy dog was attacked by a domestic dog. On top of this, I was hit with the massive cosmic energies that were bombarding the Earth plane since Thanksgiving which zapped me energetically as I was forced into slow motion for a few days. Again, the cosmic shifting forced me to address old stuff and strong emotions like anger that had risen for the first time in many many years. At the time I did not realize this, but later understood that if anger emerged, that was a very old emotion. This means I am closer than I realize to where I need to be.
In regards to the dog attack, the irony here is the night before we came in contact with a coyote, but no incidence. We have come in contact with a coyote by itself at least a dozen times and on 2 occasions with a pack, with no incidence in recent years. I have chosen to learn to live in harmony with these magical beings that some like to call vermin. I am not naïve as I take precautions when I am out especially at night. It starts with awareness and vigilance. I do not fear the coyote so it does not smell fear on me. I one time chased one with my dog in my arms just to let him know who’s the alpha dog around here.
So I was stunned that what appeared to be a nice domestic dog would just attack and rip my dog’s head open. However, then I remind myself the state of the cosmic energies and planetary alignment. So instead of getting mad or upset at that moment, I chose to reflect and even felt bad for the other dog as to what happened to it for it to feel the need to attack especially to attack a dog used as a therapy dog.
At one point, I was extremely emotional wondering if she would need surgery to repair a salivary gland as she began to make a turn for the worse the day after Christmas. That day I began a regimen of adding turmeric to her food, reiki, community prayers. Within two days, her wound is suddenly improved and no surgery required as of yet. So what is the lesson here this time? What is it that I am supposed to learn?
When I asked that question to my divine team as I was leaving the surgeons office, I heard “magic” and “miracles”. Sometimes these setbacks although can be very exhausting, labor intensive, and draining, forces you to stick to what you’ve learned and trained for all these years since you left your abuser finally in 2006. This was a validation of the power of holistic treatments and community prayer.
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The bald eagle Laura captured off of Parsons Beach in Maine in September 2016. (c) All Rights Reserved. |
Lessons of 2016:
So for 2016, we close out a chapter that primarily focused on the previous 10 years. This year I was taught to have a little more faith and trust since it was stripped from me, and each of these events were difficult, but also reassuring that things are happening for a higher purpose. This is what I learned:
- To take my power back from especially abusive, narcissistic, sociopathic individuals. And I did not do it the way the human logical brain would expect you to do it either. My explanation on that will come at another time.
- Help from the divine does happen, and many times leave you signs to let you know they are there or as confirmations you are on the right track.
- How well we partner with our soul.
- How well we surrender and trust in the divine.
- How well we let go of control of the things that are making us sick even if ego says not to let go, but the gut says yes.
- How well we choose the right people who are in vibrational alignment with us not the ones we empathize so deeply for we end up sacrificing ourself so much it is harmful to us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
- How well we institute the RIGHT self-care practices that address the whole mind, body, and spirit.
- To invest in our well-being for no other reason so we can shine our inner light brighter. This is not for superficial means for superficial instant gratification either.
- How well we do not reach for a pill first or external fix for an internal problem that will only mask or create a band aid effect temporarily. Eventually, you will need to deal with your junk.
- Learning to slow down a bit.
- Learning to shut off the noise and propagandas shoved in our faces daily by those living in lower vibrations refusing to change or on a path driven by ego and greed.
- How well we raise our vibrations in times of crisis.
- How well we stay in vibrational alignment with our truth and purpose.
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Wells, Maine where Laura liked to connect in nature and meditate. (c) 2016 Laura Healing With Spirit |
So what is in for us in 2017?
I anticipate a rocky transition for some due to the cosmic climate. The year 2017 is a one year in numerology. What does that mean? Either you have been doing your work or not, that is up to you and your higher self. Next year is the year for new beginnings with a new cosmic cycle.
So you have a choice to write not only a new chapter in your book, but write a whole new book altogether. What do you choose? Are you going to write a new book or are you going to keep relooking and staying stuck in the last book you have read how many times?
I feel 2017 will focus us on two areas … our internal environment and spiritual development and the awakening of more truths combined with many external events we need to address and not bury our heads in the sand.
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One of the signs Laura ususally receives from Spirit is hearts. Do you see the heart? This was taken in Maine (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved |
I feel it will take a few months depending on where you are at in your spiritual development to feel less rocky waves and a period of calmness. I feel the cosmic climate may also feel a little strange as we shift in between dimensional worlds depending on what sign you are and where you are at in your spiritual development. We may feel lapses in time, accelerations or time warps. Mood shifts or erratic behaviors may amplify and seem weird or out of the blue. As always, I say with preparation and awareness, you can shift your reactions and therefore, shift your results.
However, I caution, that the more your internal world is creating more peace and balance, you will be more awake than ever and certain truths if have not already been revealed, will continue to reveal themselves. When this happens it might not look pretty. Just like Keanu Reeves waking up in the film the Matrix, certain external “events” will need your call to action. I suggest you begin aligning yourself with an agenda to be a part of whether it be the homeless, “water is life” Dapl movement, human rights, affordable health, sustainable renewable energy, GMO, or the like as I feel these are all areas under attack that are asking you to choose your battle.
The peace you are developing within is also aligning you to a greater consciousness … and unity which is where the greatest power of all lies … Universal LOVE. It is from this place, you will become the greatest instrument of change.
There is NO greater power than the Universe itself. With that power you have ying/yang or in this case the power of love/fear. The next 10 years of the evolution of consciousness and how we all align will determine the fate of all humanity. Mother Earth has been asking for us to align with her. Many have heard her call. However, many also need to heed her warnings.
We can start today. On top of what I mentioned we can choose if we buy water from a company who aids in polluting our waters. We can choose to buy foods that are not the equivalent to eating arsenic making us ill. We can choose to shop and support your local farmer and retailer. We can choose to not put our monies in big banks that fund the destruction of our very resources that keep us alive and into smaller local banks or credit unions. We can choose to invest in energies that are better for our planet. We can choose to do random acts of kindness. We can choose to live in a more eco-friendly sustainable environment. Some of these take time, but at least it is a start.
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The hawk feather Laura stumbled upon while on her meditative walk in Maine. (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved. |
The Butterfly story
I heard this story about the butterfly and found it so profound, I want to share with you. I can not recall the source and will do my best to tell the story in hopes you find it equally as profound.
One day, this girl saw this caterpillar in her yard and she stopped for a moment to stare at it. She was neither disgusted nor in awe by this little creature. She was just curious as she watched it munch away on a leave of a plant in her yard. She thought she would help it by gathering more leaves to feed it. She got a little discouraged that it did not eat anything she had left for it. She was worried it was not eating enough.
On day she returned, and saw it was dangling from a branch, and did not know what to think. So for that day she left it alone. The next day she returned to check on her new caterpillar friend to see is struggling so hard inside this encasement, and it worried her so much. She ran home to tell her mother, but mom said not to bother.
The little girl was all frantic, and she was afraid for the little caterpillar and felt the need to save it somehow. So she found a knife and went back to check on her caterpillar friend once again, and it appeared to be violently struggling inside this encasement. Her pulse began to rise. Her breathing began to become rapid, and she began to panic. She thought to herself, that there must be something she can do to save the caterpillar.
So she did what she thought was the next best thing, she cut open the encasement to free her caterpillar from all the struggle. A very wet wing not fully developed fell out as well as what appeared to be a newly forming butterfly. The butterfly fell out and onto the ground. It attempted to move its very wet not fully formed wings, but could not.
The little girl wept, not knowing what to do. All she wanted was to help the little caterpillar so it did not have to be in pain or struggle so hard in that encasement. She thought what she was doing was trying to save it from its pains and struggles, but instead, the butterfly died as it was not fully developed and ready to fly.
Just like the caterpillar needed to make what may appear as a violent, painful struggle to become the caterpillar, so do our human souls.
It is time to complete the transformation and become the butterfly we were all meant to be. Are you ready?
The choice is yours to make. The Universe can keep giving you signs til you are blue in the face, but at the end of the day, it is you that must make the first step.
If we learn to surf these crazy energetic waves of change instead of fearing what wave will hit us next, we not only raise our vibration, but create the change and bring more joy.
There’s a Buddhist saying about mastering the art of calm in the middle of the storm.
Together, we can make a better world. Here is our chance. The choice is yours to make.
- Trust in Your Path
- Trusting During The Storm
- Learning To Ride The Storm
- The Ripple Effect and Spirituality
- Expansion Mode, Getting Unstuck, Moving Past Fear
- Lessons During The Bipolar Ping Pong Match of Emotions to Paradoxical Extremes
- Whether Things are Good or Bad, Go Up
- Spiritual Purging? 10 Tips on What You Can Do To Ease the Transition During These Cosmic Shifts
- It’s All How We Perceive Our World. A Message From The Divine
- Our Soul is Trying To Awaken, Are you Listening?
- Healing Trauma By Stepping Into Your Power Through The Universal Energies of Change and Forgiveness
- Spirituality and Your Health
- My Story of Embodying Reiki To Heal Trauma Associated With Abuse
I am here to help.