#TimesUp Healers & Reiki Practitioners. Plus, Tips on Finding a Reiki Practitioner

In this post, we will explore the following to address perceptions, boundaries, trauma, predatory behavior, healing, and healers.

My goal is two fold:

  • to awaken reiki practitioners and healers to their full optimum potential while understanding their ethical responsibilities to their clients and/or students,
  • and to help guide those seeking healing services for themselves or a loved one.

In this post, we will address the following:

  • Introduction to this sensitive topic from a personal and professional perspective
  • #TimesUp healers and reiki practitioners video
  • 12 Tips To Choosing A Reiki Practitioner
  • Questions to ask a prospective reiki practitioner

Introduction to This Sensitive Topic

In search of “healing the broken me” as I would like to call it from years of abuse that resulted in complex C-PTSD or complex post traumatic stress disorder, I originally delved into the traditional American Healthcare System in hopes I can quickly return to my unbroken self. Like many others, I have felt that I was not getting better and band-aids were being applied to my mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that were not getting better and began to spiral out of control.

I realized there had to be more to all this and began looking into the spiritual aspects of my issues that the healthcare system couldn’t figure out.

I started reconnecting to my spiritual path. I began meditating. I eliminated inflammatory foods. I sought out reputable teachers and healers. I started connecting with the divine within me and my divine team. I learned and studied multiple holistic health modalities and spiritually based practices.

These practices saved my life and has been allowing me to reclaim my life in ways to defy all logic. I was fortunate in who I sought out as healers and other professionals to help guide me.

However, abusers and predators are still very skillful at their tactics, which is what sparked this post. I have been doing this work since 2006, and I have experienced numerous situations that were quite disturbing that made me wonder how to communicate such a delicate and serious topic that would hopefully be welcomed and received both by the healing community and trauma survivors.

This leads me to the next point …


#TimesUp Healers and Reiki Practitioners Video

I need your help on what I consider a very sensitive topic.

This video which was recorded in April 2018 took over 4 years to make due to concerns of my ability to communicate what needs to be said in a way that is heard and openly received

What healers and survivors need to know.

Have you experienced THIS?

My goal in this video is to help healers and practitioners to awaken to their full potential while understanding their ethical responsibilities to their clients and/or students.  Abusers are infiltrating the spiritually based communities and healing arts.
  1. Are you aware?
  2. What steps are you taking to ensure the safety of those around you?
  3. What are you doing to help break the cycle of abuse?

Ironic or what … that this article was published on the same day as my live video on same topic from the NY Times“In the space of a few short hours on Monday evening, Eric Schneiderman went from being known as one of the nation’s most progressive and influential attorneys general to being cast as a drunken, abusive monster who terrorized women in his personal life even as he publicly advocated women’s rights.”

This NY Times article is worth the read to tie into my argument.  In the meantime, I will share with you 12 tips in choosing a reiki practitioner and questions to ask.


12 Tips To Choosing A Reiki Practitioner

Healing varies from person to person and what some call “reiki training” varies from teacher to teacher since there is no standardization of training in the Unites States.  Most reiki training teaches the basics centered around stress reduction and relaxation. While others who call anything involving some form of energy healing or hands on energy work, reiki, can sometimes be misguided.

Let’s be clear first and foremost, reiki  is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy, self care and meditation practice  that works with the human body’s bioenergy field. I won’t go into details here. You can click here for more elaborate description.

Administering or facilitating a reiki session to someone who has been traumatized or abused is NOT part of the standard training curriculum for most reiki practitioners.

If you struggle with healing from trauma associated with abuse, here are 12 tips in choosing the right reiki practitioner for you. Plus, 10 questions to ask a prospective reiki practitioner/teacher. 

You may also check out the article I wrote several years ago while teaching college on Reiki Can Do No Harm or Can It? for more tips and guidance.

Click here for more posts about healing trauma

Click here for more posts about reiki.

I hope what I wrote helps someone out there in need who needs something to help them survive in order to thrive.For healers who read this, my hope is that this inspired you to be better than you already are. The world needs more healers. We need you to step up and help be the best version of you.

Please share the love and compassion.

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With love and appreciation,

Laura  Joseph,
Jikiden Reiki® Shihan, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Speaker, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Advocate, Trauma Specialist


To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2008-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Embracing The Dragon Within

Dragons have been a huge part of my life and over the past few years, their energy and connection to me has grown stronger. I wrote this a few weeks ago and posted it on social media and felt I needed to share with you here as well.

Step into the embodiment of dragon, and step into your power.

Dragon … protect me, guide me, give me strength.

Let your scales protect and shield me as I travel into the shadows of death to face myself.

Let your claws break through the toughest of resistance for which is mostly likely buried in the depths of my own ego.

Let your #strength lift me out of the depths of darkness and into the light.

Let your wings be the hurricane to carry me, act as the winds of change needed for my highest and best and guide me on this journey.

Let your breath mix with mine and become one churning away in my pit of my belly and burn away my fears as I release its fire.

Let your #courage allow me to easily and effortlessly step forward trusting in my path.

Let your spirit energy raise my frequency and vibration.

Let your fierceness give me courage to do all that is needed for my soul’s growth

Written by: Laura Joseph, Healing with Spirit
Copyright 2018


Follow me:


Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Shifting Health And Wellness Whole-istically

**** Laura was invited as a guest on a webinar by Zandra Matthews of “Exploring Your Goddess Nature” – This is a FREE event for women age 18+***

Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you seeking healthier alternatives? Do you suffer from autoimmune disease, cancer, unexplained back pain, anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, fatigue, lack of vitality, etc? Is there buried trauma personally, generationally, or karmicly?

Trauma isn’t what you may think. Laura will share her experience of healing multiple illnesses including complex PTSD and colds and averted surgeries such as root canals and hysterectomy using various spiritually based holistic health therapies. Learn also what to look for in finding a qualified practitioner to work with and how to avoid potential predators masquerading as healers.

About Laura

Laura is a trauma survivor, healer, writer, speaker, spiritual medium. She has been providing spiritually based holistic health enrichment at Healing With Spirit since 2006. She has over 15+ cumulative years in health care and experience as a college educator and domestic violence advocate. She’s also a Shihan through Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto Japan. Shes based in Hingham, Ma.

To join this FREE online gathering:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/517991917

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699006833,,517991917# or +14086380968,,517991917#

Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 517 991 917
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aB9m6xaGk

Spiritfest – Cohasset

Spiritfest is sponsored by Healthy Living Magazine. We are a Community of Mind/Body Individuals providing tools to transform your personal lives and help make the world a better place. Stop in to meet your community health and wellness experts.

Featuring 40+ Vendors, Experts in the Health & Wellness Field, Expert Readers & Healers.

Booking Info With Laura

Laura will be one of the readers at Spiritfest this year.  You can pre-book your reading with Laura, but it is not required. Click here to book with Laura now

For more information about this event, click here or call Candita 508-615-980

Current Energies, Wisdom of the Body, and a Guided Meditation in Nature

Good morning from Webb Memorial State Park in Weymouth, MA.

Please join us as we will be talking about the current cosmic energies, what is happening, how it is affecting all of us individually and collectively and why the wisdom of the body holds the key to the answers you seek.

We will also talk about trauma, the health links, healing trauma, and what is happening now.

We will end with some mindful breathing and meditation in nature. Please stay til the end. There is some magic to be seen.

I hope you will join me and together let’s raise the vibration.

( Recorded on Facebook Live August 9, 2019)


✔ Join in the conversation
✔ invite others to join
✔ Share on your wall or group

Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to my channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe. 

With love and appreciation,


Follow me:


Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

SALEM, MA: Guest Speaker and Spiritual Medium

I am honored to have been asked to return as guest speaker and spiritual medium at the First Spiritualist Church of Salem in Salem, MA.

One of my favorite things to do is to give back to the community and serve Spirit/Source. I look forward to this day of inspiration and healing.

Open to the Public.

Service: 6:30pm


Per First Spiritualist Church of Salem:

The regular Sunday Service begins immediately following the Healing Service at 6:30pm … generally at 7 p.m. It includes song, prayer, an inspirational talk given by a guest speaker, and spirit greetings by the guest medium (usually, but not always, the same individual as the speaker.

For more information about services and events, please visit their website.

5 Reasons Why You Need To Bless Your Junk

This series “Today I Bless My Junk” has been quite the challenge for me. However, I feel if I am to convey a certain message, I choose to be raw, real and authentic seeing all of me with an unaltered video.

Here is part four in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk”. In this video I go into the “WHY” we need to bless our junk  especially during these intense energetic times as part of the today I bless my junk series.

We all have junk … Do we not?

We all have junk lurking in our shadows … in our closets … in the depths of our minds. We don’t know what to do with something and what do we do? We put it in the closet? Right? Then when our closet gets full, we gasp and avoid dealing with the closet. Sound familiar?

Why the #metoo and #timesup movements are important


Survivors of abuse who have once been silenced are now being heard in ways unprecedented. This is BIGGER than we know and could ever imagine and goes far beyond what has happened with abuse survivors. It transcends into race, culture, economics, religion, and more.


What does it mean to bless your junk?

To bless your junk means to take all the pain, hurt, trauma, betrayals, etc and transform it for wholeness, happiness, prosperity, and success.

According to the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, a blessing is “a thing conducive to happiness or welfare”. A blessing endowed power for prosperity and success.

Foreword- Tigger Alert – Triggers can happened in sometimes the most unpredictable ways.  Be aware of what triggers you. If by any reason you find this video triggering. I encourage you to stop and pause a moment before you continue. 

In this video:

  • What is the junk?
  • The paradigm shift
  • Importance of the #metoo movement
  • What does it mean to bless your junk
  • 5 reasons why to bless your junk

Take a Class

Please join us March 31st for our next class on “Learn How To Bless Your Junk and Take Back Your Power Now” at a great low introductory rate. Please visit our calender event for details.




  Other Videos in the Video Series

For my other videos in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk #metoo

Question To Ponder

I ask for you to consider one question

Are you part of the solution to systemic abuse or are you part of the problem? The choice is yours and only yours to make.

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

Take action on the things I mention in this video series

  1. Share these videos
  2. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  3. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  4. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  5. As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.

With love and appreciation,


Healing Trauma Through The System of Reiki at the Healthy Living Expo

Join Laura at the Healthy Living Magazine Conference & Expo on Sunday April 8th as a featured presenter.

TIME: 2-3pm in the Halifax Room

Trauma is not what you may think.

Have you endured unexplained or life lifelong symptoms?

Do you suffer from chronic illness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, physical pain or even cancer?

Did your symptom or illness manifest as the result of a past trauma?

The #metoo movement has done an amazing job at opening the doors on many fronts. Many are beginning to awaken and understand the reason they feel the way they do maybe due trauma – personal, generational, karmic and are finally searching for ways to address those innate needs.

Our bodies are miraculous beings fully equipped to heal themselves. Reiki taps into the body’s innate abilities.

However, when we experience trauma, such as an accident, natural disaster, loss, or even abuse, those abilities become significantly compromised. Although, we are taught that time heals all wounds, we are learning this is not always the case. Many times these traumas manifest years later.

The traditional standard treatment in our American healthcare system rarely looks at the “root cause” of our symptoms and treats only the symptom. Therefore, we rarely address and heal the underlying cause. Left untreated, it can manifest into illness.

What happened to you does not have to be a life sentence. Join Laura for powerful presentation and discover how the system of reiki can empower you, remove toxicity, restore wholeness and create a healthier you!

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho”, which translates as “Usui treatment for the improvement of body and mind”.

Reiki supports the whole person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually while drilling down on specific issues. Reiki is easy to learn and can be used in a home or clinical setting to enhance the health and emotional wellness of both self and others. It is also complementary with all other alternative or traditional medical treatments, and in non-invasive.

Jikiden Reiki® is the “direct” teaching of Reiki as it was taught in Japan before it was brought to the west in the 1930’s. Because Jikiden Reiki® is free from Western influence, it differs from “Western” style of Reiki in approach, attitude, and ideas.

Jikiden Reiki® sessions focus on removing toxins from the body and guiding it towards wholeness. It is known for its effective treatment of acute and chronic conditions, as well as to address deep rooted beliefs, habits, traumas and addictions. Reiki has been effective treatment option like alleviating pain, pre-op and post-op surgery recovery, anxiety, skin conditions and posttraumatic stress.

About the Presenter:

Laura Joseph is a survivor of abuse, speaker, healer, intuitive, writer and teacher. She has a background as a college educator and domestic abuse advocate with over 15 cumulative years of experience in healthcare with a focus on trauma informed care.

Laura has incorporated spiritually based holistic health practices such as reiki in her line of work since 2006 and is a Jikiden Reiki® Shihan

Laura frequently travels as a guest speaker at conferences and organizations on healing trauma through spiritually based and holistic based practices. Laura brings her empathy, passion, compassion, and wit to assist in bringing out the best in you.

Self Care For The Empath Intentive (2 of 2)

Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver.

Are you considered overly-sensitive? Are you frustrated because you haven’t yet healed? Do any of these resonate with you?

– Overweight/Underweight

– Unexplanable lethargy

– Unfocused, or feeling lost

– Anxious or depressed, or

– Do you have digestion/elimination difficulties?

You may be empathic. Our sensitivities to the energy in and around us may be the cause for you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other dis-ease of the people around you.

This class, self care for the empath may provide the answers you seek. The Universe has spoken and we have all been called to listen. Many of us have decided to choose the path of soul and spiritual living which has placed us on a path of self-realization.

In this class:

♡ Learn what about the traits of the empath.

♡ How to recognize when the “stuff” you are feeling is your own or someone else’s and what to do.

♡ Learn the tools of self discovery and see the gifts you have as a not a curse, but as a gift.

♡ Learn techniques that teach you how to effectively protect yourself from surrounding energies.

♡ Learn how to powerfully release the energies that no longer serve you.

♡ Learn how to honor and empower yourself.

♡ Learn how to trust your gut instincts aka your intuition aka the voice of your soul

♡ Also exercises given to be done at home in between classes.


• receive customized notebook

• access to a private self care for the empath support group.

This will be a powerful interactive class. You will no doubt leave more empowered with many tools for self care.

Join us for this special empath intensive of healing and empowerment. You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU

There will be a 45 min break for lunch

Dates: Two Sundays back to back in order to give you exercises to work on in between classes.

Investment:  $150

For latest updates and information:

Visit our Facebook events page

What others had to say:

“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie

For more feedback, click here

To Register:

call/text 857-880-0365 or fill out – Self Care for Empath REGISTRATION FORM


Self Care For The Empath Intentive (1 of 2)

Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver.

Are you considered overly-sensitive? Are you frustrated because you haven’t yet healed? Do any of these resonate with you?

– Overweight/Underweight

– Unexplanable lethargy

– Unfocused, or feeling lost

– Anxious or depressed, or

– Do you have digestion/elimination difficulties?

You may be empathic. Our sensitivities to the energy in and around us may be the cause for you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other dis-ease of the people around you.

This class, self care for the empath may provide the answers you seek. The Universe has spoken and we have all been called to listen. Many of us have decided to choose the path of soul and spiritual living which has placed us on a path of self-realization.

In this class:

♡ Learn what about the traits of the empath.

♡ How to recognize when the “stuff” you are feeling is your own or someone else’s and what to do.

♡ Learn the tools of self discovery and see the gifts you have as a not a curse, but as a gift.

♡ Learn techniques that teach you how to effectively protect yourself from surrounding energies.

♡ Learn how to powerfully release the energies that no longer serve you.

♡ Learn how to honor and empower yourself.

♡ Learn how to trust your gut instincts aka your intiution aka the voice of your soul

♡ Also exercises given to be done at home in between classes.


• receive customized notebook

• access to a private self care for the empath support group.

This will be a powerful interactive class. You will no doubt leave more empowered with many tools for self care.

Join us for this special 4 week intensive of healing and empowerment. You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU

There will be a 45 min break for lunch

Dates: Two Sundays back to back in order to give you exercises to work on in between classes.

Investment:  $150

To Register:

Class Registration

 or call/text 857-880-0365

For latest updates and information:

Visit our Facebook events page

What others had to say:

“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie

For more feedback, click here