The 2020 Intense Karmic Start and Four Tips To Move Forward

Well in case you missed my January post, 2020 is a massive year for “change” being a four year in numerology in all areas of our life. It is also a “work” year, a year to cultivate our deep inner spirit, and connect with the ancestors for healing and wisdom.

And boy oh boy, 2020 has not failed to disappoint to hold to that theme. What a karmic shakeup January started off. What a shift show!!!!!

Have you felt this?

2020 Kicks off a karmic boom and waves of change

I am gonna mention something that is taboo – politics. There is a spiritual component.  Hear me out before the eyes start rolling. I see politics as a reflection of what is within us all collectively. We are all feeling this, but we are often too triggered or afraid to voice our truth about it.

Well let’s just start with the energetics of the impeachment trial. Regardless of which side of the fence you believe in, no one can disagree with the debacle being made of our system.

So what is the spiritual component to all this?

With that said about what is happening, truths are still being revealed and triggering disruptions. 

The recent shooting in Hingham, MA and the subsequent racial/classist undertones that ensued afterwards is upleveling the shadows hidden in the darkness. 

Some of these disruptions may include the sudden unexpected transitions of loved ones. I talking about my feelings surrounding the Kobie Bryant crash here

As an empath, healer, intuitive, and trauma specialist we will continue to see unresolved trauma surface – personal, generational, karmic, and past life. The ideas around power, control, manipulation will continue to be “seen”.

Moving forward, the idea of Spiritually bypassing your way through life will not help anymore for any one of us. Trading one feel good addiction for another is more harmful than good.

It means we stand in our truth unapologetic. We speak out for those who do not have a voice. We call out and address predatory behavior infiltrating sacred safe spaces and protect those preyed upon by predators. It means we do not stay silent.

It means we change the way we live and address simple things we can do NOW

What is the solution moving forward?

The solution is to FIRST have the courage and take full responsibility for where you are at. Getting real and getting raw with yourself is where you will ultimately find the peace and freedom as well as tap into the natural flow of the Universe with ease. 

Second, spiritually bypassing our issues away is no longer an option and an addictive behavior that leads to a bottomless pit. Click here for more information and tips to guide you. Triggers are a mere flasher trying to redirect you back to the inner being of who you are.

Thirdly, challenge your belief system. Decolonize your mindset. Are your beliefs your own or are they part of the collective consciousness and/or conditioning?


There is NO way around this, but through. Your inner child will thank you for taking this leap of faith. This is NOT work that can be done by reading a book or watching videos. It requires ongoing support and guidance. I am here to support you. If you are feeling ready to do this work, click here to book a session today.

In the meantime, we continue to come face to face with our shadows. The more we surrender the stories of the egoic mind and into the flow of our intuitive soulful self continues to rise.

Let’s take shame out of our unrealistic egoic expectations of BE-ing spiritual by sharing our experiences.

Life is a journey & lesson for evolution of soul to BE EXPLORED. That exploration continues into 2020.

THIS … THIS is multi-layered, multi-faceted. Some of this is individual & some of this is collective.

It’s a SH*T SHOW. Yes, it is … if we choose to see it this way or we can choose to see what is happening as an opportunity which brings me to a saying someone ones said to me early on my healing path.

What do you choose?

Finally, this is election year, the Universe is asking us to VOTE with our conscious NOT by party affiliation. Do not let the external world brainwash you, manipulate you, bully you, or intimidate you into swaying from YOUR truth.

Please leave your comments below and let us know how we are doing.

To read and/or watch the videos of the 2020 energetic forecast, visit “Three Lessons 2019 Taught Us, Three Things To Know About Navigating the 2020 Energies, & What It All Means“.

With appreciation,

Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.

For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.

To book a private session, click here.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.

© 2015-2020 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

12/12 Full Moon Energy & Numerology Update

Today at 12:12 am on 12/12/12 (2019=12), we experienced one shit kicker of a powerful full moon.

This marks not only the last one of this year, but the last one for this decade and it is on a TRIPLE 12/3 of a day at a 24/6 (12:12am) time.

In this video update, I will share with you what is going on:

  • 12 meaning
  • karma
  • translation in numerology 1, 2, 3
  • links to 3 major scientists: Tesla, Pythagoras, and Isaac Newton
  • relations in tarot – The Hanged Man, The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Empress
  • what it all means
  • The take-a-ways for today, this year, and this decade

For more information about the upcoming women’s retreat on January 12th 2020 or to register, click here. The focus will be on the numerology forecast as I mentioned in the video as well as connecting to the ancestors for wisdom and healing.

What 2018 Taught Us, the Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019, and 6 Tips to Guide You in 2019

Happy New Year and Thank You …

First, I would like to thank you for supporting me in my journey doing what I was put on this earth plane to do.

It has been an honor and pleasure to serve you and our community, and I look forward to continuing to grow, expand, collaborate, serve, and evolve together as we move into 2019.

Here is some insights to help you navigate you through this post:

  • What 2018 Taught Us
    • Highlights of 2018
    • What I Personally Experienced in 2018
    • Death and Dying
    • Understanding the Role of Trauma in Our Lives. Exposing It. Healing It’s Roots.
    • Every Day Miracles
    • Personal Expansion
  • Energy Forecast for 2019
    • Lessons and Themes for 2019
    • More Miracles
    • Challenges For Many Still
    • Numerology Aspect
  • 6 tips to guide you in 2019

What 2018 Taught Us

What an intense master number (11) year of revelations, soul growth, expansion, and self care as we dug deep into our shadows to bring to light old beliefs, old patterns, old traumas (personal, generational, and past life), and wounds to the surface.

For those who are spiritually awake or began to experience this awakening this year, we understood all we experienced needed to be experienced for our soul’s growth and as part of the greater expansion of the Universe.

I have said it before and I will say it again … healing sucks, but ohhhhh so worth it. When we dig deep, and heal what is buried in the depths of our shadows of our subconscious minds, cellular memory of our body, and souls, we raise our frequency and vibration.  We also free ourselves of all the resistance and blocks that were suppressing our gifts and light and step into our power of who we are as soul beings.

And we did just that – We got deep. We got real. We went into the darkness of our souls to heal and expand.

Here are some highlights of 2018:

  1. The #MeToo movement continued to gain momentum as the veil continued to lift.  With the divine feminine energy that has been rising, no wonder we are seeing this also rise up, and will continue to see it rise up in 2019. I suspect a few surprises in store for 2019. Don’t be shocked is all I will have to say.
  2. There are some who are resisting to dig deep in their own shadows and heal whether it be out of fear and/or complacency creating clashes with those awake and doing their spiritual work. What we have seen play out across the globe in the environment, climate, and politics that mirrored this.
  3. We recognized that what was “broken” in our lives – health, relationships, job, etc, was the result of either something unresolved or unhealed buried in our shadows or following path of ego spiritually bypassing our soul’s growth and healing.
  4. We are understanding clearer what it means to stand in our power and live authentically unapologetically. This energy will amplify in 2019 for those doing their spiritual work. So hold on tight.
  5. Our senses, especially empaths, became heightened and more sensitive. Some even found an increase sensitivity to toxic foods, chemicals, and medications.
  6. Many experienced spiritual crisis or healing crisis that may have baffled the medical communities. I am not surprised as the medical system, although is wonderful in many ways, is designed to treat symptoms not root causes. It was a surge in these root causes (many stemming from old wounds or trauma) that are rising to be healed and cleared. This is where we have seen a surge of alternative therapies succeeding where traditional medicine is failing. I feel this trend will also continue into 2019.
  7. The presence of dragons has never been stronger as it is right now. I know there are many out there who are feeling this too, and there are many who will disagree. The dragon energy is a powerful one to harness and a powerful force to work with moving into 2019.

What I Personally Experienced in 2018

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. ” – Nikola Tesla

Death and Dying

I received a profound message from Spirit in the fall of 2017, while preparing for 2018.  I heard a whisper from Spirit to keep the early part of the summer free from commitments as I would be dealing with loss.

This triggered waves of anxiety as there were several people and pets around me seriously ill and some I knew were terminal with cancer.  Oddly enough, I was also triggered with waves of solace and peace as I’ve witnessed how the spirit world works in mysterious but beautiful ways.

So in the end of June of 2018, I experienced the loss of four individuals within 2 weeks.  I was blessed and honored to have been a part of the end of life spiritual care and assisting in transitions of two of these beautiful souls.

What I experienced assisting several individuals in 2018 in the transition process is that death can be celebrated if not beautiful.  Death doesn’t mean life ends or it’s over. It just means transformation from one energy vibration to another … often times our loved ones in spirit will leave us “signs” to let us know they are around.


Understanding the Role of Trauma in Our Lives. Exposing It. Healing It’s Roots.

The work I have been doing with trauma this year has shot up exponentially in ways I have found the traditional medical community ill-equipped to truly help these individuals experiencing what I considered an awakening that triggered a spiritual crisis.

The kinds of experiences I witnessed this year needless to say blew me away.  My ability to expand grew as did the experience to bare witness to all sorts of incredible breakthroughs of so many brave amazing souls.

What we learned in 2018 is that much of our physical and/or mental issues whether a headache, tooth pain, sinus infection, IBS symptom, need for a knee replacement, need for hysterectomy, back pain etc was much more than what was presented on the surface. There were deep seeded layers upon layers subconscious wounds of old traumas (personal, generational, and/or past life) trying to be released.

Once we understood the connection, we shifted focus to treating the root cause vs the symptom with a team approach including family, therapists, doctors, significant others, domestic violence support groups, and much more in order to become “whole” again.

What we witnessed at the National Domestic Violence Conference I attended in September 2018, is that we must stand on our conviction.  Plus, integrating ancient wisdoms, traditions, and healing practices as part of helping survivors of abuse was refreshing to finally see. To witness the power of an 11 yo girl stand in her full authentic power was inspiring. That being government funded is another way of patriarchal control preventing deep healing from taking place for survivors.

Since then, the VAWA has since lapsed and many programs are now in jeopardy. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out for 2019.


Every Day Miracles:

“But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize. A blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black curious eyes of a child, our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

We witness miracles every day, but many times in our current society, we take them for granted and focus on the adrenaline rush of the “BIG” moments.

There are miracles every day from our body’s ability to self generate electricity to fight off cancer to transform the air we breath into nourishment for the soul to the earth’s ability to ward off harmful rays of the sun to the sun stimulating plants to grow and our bodies to manufacture valuable vitamins such as Vitamin D. Here are some miracles that happened in 2018:

  • To have a client who has been unwell for months with possible flair up from a degenerative autoimmune neurological condition, tell you that they can’t remember the last time they had function and mobility in their hand ever like they did after 2 sessions, and I was like WOW. They also informed me that the injection they get to treat this disease costs over $200k per dose.
  • To have an end stage terminal client unable to swallow their own saliva preventing them from eating for days, and after one focused session, that ability returned and would give a 3 day relief and ability to live out their final days with quality and dignity, before another session had to be administered.  There was NO traditional medical treatment available to assist with this issue at that time
  • To watch my first ever local bald eagle circling over my office. When noticed, he flew off, and was later the sighting was validated in one of the major local newspapers. For those who follow me and understand, THIS was a great omen and sign.
  • To be able to participate in the transition of a loved one into spirit along side of a Catholic priest was a first for me and a beautiful experience. And in 2018, I was privileged with assisting in the transitions of three individuals this year,.
  • To being asked to be a guest speaker and medium at a local church and after the service, to receive not one but many beautiful letters from one special lady and this made me smile. Miracles happen when we least expect them.
  • To increased messages from Mother Earth – You may have read some of my experiences on social media or about a message from a tree during a storm or the wisdom of the stormy seas.


Laura at sunrise in Seattle, WA studying with Tadao Yamaguchi in April 2018.

Personal Expansion:

This year I grew too along with all of you.  I continued to work on the shadow aspects of myself and called in trust sources to assist me in the process.

I increased my own self care regimens and took a break from anything that would cause over-stimulation – tv, public places, computers, etc.

I sat in some powerful sacred circles with some amazing individuals who embody this spiritual walk.

I was also fortunate to study with Tadao Yamaguchi in April for my continued teacher Jikiden Reiki training.

Our programs also expanded. We offered 2 women’s retreats this past year where we dug deep and journeyed into self discovery in a community of sisterhood in a safe supported sacred container.  We will are looking at collaborations to expand this program for 2019. Stay tuned.

As of this past fall, we also now offer our reiki vibrational healing meditation with the tibetan singing bowls twice a month at 2 locations.


Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019

It is a new year and a time for new beginnings to manifest.

How well you stand in your truth and authenticity and how well you respond to chaos externally will determine how well 2019 will go for you.  Let’s look at how.

Insight into 2019:

  • Lessons and Themes for 2019
  • More Miracles
  • Challenges For Many Still
  • Numerology Aspect
  • 6 tips to guide you in 2019

Lessons and/or Themes For 2019

  • I feel 2019 will be an amplified version of 2018 depending on where you are at in your spiritual journey, and could prove to be a difficult one for some.
  • Heighten sensitivities will increase.
  • What will be important as we move through 2019 is how well grounded or centered we can be.
  • “Master the calm within the storm” – Buddha. It will be important to be in a place of stillness regardless of what turbulence is around us.
  • The divine feminine will continue to rise shifting frequency and vibration.
  • Dragon energy and other forces like it will intensify. Dragon has connected with me personally, but it may be another force that connects with you being phoenix, eagle, angels, etc.
  • Personal power and authenticity will ring strong this year. 2018 prepped us for deeper work in this area. Be ready to dig deep in the shadows and shine in your power.
  • As I stated in last year’s forecast, the the theme of Social Awareness and Social Justice will continue.
  • The major theme is really about being the best piece of the larger puzzle of the universe. No   competition. No grass is greener on the other side type themes, but more about you and being best version of you.

More Miracles

I feel miracles about to happen on so many fronts and dimensions. This #metoo movement has restored much in me that I thought was lost forever. Many of you have been hearing me talk about for months regarding the paradoxes, the silver linings, and shifts of focus.

Many of us have worked hard and diligent in cleaning up our vibration, facing our shadow selves, and choosing to live more authentically.

I see the personal storms clearing and the sun returning. This is the perfect time to plant those heirloom seeds you been wanting to plant.

Challenges for Many Still

If you have not worked on your shadows aka your junk over the past couple years, this year could prove to be challenging.

Healing the past is crucial to moving forward. I have seen a surge of “old traumas” over the past few years surface and amplifying with each year passing – whether our own, generational or past life.

We are at a crossroads now. We have become a culture who has normalized abuse and violence in many ways. So when it comes to things we did to others or things that may have happened to us in the past, we think time will heal all wounds, and brush it under the carpet.

Some of us may have seen ourselves do this. We may have even “gaslighted” ourselves in the process.

In order to move forward, you must heal and accept your authentic true self. No one ever said healing was a pleasant journey, but it is a worthwhile one that can lead us to our soul purpose and path.

As a matter of fact, healing can down right be painful and exhausting giving glimpses of questioning life and our faith. However, somehow, we manage to push through the barriers and search for that rainbow at the end of the storm that just wreaked havoc in our lives.

It is through our greatest adversities where we find the greatest gifts.

The hard human lessons for this year will include:

  • More transitions from physical form  to spiritual form. Some physical bodies may be to weak to move forward. Others may have a soul that is too high of a frequency for the physical body to handle. Others may choose to exit and return in a different vessel.

Numerology Aspect

This year is a three year in numerology (2+0+1+9 = 12/3). I always associate 12 with karma. This year will focus on a LOT of deeper issues and stuff especially in the realms of trauma, justice, and oppression. Some may not even be your own. It may be generational (can go back up to 7 generations) or it could be past life stuff.

The number three is about creative self expression, communication and is connected to the Ascended Masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Archangels.

Just as in 2018, the concept of self care, self acceptance, self love will increase momentum in 2019. You will be forced to look within and understand the relationship you have with your own soul and inner guidance system will be a huge determining factor on success and your definition of success.

The number three is connected to:

  • past, present, future
  • birth, life, death
  • beginning, middle, end
  • divinity number
  • number connected to magic – “three times a charm”
  • The three Borromeam Rings are three rings that are interlocked.  If any single ring is removed, the two remaining rings will fall apart.
  • primary colors – red, yellow, blue
  • The Triple Moon/The Triple Goddess. It shows her three aspects as maiden, mother and crone.
  • Gemini is the third astrological sign of the Zodiac. (May 21 – June 21)
  • Number three is the number of Jupiter.
  • In the Tarot, three is the card of the Empress which is symbolic for creation and growth.
  • Great Pyramid of Giza:  There are three larger pyramids side by side mathematically aligned in position to Orion’s Belt. There are also three smaller pyramids nearby. The ancients emulated these shapes found in nature using threefold and sixfold symmetry.

The number three is a big transformational number too. Nikola Tesla understood this better than most.

“If you knew the magnificence of the three, six, nine, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a genius and superstitious. He understood the magic of these numbers and the universal language of pattern aka numbers found in life, galaxies, evolution, sacred geometry, and almost all natural systems  which are actually devoid of the numbers 3, 6, 9. He understood that 3 + 3 + 3 = 9. Nine is a number connected to the secrets to unlocking the mysteries of the Universe.

So this is another BIG year in numerology terms. This will be focused on digging deeper into the shadow aspects of ourselves, stepping forward in our    authenticity and power, personal transformation and letting go of expectations of people, places and things for 2019.

Are you ready?

Here are 6 tips to guide you in 2019:

These tips are pretty much the same as I wrote about for 2018, but will be amplified for 2019. The concept of living more authentically in 2019 is crucial.

  1. Practice the art of presence. Some refer to this practice also as mindfulness. Be aware of your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Adjust as necessary to bring you back to the present moment.
  2. Listen to the wisdom of the body. When we build a relationship with our bodies and listen to its wisdom, we are given insight and healing to things before that may have left us feeling stuck like a hamster on a wheel.
  3. Raise your vibration. By being more mindful of our thoughts and how it affects our wellbeing and life, we can become more aware of how to shift. When we listen to the wisdom of the body, we become more aware of how our thoughts physically, emotionally and spiritually affect us. By focusing on gratitude, we raise our vibration. Sickness and disease live on lower vibrational energies.
  4. Live authentically. If we have not stepped into our power and authenticity, now is the time to do it. I can not stress to you how important this part is for this coming year. This is where it is at. Spiritually bypassing will not get you there as I discussed in the video in Nov 2018.
  5. Self Care. This has been a theme than began in 2015, but really increased its momentum as witnessed in 2018. Self care needs to no longer be at the bottom of the list, but rather at the top of the list. You and your loved ones will thank you in the end. Not to mention, you set a prime example of caring for yourself in a loving and compassionate way to your children. What a gift!
  6. Rise Up. Act. This is time to get involved in a social justice project. The energies have not been more supported in this area since I began my personal journey in 2005. I am excited to us all become more empowered and living more authentically in our truth.

As always, I am here to help you illuminate your soul, guide you on your path, assist you in removing toxicity, and restore wholeness in your life.

I am available for private sessions, groups, speaking appearances, and more. Contact me for more information or to schedule a private session.

Happy New Year to you and yours.  In the meantime, be gentle with yourself, and master riding these waves of change.

With love and appreciation,


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Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Current Energies, Wisdom of the Body, and a Guided Meditation in Nature

Good morning from Webb Memorial State Park in Weymouth, MA.

Please join us as we will be talking about the current cosmic energies, what is happening, how it is affecting all of us individually and collectively and why the wisdom of the body holds the key to the answers you seek.

We will also talk about trauma, the health links, healing trauma, and what is happening now.

We will end with some mindful breathing and meditation in nature. Please stay til the end. There is some magic to be seen.

I hope you will join me and together let’s raise the vibration.

( Recorded on Facebook Live August 9, 2019)


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Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to my channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe. 

With love and appreciation,


Follow me:


Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

A Mindfulness Journey Into The I AM … the Tree

By: Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit

This was written about a tree or many trees that have come into my path recently teaching me and mirroring elements found in humanity.

This particular tree always calls to me when I visit this area. I tend to find myself drift in deep meditation when I heed the call.

If we quiet the noise, we can hear their whispers and feel their love and or pains. I know it may sound kooky to some of you, but it really is a choice.

It is a matter of shifting perspectives, quieting the mind, and surrendering to the flow of what is. This can be achieved through various mindfulness-based practices.

So, I hope you enjoy.

My view as I lay on the branch of this 
tree. Full of scars, yet the light of day 
shines through

“I AM … the Tree”….

Today, I am the tree with my arms stretching out like branches, my feet digging deeper into the earth like the roots, my hair catching the sun’s rays and moving in the breezes tapping in to the infinite mystical wisdom, essence, and energies of the tree.

I am the tree who’s leaves bustle in the breeze dancing with the heavens. I bask in the nurturing rays of the sun. The health of my leaves provides nourishment and life for other life forms dependent on me.

I am the tree who is rooted in the earth anchoring me and nourishing my soul. I am grounded. I feel safe, strong, and resilient. The health of my roots will determine the heath of my trunk, branches, and leaves. The deeper my roots go, the stronger I become when a storm arises.

I am the tree whose roots are wrapped around me tightly, giving me strength, security, and stability. My roots make me feel warm and comforted. I am loved and nurtured in all ways.

I am the tree whose branches sprout growth reaching higher and higher towards the sky. I am nourished by the earth and the heavens. I am permeable and grow in areas most needed. My branches transform and transmute the past into the new.

I am the tree whose branches bare scars of my past reminding me of where I came from. But more importantly, they remind me how well I have healed over my wounds, and where I still need healing.

I am the tree whose trunk stands firm connecting the ground with the sky. I feel strong and stable reminding me of how far I have come keeping the memory fully intact of the summary of all that has happened since my birth.

I am the protector and lifeline for the rest of me. I can easily tap into the ancient wisdom when necessary.

I am sheltered.

I am permeable.

I am in symbiotic relationship with the rest of the world.

I am the tree basking in the wonders of life.

I am physically and spiritually nourished.

With tree, the past, present, and future blend beyond time as one.

I am life

I am death

I am tree.

With love and appreciation,

Laura Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Shihan in Jikiden Reiki
Usui Reiki Master Teacher


To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please contact us here.

Speaking Engagements – Fundraisers – Events – Classes – Services
(c) 2017. Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit.  All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Reflections with Osprey Post Solar Eclipse

Picture taken during the 2017 solar eclipse on Cape Cod
by: Laura Joseph

I wrote this after a few days of sifting through pictures, deep reflections and meditation with osprey. 
For some reason I felt a huge tug every time I looked at the photos I took of a few osprey while on Cape Cod during the 2017 solar eclipse. So I decided to let the messages flow at the end of my pen.

I hope you receive the magic and guidance of osprey as I did. Here is what came out as a result:

Today, I continue to spread my wings surrendering my fears.

Fear and anxiety begins to dissipate when I trust my wings will guide me to new heights.

All is well.

The osprey in me guides me to reclaim my power healing old emotional wounds surfaced and let the past traumas of abuse to strengthen me.

With the osprey, I am taught to trust in abilities and have the confidence to know I can achieve my goals.

With osprey, I gain clarity in my visions strengthened by the recent solar eclipse (I took this pic at the observatory while we witnessed the solar eclipse)

With osprey, I am keenly aware of the messages from the divine and listen for their divine guidance.

With osprey, I transform and transmute all that no longer serves me for my highest and best.

With osprey, I communicate more effectively.

And so it is

Thank you. 

Thank you. 
Thank you.

With love and appreciation,

copyright 2017 Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit. All rights reserved.

A Trauma Survivors Election Day Experience 2016 And How To Move Forward

WOW what a ride this week has been and since the election emotions have been quite high.  I have my own feelings that have come to light this week and I will share them with you shortly. This is a very sensitive subject matter especially for trauma survivors, and my only request is that you read this with an open heart and without judgement.

I am also an empath, so I feel intensely the energies around me and of those people around me whether person to person or virtually. As I write this, I am choosing to honor my own feelings and I am choosing to honor yours as well. 

Before I continue on my experiences after the election, let me share with you my experiences and thoughts on the day of the election and why I felt so paralyzed to vote.   One of my trauma coping mechanisms is journaling.  Here is what I wrote on the day of the election, November 8, 2016, and when I decided to publish it, I chose to keep it as is so you may experience my full experience.

Graphic by Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit

“I never realized how triggering and paralyzing today’s election was until today when it was time to cast a vote. The governmental abuse, disregard and metaphorical rape of women and children, the narcissistic sociopathic behaviors of our two primary candidates, the disregard for life not to mention threats and intimidation brings back flash backs of the horrors I endured attempting to leave and to protect my children from abuse only to have them legally trafficked by way of family court, and the more I fought trying to grasp at any straw to save them and myself, the more I was threatened and retaliated against and even went to jail.

There is no worse feeling in the world than drowning in a sea of trauma, abuse, lies, and deceit begging for someone to reach out to pull me and my children out only to be met with the mighty oar pushing you back under hoping you just die.

Today’s election and everything it stands for and against, has paralyzed my ability to vote bridging past abuse with political rhetoric that merged as if it became one reality especially when the deepest darkest shadows of America is cracked wide open.

Some of you may say, get over it and move on.

After all, it’s been almost 11 yrs since you left your abuser. My head and mind already know that. However, It’s my physical body trapped in fight or flight in its attempt to shield me and protect me from further trauma and abuse screaming inside begging when will it end. When will peace reign on earth, and I no longer have to maintain a fight or flight state which has severely taxed my adrenal glands?

It is extremely difficult to engage in exercising my right to vote especially when reports of bullying, insults, and intimidation are becoming the norm. This weekend I realized I still do “avoidance” tactics which is part of trauma response. Today, I realized how bad I still do it. 

The redtail hawk Laura saw on November 8, 2016

As I left my house this morning tearing myself apart for not practicing what I preached paralyzed in fear a redtail hawk swooped out of nowhere flying alongside my truck on Rockland Street until I hit the breaks and he flew to the top of the tree. i pulled over, exercised gratitude, and had a mini animal totem pow wow.The message I received was to take the pressure off myself and to focus on the long term picture not on the short term and to stop being so hard on myself. The hawk is showing me to trust and take flight. I may feel unsupported in the human realm, but to know I am supported in the divine realm.
I guess in one aspect the avoidance has allowed me to heal and move forward, but in another aspect when confronted, it is paralyzing. God help America.”

Photo & Quote by Laura Joseph
Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

I had so much anxiety on the day of the election, it was overwhelming. I felt alone, as the trigger spiraled.  I pulled every tool I knew to cope including meditation, reiki, journaling, crystal, vibrational healing via tibetan medicine singing bowls, walks and communing in nature, and  non attachment

When I saw the redtail hawk, I knew it was a sign. Signs from above have been very prominent for me in my healing journey since I had lost faith and trust in humanity. Connecting  with the divine was my lifeline.

Redtail hawks have been a great message bearer for me over the years. They adapt to life well even amongst the human race and are a great service to humanity. The human race has drifted so far away from source, we miss the magic they offer. I was grateful for my divine team and angels for this message.

As I maintained a ping pong match of emotions that day, I decided to go for a walk and was greeted with three crows with a mourning dove perched just above. I smiled and moved forward, and my anxiety began to wane, but not enough to head to the polls and vote. You see for me it was not the idea of voting that was the trigger for me. It was the idea of dealing with something with what I perceived as a corrupt, abusive government and even though in my head, I knew not to fear, my body kept tying to trick me otherwise.

From a spiritual sense, crow is another very powerful message bearer, keeper of the universal sacred laws, and represent magic. They are the harbinger of change in all areas of life; physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. They can aid us in moving between realms of the spirit world and physical life. Crow was a wonderful reminder to create and manifest what I seek. The fact there were three, reminds me how divinely support I am and focuses my attention to my ability to communicate more effectively. Crow announces a newness on the horizon. Are you aware of the nuances in life? Are you listening to signs around you? Crow can give strength and show you how to maneuver in intuitions and insights.

When I saw the mourning dove above the crows, I smiled as it was the solidifier for me in the message. Traditionally, doves are a messenger of peace, love, joy and gentleness, prophecy of good things, maternity instincts, as well as an awakening to promise of future with clarity. In this case, dove was helping me understand my emotions better, and letting me know that hope and peace will come. 

When I woke up on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, I was and was not shocked at the results. I was not shocked, because, I had predicted early spring of Hillary Clinton’s downfall. I however, was fearful of a Trump Presidency and was hoping for a different, maybe more Utopian result. 

I have over come so much in my life. I have chosen to do my best to never judge those who voted a certain way because it is a constitutional right. I choose to not let those choices break up my “tribe”.  

Although, I thought I was much further along in my healing, I am taking a pause. I am holding space and trying to not feed the fear. Instead, I am choosing to allow to feel these emotions. I am allowing to feel the fear. I am talking to the inner child within, who clearly is still wounded, and asking her what will it take to feel safe again so the fear can be released for good this time.

I am BEing mindful how I unleash my emotions on my friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. We all have a choice. If we want change, we must go within first. 

In the end we are all one. Fear begets more fear. Hate begets more hate. Only love can conquer hate and fear. Only love can create peace.
The veil is thin right now. Many truths are being revealed. Our own shadows are surfacing. We’ve been feeling it rise like a cauldron of a volcano for quite a while.

All the answers we seek lie within. So please let’s pause and be mindful of our thoughts, words, posts, actions.

Here’s a quote I love that resonates, and I changed it to create action: “I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be.”

Today, I choose to step into the light and BE the beacon.

It’s time we get centered. Breathe … Bring back our power … breathe … feel compassion … breathe …
And breath in Love … breathe … and breathe out fear.

Together let’s radiate love and let it transmute any misqualified energies.

Together, we not only help ourselves, but our brothers and sisters, our fellow struggling American, the rest of the world, Mother Earth etc.

I honor and appreciate each of you.

Let’s create the greatest most contagious virus of Love. Change begins with us. That change is internal.

Here are a few related links for more information

I am here to help.

With Love and appreciation,

Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Jikiden Reiki Shihan

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please visit
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(c) 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Honoring The Sacredness of Water and Why the Events At Standing Rock Matter For the Evolution of Humanity and Our Souls

October 13, 2016

BY; Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit, Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer, Author

Excerpts from Lecture Sunday, October, 16, 2016 at The First Spiritualist Church of RI

What a ride this year has given us especially on the emotional plane. Many of us have been experiencing sudden bursts of unexplainable anxiety and may feel quite ungrounded. Maybe the seeds we planted have not sprouted as we’d like or maybe they are smothered by worry and fear or maybe you are not able to see what is growing. How many of you have been worrying whether or not you are good enough or lovable enough or deserving enough?

Please know we are in the journey together and you are not alone. I chose the topic of water and spirituality for many reasons. We are all undergoing a great change including Mother Earth as we shift from the third dimension to the fourth and fifth dimension. The veil of illusion is lifting. These changes are happening at such and incredible rate causing physical changes to happen with the body itself.

Our planet is transmutating and so are we …. Our bodies, our souls, our cells. The coding that was imprinted in our DNA structures is currently being activated. This is your blueprint back to the ancients.

Many religions and spiritual practices include water in their ceremonial and ritualistic practices and we are going to talk about this topic in light of what is currently happening in this material world and how it affects us spiritually.

Why this topic? There are many reasons, but here are four:

  1. In light of recent historic events occurring at Standing Rock with the largest gathering of “water protectors” 
  2. This weekend’s full moon is currently in Aries and how it affects us now 
  3. Ending of cycles and beginning a new – This year being a 9 year in numerology and what this means for our soul growth.
  4. Water as being sacred.

There is so much going on right now and we can choose to either get sucked into the chaos or rise above it. How many of you are appalled at the state of what is happening in this country and around the world most notably pronounced is the US Presidential election?

How are you doing emotionally? Regardless of the current political environment.

Have any lessons risen up for you this year but especially over the last month or so?

Right now we have an opportunity. However, we need to shift our perspective in order to shift our results. This is like fine tuning a musical instrument or making carburetor adjustments to your vehicle.

We can choose to focus on the doom and gloom out of fear or we can choose to create change through the frequency and vibration of love.

Hate? Worry? Intolerance? Depression? Those are all fear based. Joy? Happiness? Authentic truth? Compassion? Consciousness? Those are all love based. If you have ever read or studied “Abraham” Hicks and Eckhart Tolle, both have been great spiritual teachers on the mastery of vibrational alignment. Which vibration are you currently vibrating in? Which vibration do you choose to be in?

Why is water so important? Why is honoring our water needed and important to our human self as well as our spiritual self? What can water teach us to help us evolve spiritually?

Before I address the importance, we must first take inventory and take personal responsibility for where are currently at in our lives. I know this is not an easy task for many as we must face head on our shadow self and all the junk attached. In some cases, this can be triggering for those traumatized as a result of situations such as war, violence, or domestic abuse. As a survivor of abuse with a history of PTSD, I sympathize.

However, this is the time to step up and take action. The Universe has been giving us signs and has been supporting all of us who have been called to light the way for others to find their way home and help save our wounded Mother. Water is key. So hang on for the divine reinforcements and help. It is a matter of trust, surrender and belief.

Water has many spiritual meanings and implications, but most importantly water reflects its sacredness. It represents the “circulation of life”. Water is to our Mother Earth just as the blood that flows through our veins is to our physical bodies. Water is the very life force for which gives birth to life. No wonder NASA and other organizations are searching for signs of life through water on other planets.

Our bodies are made up of mostly water making water vital for human survival. “According to Dr. Jeffrey Utz, Neuroscience, pediatrics, Allegheny University, different people have different percentages of their bodies made up of water. Babies have the most, being born at about 78%. By one year of age, that amount drops to about 65%. In adult men, about 60% of their bodies are water.”[1]

Water also has some symbolic significance relating to purity and fertility as the source of life as seen in many creation myths.

In Taoist tradition, water is viewed as an aspect of wisdom. Here, the concept is the philosophy that water takes the path of least resistance. The path of least resistance is part of nature. We see this with rivers which flows around rocks and mountains while slowing shaping the landscape. Hence, the element of patience to create change.

Coy Right 2014-2016 Healing With Spirit

“Water is one of the five elements, and can manifest as yin or yang: flowing water, ice, or steam. It flows and finds its way into all places. This is seen in the Dao de Ching, which says the highest good  is like water. The best of man is like water, giving life to all things, it flows in places that men reject. So, it is like the dao. All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are, humility gives it power. Think about that.”[2]

The Greeks also understood the transitions of water manifesting as liquid, solid, or vapor. It is the epitomal symbol for metamorphosis and philosophical recycling.

Native Americans considered water a valuable commodity especially in the plain states. They revered water as the symbol of life.

We have been experiencing and baring witness to a great transition and/or transformation that we have not seen in hundreds of years. Right now our wounds fresh or old have been resurfacing this year. This may be the most difficult task you are to experience on this earth. However, the life you seek is not found by avoiding the past or avoiding the hurts and pains associated with it. Healing comes from letting the pains of the past go knowing this is right for your path.

Remember, it is only through resistance do we grow and truly move forward. When we avoid issues, the Universe keeps sending them back for review. This is not to punish you. Please do not misunderstand.

Right now we have the current full moon in the fiery sign of Aries. Now I am far from being called an astrology expert, and consider myself quite weak in the astrology realms. However, I do understand cosmic cycles and energy shifts and I feel, witness and understand patterns. Today’s energies are a reflective of a great time to exert a little more faith and courage. The divine within is with you.

We are currently being showered with divine healing love which if you have not noticed is greatly needed at this time. It is all about how we choose to focus. We CAN choose to be receptive to this divine healing bringing us closer towards greater harmony or we can choose to stay in the shadows of fear and doubt.

In India, today’s full moon is associated with the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi. What a great opportunity we have here to allow Lakshmi’s divine feminine infuse the healing energies of the full moon to detoxify and create a flow of abundance. If you have been feeling unsure, now is the prime opportunity to bathe in the moon. Stop trying to control the outcomes and expectations and just receive. You just might find you will get what you are seeking without all the resistance and stress.

In tarot, water is symbolized in the suit of cups. The suit of cups is symbolic of emotion, intuition, and interconnected flow of energy between all things alive.

Water is essential to our very existence. It is no wonder the symbolism is far reaching and profoundly deep. The wisdom of water is infinite and significant to our current times.

Water and spirituality as you can see go hand and hand. Many religions and spiritually based practices include water in many ceremonies, prayers, meditative practices, and rituals.

Water is a very powerful element with the potential to heal or destroy on many levels. Water is very amiable. When stressed simply wash your hands of negativity. Now increase the temperature and make it hot. This adds the fire element. Let the fire and water help you release all those is no longer of service for your highest and best. Once released, cool the water back down for a more regenerative vibrations.

Things you can do NOW … today

  1. Shift perspective. – Inside environment. Healing is internal not external
  2. Rain – when it comes, instead of creating the vibration of oh my word, it is raining now my plans are ruined etc. Bless the rain for it brings life.
  3. Do you own internal work – Change begins with us by the frequency and vibration we put out. That is the true virus. Is your vibration of fear or love?
  4. Self care, self care, self care – self compassion, and soul-fillment
  5. Personal responsibility
  6. Be like water

The power of the sacred waters runs within each of us.
Among all the chaos, we see the greatest opportunity for unity and soul growth.

Source: The

This is a historic moment backed by prophecies with the unity of hundreds of tribes from US, Canada, Central America, Hawaii, South America all in the Dakotas in Standing Rock BE-ing the water protectors. This is the largest gathering of its kind in more than a century.

There’s a large camp growing with focus on prayer and creating solutions including people pulling money out of the big banks that are supporting the pipeline. We have a chance here. This is a historic event, and Mother Earth is making it known.

Mother Earth is alive and breathing whether or not you choose to believe that or not. We need to listen to her as she does communicate with us. The current transmutation process we are all experiencing will help strengthen the ties. We need to see and listen and respect the land and water as sacred.

I believe the current recent events and especially Standing Rock is our chance. Don’t focus on the hurricane we are in, but the rainbow and sun that follows.

Image result for standing rock nodapl
Source:  Youtube

What we all have been experiencing this year is due to the increased energies vibrating at a higher frequency. Our physical bodies are trying to catch up speeding up our molecular structure. Some may be experiencing a spiritual flu so to speak wishing when it will end. Our bodies are learning to evolve and adapt to the new frequencies creating in some cases energy overloads as the physical body attempts to maintain it’s natural state of homeostasis or in simple terms, balance.

So be gentle with yourself as you go through these changes. Focus on healing the emotional and mental bodies which is again symbolic with the element of water. BE like water. Create the vibrational alignment between your heart, mind, and spirit. Step into your role as co-creator within the Universal Laws. Create the frequency and vibration of love, and let it begin to vibrate out to the external world and the rest of the cosmos. This will help us uncover our true passions that lead to the evolution and growth of our souls.

Faith is so important here. I know we have all been tested. I believe the reason many people never see the Universe working in their lives is because they gave up too soon. They did not hang in there long enough for the Universe to manifest.

Quitting is not an option. If we choose to quit on the Universe, then we inherently believe it’s all up to us alone and we will be like the hamster on the wheel never getting off. We are never alone. As a testament to many great spiritualist mediums who prove every day the continuity of life and the divine presence of Angels, guides, and Ascended Masters.

Remember, this is a 9 year in numerology. We are at the home stretch of completing this cycle. Clear, purge, ground, balance, and align yourself with your higher self so the year 2017 creates a strong foundation for the next 10 years of the life you wish to create.

I will end with this quote from Bruce Lee: Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.”

With Love and appreciation,
Laura  Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Shihankaku in Jikiden Reiki

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please visit 

SERVICES: Holistic Healing, Jikiden Reiki, Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Yuen Energetics, Spiritual Guidance, Soul Mentoring

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(c) 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

[1] The Water In You; The US Department of the Interior; Updated May 2016;
[2] Be Like Water; by Toni Josephson; Tan Dao for evolving martial arts;

Understanding the Current Cosmic Shifts

I am wondering how many of you are glad to see July go. What a month we had. The Universe and our souls pushed our buttons to get us out of our comfort zones, challenged relationships, and forced us to face the things needing change so we may continue to evolve from the caterpillar to the emerging butterfly. Were you open to change or resistant?

The themes of love and fear have come to the surface for review. If we have been heeding the messages all year, we will recognize that July was very much about change. Please check out my January post 6 Tips Towards Soul-Fillment in 2016 and my April post on What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You.

If we are in a state of fear, how can we love? AND vice versa, if we are in a state of love, how can we fear? Learning the art of detachment from people, places, and things have also surfaced to allow for more soul growth.

We can not control the size, shape, and velocity of the waves that come ashore. So why do we try to control the waves of life? It is time we learned to ride the waves and have fun learning to surf. Wow, I what a shift right there.  Wouldn’t you agree?

This is the lesson we are all faced with right now. Master riding the waves of change and you will see the world from a whole new perspective.  Then watch everything else around you change like magic. Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

Just some food for thought ….

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You

There is lots happening. Can you feel all the shifting energies? Over the last 30 days we have seen lots of prodding, shifting, and adjusting.

How’s your energy lately?  If you’ve been feeling exhausted or having trouble sleeping, then you may be feeling the shift.

 It’s amazing to me that no matter who I talk to about this topic, I am always reminded that these shifts can be a challenge no matter where you are at in your spiritual journey. After all we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, right?

So how is what we are feeling and experiencing being driven by the cosmos?

Well the planets were very active in all this shifting we are experiencing with 5 planets that are in retrograde in April. Now, I am no astrology expert, and I would say that I am far from that and rely on my astrology friends to help explain certain aspects. I am an energy healer and lightworker. Therefore, I can sense and feel subtle energy.  What I do understand is energy and how it makes me feel and what common threads I see playing out around me and my environment. I have learned to understand over the years how planetary shifts also affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

So here are the five planets that are in retrograde in April 2016. On January 7th, Jupiter was the first planet to turn retrograde. This was followed by the planet Saturn on March 25th, Mars on April 17th, Pluto on April 18th, and finally Mercury goes retrograde on April 28th. WOW!

Here is a great explanation about retrogrades on  “Astrologically, Retrogrades happen when planets, and the energy they represent, are too far out and need to come back in line with the Earth. This is when you need to slow down.”

From what I have witnessed over the past year and most importantly in recent months, our energy cores have been pushed to extremes, prodded, and forced to examine our inner selves and workings while questioning our own versions of realities.  Most of the re-calibrating and shifting was bringing up lots of old karmic, childhood, traumas, etc that were kept deep in our base of our energy cores to be released as they no longer serve our highest good. Many of those I work with or have spoken to on this topic have experienced this, but  thought they addressed these issues and ignored the need for release. This is not the time to ignore, but a time to kick these toxic energies out of our core.

We thought the year 2014 was a grand year for purging and letting go for what no longer serves us, but 2015 was sure a doozy and some may have called 2015 a sh*tstorm of a year. However, there were many lessons in 2015 that helped prepare us for the grand year of transformation in 2016 towards soul-fillment.


What I have felt since Mars and Pluto went retrograde is a shift of the clearing of our energy cores to the higher realms especially targeting the areas of the pineal gland which is a small pea-sized endocrine gland located near the center of the brain behind the cerebellum.

Physiologically speaking, the pineal gland is responsible for producing the hormone melatonin aka your biological on/off light switch for sleep functioning as well as regulating the body’s natural bio-rythems.

Spiritually speaking, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye and considered the most powerful area for ethereal energy.

Symptoms of an “awakening” of the pineal gland include:

  1. pressure at the base of the brain
  2. headaches
  3. fatigue
  4. sleep disturbances

However, as some are already feeling the affects of  the planet mercury going retrograde, we must also consider all elements of communication too starting to affect us.

At the end of it all, this is all about personal growth. It is all how we choose to perceive the world around us. Some react to these retrogrades in a negative fashion, but there are positive aspects to them too. Again, it is all how we choose to view these experiences which are designed to help us evolve.  This is a wonderful time period to go inward and do some introspection work. This will allow us to connect with the divine within and shine our light so we may follow.

The themes currently playing out that you need to be extra mindful and pay extra attention to include:

  1. personal growth/expansion (Jupiter)
  2. communication (Mercury)
  3. love and relationships (Pluto)
  4. emotions, but especially in areas of anger (Mars)
  5. karma (Saturn)
  6. slow down
  7. the need for more self care

So, going into May, this is a GREAT time for many things such as:

  2. connecting with soul aka your inner child and building a partnership
  3. a time for slowing down and contemplation
  4. an opportunity to readjust, redo, reevaluate or fine tune things
  5. to develop a love affair with self – not ego self, but the authentic true self
  6. to relax and go with the ebbs and flows of the Universe
  7. more self-care, self-compassion and nurturing
  8. practice daily mindfulness via quantum breathing, meditation, reiki, yoga
  9. handwritten journaling
May will be a month to slow down the pace. Do not force things. Go with the flow. This month and this year will serve as a great teacher for us all on how to truly embody patience and self-compassion while we continue on the path of self discovery and our authentic truth.
So for today, I choose not only to enjoy the ride, but the embrace everything my soul is guiding me towards. How about you?

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.