The multi-talented holistic healer Laura Bonetzky-Joseph of Healing With Spirit, joins host Hilary on this episode of Mystical Messages.
A born empath and medium, Laura’s mission is to help others rediscover the power that lies within and find treasures buried in their shadow. She guides clients to become their own superhero by addressing root issues, transforming pain, bridging science and the practical magic of sacred, ancient traditions, Laura elevates the best in those she works with.
Laura has run her private practice near Boston, MA, since 2006. She is a published author, speaker, award-winning advocate, podcaster, teacher, an experienced rooted healer, multi-generational intuitive, spiritual mentor, social justice warrior, and certified Jikiden Reiki® Shihan as well as a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui/Tibetan tradition.
Laura has published many articles on the topics of Holistic Health, Spirituality, Reflections from a Spiritual Medium, Healing Trauma Associated with Abuse, and Reiki.
In 2022, she co-authored her first book – Feisty: Dangerously Amazing Women Using Their Voices To Make An Impact.
This was followed up with her first solo book, The Secrets To Healing released during Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October 2022.
As a guest speaker and host of the podcast Triggers & Spiritual Medicine, Laura addresses the intersectionality of the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and root systems, provide proven practical methods to empower clients.
She was also a featured guest on CBS radio and noted recipient of “Sixteen honorees were selected for innovation, leadership, and community service” by the New England Business Bulletin.
Laura is currently planning on leading a pilgrimage to Ireland in the spring of 2024.
Connect with Laura Joseph
Facebook: Laura Joseph
Instagram: laura_healing_with_spirit
A 2020 Halloween Astro, Full Moon, Numerology, Cosmic, Energy, Space Weather Updates + 5 Tips to do NOW
Halloween Energy Update
- Numerology
- Mercury Retrograde
- Mars Retrograde
- Recent Space Weather events
- Recent electrical events on Earth
- Tomorrow’s Full Moon
- How Halloween factors in all this
AND 5 TIPS on where to focus NOW
My goal with this post is to provide some energetic psychic insight to what is happening from as pure of a state as possible while giving spiritual guidance on how to navigate these polarizing energies while balancing any triggers we may encounter along the way.
For more on the three Powers classes:
- 2020 Presidential Election Psychic Energy Forecast, click here
- 2020 September New Moon Thinning Veils, Signs, & Processing It All, click here.
- Fall 2020 Psychic Review & Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You
- The Dark Night of the Soul
- 2020 Mid Year Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You Into The Last Quarter
- Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest
- Facing the Shadows & Healing During COVID19
- The 444 Psychic Energy Regarding COVID19
- During the Coronavirus Frenzy, Some Birthday Thoughts
- The 2020 Intense Karmic Start and Four Tips To Move Forward
- Three Lessons 2019 Taught Us, Three Things To Know About Navigating the 2020 Energies, & What It All Means
Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest
Spiritual Medicine During Times of Crisis
My heart is aching as I continue to find my place in this world. This has been quite the spiritual journey in the depths of the shadow realm this year, and there is a LOT surfacing personally, collectively, karmicly, and generationally in the first 6 months amidst a COVID19 outbreak with growing protests & civil unrest.
A spiritual message is born.
We are going now into our 12th week broadcasting LIVE: 3x a week in our Facebook group (free to join); 1x a week in the Web of Love on Zoom; 1x a week for Jikiden Reiki Practitioners on Zoom.
Each week, I have been consistently offering extra support, spiritual guidance, spiritual medicine, Gokai, meditation, and movement. We have learned so much in these gatherings.
In this post, I will talk about:
- What We Have Learned So Far
- My Premonition 10 Years Ago
- My 2020 Forecast
- Then COVID Happened – The spirit message
- The Current Civic Unrest – what it means spiritually and energetically
- The Culmination – A string of energetic, solar events, protests and other events on Friday 5/29/20
- Spiritual Medicine with Jaguar
Here is what we have learned so far:
- reaching out through the virtual world can be powerful medicine
- coming together as a group through the virtual world can be powerful medicine
- “Trust our instincts” and “ego destruction” has been consistent messages we have been seeing play out throughout our 12 weeks together
For me – I have learned to trust my premonitions and spiritual guidance and NOT try to pretend to make what I see better than it really is.
My premonition
I had a vision that began over 10 years ago. Obama was running for President at the time. I recall when I first talked about what I saw during a private psychic medium party I was asked to give guidance to the attendees. At the end of the event, I was asked what I saw coming, and I recall saying, there is a code, if we see difficult times ahead, we try not to feed it, but try to adjust to it for spiritual growth.
What I saw – I said I feel war coming on our soil. I did not know what or how at the time. I sat with this for quite some time. I mentioned that I felt it would be bigger than 9/11, but unsure of time frame or how.
That was the beginning, as time went on, my vision has NOT waived, and it actually got clearer.
About 3 years ago, I sat in ceremony with some very deeply connected and rooted spiritual friends. The vision I had was quite disturbing. I saw red skies at night and people running around screaming. I heard “you are going to see a lot of this. Do not get off your path”.
It was shortly thereafter, I saw a war being waged a different kind of war. The clarity came in. I did not see bombs and was told this is not the same kind of weapons. I saw the use of technology and bio-weaponry being used.
The 2020 Forecast

My January 2020 forecast was difficult for me to write. It came in 2 parts as I felt something quite disruptive trying to emerge that I struggled with for over two weeks trying to find a way to make this a positive forecast for folks.
As January moved forward everything I was feeling was coming into play.
Click here for my 2020 Forecast with three things 2019 taught us and three things to know to navigate in 2020 and click here for the updated forecast with the karmic kicker with four tips to move forward posted at the end of January 2020.
Then COVID Happened
We got blindsided. It did not matter how prepared we were, this took the average person by surprise. Those in a position of power knew about this virus in advance. Check out my COVID forecast here.
In the beginning, I found myself highly triggered and my fight/flight/freeze response kicked into HIGH gear. I had to sit with this. Then I wrote my response to what was happening from a TRAUMA perspective where I talked about facing the shadows & healing during Covid.
This was an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.
I told a story that is relative to what is happening all around me with the growing mental health crisis I am witnessing before my eyes and hoped it will shed light for someone who needed it.
We are six months into 2020 and things keep spiraling out of control with greater velocity.
I am witnessing so many folks highly charged & triggered with much surfacing out of the depths from the shadows on so many fronts. Instead of addressing what is surfacing, folks are resorting to very toxic egoic reactionary triggered behavior.
The current energetic climate is amplifying what’s already there.
Addictions up.
Suicides up.
Violence up.
Domestic Violence up.
Racist attacks UP.
We, in New England, forget how women were burned at the stakes for simply loving nature and having a connection to plant medicine. Then we have the indigenous who were brutally genocidally massacred. The Wampanoag are who greeted the first white man are now being faced with LOSING THEIR LANDS FEDERALLY.
The soil we reside on is riddled with many centuries worth of oppression, trauma, rooted in a colonized mindset model buried deep in the subconscious DNA of the collective birthed from the very soil we’ve tainted and poisoned.
We need to be mindful of what triggers surface for us as we move forward. We need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Pronto.
- Call in the appropriate help whether a mental health counselor or
- Hire a BIPOC coach to help you understand your own white privilege, white fragility and want to learn how to unpack your stuff
- or book a private session with me in person or virtually …
Please do NOT escalate what’s bubbling inside to violence, oppression and hate.
We all must do the inner work being REQUIRED of us. There is NO avoiding it as talked about CONSISTENTLY in almost every post in recent years.
The Culmination
Then CAME THIS message Friday, 5/29/20 with pieces to the puzzle coming together with interesting updates:
The date: 5/29/20 = 2 in numerology = balance/duality/change in a closing of a chapter
In light of what’s happening especially in USA today with protests, rallies and the arrest of Officer Chauvin.
Lions gate jellyfish suddenly washing up on our shores TODAY on the beach by me. These things apparently pack quite the sting.
NASA cams suddenly went down today 15min prior to a big solar event.
Emotions especially anxiety/ptsd type, fatigue/energy challenges and sleep issues were affected. I now know why.
Finally … The sun threw its FIRST BIG SOLAR M CLASS FLARE TODAY in years since 2017.
And Schumann’s resonance jumped up to an amplitude over 60 – The Chart was not easily able to read that day.
This is big.
There’s lots to process and digest just with this.
Today’s Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar
Here is a quick highlight from this morning’s FB Live – bridging all this together. I apologize for low sound quality. I am unsure how to boost that for you.
Video Flow:
- Check in
- Prayer/Invocation
- Spiritual Medicine with Jaguar
- Brief Meditation
- Movement to “Dragonborne”
- About Robin and Rabbit
Where do we go from here?
Do we continue resisting what the divine whispers aka soul whispers within are guiding for us?
Do we give in to our triggers, rage, anger, worry?
Do we finally buckle up our bootstraps and face our shadows with courage knowing this is the ONLY way through?
Remember, what we see externally is only a mere reflection of what is internal. Go inside, and you will find the super powers that reside ready to be unleashed when you beckon the call.
In the meantime, can we at least start with a discussion in the comments below???
Let me know your thoughts on this post.

With appreciation,
Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.
For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.
To book a private session, click here.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.
*BIPOC = Black Indigenous Persons Of Color
Click here for upcoming events
5wk Self Care For The Empath Virtual Class
Please note that content on this website is intended for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, not is it meant to diagnose or treat a health problem, symptom or disease. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this website. Information provided on this website DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our website.
Facing the Shadows & Healing During COVID19
This is an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.
I want to tell you a story that is relative to what is happening all around me with the growing mental health crisis I am witnessing before my eyes. I hope it will shed light for someone who needs it.
The year is 2005. I don’t always have a smile on my face. Some days are just darn right difficult.
I say bad things about myself. I sabotage my efforts and tell myself that there must be something wrong with me. I say things from … “who do you think you are? Are you nuts? No one thinks you have anything to offer.”
To things like “You’re tainted. No one will ever love someone like you and who could blame them after what you been through.”
I developed complex post-traumatic stress disorder as well as traumatic brain injury due to several co-occurring factors including … Domestic abuse, domestic violence by proxy, multiple concussions, car accident, rape etc etc.
I went from buying my first house at 19yo to building a successful business in finance to losing it all to point of homelessness due to an abuse from a man whom I was married to for 9yrs but endured 11yrs of court battery w/ over a $300k legal bill. He hoped it would kill me so he could cash in the life insurance policy. I wasn’t going away and I was not giving up fighting for the safety of my children.
I fought back, becoming a fierce advocate for family court reform in custody cases involving domestic violence. I collected 20 credible cases of severe injustice and gross judicial abuse against one judge.
My naivety thought the TRUTH WILL PREVAIL … I was even contacted by a 20/20 reporter about my work. I thought. “Wow. If this happened, I must be onto something.” So, I pushed harder. At one point I had 12 interns helping me.
Well, when one of my interns pushed too hard to access public information about a judge who was PAID by certain groups to help incarcerated abusers gain custody, I suddenly had a target on my back and suddenly thrown into prison shortly there after.
PTSD is a fucked-up thing.
Do you know what was WORSE than that which I endured?
Good people … Every day neighbors, so called friends, etc who did the unthinkable … who judged and shamed me vs the abuser. They turned a blind eye. I am sure if I were someone famous or someone in a position of power, I would have been treated differently.
What I could not understand is WHY “good people” could easily ignore and turn a blind eye to the astounding fact of 58,000 American children being legally trafficked to abusers and pedophiles EVERY year was staggering to me.
It was the mindset that if it wasn’t their kid, who cares.
In the domestic violence world, we call this “bystander abuse”
I was trying to make a difference in this world especially for those without a voice, and I failed. I failed my children and I failed all the US children being abused.
In Dec 2014, I stopped doing that work after the MA Supreme Court ruled in favor of a documented abuser to gain custody for financial reasons ignoring the best interest of the child statute.
There is now in 2020 a PENDING Supreme Court Case in Ma to make a history of domestic/child abuse inadmissible as evidence in a custody case. So the systemic abuse and oppression has NOT stopped.
The harder I fought the injustice, the bigger hole I made for myself. So I changed my focus. I shifted to speaking and healing trauma associated with abuse. I felt my efforts were more useful here.
Why am I airing all this out NOW?
Things are different NOW. OR are they?
That was then, BEFORE I understood WHY I endured such horrors.
Why it has taken me 15yrs to heal and regain my life again.
Why the very year I was supposed to put the last part to my healing journey and recovery into play … buying a house again. Build my business with 2 locations. Travel internationally AGAIN … This year Ireland & Japan …. All came to a screeching halt thanks to the COVID shutdown.
I am sharing this, because I recognize that many people’s reactions to what is currently happening with COVID19 as to how I was then and as to what I was faced then.
I see things differently from a different lens.
There’s more to “THIS STORY” than the public is told. I have LIVED this level of institutional gaslighting and abuse before.
I am not sharing this to gain sympathy. I’m inviting you to a view what is happening from a DIFFERENT lens.
I’m seeing a lot of parallels to my experience in 2005 to now. The difference between then and today?
Then … it was targeted towards victims of abuse/rape on average depending on stats 1:3 with higher numbers in BIPOC* communities.
Today EVERYONE is impacted. 100%
Nature doesn’t discriminate. Humans do.
This pandemic is full of a LOT that I won’t go into at this time outside that we are NOT being given all the facts. I find the current narrative to be highly problematic with visible gaslighting/abuse perpetrated upon the people. Scientists who challenge this narrative have either been discredited or murdered. Freedoms of speech highly censored as ordered by governments and there have been doctors who have committed suicide. There is something happening here that is MORE VIRULENT than COVID19.
Most Americans do not have any frame of reference to calm their fears about the sudden life changes and about dying from THIS infectious virus. Most are not aware of the annual normal deaths associated with cancer, flu, overdoses, nor car accidents. This has created a shock.
I want to focus on the growing contagion of trauma and mental health crisis that is happening that is RARELY addressed or talked about.
I know gaslighting.
I know false narratives.
I know trauma.
I know being silenced.
I know being censored.
I know being discredited by persons in power.
I know the harm & oppression perpetrated by the system.
I know panic.
I know being defensive.
I know chaos.
I know loss.
I know fear.
I know having everything stripped away from you, powerless to act or do anything, knowing I did everything right … the best I could.
I know isolation and helplessness.
I know the “pinch me” factor, wondering if this is all a bad nightmare that I will wake up from.
I know the feeling of questioning what’s real and what’s not.
I know the hypervigilance.
I know the desire to flee.
I know the blame game.
I know the feeling of ‘how am I going to survive’
I know the feeling that I didn’t belong on a planet so cruel.
We are ALL cocooning. Evolving. Changing in ways unseen by the logical minds eye.
The Invitation
I invite you to step out of fear and put our freedoms to work as a sovereign Be-ing. I invite you to make healthy choices and put in place everything we know about how to be healthy and strong in the face of life’s critical moments.
I invite you to be open to another narrative. I invite you to be open and be that curious child. I challenge you to BE skeptical. Healthy skepticism is good.
For me, there’s a BIG difference between how I am responding NOW vs THEN.
I spent 15yrs working on myself incessantly healing, purging, letting go, befriending my shadows, looking at the darkness within, finding SOLID credible teachers to help support me … all to heal, let go as well as build a healthy spiritual immunity and resiliency.
I’ve harnessed my super powers to sniff out corruption, gaslighting and abuse when I see it.
I have dared to be brave.
I faced fears.
I questioned the narratives.
I stepped up.
I have worked on improving my language understanding that language has spiritual power – ‘kotodama’.
I have faced my ‘white privilege’ and still do.
I addressed my own toxic infectious colonized mindset and still do.
I have maintained the mindset of a student.
I’ve avoided multiple major surgeries by employing spiritually based integrative holistic health practices.
I got off medication cuz they were no longer needed.
I avoided the need for antibiotics.
I changed my diet naturally without much effort eating things I would normally have found gross like spinach …
My body started to heal.
My mind started to heal.
I learned how to tap into the body’s magical powerful way of healing itself.
I’ve had to learn what self-love looks like.
I had to redefine what safety looks like.
I removed toxic relationships and inserted healthy boundaries with ones I wanted in my life.
If I wanted a different external situation, I needed to work on the internal one FIRST.
I became my own superhero. Is it easy? FUCK NO.
However, today I am pausing.
I pay attention to the inner cues and whispers like clues on a treasure map.
I am reflecting on how far I’ve come and that I am actually alive.
I empathize with all of those who are being highly triggered right now. I’ve been there.
I empathize with all of those who are being hypervigilant right now. I’ve been there.
I empathize with all of those feeling of anger, frustration, and feeling trapped. I know these emotions
I have learned some serious mad skills over the years to help me adjust.
I’m now really realizing how far I have come because of how I am responding to this crisis.
I want to share them with you.
I invite you to learn something different … to learn my “how” to become your own superhero especially during times of crisis.
I extend an invitation into self-discovery learning how to build healthy spiritual immunity and resiliency.
Let me show you.
I’ve invested in you. Will you invest in you?
There is light in the darkness.
There is possibility in times of chaos.
Can you see beyond the chaos?
Can you see beyond the obvious?
Our souls hold the wisdom we seek.
Our souls wait for us to be heard.
There is a way to master the calm within the storm.
I am here.
I’ve spent 15yrs building and acquiring an arsenal of tools to share with those who are ready for THIS medicine that is ministered to the human spirit.
How we look at the world is crucial. The world is as we see it.
This invitation is NOT for those who are already set in their ways and beliefs. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.
This invitation is for those who are struggling with searching for a new narrative knowing there is a different way but may not know the what or how.
Please join us May 17th while we explore and journey into self discovery over a period of 5 weeks. Learn how to not only be an empath survivor, but an empath thriver while building a stronger spiritual immunity and resiliency during times of crisis. Click here.
Am I making sense or do I sound like a crazy lady?
Thank you for reading.
Below is a list of resources to help you navigate these changes.
To book a private 1:1 virtual session with me, click here.
With appreciation,
Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.
For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.
To book a private session, click here.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.
*BIPOC = Black Indigenous Persons Of Color
Click here for upcoming events
5wk Self Care For The Empath Virtual Class
Please note that content on this website is intended for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, not is it meant to diagnose or treat a health problem, symptom or disease. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this website. Information provided on this website DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our website.
Self Care for the Empath During Times of Crisis
Why learning how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver is crucial during these stressful COVID19 times to propel us forward as an individual but also as a species/collective and learn tools to help transform those sensitivities that are triggering us or having negative affects into your super power.
Laura brings her 15 year journey of acceptance into self discovery, self care, and self love while embracing the gifts of BE-ing an empath.
Learn about Laura, her experience, what’s happening energetically during COVID19, the triggers, addressing the how to’s, and why this 5 week class might be for YOU.
What others had to say:
“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie
“Boom Boom Information! …I came to the class thinking how it would help me deal with the outside sources of the Empath issue which were well covered and Laura gave a lot of tools & info on how to deal, but importantly, for myself, opened me up (awareness:) )on how I need to deal & recognize what I am contributing to it. The journey … the balance …” – Sundee S.
“She knows her shit.” – Hannah C.
To read more testimonials, click here.
Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver during these COVID19 times.
CLICK HERE to be the first to know & GET SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE RATE not offered anywhere else.
GOT QUESTIONS??? Post in the comments or contact us directly
NOTE: We tried to do a FB live 5x and somehow Facebook kept booting us. So this video is take 6 and as a result I FORGOT TO ADD : Spiritually based practices like mindfulness, meditation, reiki, yoga, thai chi etc – some triggering to empaths & others are more healing & beneficial. Learn the difference of what is right for YOU.
Self Care For The Empath Intentive (1 of 2)
Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver.
Are you considered overly-sensitive? Are you frustrated because you haven’t yet healed? Do any of these resonate with you?
– Overweight/Underweight
– Unexplanable lethargy
– Unfocused, or feeling lost
– Anxious or depressed, or
– Do you have digestion/elimination difficulties?
You may be empathic. Our sensitivities to the energy in and around us may be the cause for you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other dis-ease of the people around you.
This class, self care for the empath may provide the answers you seek. The Universe has spoken and we have all been called to listen. Many of us have decided to choose the path of soul and spiritual living which has placed us on a path of self-realization.
In this class:
♡ Learn what about the traits of the empath.
♡ How to recognize when the “stuff” you are feeling is your own or someone else’s and what to do.
♡ Learn the tools of self discovery and see the gifts you have as a not a curse, but as a gift.
♡ Learn techniques that teach you how to effectively protect yourself from surrounding energies.
♡ Learn how to powerfully release the energies that no longer serve you.
♡ Learn how to honor and empower yourself.
♡ Learn how to trust your gut instincts aka your intiution aka the voice of your soul
♡ Also exercises given to be done at home in between classes.
• receive customized notebook
• access to a private self care for the empath support group.
This will be a powerful interactive class. You will no doubt leave more empowered with many tools for self care.
Join us for this special 4 week intensive of healing and empowerment. You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU
There will be a 45 min break for lunch
Dates: Two Sundays back to back in order to give you exercises to work on in between classes.
Investment: $150
To Register:
Class Registration
For latest updates and information:
Visit our Facebook events page
What others had to say:
“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie
For more feedback, click here
Self Care For The Empath Intentive (2 of 2)
Happy New Year. Kick off 2018 with a resolution of more self-care.
Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver.
Are you considered overly-sensitive? Are you frustrated because you haven’t yet healed? Do any of these resonate with you?
– Overweight/Underweight
– Unexplanable lethargy
– Unfocused, or feeling lost
– Anxious or depressed, or
– Do you have digestion/elimination difficulties?
You may be empathic. Our sensitivities to the energy in and around us may be the cause for you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other dis-ease of the people around you.
This class, self care for the empath may provide the answers you seek. The Universe has spoken and we have all been called to listen. Many of us have decided to choose the path of soul and spiritual living which has placed us on a path of self-realization.
In this class:
♡ Learn what about the traits of the empath.
♡ How to recognize when the “stuff” you are feeling is your own or someone else’s and what to do.
♡ Learn the tools of self discovery and see the gifts you have as a not a curse, but as a gift.
♡ Learn techniques that teach you how to effectively protect yourself from surrounding energies.
♡ Learn how to powerfully release the energies that no longer serve you.
♡ Learn how to honor and empower yourself.
♡ Learn how to trust your gut instincts aka your intiution aka the voice of your soul
♡ Also exercises given to be done at home in between classes.
• receive customized notebook
• access to a private self care for the empath support group.
This will be a powerful interactive class. You will no doubt leave more empowered with many tools for self care.
Join us for this special 4 week intensive of healing and empowerment. You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU
There will be a 45 min break for lunch
Dates: Sat March 3rd AND Sat March 10th
Investment: $133 until January 15th
To Register: private message us or call/text 857-880-0365
For latest updates and information: Visit” target=”_blank”>
What others had to say:
“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie
For more, visit
Self Care For The Empath Intentive (1 of 2)
Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver.
Are you considered overly-sensitive? Are you frustrated because you haven’t yet healed? Do any of these resonate with you?
- Overweight/Underweight
- Unexplanable lethargy
- Unfocused, or feeling lost
- Anxious or depresse d, or
- Do you have digestion/elimination difficulties
- Struggle with the energies around you?
You may be empathic. Our sensitivities to the energy in and around us may be the cause for you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other dis-ease of the people around you.
This class, self care for the empath may provide the answers you seek. This class is designed both for the beginner empath and the experienced empath wanting to learn more tools.
We will look in all areas of your life from spirituality to lifestyle, health, nutrition, and more.
In this class Learn:
- What about the traits of the empath.
- How to recognize when the “stuff” you are feeling is your own or someone else’s and what to do.
- Tools of self discovery
- How to discover the gifts you have a gift not a curse.
- Techniques that teach you how to effectively protect yourself from surrounding energies.
- How to powerfully release the energies that no longer serve you.
- How to honor and empower yourself.
- How to trust your gut instincts aka your intuition aka the voice of your soul
- Discover what foods typically affect the empath
- The role of nutrition and how to navigate the health care system as an empath.
- Also exercises given to be done at home in between classes.
- receive customized notebook
- access to a private self care for the empath support group.
This will be a powerful interactive class. You will no doubt leave more empowered with many tools for self care.
Join us for this special empath intensive of healing and empowerment. You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU.
This is the ONLY planned currently planned for 2019.
There will be a 45 min break for lunch
Dates: Two Sundays back to back in order to give you exercises to work on in between classes.
Investment: $150
For latest updates and information:
Visit our Facebook events page
What others had to say:
“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie
For more feedback, click here
To Register:
call/text 857-880-0365 or fill out – Self Care for Empath REGISTRATION FORM
Self Care For The Empath Intentive (2 of 2)
Learn how to not only be an energy empath survivor but an energy empath thriver.
Are you considered overly-sensitive? Are you frustrated because you haven’t yet healed? Do any of these resonate with you?
– Overweight/Underweight
– Unexplanable lethargy
– Unfocused, or feeling lost
– Anxious or depressed, or
– Do you have digestion/elimination difficulties?
You may be empathic. Our sensitivities to the energy in and around us may be the cause for you to take on the pain, unhappiness, and other dis-ease of the people around you.
This class, self care for the empath may provide the answers you seek. The Universe has spoken and we have all been called to listen. Many of us have decided to choose the path of soul and spiritual living which has placed us on a path of self-realization.
In this class:
♡ Learn what about the traits of the empath.
♡ How to recognize when the “stuff” you are feeling is your own or someone else’s and what to do.
♡ Learn the tools of self discovery and see the gifts you have as a not a curse, but as a gift.
♡ Learn techniques that teach you how to effectively protect yourself from surrounding energies.
♡ Learn how to powerfully release the energies that no longer serve you.
♡ Learn how to honor and empower yourself.
♡ Learn how to trust your gut instincts aka your intuition aka the voice of your soul
♡ Also exercises given to be done at home in between classes.
• receive customized notebook
• access to a private self care for the empath support group.
This will be a powerful interactive class. You will no doubt leave more empowered with many tools for self care.
Join us for this special empath intensive of healing and empowerment. You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU
There will be a 45 min break for lunch
Dates: Two Sundays back to back in order to give you exercises to work on in between classes.
Investment: $150
For latest updates and information:
Visit our Facebook events page
What others had to say:
“I highly recommend it for anyone being told they’re “too sensitive”, weighed down by their emotions or their environment or feel as though they don’t fit in. Laura is excellent at what she does and she has knowledge, compassion, insight and understanding that is truly unmatched.” – Debbie
For more feedback, click here
To Register:
call/text 857-880-0365 or fill out – Self Care for Empath REGISTRATION FORM