A 2020 Halloween Astro, Full Moon, Numerology, Cosmic, Energy, Space Weather Updates + 5 Tips to do NOW

Halloween Energy Update

We will talk about what has been happening w/ a summary in the areas of
  • Numerology
  • Mercury Retrograde
  • Mars Retrograde
  • Recent Space Weather events
  • Recent electrical events on Earth
  • Tomorrow’s Full Moon
  • How Halloween factors in all this

AND 5 TIPS on where to focus NOW

My goal  with this post is to provide some energetic psychic insight to what is happening from as pure of a state as possible while giving spiritual guidance on how to navigate these polarizing energies while balancing any triggers we may encounter along the way.

For more on the three Powers classes:


How Solar Minimum can Affect Our Health, Communications, and Climate Change

Are you having periodic episodes of sleep issues? Can’t sleep? Wake up at 3am and can not go back to sleep?

Are you having periodic episodes of unexplainable or amplified severe fatigue?

Are you experiencing GPS issues or cell phone glitches?

What about periods of unexplainable or amplified bouts of stress and anxiety?

Have you felt great one day and then suddenly you got seriously ill as if it was out of the blue?

Have your dreams been increasing in frequency and vividness?

What about time? Are you struggling with managing time or feeling as if time escapes you or as if you are in a time warp?

If you answered yes to any of those, keep reading.

If you have been following me on Facebook or Instagram, you may have noticed I have been talking a lot about space weather and how it has been affecting the planet and us as humans.  Yes, we as a species are evolving.

Many of the posts have been about how the incoming space weather may effect our sleep, moods, energy levels to GPS systems, cell phones and computer glitches not to mention effects on earthquakes, volcanic activity, hurricanes, blizzards, and more.

As humans, we see the sun rise and we see the sun set. We hear about events like solar eclipses and are like ooooo ahhhhh. However, the sun does change and it is currently changing.  Did you know this?

Enter The Solar Minimum

Since 2015, the sun began transitioning into what is called the solar minimum phase after a very intense solar maximum phase. This is a solar cycle the sun enters approximately every 11 years with a “grand” maximum phase approximately every 200 years.

The peak low period for the potential of solar minimum phase is forecast to enter between 2019-2020 with ignition of the potential grand solar minimum phase.

This basically means the sun’s activity is reduced to its lowest level and the sunspots and solar storms have quieted down a bit.  It is the “calm” phase of the sun.

Research shows that the last “Grand” solar minimum was believed to have occurred sometime between 1645 and 1715.

There are four major shifts that are affecting all life on earth right now known as space weather:

  1. Solar flare activity
  2. Solar wind storms from coronal holes
  3. Cosmic rays
  4. Geomagnetic storms

All these shifts with the sun weaken the earth’s magnetic fields. Since this cycle began, we have experienced an approximate 30% reduction of the earth’s magnetic fields and the acceleration of the shifting of the poles.

The strength of these magnetic fields is needed to shield all life on earth from harmful space weather particles. So understanding how this affects us is important so we know how to navigate.

Also, during this solar phase, earth will gradually cool with potentially colder, more eventful winters and has been likened to a mini-Ice Age.

A fairly recent study predicts that the next grand solar minimum could see the sun with almost a 7% reduction in light and heat – and this is 7% below the normal solar minimum.[1]

Valentina Zharkova, a professor of mathematics at Northumbria University in the UK, states  “… solar activity will fall by 60 percent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the ‘mini ice age’ that began in 1645…”[2]

Don’t panic.  All in all, what is important to remember is that the sun-earth relationship is always in a constantly state of flux doing their magnificent dance in our solar system.

What are solar flares?

Solar flares are magnetic explosions that happen on areas of the sun called sun spots. The emit flashes of X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation.

During a grand solar minimum phase, there are fewer sun spots emitting solar flares which means there is less CME’s bombarding the earth.

Because the solar flare activity is quieting down on the sun, we are experiencing another interesting phenomenon… coronal hole storms.

The Coronal Hole Storms

 “Coronal holes are vast regions in the sun’s atmosphere where the sun’s magnetic field opens up and allows streams of solar particles to escape the sun as the fast solar wind.” (NASA)[3]

We have been experiencing over the past few months more coronal hole activity that spews massive streams of solar wind that can affect the earth’s magnetic field causing what is called a geomagnetic storm.

These solar wind storms can cause disruptions to communication systems like cell phones as well as GPS systems because of the friction satellites experience at the time.

Cosmic Rays

You might be saying to yourself what pseudo-science is this? I assure you this is a thing and can be verified through NASA website.

According to NASA: “There are unique space weather effects that get stronger during solar minimum. For example, the number of galactic cosmic rays that reach Earth’s upper atmosphere increases during solar minimum. Galactic cosmic rays are high energy particles accelerated toward the solar system by distant supernova explosions and other violent events in the galaxy.”[4]

Cosmic rays can “trigger larger flash floods, hailstorms and – due to jet stream disturbance and mixing of atmospheric layers – local long-duration precipitation events (e.g. atmospheric rivers)”[5] as we have been witnessing over the plain states this year.

It can also trigger earthquakes, lightening, and volcanoes and other tectonic anomalies.

How Does Space Weather Affect Us?

Disclaimer: Please see a doctor for anything deemed a medical emergency. What is posted here is not a substitute for medical care and is for reference and education only.

To me it is validating and interesting to see what science is beginning to say to substantiate what many of us empaths, healers, and others in the spiritual community have been saying using different terminologies.

The effects from this recent sun cycle began to amplify how we are experiencing things after the solar eclipse of August 2017.

We can anticipate more earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning, and other electric events and an enhanced risk for a solar flare that can disrupt our power grid.[6]

There is even some discussion in the scientific communities about the biologic effects of space weather on humans.  There is more space radiation entering the earth’s atmosphere due to the earth’s weakened magnetic field. This means humans are more susceptible to the influx of cosmic rays, harmful electromagnetic radiation and space particles.

Some of you have heard me talk about the science behind the space weather and earth’s weakening magnetic fields and how it may impact our health.

What might you personally experience? All are deemed unexplainable or amplified for those with existing current medical conditions.

  • Bouts of inability to sleep
  • Bouts of serious fatigue or mega sluggishness
  • Cardiac arrythmias
  • Chest pressures
  • Mood shifts
  • Time warps or feeling as if you are. May feel as if time is speeding up and then slowing down.
  • Emergence of unresolved old wounds or traumas
  • Spiritual awakening and growth
  • Heightened sensitivities or empathic abilities

Those who are at greatest risks? Those with cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, and sleep disorders as well as those who fly. You can read about this from the research conducted about space weather from the University of NH.[7]

Here is another article from the European Space Agency about the biological effects of space weather radiation.[8]

Please do not go into panic mode. I do not write this to create chaos and doom and gloom. The intention is to make you more aware and awake to the effects space weather might have on your human body and mind.

We forget we are made up of mostly water that conducts electricity and the heart and brain are centers for electrical conduction. So how can we NOT be affected?

The point of writing this is to help you navigate some of what you might experience and better explain some of the symptoms especially when the medical community cannot explain or help you.

I have learned over the years that the “not knowing” factor can be quite debilitating to our very being. So education, understanding, and doing the self-care work are key.

As humans, we are evolving and experiencing some mass spiritual awakening that is coinciding with all of this. We are healing generational traumas, old belief systems and patterns.

It is important moving forward if you are sensitive to the space weather and learn tools to manage these effects.

In Summary, What to Expect During Solar Minimum or a Potential Grand Solar Minimum Phase

If the space weather forecast is correct, we may be entering a grand solar minimum phase. Here are some things to consider:

Interestingly, some research connects the grand solar minimum periods or aka the ‘bad-weather periods’ to times of also relative peace, reason and of improvements of human rights.

Is this a surprise?

I have seen just in my own work a surge in humanity seeking, spiritual awakening, and desires for deep healing. With that comes some disruption.

In the climate:

  • Ionization of atmospheric molecules –Cloud nucleation
  • More cloud formation and erratic precipitation.
  • Long-term cooling of the earth
  • More snow and ice reflect solar radiation
  • More localized larger flash flooding
  • More Hailstorms and lightening
  • Crop damage, local surface heating, wildfires and biological damage can all be accelerated by an increase in UV radiation
  • Earthquakes and volcanoes and other tectonic anomalies triggered by cosmic ray influxes

Space Weather

  • Weaker solar magnetic field aka solar flares
  • More cosmic ray influx from space
  • Longer coronal hole wind storms
  • More UV radiation entering the earth
  • The shift in our galaxy moving from its protective magnetic bubble

In Our Health

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Bouts of serious fatigue or mega sluggishness
  • Cardiac arrythmias
  • Chest pressures
  • Mood shifts
  • Time warps or feeling as if you are. May feel as if time is speeding up and then slowing down.
  • Emergence of unresolved old wounds or traumas
  • Spiritual awakening and growth
  • Heightened sensitivities or empathic abilities
  • Joint pains
  • Headaches
  • Vivid dreams

Other Disruptions

  • More electric events that affect communications such as cell phones and GPS systems
  • An enhanced risk for a solar flare that can disrupt our power grid
  • Increase risk of more radiation when flying
  • Deconstruction – political systems, relationships, jobs

As humans, we are experiencing massive spiritual upgrades as we deconstruct old beliefs systems and patterns. The storms, quakes, and tremors taking place on earth are also taking place within us, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

All these external experiences occurring reflect a universal transformation process affecting all levels of existence. It is important to get in alignment with these cycles energetically to master the flow of change within us. The changes taking place have a higher purpose.

The mainstream systems such as political, religious, media, and financial will try to gaslight the masses out of fear and desire to control. Resist the urge to go relinquish your natural born rights and freedoms. This does not mean to be a shithead. It means to step into your soul path.

The old ways of power grabs, belief systems, and patterns are being deconstructed for a higher spiritual evolutionary reasoning beyond our own comprehension.

Those in power do not like this and will attempt to gaslight and control the masses.  When we allow others to control us and force poisons into our bodies, minds, and spirit against our will, we give up responsibility to nurture our divine selves.

But the cosmic events and space weather do not lie.

We are in an interesting time in history literally and metaphorically. As we go through these multi layered shifts, we may feel out of balance at times – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. These are NORMAL when going through soul growth and expansion.

Actions to Take

  • Move out of the head and into the heart and gut space.
  • Listen to the wisdoms of the body as it has a wealth of knowledge for you to tap into.
  • Turn off tv programming that creates fear and agendas that are not in alignment with your very core being of who you are
  • Be careful of the inner critic. Don’t always trust that old chatter.
  • Trust that no matter what, your soul has your back.
  • Treat Your Body as a Temple. That means refrain from putting toxins into it.
  • Grow your own food or support a local, organic farmer.
  • You are more than the reality that you perceive. We are frequency and vibration. So work with the space weather to become a master of the flow.
  • Find a competent well skilled healer – who has done the work and walks the walk – to help you reset your nervous system, immune system, and endocrine systems.
  • Be aware of your triggers and work on healing those cords
  • Practice daily grounding, meditation, and gratitude
  • Release fear and step into your light and power.

What is happening with our space weather is just to help you better understand what is happening within and around us so we know what actions to take and know how to master the energetic ebb and flow of change.

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

Share with us what you learned or an experience with us that resonates with things in this post.

With appreciation,


To learn more about space weather, check out:

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission.
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

[1]The American Astronomical Society; The Astrophysical Journal Letters; “Ultraviolet Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength Observation of Solar Analogs”; Dec 27, 2017; https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aaa124

[2] Life Science; “How the Sun’s 11-Year Solar Cycle Works”; Denise Chow; 2011; https://www.livescience.com/33345-solar-cycle-sun-activity.html

[3] NASA Science; https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/solar-minimum-is-coming

[4] NASA Science;  https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/solar-minimum-is-coming

[5] Abrupt Earth Changes; “The next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes (an introduction)”; SACHA DOBLER; January 2018 https://abruptearthchanges.com/2018/01/14/climate-change-grand-solar-minimum-and-cosmic-rays/

[6]  Abrupt Earth Changes; “The next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes (an introduction)”; SACHA DOBLER; January 2018 https://abruptearthchanges.com/2018/01/14/climate-change-grand-solar-minimum-and-cosmic-rays/

[7] Space Weather Archive; “The Worsening Cosmic Ray Situation”; Dr. Tony Phillips; March 2018; https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2018/03/05/the-worsening-cosmic-ray-situation/?fbclid=IwAR1rh1iUZ2r-Uzd-w7y_HMX7cPizn3NDdOV8nimtaVQU0LtJYnnOCaZQ5-U

[8] ESA United Space In Europe; “BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION”;European Space Agency;  April 2017; https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Preparing_for_the_Future/Space_for_Earth/Space_for_health/Biological_effects_of_radiation/(print)?fbclid=IwAR1qy9emOccbpFgpqQzLJt0aTZtA10eHsYGg0qnaUET6dVTqlyWbMSeYS-M

The Shifting Energetic Tides, Our Dream States & 3 Tips To Guide You Forward


How have your dreams been over the last few months? Anything revealing?

The energies in the Universe have been really pushing us hard to release old beliefs systems and patterns and open us up to expansion. Although, we may not perceive it in this way. We are at a time where questioning our reality is increasing. That is when we should actually take a pause. Quiet the mind, and let the inner wisdom guide us to our truth. The more we resist or fear, the more push back we may experience.

How much spiritual internal work we have done and continue to do, will determine the degree of push back. None of us are immune. The difference really lies in the awareness and having the tools to adjust accordingly. Those who have been avoiding, fearing, or spiritually bypassing*, are finding out things to be quite challenging.

One of the ways we are adjusting or sorting things out energetically is through our sleep and our dream state.

Dreams give us an opportunity and clues to our waking life. Paying attention to them can help us understand what is happening and what actions to take.

According to Psychology Today, dreams can show us meaningful patterns in our waking life. This can include things like:

  • The patterns in dreaming can correspond to various aspects of the dreamer’s physical and mental health.
  • Dreams can also accurately reflect people’s engagement in various other areas such as relationships, sports, education, spirituality, personal identity and more.
Laura recently in San Francisco area of Mill Valley, CA amongst the mountains & trees

What Laura’s Dream Show Us

A Forever Home, Trees, a Big Fluffy White Bed, and Nakedness. Whaaat?

My dreams have been vivid, full of messages, and very telling. These dreams are like clues on a treasure map to lead to the buried treasure which we sometimes think is hidden externally somewhere, but in reality the treasure we seek resides within. I talked about some of these experiences on social media. If you follow me, you may have caught some of the discussions. 

To give you an example, here is one dream I had and what it revealed to me in the end.

Recently, I had a dream that I finally bought my forever home. This was after losing my home in 2008 as a result of the ongoing onslaught of financial abuse after leaving my domestic abuser in 2005. I had bought my first home at age 19 and the home I lost was the result of almost 20 years of hard work gone … all because of a bad decision on who I chose to marry who saw me as a target he could steal, manipulate, control, and abuse.

I looked at this house in the dream, and knew it was it, and put a deposit on it same day. I sighed with happy tears in my eyes. I felt instantly lighter as if a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. This was a dream that I never thought was possible BUT, that fear was conquered. I not only got my forever home, I got my zen, happy place and peace restored.

The house was a modest 2 story home (guessing approx 1500 sq ft) and located in a quiet neighborhood at the top of the hill with lots of trees. It was abutting a beautiful forested wooded park like those I had seen in Seattle, WA. It was lush and healthy as if secret fairies, magic, and fairy gardens were hidden in there. That appealed to me greatly in the dream.

When I went inside the home, it was empty and bare. No curtains or furniture and even the cabinet doors in the kitchen were removed. I recall being a little startled until I walked into the master bedroom. It was the only room furnished simplistically with a big comfortable zenful white bed that I just had to lie in. I was suddenly in all my nakedness and was comfortable in my bareness.

The realtor, an elderly grey haired white man, walked in on me as I went to close the door telling him that I had no clothes on attempting to cover myself with my arms and hands. I noticed the door had no handle from the inside of the room and opened from right to left.

The house also had one of those wall-less walk in showers, but bathroom was seriously outdated and in need of repair, with falling tiles near the ceiling. It was as if no one had been in here for years with tiles that looked like it was from the 1960s. However, I recall loving the weird layout.

Bedrooms and bathrooms are big symbols in dreams and can help us understand the every day aspects of our life. Such as:

  • The open shower can represent an act of cleansing the inner self.
  • The bathroom itself can mean in this case that personal freedom still needs some work and cleansing.
  • Bathrooms in general are an important sign of an opportunity to expand business affairs and reach a satisfying conclusion.
  • Bedrooms on the other hand say a lot about our private life and things that might need resolve. This also might involve attachments to a project requiring negotiation which is likely to provide prosperity.
Photo: Pinerest

The big fluffy white bed denotes peaceful times, a purity, positive changes afoot and/or building of strong healthy relationships. It reminded me of the one I slept in at the Airbnb I stayed at in Seattle. It was comforting, peaceful, and made me feel blissful.

As a kid, I was wanted to study the science of dreams, and even represented my High School as a freshman in the regional science fair. My project was on whether or not food affects the way a person dreams. I still recall having ice cream, and then dreamt about going skiing.

This dream was a blessing with simple reminders for my waking life. The key message here is a reminder that miracles do happen. Messages I heard were:

  • You are on the right path.
  • You are almost there. So close you can taste it.
  • The old is crumbling away, and you are now within reach of attaining everything you have sought after and worked so hard for.
  • It is ok to question, but know when to discern things are moving in the positive direction vs a setback from the same old story keeping you hostage.
  • Your home is showing the areas you still need to release fears and old heal traumas, as that is what is holding you back the most now.
  • It is ok. You. Are. Safe. You don’t have to keep looking over your shoulder anymore.
  • It is time. It is time for you to rise up. No more cowering in the corner. You have bared all and stripped everything. Now rise. Walk through the fire and blaze a new path.

What have your dreams been expressing for you in your life? I’d love to hear your dream experiences. So please share in the comments below.

Three Tips To Guide You

We forget we are made of of mostly water and energy (frequency and vibration) that then make up our cells, tissues, organs and our very BE-ing. So to wonder why are we so sensitive and/or is this a load or horseshit, I’d ask you to really consider our very miraculous make up. We are stardust after all that originated from particles of a star. Are we not?

According to LSU physicist Edward Zganjar (pronounced Skyner), “the iron in our blood and the calcium in our bones were all forged in such stars.” Just think about that for a moment. (Pause)

So it is not unusual that we can be affected by our sun, our planet’s magnetic shifts, moon phases, astrological events, and even super novas millions of light years away.

Here are three tips to guide you as you move forward during these every changing energies:

1.Pay attention to your dreams when you have them. The ones to really pay attention to are those vivid dreams or those that feel like an alternate reality or even a message type of dream.

Upon waking, press the rewind button on your brain for dream recall. Then write down or voice record as much detail as possible. Be sure to include moods, colors, and how you felt during the experience and how you felt upon waking. Were you sweaty, fearful, anxious, numb, joyful, silly, etc.? They are all clues to helping you uncover the hidden meanings like clues on a treasure map.

Note that our dreams can hold clues to all we are currently experiencing on this planet at this time.

In ancient times, dreams were seen as a way to give information about the past, present, future or even as omens or insights. They are symbolic messages like clues to a treasure map of our own psyche.

So, pay attention. You just might get the answers you seek through the form of your dreams.

2. Be aware of your body’s experiences, build an intimate relationship with self, and develop a language of communication with the body . If you are feeling tension in the shoulders, pay attention. If you all of a sudden feel unexplained exhaustion, pay attention. This is a secret language we must learn. Your body will tell you everything you need to know. Trust its wisdom.


The clues our body gives us are one of the following: spiritual upgrades and adjustments, clues to what you need to address and not ignore or pretend it will just go away, and/or symptoms of releasing old beliefs, patterns, traumas (personal, generational, or past life). This is stuff usually not in our conscious awareness, but buried in the shadows of our subconscious. So it takes work, self compassion, self love and understanding.

3. The Shadow work continues. Everything we seek is buried in the depths of our shadows of our subconscious minds. If you want to change your life go into the depths of your shadows. Yes. Go there.

If you want to change what you see in the external world, go into the depths of your shadows. Yes. Go there.

It is important to continue to dig deep and get real with yourself and continue to go into the shadows of self and confront your fears. This is where the buried treasure resides. Spiritually bypassing* this reality is like a euphoric false sense of reality like an addictive drug that is blinding us from what we need to do collectively and in the end creates more unnecessary suffering as a result. 

Be gentle and compassionate with yourself in the process. This is not easy work. Internal work is a shit show that gets messy and raw, but in the end, it feels like massive weights and chains have been cut off and we can breathe again.

There is a lot happening energetically on the planet right now, and it is not going away any time soon. It is important we learn how to navigate these changes with as much grace and ease as possible. Will it be easy? No.

However, with tips like what I have mentioned above and sharing these experiences with you, hopefully will open your eyes a little bit to a whole new way of experiencing life and being part of the collective solutions our Great Mother desperately needs. We have a responsibility to our Mother. We are her stewards after all.

Do we treat her with respect?

Do we honor her?

Do we listen to her cries?

Do we take action to become better stewards?

Just food for thought here.

Your comments and feedback are so important to me. Please share what you gained or learned from this post or what questions did this post leave you with . What is your take a way?

Photo by: Verdi Studio

Thank you for sharing this journey with me and for reading. Don’t forget to pause and breathe.

With appreciation, 

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Healing Trauma Through Spirit – Faceook

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Spiritually Bypassing*

* To learn more about what spiritually bypassing is, you may watch the video I did in Nov 2018 on YouTube that talks about it. Click here for the video. AND be sure to subscribe to our channel to see more videos as they come in.

© 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Current Energies, Wisdom of the Body, and a Guided Meditation in Nature

Good morning from Webb Memorial State Park in Weymouth, MA.

Please join us as we will be talking about the current cosmic energies, what is happening, how it is affecting all of us individually and collectively and why the wisdom of the body holds the key to the answers you seek.

We will also talk about trauma, the health links, healing trauma, and what is happening now.

We will end with some mindful breathing and meditation in nature. Please stay til the end. There is some magic to be seen.

I hope you will join me and together let’s raise the vibration.

( Recorded on Facebook Live August 9, 2019)


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Please subscribe to my channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe. 

With love and appreciation,


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Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Cosmic What? What You Need To Know Moving Into The 2017 Waves Of Energetic Change

Laura at the San Diego Zoo (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved

As we close out the year, we can sit back and reflect on all the growth and changes we have made throughout the year. As difficult as the year has been for many, we are, nonetheless, still here for a reason. If you are reading this, you were meant to.

So right now we are at the completion of 2016, and with it our last period of mercury retrograde which so many people look at and dread. Everything is a matter on how you choose to react and perceive things. I choose to work with these energies for what they are intended for such as what I call the “re” effect like reflection, redoing, readjustment, relaxation, revamping, realignment, repairing, etc. I have personally been reflecting all month on where I was, where I am, what work I still have to do, and where I am going.

All year we have been met with some very exciting times for soul and human growth, combined with what may appear as extreme smack downs. No one ever said healing was a pleasant journey, but it is a worthwhile one that can lead to all of what your soul desires.

As a matter of fact, healing can down right be painful and exhausting giving glimpses of questioning life and our faith. However, somehow, we manage to push through the barriers and search for that rainbow at the end of the storm that just wreaked havoc in our lives.  It is through our greatest adversities where we find the greatest gifts.

Just like the life of the caterpillar that transforms into the beautiful butterfly, the journey in the cocoon is quite ugly. Yet, the caterpillar still chooses to cocoon and continue onto the journey.

Can you relate to this at all so far?  If you are unsure if this makes sense, let me elaborate through my personal experience and story and hope it helps give you some clarity.

The Northern Harrier Laura captured while visiting Cape Cod
in August of 2016. (c) 2016 All Rights reserved.


When this year began, I was excited about the path I was leading, but suddenly I was met with what my human self aka ego would perceive as extreme setbacks with the surprise of not only an ending, but severing of several very close relationships, one being with my children.  This was extremely difficult for me and made me reevaluate, question, and at times beg for divine intervention to help me move past the crap that I had endured especially in regards to a previous abusive 10 year marriage that ended 10 years ago, but his abusive pursuits only stopped in the last 2 years.
It was hard, and many of my writings and public speeches discussed some these experiences not to air my stuff, but to help others who may be experiencing similar know they are not alone and what to do. As I continued to release, let go, continued my meditation and reiki practice, and work with my divine team, my faith was slowly being restored.
My experiences this past January were far from glorifying, but outright painful as I was forced to look at all the painful traumas in this life, generationally, and karmicly all at the same time. With all that I knew and all my training to date, I was not sure I would make it to be honest.

My physical body began to amplify some disturbing symptoms from:

  • Sleep issues
  • Extreme irregular menses
  • Extreme almost hemorrhagic uterine bleeding
  • Re-emergence of PTSD symptoms such as flashbacks, fear, worry, nightmares, and more.
  • Severe pelvic pain and lower back pain 
  • Ringing in my ears
  • Weight gain
  • Severe anxiety
  • Severe fatigue
  • Vocal strains
  • Bizarre instances of choking
  • Fluttering in heart area
  • Periods of inability to move

These are just some of what I experienced to name a few. All of the doctors could not explain the cause of my symptoms. However, my divine team kept reassuring me that things will begin to improve by mid-June. I work both in the spiritual realm, but also the holistic health realm with a background in western healthcare. So when I go to a western medical doctor, I already have a clue as to the cause of my symptoms, being a combination of spiritual ascension symptoms as well as adrenal stress from years of PTSD fight or flight. However, my goal is to try to get my western medical teams to prove me wrong.

(c) 2016 Laura Healing With Spirit
So needless to say, as the months went on, I stayed on the path best I could as instructed by my divine team since my western medical team could not find a cause for any of my variety of symptoms. The only treatment was a hysterectomy and medications to mask the cause or numb the cause that they did not know was the issues. All my tests to that point have been negative.

By mid-May, my lower pelvic and back pain escalated as well as my bleeding where I bled heavily for over 30 days straight so much so I hemorrhaged a few days prior to me flying out for my continued Jikiden Reiki training. I sought out medical attention and had physical exam, blood work and ultrasound. All NORMAL.

The day after, my symptoms began to improve. That date was key and my spiritual guides reminded me of the significance because I began doubting that things would improve by mid-June. How could they if I am seemingly getting worse? That date in May was the anniversary of a very traumatic event. My physical body was trying to release it. It just needed my help emotionally, mentally and spiritually to help it do so.

I knew once I went out for my training program, things might get a little worse if I was right all along that this is a spiritual cleansing and karmic healing. And it did. So much so that my teacher instructed me to see a Tibetan doctor known for treating the Dali Lama. I did as requested. For the first time in years, a doctor confirmed my suspicions, but recommended additional dietary and herbal supplement changes on top on my routines. 

So like everything else, things came in waves. With each wave, I did my best to do some introspection as to what is coming to the surface to be let go of. Some things have been easier to release than others. That is our human side, but especially the traumatized human side fearful of change despite what you already know.

My spiritual practice and personal life have been significantly improved. The quality of individuals of who I surround myself with have improved. Some of the things I have been working on for over 10-11years have finally manifested. So it appeared that I was finally at home stretch. 

Cape Cod with Laura communing in nature 2016


fast …

So just before the holiday, my small dog that I use as a therapy dog was attacked by a domestic dog. On top of this, I was hit with the massive cosmic energies that were bombarding the Earth plane since Thanksgiving which zapped me energetically as I was forced into slow motion for a few days. Again, the cosmic shifting forced me to address old stuff and strong emotions like anger that had risen for the first time in many many years. At the time I did not realize this, but later understood that if anger emerged, that was a very old emotion. This means I am closer than I realize to where I need to be.

In regards to the dog attack, the irony here is the night before we came in contact with a coyote, but no incidence. We have come in contact with a coyote by itself at least a dozen times and on 2 occasions with a pack, with no incidence in recent years. I have chosen to learn to live in harmony with these magical beings that some like to call vermin. I am not naïve as I take precautions when I am out especially at night. It starts with awareness and vigilance. I do not fear the coyote so it does not smell fear on me. I one time chased one with my dog in my arms just to let him know who’s the alpha dog around here.

So I was stunned that what appeared to be a nice domestic dog would just attack and rip my dog’s head open. However, then I remind myself the state of the cosmic energies and planetary alignment. So instead of getting mad or upset at that moment, I chose to reflect and even felt bad for the other dog as to what happened to it for it to feel the need to attack especially to attack a dog used as a therapy dog.

At one point, I was extremely emotional wondering if she would need surgery to repair a salivary gland as she began to make a turn for the worse the day after Christmas. That day I began a regimen of adding turmeric to her food, reiki, community prayers. Within two days, her wound is suddenly improved and no surgery required as of yet. So what is the lesson here this time? What is it that I am supposed to learn?

When I asked that question to my divine team as I was leaving the surgeons office, I heard “magic” and “miracles”. Sometimes these setbacks although can be very exhausting, labor intensive, and draining, forces you to stick to what you’ve learned and trained for all these years since you left your abuser finally in 2006. This was a validation of the power of holistic treatments and community prayer. 

Now I filled you with all of the “what went wrong” scenarios. What went right? When I spoke about my challenges publicly, I occasionally spoke about the affects of the changing energies on the human body especially with those inflicted with trauma and how to deal with it.  
The bald eagle Laura captured off of Parsons Beach in Maine
in September 2016. (c) All Rights Reserved.
During my big event in January, I had countless people come up to me to tell me how inspired they are and I deepened their understandings in their own lives. Later, when I spoke about some of my own traumas and what I did holistically and spiritually to heal,I will never forget the young man who if I were to judge looked like he walked straight out of a gang. I was scared that day to talk about a subject matter of a trauma I never talked about before, but spirit kept insisting to do. So,  I did.  This young man approached me afterwards and told me he could not thank me enough. He just went to an AA meeting a few days prior and disclosed some of the traumas he endured for the first time and by witnessing my strength, gave him courage to stay clean and gave him hope. 
I have countless emails, feedbacks, and more that I have received over the year from so many people, that it made what I was doing so worth while and reassuring that I was and am on the right path even when I doubted myself. By talking about my journey and sharing it, I was keeping it real. I was keeping it authentic.
Other amazing things happened in moments of the divine such as experiences with hawk, bald eagle, osprey, coyote, and more. The messages were profound and reassuring.

 Lessons of 2016:

So for 2016, we close out a chapter that primarily focused on the previous 10 years. This year I was taught to have a little more faith and trust since it was stripped from me, and each of these events were difficult, but also reassuring that things are happening for a higher purpose. This is what I learned:

  • To take my power back from especially abusive, narcissistic, sociopathic individuals. And I did not do it the way the human logical brain would expect you to do it either. My explanation on that will come at another time.
  • Help from the divine does happen, and many times leave you signs to let you know they are there or as confirmations you are on the right track. 
  • How well we partner with our soul. 
  • How well we surrender and trust in the divine. 
  • How well we let go of control of the things that are making us sick even if ego says not to let go, but the gut says yes. 
  • How well we choose the right people who are in vibrational alignment with us not the ones we empathize so deeply for we end up sacrificing ourself so much it is harmful to us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. 
  • How well we institute the RIGHT self-care practices that address the whole mind, body, and spirit. 
  • To invest in our well-being for no other reason so we can shine our inner light brighter. This is not for superficial means for superficial instant gratification either. 
  • How well we do not reach for a pill first or external fix for an internal problem that will only mask or create a band aid effect temporarily. Eventually, you will need to deal with your junk.
  • Learning to slow down a bit. 
  • Learning to shut off the noise and propagandas shoved in our faces daily by those living in lower vibrations refusing to change or on a path driven by ego and greed. 
  • How well we raise our vibrations in times of crisis.
  • How well we stay in vibrational alignment with our truth and purpose.
Wells, Maine where Laura liked to connect in nature and
meditate. (c) 2016 Laura Healing With Spirit

So what is in for us in 2017?

I anticipate a rocky transition for some due to the cosmic climate. The year 2017 is a one year in numerology. What does that mean? Either you have been doing your work or not, that is up to you and your higher self. Next year is the year for new beginnings with a new cosmic cycle.

So you have a choice to write not only a new chapter in your book, but write a whole new book altogether. What do you choose? Are you going to write a new book or are you going to keep relooking and staying stuck in the last book you have read how many times?

I feel 2017 will focus us on two areas … our internal environment and spiritual development and the awakening of more truths combined with many external events we need to address and not bury our heads in the sand.

One of the signs Laura ususally receives from Spirit is hearts.
Do you see the heart? This was taken in Maine
(c) 2016 All Rights Reserved
I anticipate the energies to still feel like massive waves of various energies hitting us at various rates and intensities as we enter 2017 while we continue to have our physical bodies, emotional and mental bodies, and spiritual bodies adjust. These adjustments or recalibrations from my perspective are not only the cosmic vibrations to a higher dimension that is actually altering our very DNA structure, but affects how we balance the needs of the physical self with the needs of the spiritual self.

I feel it will take a few months depending on where you are at in your spiritual development to feel less rocky waves and a period of calmness. I feel the cosmic climate may also feel a little strange as we shift in between dimensional worlds depending on what sign you are and where you are at in your spiritual development. We may feel lapses in time, accelerations or time warps. Mood shifts or erratic behaviors may amplify and seem weird or out of the blue. As always, I say with preparation and awareness, you can shift your reactions and therefore, shift your results.

However, I caution, that the more your internal world is creating more peace and balance, you will be more awake than ever and certain truths if have not already been revealed, will continue to reveal themselves. When this happens it might not look pretty. Just like Keanu Reeves waking up in the film the Matrix, certain external “events” will need your call to action. I suggest you begin aligning yourself with an agenda to be a part of whether it be the homeless, “water is life” Dapl movement, human rights, affordable health, sustainable renewable energy, GMO, or the like as I feel these are all areas under attack that are asking you to choose your battle.

The peace you are developing within is also aligning you to a greater consciousness … and unity which is where the greatest power of all lies … Universal LOVE. It is from this place, you will become the greatest instrument of change.

There is NO greater power than the Universe itself. With that power you have ying/yang or in this case the power of love/fear. The next 10 years of the evolution of consciousness and how we all align will determine the fate of all humanity. Mother Earth has been asking for us to align with her. Many have heard her call. However, many also need to heed her warnings.

We can start today. On top of what I mentioned we can choose if we buy water from a company who aids in polluting our waters. We can choose to buy foods that are not the equivalent to eating arsenic making us ill. We can choose to shop and support your local farmer and retailer. We can choose to not put our monies in big banks that fund the destruction of our very resources that keep us alive and into smaller local banks or credit unions. We can choose to invest in energies that are better for our planet. We can choose to do random acts of kindness. We can choose to live in a more eco-friendly sustainable environment. Some of these take time, but at least it is a start.

The hawk feather Laura stumbled upon while on her
meditative walk in Maine. (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved.

Miracles do happen to those who believe. Never forget that. See the hawk feather below? This is one of many signs Spirit gives me daily to guide me or to reassure me that I am on the right path.  
It is important to keep the faith. Stay focused, and count our blessings not matter how difficult things may appear. New beginnings are just around the corner. It is time to spread your wings like the butterfly.

The Butterfly story

I heard this story about the butterfly and found it so profound, I want to share with you. I can not recall the source and will do my best to tell the story in hopes you find it equally as profound.

One day, this girl saw this caterpillar in her yard and she stopped for a moment to stare at it. She was neither disgusted nor in awe by this little creature. She was just curious as she watched it munch away on a leave of a plant in her yard. She thought she would help it by gathering more leaves to feed it. She got a little discouraged that it did not eat anything she had left for it. She was worried it was not eating enough.

On day she returned, and saw it was dangling from a branch, and did not know what to think. So for that day she left it alone. The next day she returned to check on her new caterpillar friend to see is struggling so hard inside this encasement, and it worried her so much. She ran home to tell her mother, but mom said not to bother.

The little girl was all frantic, and she was afraid for the little caterpillar and felt the need to save it somehow. So she found a knife and went back to check on her caterpillar friend once again, and it appeared to be violently struggling inside this encasement. Her pulse began to rise. Her breathing began to become rapid, and she began to panic. She thought to herself, that there must be something she can do to save the caterpillar.

So she did what she thought was the next best thing, she cut open the encasement to free her caterpillar from all the struggle. A very wet wing not fully developed fell out as well as what appeared to be a newly forming butterfly. The butterfly fell out and onto the ground. It attempted to move its very wet not fully formed wings, but could not.

The little girl wept, not knowing what to do. All she wanted was to help the little caterpillar so it did not have to be in pain or struggle so hard in that encasement. She thought what she was doing was trying to save it from its pains and struggles, but instead, the butterfly died as it was not fully developed and ready to fly.

Just like the caterpillar needed to make what may appear as a violent, painful struggle to become the caterpillar, so do our human souls.

It is time to complete the transformation and become the butterfly we were all meant to be. Are you ready?

The choice is yours to make. The Universe can keep giving you signs til you  are blue in the face, but at the end of the day, it is you that must make the first step.

If we learn to surf these crazy energetic waves of change instead of fearing what wave will hit us next, we not only raise our vibration, but create the change and bring more joy.

There’s a Buddhist saying about mastering the art of calm in the middle of the storm.
Together, we can make a better world. Here is our chance. The choice is yours to make.

With Love and appreciation,
Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Shihankaku in Jikiden Reiki

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please visit www.laurahealingwithspirit.com 

Speaking Engagements – Fundraisers – Events – Classes – Services


(c) 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Understanding the Current Cosmic Shifts

I am wondering how many of you are glad to see July go. What a month we had. The Universe and our souls pushed our buttons to get us out of our comfort zones, challenged relationships, and forced us to face the things needing change so we may continue to evolve from the caterpillar to the emerging butterfly. Were you open to change or resistant?

The themes of love and fear have come to the surface for review. If we have been heeding the messages all year, we will recognize that July was very much about change. Please check out my January post 6 Tips Towards Soul-Fillment in 2016 and my April post on What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You.

If we are in a state of fear, how can we love? AND vice versa, if we are in a state of love, how can we fear? Learning the art of detachment from people, places, and things have also surfaced to allow for more soul growth.

We can not control the size, shape, and velocity of the waves that come ashore. So why do we try to control the waves of life? It is time we learned to ride the waves and have fun learning to surf. Wow, I what a shift right there.  Wouldn’t you agree?

This is the lesson we are all faced with right now. Master riding the waves of change and you will see the world from a whole new perspective.  Then watch everything else around you change like magic. Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

Just some food for thought ….

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You

There is lots happening. Can you feel all the shifting energies? Over the last 30 days we have seen lots of prodding, shifting, and adjusting.

How’s your energy lately?  If you’ve been feeling exhausted or having trouble sleeping, then you may be feeling the shift.

 It’s amazing to me that no matter who I talk to about this topic, I am always reminded that these shifts can be a challenge no matter where you are at in your spiritual journey. After all we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, right?

So how is what we are feeling and experiencing being driven by the cosmos?

Well the planets were very active in all this shifting we are experiencing with 5 planets that are in retrograde in April. Now, I am no astrology expert, and I would say that I am far from that and rely on my astrology friends to help explain certain aspects. I am an energy healer and lightworker. Therefore, I can sense and feel subtle energy.  What I do understand is energy and how it makes me feel and what common threads I see playing out around me and my environment. I have learned to understand over the years how planetary shifts also affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

So here are the five planets that are in retrograde in April 2016. On January 7th, Jupiter was the first planet to turn retrograde. This was followed by the planet Saturn on March 25th, Mars on April 17th, Pluto on April 18th, and finally Mercury goes retrograde on April 28th. WOW!

Here is a great explanation about retrogrades on findyourfate.com.  “Astrologically, Retrogrades happen when planets, and the energy they represent, are too far out and need to come back in line with the Earth. This is when you need to slow down.”

From what I have witnessed over the past year and most importantly in recent months, our energy cores have been pushed to extremes, prodded, and forced to examine our inner selves and workings while questioning our own versions of realities.  Most of the re-calibrating and shifting was bringing up lots of old karmic, childhood, traumas, etc that were kept deep in our base of our energy cores to be released as they no longer serve our highest good. Many of those I work with or have spoken to on this topic have experienced this, but  thought they addressed these issues and ignored the need for release. This is not the time to ignore, but a time to kick these toxic energies out of our core.

We thought the year 2014 was a grand year for purging and letting go for what no longer serves us, but 2015 was sure a doozy and some may have called 2015 a sh*tstorm of a year. However, there were many lessons in 2015 that helped prepare us for the grand year of transformation in 2016 towards soul-fillment.


What I have felt since Mars and Pluto went retrograde is a shift of the clearing of our energy cores to the higher realms especially targeting the areas of the pineal gland which is a small pea-sized endocrine gland located near the center of the brain behind the cerebellum.

Physiologically speaking, the pineal gland is responsible for producing the hormone melatonin aka your biological on/off light switch for sleep functioning as well as regulating the body’s natural bio-rythems.

Spiritually speaking, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye and considered the most powerful area for ethereal energy.

Symptoms of an “awakening” of the pineal gland include:

  1. pressure at the base of the brain
  2. headaches
  3. fatigue
  4. sleep disturbances

However, as some are already feeling the affects of  the planet mercury going retrograde, we must also consider all elements of communication too starting to affect us.

At the end of it all, this is all about personal growth. It is all how we choose to perceive the world around us. Some react to these retrogrades in a negative fashion, but there are positive aspects to them too. Again, it is all how we choose to view these experiences which are designed to help us evolve.  This is a wonderful time period to go inward and do some introspection work. This will allow us to connect with the divine within and shine our light so we may follow.

The themes currently playing out that you need to be extra mindful and pay extra attention to include:

  1. personal growth/expansion (Jupiter)
  2. communication (Mercury)
  3. love and relationships (Pluto)
  4. emotions, but especially in areas of anger (Mars)
  5. karma (Saturn)
  6. slow down
  7. the need for more self care

So, going into May, this is a GREAT time for many things such as:

  2. connecting with soul aka your inner child and building a partnership
  3. a time for slowing down and contemplation
  4. an opportunity to readjust, redo, reevaluate or fine tune things
  5. to develop a love affair with self – not ego self, but the authentic true self
  6. to relax and go with the ebbs and flows of the Universe
  7. more self-care, self-compassion and nurturing
  8. practice daily mindfulness via quantum breathing, meditation, reiki, yoga
  9. handwritten journaling
May will be a month to slow down the pace. Do not force things. Go with the flow. This month and this year will serve as a great teacher for us all on how to truly embody patience and self-compassion while we continue on the path of self discovery and our authentic truth.
So for today, I choose not only to enjoy the ride, but the embrace everything my soul is guiding me towards. How about you?

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Reflections as We Close Out 2015 – 5 Lessons 2015 Taught Me

The past few days I have been reflecting a lot of what 2015 has meant to me and to those I have served. It has sure proven itself to be one giant roller coaster ride. Wouldn’t you agree? I would love to hear from you what your experiences have been, and what you discovered and learned about yourself

If you read my previous posts, you will see an emerging theme which is about soul. We thought the year 2014 was a grand year for purging and letting go for what no longer serves us, but 2015 was sure a doozy.

Depending on how you choose to see 2015, it was a year of many things:

  • a year of manifestation
  • a climax of purging and letting go.
  • a year for realization of what truly matters
  • a year for rediscovery of self
  • and a year for partnership with soul.

The hardest part for so many I have found this year, is learning to let go of control and trust that your soul has your back. Life for me has not always been easy, and I had my share of dark days. Some of you may know my story, but many do not. That’s ok.

What has helped me through my darkest of days is trusting in the divine … trusting in my soul … trusting my spirit team. I also learned your head and heart will steer you wrong because of ego. However, your gut … your seat of your soul … will never steer you wrong.

I like many of you have been raised in a society that dictates how you should be, dress, act, do. We live in a society that says you are a good person if you do this or that or if you work this job and live in that neighborhood who graduated with this degree then you are a good person. The more I tried to conform to what society dictates to me, the more I became ill and unfulfilled which almost took my life.

However, my guardian angels and spirit team had different plans for me. So over the years, I learned to let go of what was and a perception of a life I thought I had. I slowly surrendered to Spirit over a period of 10+ years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years healing from my traumas learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul. I am like a masterpiece painting that is still in progress.

So back to what this year has taught me …

In order to get from one place to another, you must build a solid foundation. Right now, I feel that I want to keep insuring the foundation I rebuilt this year is strong enough and sturdy after all I went through in my personal life for a grand 2016. However, thanks to the partnership with the divine and my soul, I receive daily confirmations that I am on the right track.

Laura’s favorite vintage store with
lots of Buddha love.

This has been a big year for manifesting. There is the old saying “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might actually get it”.

For some using tools of faith, trust, and positivity, the manifesting yielded many wonderful things and confirmations.

For others who are still stuck in worry, fear, and anxiety, unfortunately, here the manifesting was of more fear, worry, and anxiety. It was almost like you were looking for the gotcha, so the Universe gave it to you.

For me, I have suffered lots of trauma in my personal life and have been in both of those places this year. It is something I have come to terms with over the years, because my soul chose this path for me to learn something that will help my soul ascend.

So, for those stuck in fear or worry mode, I hear you. I can not tell you the days and nights I have spent crying, begging, and pleading for things to change and for help on my faith which dwindled not recognizing the connection between what I was trying to move forward from and my fears actually manifesting over and over.

Laura’s training and certification in
Jikiden Reiki with Arjava Petter

So, we learned another lesson for 2015 which came to a climax of purging and letting go. Many of us, we experienced waves of physical and emotional purges this year. Some were so strong it made us very sick. Resistance to change has proven to be futile for many who chose the path of ego. What I learned was to go with the ebbs and flows of the Universe instead of letting ego rule trying to control things that were not in my capacity to control.

This also means, I learned to listen with the body more, and recognizing that if I was having a bout of exhaustion or emotions, and the medical teams are not able to figure out the cause, then I was experiencing a purge. Some purges did require surgery. But learning the spiritual connection and healing, I was able to minimize recovery time and with no pain medications.
Unfortunately, we are also experiencing a wave of great transitions. For some these transitions were timely for their soul growth. It was just their time to ascend and no other reason.  For some (not all) such as those faced with addictions, my theory is this. I believe especially our youth, were born with such a high frequency and sensitivity that their human self was not able to adjust. It was just too difficult. For others, especially healers forget to self nurture and self care. Martyrdom has proven to lead to a path of dis-ease.
What I have also seen this year in regards to letting go are the links to karmic cords. I have seen this pattern all year, but especially gaining momentum later this year. Many of us have been called to not only heal and let go things in this lifetime, but in previous lifetimes. I have witnessed one person in particular heal at least three lifetimes this year alone and the year is not over yet.
Laura finds her best place to find
peace and meditate is connecting
with nature.
You have to remember all this letting go is about creating a platform for the new. This brings me to the next lesson – a realization of what truly matters.
Does it matter for instance, that you’re driving a 10 year old car and your neighbor is driving a brand new Mercedes? At the end of the day, it does not matter.
I use to drive an Audi, and I even brought a brand new minivan. Today, I could care less. I do not want the computer generated car that could crash like my computer. I do not want the high insurance bill or higher taxes associated with it either. The car is just one analogy, and I am not saying there is not a need to balance out material with the spiritual either.
How would you live your life, if you did work so hard to pay for THINGS that really and truly do not matter at the end of the day?
No better sounds to meditate to
and connect to soul and spirit than
sitting on the quiet beach with the
crashing waves and smells of the ocean
Once we have separated our ego self from our soulful self, we began the next lesson – the rediscovery of self. For some of us, we had some very painful lessons and purges. Some of us lost our families and everything that was material literally. At the time, this may have felt or may still feel quite devastating, but when we can shift our perspective and learn to communicate with our higher self, we can see the world from a whole new perspective. We can not add new experiences if our hands are full with the old.  Sometimes, if we are quite resistant to change, the Universe forces a hand.
Let’s look at cleaning and/or organizing a home. If you are someone like me, you can feel quite overwhelmed easily when there is chaos and disorganization. You may have feelings like you have no idea where to begin and thus leading to procrastination and clutter. For those of us who have experienced this, how would it feel if you had someone else come in and organize and clean for you? You may have moments of resistance to “things”, but focus on the end result and how that would feel. Can you feel the ahhhhhhhhhhh?
A young male buck Laura saw this
fall with a subsequent message
from spirit

If your mind, body, and soul are your home, and the Universe cleaned up for you, then why do we see it as a traumatic experience? This is just a question and there is no wrong answer to this one. It is just food for thought and a shift of perspective is all. As human beings, we develop attachments to people, places and things.

Trauma can be a big road block. I have had my share of trying to personally overcome my blocks as a result of past traumas. There was a moment in my life where I sought help and protections from the very agencies that were designed to help people like me many many years ago where I felt betrayed and left out in the cold.
If I could not trust people, our government, our faith based organizations, our nonprofit agencies to help us, then who do we trust?
When we can learn to detach from some of this “stuff”, it becomes easier to focus on what really matters, which leads me to the next lesson this year – for partnership with soul. When I could trust no one, I then began learning to trust the divine, communicate with the divine more efficiently and effectively, and built a stronger relationship with my soul.
The heart Laura saw on
Thanksgiving Day

So, my spirit team and I designed a communication tool where they let me know through signs and messages through nature to remind me I am on the right path and to keep moving forward.

I have received many signs from hearts to birds to deer and other shapes in the sky. If you scroll through this blog you will see all the writings about my journey this year alone.

The heart as seen here was one of three given to me on Thanksgiving day as I stepped outside for a moment to walk my dog before people arrived at my home. This heart was at the bottom of my steps to my front door and it was one of three hearts seen that day. The other 2 were seen during the bonfire I attended that evening where we gathered a group for some drumming giving thanks to the town, the people, mother earth, the moon, and spirit.
It was a sure message that we are never alone. Our loved ones in spirit and our spirit team is always with us. It is just a matter of whether or not we are listening.
Some of the turkeys Laura has
had the privilege of  watching and
learning from in 2015
The flock of 5 turkeys and many more, as seen here, have been frequent guests this year too. I have watched them grow up from hatchlings to young adults. They have served as a great reminder of where I’m going and to let go of fear. Even though I KNOW to trust in the divine, my soul, and my spirit team, my ego still likes to throw out temptations to fear and all that I am letting go.
Recently, they gave me a blessing knowing it’s safe to trust and tools to know difference. Nature is such a beautiful aid in our path if we just slow down a moment and learn to reconnect again.
I recently watched one of the juvenile turkeys go round and round and round this mirror outside my home for over 45 minutes.  I chuckled at the behavior as the other four were eating the fallen bird seed from the feeder wondering what the message he was trying to make and then I heard it from Spirit.


The jouvenile that captured
Laura’s attention. for 45 min

#messagefromspirit: “Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge.

So many of us are resisting the path of soul. I can relate to the message from the turkey, but I am now further in my path partnering with soul. I can assure you it may seem scary because of what society dictates to us on how to be, but it is so worth it. One day I will share my full story with you in hopes to help someone else along their path.
To those who are having a difficult time being grateful or seeing the light, please hold on and have faith. Trust that your soul has your back if nothing else.
The crystalized light is extraordinary
Hope you see it.
I see your light. Believe it.
May it shine brightly and shatter the looming darkness around you.
May your light give you clarity.

May your light give you strength.
2016 is going to be a magnificent year. It is all about how you choose to perceive your world and where you are currently at in your spiritual development partnering with soul and living a more soulful path.

It is crucial more than ever to develop a partnership with your soul – the ultimate love affair that lasts for an eternity. Your soul is your guide and can help you attune and navigate the ever changing waves of energy.

An important message my spirit team
shared with me and I shared with you

We are all one. We are all being called to unite as one for the betterment of all life.  We can change the world and make it a better place, but it all starts with finding peace within and to stop the raging wars that reside within self.

Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It’s a new day.  We can make today what we choose it to be. So why not choose to have a great day.

I appreciate you.

Laura  Healing With Spirit,

Healing With Spirit 

Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.


Seven Steps to Learning to Trust and Following Your Spiritual Path

The Universe has been busy trying to show us the way back to our soulful path and live a more authentic life. Some of us get it and have been working at following it. Others may feel lost and not sure what is going on.

I would like you to take a moment right now.


Take a deep breath and answer the following questions.

How is your emotional plane today? How are you surfing these latest emotional waves?

Those who have been around me, have been hearing me say quite frequently like a skipping record to “trust … your soul has got your back”.

We are all experiencing changes. Some of us are experiencing changes that are easier than others. However, none of us are immune. This is just a simple reminder to follow your soulful path, and to know your soul has got your back.

Here is a thought to ponder for the day:

“What am I attracting into my life? What vibrations and frequencies am I sending out?”

You can not control what others do, and sometimes you can not control certain situations and circumstances, but you can control your reaction to them.

If you are looking for solutions to your current situation, circumstance, or road block, the answers you seek lie within.

If you are thinking,
“But I pray and ask, but I never get anything?”, you may be doing one of the following:

  • You may not be listening to the signs and answers sent to you from the Universe
  • You may be resisting the changes needed in your life to help you live a more authentic or soulful life.
  • You may be trying too hard, blocking the flow of information and energy to you like a tourniquet cutting off blood supply to your spirit.

As a society we are bombarded with technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality with very little time to attend to the needs of the self leaving many feeling like:

  • We do not know who we are
  • Why we are here
  • What did we come here to do in this lifetime or
  • What we like without fear of what society thinks or caving to the pressures to the demands of society.
 I was recently talking about my trip to Africa, and what I learned about the impact of these types of energies being completely unplugged for approximately 30 days. When I returned, I was shocked to learn I became more heightened to the sensitivities of all these electrical stimuli. I began hearing simple buzzing of the tv and appliances that were plugged in, yet were turned off.
I was completely astounded by this experience and wanted to learn more about the impacts to the human body.  So over the years, I learned more about the physiology of the human body as well as paid attention to the many scientific studies regarding electrical impulses on the body.
First and foremost, we must realize that the human body generates its own electrical currents. Without the ability to generate electricity, we would be dead.  As soon as we can realize this, we can begin to learn to unplug once again, and restore our bodies to the natural state of homeostasis.  This is the beginning to opening the self to understanding the relationship you have with your soul and how all the “junk” in our lives blocks us from following our soulful path.

Here are seven simple steps to learning to trust in your spiritual path and letting your soul guide you.

Unplug. This is simple. Unplug from technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality. Knowing this and actually implementing this simple change are two separate issues and maybe difficult for some to do due to habits and lifestyles.

My thought to you:
You may never know how good you could have it, if you never do this and see what happens.

This does take time and patience as this is a lifestyle change.

Partner with your soul. – This means you need to learn to become your soul’s best friend. Talk to your soul as if you would your best friend. Discover your soul’s likes and dislikes. Discover why you are here and let your soul help you in your daily life. If you are saying to me, how do I do this?, the answer is by quieting the mind and learning at attune to the energies within and listening.

Create affirmations and mantras.  Here is an affirmation to help you through the day:  Today, I am letting my emotions surf the waves with uttermost confidence knowing my soul has got my back.

Let go resistance to change. Resistance is fear based. The two strongest emotions are fear and love, and they can not coexist. We must realize that what our soul wants and the Universe is stronger than what we want, which by the way is ego based. By learning to surrender ego and resistance, you release that tourniquet and open the flow of energies. When these energies are opened, anything is possible. The choice is yours and this is where free will steps in.

For me, it’s about learning to let go, and trusting in the process. Be mindful of your choices and reactions. That’s part of the lesson. How we react to people, …situations, and things can dictate which path you travel down.

Ride the waves of energetic changes with confidence and poise.  If you have noticed over the past year, those who have fought hard resisting changes, are the ones with the most difficult lessons. Those who rode the waves, stayed present, and embraced whatever changes came their way, had much smoother transitions.

Trust in your path.  This is especially evident with those struggling with faith and trust. Here you are asked to trust and have faith in the divine. I hear a lot of people say to me, “But I am all alone and it is difficult”. My answer to you is “You are never alone. You are always loved and surrounded by the divine. You just have to quiet the mind long enough to feel it, see it, and hear it.”

Practice daily awareness and mindfulness. This means, pay attention to your thoughts, vibrations, and actions. These all create ripples. Are you creating positive ripples or negative ones? Please visit my post on the ripple effect on how to create the ripples you desire in your life.

The Universe is reminding has been reminding us, like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz,  we’ve had the power all along.

We have been tested. Many spirits have been broken. BUT now, we learn that what we are truly seeking lies within us.

All the answers to your prayers … All the healing to you ailments … All the peace, joy, happiness … All the abundance you desire … All lie within.

This is a lesson about going within and learning to shift. You just need to get out of your own way and partner with your higher self and the Universe.  Success is closer than you think.

Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

Much of what I share with you comes from Spirit as part of my own personal spiritual journey, healing and growth. I share because I know I’m not alone. I share because I know somewhere someone else can benefit. I share because it helps me in my spiritual development…. For that I thank you. We are all in this together. …

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Be Kind To Yourself As We Transition


“Today is Friday. As we move throughout the day, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. Energies have been quite intense lately. There’s been a lot of drastic and some very hard energetic shifts that has affected Mother Earth and everything in us and around us. We hear your cries. We hear your pleas. We are letting you know we are here to help. All you have to do is ask. Be open to receive. Then listen and be patient as we help you work through the sit…uation. In the meantime, it is important to be mindful of your internal dialog. So many say such dreadful things to self you would never say to another. Please stop. Be gentle and kind with yourself as we help you and guide you through these waves of change.”

A gift from spirit sent to you with light and love,

With lots of love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.