Medical Study of the Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-Being
I am ecstatic to see this observational medical study on the use of Tibetan singing bowls. The study was published involving 62 women and men with the mean age 49.7…
A Trauma Survivors Election Day Experience 2016 And How To Move Forward
WOW what a ride this week has been and since the election emotions have been quite high. I have my own feelings that have come to light this week and…
Honoring The Sacredness of Water and Why the Events At Standing Rock Matter For the Evolution of Humanity and Our Souls
October 13, 2016BY; Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit, Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer, AuthorExcerpts from Lecture Sunday, October, 16, 2016 at The First Spiritualist Church of RI What a ride this…
Healing Trauma By Stepping Into Your Power Through The Universal Energies of Change And Forgiveness
What I will be writing about, I am unsure if this is directed to my personal path and journey or if you will find that it will resonate with you….
URGENT APPEAL Regarding the State of Reiki in Massachusetts
☆☆ Urgent Appeal ☆☆ Thank you to the work by those from the Celebration of Reiki Conference on researching this Massachusetts Senate Bill S2461, which is moving quickly through the…
Understanding the Current Cosmic Shifts
I am wondering how many of you are glad to see July go. What a month we had. The Universe and our souls pushed our buttons to get us out…
Learning Jikiden Reiki in a Western Reiki World
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho”, which translates as “Usui treatment fo the improvement of body and…
What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You
There is lots happening. Can you feel all the shifting energies? Over the last 30 days we have seen lots of prodding, shifting, and adjusting. How’s your energy lately? If…
My Story of Embodying Reiki to Heal Trauma Associated With Abuse
The Back Story Yesterday I had a pretty deep conversation with a good friend of mine regarding the struggles to survive fleeing an abusive relationship where I lost my sense…
Learning the Art of Non Attachment
Since 2016 began, we have been pushed to extremes, prodded, and forced to examine our inner selves and workings. What I see is that we’re being forced to address the…