Tarot Card Pull Regarding The Mueller Report Congressional Hearings

Today is Wednesday, July 24, 2019, the day Robert Mueller was testifying before Congress once again.

During the congressional hearings, I pulled cards regarding the Mueller Report again. I did the first card pull on this topic on April 21, 2019 which was posted on Instagram.

So far (since 2010) my readings on politics hasn’t been wrong… knock on wood. I always remind myself there is always a first time.

I believe we are at a crossroads and it is crucial for the American people to bombard our Congress men and women to ACT on this issue NOW.

There are lots of changes beginning to happen and it’s crucial to stay on point to what’s at stake and not let the media, President, or Congress DISTRACT us with a tactic abusers know well… throw lots of smack on the walls to keep them busy while statute of limitations to address this serious issue wanes.

THIS is a wake up call for all NOW. How long it takes to repair will take time.

Card Spread regarding the Mueller Report Congressional Hearings July 24, 2019

—-> For those who can read cards, what do you see? <—-

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With appreciation,

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PS. No threatening or abusive language will be tolerated on this page or website.

 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

Eclipse Season, Retrograde Planets, Space Weather, Triggers, & 3 Tips To Guide You Through It All

The Back Story – Purpose & the Why

First, this post was inspired by a conversation with a friend on this topic. I want to thank my friend, Cassandra, for sparking the dialogue.

Those who are around me know that I don’t hide anything. My filter to be able to put on a mask at will is not possible for me in my eyes. If you have been following me on my blogs and/or my story you may have gotten glimpses of my spiritual journey.

Needless to say, I hide nothing. I tend to bare all. I don’t want to just talk the talk. I want to walk the walk. Sharing my healing journey – the good, bad, ugly, indifferent is all part of it all. I still have a long way to go in my mind with so many different layers to my story to heal like an integral cosmic web.

What I understand is those who may just be beginning the arduous journey of healing any kind of trauma, that it can be debilitating, discouraging, overwhelming, and very “alone” at times. By sharing my stories and healing processes, hopefully it helps others know by baring witness to my journey, they are NOT alone, to NOT give up and THEY CAN do this.

There is a saying about parents who constantly argue in front of their children create undo stress. What most parents fail to realize arguing is a form of conflict resolution. The reason it creates undue stress in children is because the children see the argument, but are not a part of the resolution process.

We all work through layers of trauma at different speeds with different ways of processing. This is not a one shoes fits all as how our broken healthcare system attempts to apply. Figuring out what triggers it can be challenging and frustrating especially if compounded by the effects of cosmic weather or astrological events.

I hope this post and my story inspire you to stay on the path no matter what challenges or storms come your way.

So, Here is What is Happening?

We are now in the 2nd eclipse window with mercury in retrograde as of 7/7/19, other retrograde planets such as Saturn, Pluto, and Neptune and lots of shifts in the space weather category that are all affecting us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Not to mention we are in a THREE year in numerology with past, present, future colliding.

This means that old beliefs systems, patterns, generational trauma are continuing to surface to be released as I continue to write about this year. Old karmic patterns released. According to many of the astrology reports, people from the past are also returning for some reason – healing, assessing, evaluating, releasing. It is a good time to release subconscious blocks that might be preventing you from moving forward.

What Have I Noticed?

For me? My dreams have become more vivid and my desire to want to stay in bed to see it all play out in my subconscious mind is quite fascinating to me. I did have one nightmare involving my abusive ex-husband which I not go into details.

An ex-cop who I had a protection order order against that expired in 2013 out of the blue contacted me. Yes, that is 6 years later. The protection order was the result of my domestic violence advocacy work days where I reported him for inappropriate sexual behaviors in lieu of false claims of helping victims. He threatened my work and jeopardized safety of my advocacy work as a result.

There is a woman who is a “healer” and is affiliated with a local church who posted online that “women lie about rape” in November. I tried to explain how harmful that statement is to victims of abuse and rape backed with statistical data in an attempts to open her eyes and awaken her to the healer she claims she is. She unfortunately got viscous like an attack dog. She made multiple credible threats to me. I had to block her on multiple platforms, and she continued to stalk and harass me. After I felt I created a healthy boundary for myself in this situation, while being a voice for those silenced, I thought it was over. Apparently NOT, and I will leave it at that for now.

I also was having a deep reflective moment on 4th of July on what “freedom means to me after being silenced”. You can read my post here.

The culmination of all this did trigger a “WTF” kind of response and a level of exhaustion that ultimately led to a massive painful physical release over the weekend. I have learned to listen to my body as it is the fog horn within guiding me towards wholeness despite the fact it does not always feel that way.

Where Am I Going With This?

These eclipse energies combined with Mercury retrograde and some of the space weather is amplifying stuff in people’s shadows. NONE OF US ARE IMMUNE.

Batterers, abusers, narcissists, sociopaths, etc are feeling the wrath of these energies too. In my case, maybe these individuals are struggling with the fact that I refused to allow them to take my power away and I took away their ability to control me, belittle me, shame me, or abuse me.

So maybe they hold bitterness towards me or anger or whatever and it’s coming to the surface for them. That is their work. Maybe for me, it is to show me how far I have come.

The dream nightmare was showing me my fears and areas I still need to work on.

So where do we go from here? How do we use these energies to propel us forward not backward without fear?

Three Tips On How To Work With All This

These energies are challenging as it is bringing a lot from the depths of our shadows to the surface as I said earlier. If you are a victim of abuse or work place harassment or anything alike, which is most of us, hopefully these tips will help you navigate these waves of energetic change.

TIP #1: Safety and healthy boundaries first. It is important to realize that these energies can trigger lots in people. In recent weeks, many have been reporting higher rates of frustrations, anger, grief, anxiety, panic, and so forth. I am not immune to experiencing any of this either. However, for those who are extremely unhealthy, violent, narcissistic, controlling abusive, or in active addictive behaviors, these can be amplified… not with everyone.

So be careful to not judge everyone or label them. You know instinctual if someone is dangerous or unhealthy for you. LISTEN to that inner voice of wisdom NOT the inner critic.

This is not to scare you, but help you to become more aware of your surroundings, situations, patterns, behaviors, etc. So, have your antennae up. Don’t be naive. This is about working more with your instincts here.

A contact from an abusive ex does not mean get back together. It could mean a moment of healing or resolve so you can be FREE and move forward. It could also mean something more threatening. So, this is why it is important proceed forward with caution, and LISTEN to your gut instincts.

When the ex-cop contacted me, I answered him with “Do not contact me again. Stop stalking me. Leave me alone.” I then blocked his information. Did it trigger me? Yes because it had been so many years gone by, but it did not last for long and I used my triggers to help me navigate to a better place of BE-ing.

Tip #2 Take inventory of your responses. If you are already familiar with and have already done some work on building a relationship with yourself and your body awareness, tap into yourself and listen to how the body is responding to the given situation.

Are you being triggered in any way? If yes, how? Where in the physical body? If no? Then listen to what the wisdom the body is showing you. It might be as simple as to remind you of how far you have come.

For me, it’s taking inventory of my responses especially viscerally and listening to the wisdom of my body for guidance is crucial for healing, awareness, and ability to move forward from triggers and trauma.

If you have never done any of this work before, I would encourage you to find a practice to lead you into this work such as yoga, traditional non-westernized reiki, mindfulness, meditation, or Thai chi. It takes time and patience to develop this skill. So, BE gentle with your self as you go through the process.

If you feel you need some professional guidance in this area, please contact me to book a session.

Tip #3: Up the dosage of self care practices. This can be in the form of shin rin yoku or forest bathing, grounding, earthing, prayer, meditation, traditional non-westernized reiki, traditional non-westernized yoga, Thai chi.

THIS is a good time to see a seasoned practitioner for some energy work, massage, or spiritual healing. Make sure the practitioner you seek maintains high standards of ethics and integrity, maintains healthy boundaries, and never tells you to take your clothes off (except massage).

Keep in mind, there are lots of predators in every industry as the veil continues to lift to expose these folks. Be sure to listen to your GUT INSTINCTS not your head or your wounded heart to be swayed by these individuals who are masters at seeking the most vulnerable and grooming for malicious intentions.

Be sure to check out my post on how to find a quality qualified practitioner and/or teacher with tips to guide you.

We all need a little guidance from time to time. We are human after all. I hope I was able to be that source for you today.

As my friend Cassandra told me today: Make sure you are recognizing that as you are doing all of this guidance for others, you are processing it all too!

Sometimes we need a little reminder. Yes we do. Thank you my friend for reminding me.

AND REMEMBER: We can’t change what happens around us, but with awareness, we better equipped to know how to navigate through these waves of energetic change and work on how to change what is inside of us.

Thank you for BE-ing a part of this journey with me. We are all in this together. Thank you.

With appreciation,


Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

What It Means To Be Truly Free When Silenced. Finding and Honoring The Voice


July, 4, 2019

Today I honor my voice while contemplating what it means to be truly FREE especially as a woman who was silenced at one point for using her voice in attempts to protect 20 families the system failed to protect victims from abuse.

I attempted to help one victim who was incarcerated at Framingham State Penn who was currently serving 7 months in prison. Why was she there? What was her crime? She was unemployed at peak of recession and could not pay a court ordered legal bill. Yup. Heard that right. Rapists and pedophiles get less prison time. (Not one of 20 cases btw)

I had another case with medically documented child sex abuse by 2 doctors and 2 therapists. I saw the evaluations. I saw the very disturbing pictures this little 7yo boy drew. Judge response? Threatened mother on record that if he ever finds out she is lying, she’ll never see her son again and granted joint legal and physical custody to the rapist.

It cost my my relationship with my own three children who were legally trafficked by way of family courts as punishment for trying to save lives here in Massachusetts.

My children will have no memory of me in their childhood in most crucial moments in their developmental brains aka developmental trauma CAUSED by the MA Family Courts.

That loving mother/daughter(s) bond was STOLEN from us because I thought I was doing what I thought was right to save lives entitled to be FREE from harm under U.S. Constitution.

My children have been Stockholmed, abused, traded as a commodity, sold, and will live with the effects of abuse and developmental trauma that I couldn’t save them from. There is no reparations for damage done. How can there be?

Today, I am wiser & much less naive. I use my voice differently and not so much on the front lines anymore.

Is that not truly using my voice fully? Is that cowardly? Is that still a form of censorship?

Are we ever truly FREE?

What does freedom mean to you?

Do you choose fear or love?

Along we are strong. Together, we are sooooo much stronger.

Speak out.

Rise up.

What’s happening at the southern border of the U.S.A. is ALSO happening to 58,000 U.S. children too EVERY YEAR.

Don’t you see the patterns here? 

Are we truly FREE?

Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸.

With appreciation,


Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

Orca Symbolism and Medicine on Cape Cod

The Orca Sightings Off Cape Cod

On May 7, 2019, social media lit up with news of a sighting of an orca trolling off the coast of Cape Cod and Plymouth Bay in Massachusetts.

My eyes lit up for many reasons. First, orcas are not native to this region at all and secondly, they were one of the first animal totems and spirit guides I received over 25yrs ago.

I wrote a social media post about it, and then got “busy”. So, I neglected this message. I never sat in silence with the orca energy to see what I needed to see or a message we needed to hear collectively. This is teaching me to not neglect this part of my journey and to step up my game.

Then on Sunday, June 9, 2019, an orca was spotted off Chatham on Cape Cod. This is the 2nd sighting in weeks. Here is the video clip.

Again, my eyes lit up, and I thought “WOW some serious medicine being dished out here”. That same day, we hosted a very powerful women’s retreat. Also, on this day, the earth experienced a geomagnetic storm due to some space weather from the sun emitting winds from the coronal holes of the sun. I talk more about these effects HERE.

I am sitting here pondering “why NOW. Why is orca showing up here now?”

Just like the bizarre occurrences of snowy owls in 2013 that were spotted as far south as Texas, these are signs we can not ignore. This is a collective message for us, humans, to heed.

In the past, there has been a rare spotting of a lone killer whale named Thom between Maine and Chatham apparently over the years. So yes, they can come to MA.

Orcas, although the largest part of the dolphin family, were called “Killer Whale” due to misunderstandings, but now has earned great respect symbolically.

Orca Medicine

Nature-Pix / Pixabay

There is lots of orca medicine to pay attention to and I will share with you my own insights. The increase sightings of orcas off Cape Cod are subtle messages from Nature and the Universe.

As far as the actual medicine, I will need to sit with this for a while to see what message and medicine we need as sometimes they come through as patterns especially since this is not a one-time occurrence. 

BUT, my first read is since this orca is solitary, it may have to do with diving deep into the depths of our inner world fearlessly. All the knowledge we seek for ourselves is within our soul, and our own inner guidance system. Spiritually bypassing this is not going to help us here. The fact that orca has been spotted more than once in this region recently, it is a message we need to heed. Going inward and digging deep right now is the only way to break through the resistance and barriers preventing us from moving forward.

This is in alignment with my what I wrote in my May e-newsletter last month.

I have always been fascinated with orcas with their grace, beauty, family connections, strength, and mastery, but it was not until later in life I understood how they truly are a mighty guardian of the cosmos including our soulful journey in this life.

“Orca whales are a female-centric society – matrilineal. This means the whole clan (family – or group – also known as a “pod”) acquiesces to the leadership of the head female of the group. In fact, when a mother Orca passes away, the males will take the lead of the sister, grandmother, or the next female in the lineage. This is big symbolic juju. It implies a parallel to the divine feminine, or yin energy.” (What’s Your Sign)

Orcas are very protective of their pods and babies very much like I view elephants or wolves. They are also very loyal and mate for life like I have watched swans and mourning doves do near my home and office.

They are masters of the oceans deep, travelling thousands of miles in their journey and can survive even the harshest climates. Like the depths of the shadows within (many of you have been hearing me talk about) the deep ocean is connected to the emotional parts of our being deep within.

These ocean depths hold many truths. In order to access their wisdom, we must turn inward and trust our gut instincts. The orca medicine can teach us to delve deep within our very being. Going deep within into our shadows is not easy. With the help of orca medicine, we must trust that we will be shown the way through any obstacle or fear.

Orca Symbolism

In the past, I saw killer whales associated with family, community and protection similar to wolves which was my other spirit guide at the time and still do. Considering the wolf and orca are often compared as similar in many ways symbolically, I was grateful to my earlier life experiences with both as my guides.

Today, I also see orcas connected with spirituality, connection, healing, strength, perseverance, and teachers of magic in addition to what I mentioned.

Since, orcas are a sea mammal that can only survive in the ocean, water becomes a powerful element. Water is symbolically connected to the orca medicine in areas such as emotions, dreams, intuition, flow, healing, purification, or cleansing.


skeeze / Pixabay
  • monumental sign,
  • family
  • protection,
  • seeing the unseen,
  • guardians of the oceans
  • emotional and spiritual health
  • communication
  • perseverance
  • strength
  • loyal
  • magic
  • cosmic journeys
  • cosmos
  • empowerment
  • step out of fear

Native American Orca Connection

Orcas are an “important medicine animal to the Native American tribes of the Northwest Coast. Killer whales are considered a particular symbol of power and strength, and catching sight of one is considered a momentous omen.  Some tribes, such as the Tlingit, view the killer whale as a special protector of humankind and never hunted killer whales (although they were accomplished whale hunters of other species.) The Kwakiutl tribes believed that the souls of marine hunters turned into killer whales upon their death, just as the souls of forest hunters turned into wolves. For this reason, there were a number of special rituals regarding the killing of a killer whale, so that its spirit could be reborn as a human once again.” (Native Languages of the Americas)

In Summary

Symbolically, I love the Orca.

Orcas are a very powerful contender literally and metaphorically. There is a reason why orcas have chosen to NOT prey on humans. There are even stories of orcas saving humans and stranded boaters bringing them to shore.

It will be surely interesting to see how these majestic animals reveal to us in the coming days, weeks, months here in New England.

Take a ways

skeeze / Pixabay
  1. Maternal orca hierarchy in alignment with what many mystics have been saying in regards to the rise of the divine feminine.
  2. Orcas have always been a powerful ally to humans and a strong balance in nature.
  3. Step out of the fears you have been holding onto so tightly so that you can embrace your life’s purpose.
  4. Symbols of perseverance and strength.
  5. Go deep within for the answers you seek. This is a spiritual/soulful journey.

Finally, if ever you needed a sign to jump on the spiritual train and your spiritual path, this is it. We are being supported by the divine. It is time to step forward into our truth… into our path … fearlessly.

I invite you to step into the realm and the spiritual medicine of orca, and see where this journey this takes you.

Are you feeling this call?

What does orca say to you?

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

Share with us what you learned or an experience with us that resonates with things in this post.

With appreciation,


Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

What Happens When We Tap Into The Divine: A Morning With Deer

Morning Thoughts

I just returned from a fruitful and amazing women’s retreat on Sunday in Hingham, MA. The day after any event like this can be a little chaotic in trying to balance my own energies out while unpacking, reviewing feedback, holding space for clientele, and being keenly aware of my own energetic needs especially after a massive coronal hole wind storm that hit the earth plane on Sunday creating a geomagnetic storm.

Those with certain health conditions like cardiac issues or those empathic like me can feel these intensely. I recently wrote about this. You can read about “How Grand Solar Minimum is Affecting Our Health, Communications, and Climate Change” here.

So, today I went for a walk to prepare myself to do a reading shortly and set the tone for the day. Nature grounds me. It helps me clear my head and it allows me to access the divine easily and effortlessly. Then THIS just happened.

Early in my healing journey, I lost trust in humans and institutions that claim to protect victims of abuse and don’t.

The blessing is that it forced me to return to my soulful spiritual state. When I couldn’t trust people or even myself for that matter (my choices/decisions), I was forced to go up … to God, Great Spirit, Universe, the Divine or whatever you call it.

I began getting synchronistic things happening beginning 2009 with what I call #signs.

Going into that divine place kept me safe, and helped restore trust in myself and my ability to heal and move forward in life.

Not to mention my heightened keen sense and ability to sniff out disingenuous, narcissistic, abusive, manipulative, predatory people.

So, here as I prepare for this reading, I stumble upon this doe in my field at my house.

Deer Message

Deer Symbolism

I usually associate deer to gentleness, family, and compassion.

The Take A Way

The take a way she gave me was that she wasn’t afraid of me. She was aware of my presence and as long as I respected her boundaries, I was able to approach easily and effortlessly.

She wasn’t startled by me, which deer can easily become. She knew I was safe, but also made sure that didn’t change what she deemed as a healthy boundary.

In Numerology:

6/11/19 at 9:18am =
reminding me of the yin yang aka +/- and the neutrality/homeostasis/balance/partnerships as a big chapter is about to close and balance/partnerships will be needed moving forward into the next chapter successfully and purposefully.

If you missed my 2019 forecast post, please check out “What 2018 Taught Us, the Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019, and 6 Tips to Guide You in 2019”, here. I go into more details on what is happening spiritually and what 2019 means in numerology.

Do you get signs?

Please share a picture or experience in the comments.

Happy Tuesday …

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

Share with us what you learned or an experience with us that resonates with things in this post.

With appreciation,


Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission.
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

How Solar Minimum can Affect Our Health, Communications, and Climate Change

Are you having periodic episodes of sleep issues? Can’t sleep? Wake up at 3am and can not go back to sleep?

Are you having periodic episodes of unexplainable or amplified severe fatigue?

Are you experiencing GPS issues or cell phone glitches?

What about periods of unexplainable or amplified bouts of stress and anxiety?

Have you felt great one day and then suddenly you got seriously ill as if it was out of the blue?

Have your dreams been increasing in frequency and vividness?

What about time? Are you struggling with managing time or feeling as if time escapes you or as if you are in a time warp?

If you answered yes to any of those, keep reading.

If you have been following me on Facebook or Instagram, you may have noticed I have been talking a lot about space weather and how it has been affecting the planet and us as humans.  Yes, we as a species are evolving.

Many of the posts have been about how the incoming space weather may effect our sleep, moods, energy levels to GPS systems, cell phones and computer glitches not to mention effects on earthquakes, volcanic activity, hurricanes, blizzards, and more.

As humans, we see the sun rise and we see the sun set. We hear about events like solar eclipses and are like ooooo ahhhhh. However, the sun does change and it is currently changing.  Did you know this?

Enter The Solar Minimum

Since 2015, the sun began transitioning into what is called the solar minimum phase after a very intense solar maximum phase. This is a solar cycle the sun enters approximately every 11 years with a “grand” maximum phase approximately every 200 years.

The peak low period for the potential of solar minimum phase is forecast to enter between 2019-2020 with ignition of the potential grand solar minimum phase.

This basically means the sun’s activity is reduced to its lowest level and the sunspots and solar storms have quieted down a bit.  It is the “calm” phase of the sun.

Research shows that the last “Grand” solar minimum was believed to have occurred sometime between 1645 and 1715.

There are four major shifts that are affecting all life on earth right now known as space weather:

  1. Solar flare activity
  2. Solar wind storms from coronal holes
  3. Cosmic rays
  4. Geomagnetic storms

All these shifts with the sun weaken the earth’s magnetic fields. Since this cycle began, we have experienced an approximate 30% reduction of the earth’s magnetic fields and the acceleration of the shifting of the poles.

The strength of these magnetic fields is needed to shield all life on earth from harmful space weather particles. So understanding how this affects us is important so we know how to navigate.

Also, during this solar phase, earth will gradually cool with potentially colder, more eventful winters and has been likened to a mini-Ice Age.

A fairly recent study predicts that the next grand solar minimum could see the sun with almost a 7% reduction in light and heat – and this is 7% below the normal solar minimum.[1]

Valentina Zharkova, a professor of mathematics at Northumbria University in the UK, states  “… solar activity will fall by 60 percent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the ‘mini ice age’ that began in 1645…”[2]

Don’t panic.  All in all, what is important to remember is that the sun-earth relationship is always in a constantly state of flux doing their magnificent dance in our solar system.

What are solar flares?

Solar flares are magnetic explosions that happen on areas of the sun called sun spots. The emit flashes of X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation.

During a grand solar minimum phase, there are fewer sun spots emitting solar flares which means there is less CME’s bombarding the earth.

Because the solar flare activity is quieting down on the sun, we are experiencing another interesting phenomenon… coronal hole storms.

The Coronal Hole Storms

 “Coronal holes are vast regions in the sun’s atmosphere where the sun’s magnetic field opens up and allows streams of solar particles to escape the sun as the fast solar wind.” (NASA)[3]

We have been experiencing over the past few months more coronal hole activity that spews massive streams of solar wind that can affect the earth’s magnetic field causing what is called a geomagnetic storm.

These solar wind storms can cause disruptions to communication systems like cell phones as well as GPS systems because of the friction satellites experience at the time.

Cosmic Rays

You might be saying to yourself what pseudo-science is this? I assure you this is a thing and can be verified through NASA website.

According to NASA: “There are unique space weather effects that get stronger during solar minimum. For example, the number of galactic cosmic rays that reach Earth’s upper atmosphere increases during solar minimum. Galactic cosmic rays are high energy particles accelerated toward the solar system by distant supernova explosions and other violent events in the galaxy.”[4]

Cosmic rays can “trigger larger flash floods, hailstorms and – due to jet stream disturbance and mixing of atmospheric layers – local long-duration precipitation events (e.g. atmospheric rivers)”[5] as we have been witnessing over the plain states this year.

It can also trigger earthquakes, lightening, and volcanoes and other tectonic anomalies.

How Does Space Weather Affect Us?

Disclaimer: Please see a doctor for anything deemed a medical emergency. What is posted here is not a substitute for medical care and is for reference and education only.

To me it is validating and interesting to see what science is beginning to say to substantiate what many of us empaths, healers, and others in the spiritual community have been saying using different terminologies.

The effects from this recent sun cycle began to amplify how we are experiencing things after the solar eclipse of August 2017.

We can anticipate more earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning, and other electric events and an enhanced risk for a solar flare that can disrupt our power grid.[6]

There is even some discussion in the scientific communities about the biologic effects of space weather on humans.  There is more space radiation entering the earth’s atmosphere due to the earth’s weakened magnetic field. This means humans are more susceptible to the influx of cosmic rays, harmful electromagnetic radiation and space particles.

Some of you have heard me talk about the science behind the space weather and earth’s weakening magnetic fields and how it may impact our health.

What might you personally experience? All are deemed unexplainable or amplified for those with existing current medical conditions.

  • Bouts of inability to sleep
  • Bouts of serious fatigue or mega sluggishness
  • Cardiac arrythmias
  • Chest pressures
  • Mood shifts
  • Time warps or feeling as if you are. May feel as if time is speeding up and then slowing down.
  • Emergence of unresolved old wounds or traumas
  • Spiritual awakening and growth
  • Heightened sensitivities or empathic abilities

Those who are at greatest risks? Those with cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, and sleep disorders as well as those who fly. You can read about this from the research conducted about space weather from the University of NH.[7]

Here is another article from the European Space Agency about the biological effects of space weather radiation.[8]

Please do not go into panic mode. I do not write this to create chaos and doom and gloom. The intention is to make you more aware and awake to the effects space weather might have on your human body and mind.

We forget we are made up of mostly water that conducts electricity and the heart and brain are centers for electrical conduction. So how can we NOT be affected?

The point of writing this is to help you navigate some of what you might experience and better explain some of the symptoms especially when the medical community cannot explain or help you.

I have learned over the years that the “not knowing” factor can be quite debilitating to our very being. So education, understanding, and doing the self-care work are key.

As humans, we are evolving and experiencing some mass spiritual awakening that is coinciding with all of this. We are healing generational traumas, old belief systems and patterns.

It is important moving forward if you are sensitive to the space weather and learn tools to manage these effects.

In Summary, What to Expect During Solar Minimum or a Potential Grand Solar Minimum Phase

If the space weather forecast is correct, we may be entering a grand solar minimum phase. Here are some things to consider:

Interestingly, some research connects the grand solar minimum periods or aka the ‘bad-weather periods’ to times of also relative peace, reason and of improvements of human rights.

Is this a surprise?

I have seen just in my own work a surge in humanity seeking, spiritual awakening, and desires for deep healing. With that comes some disruption.

In the climate:

  • Ionization of atmospheric molecules –Cloud nucleation
  • More cloud formation and erratic precipitation.
  • Long-term cooling of the earth
  • More snow and ice reflect solar radiation
  • More localized larger flash flooding
  • More Hailstorms and lightening
  • Crop damage, local surface heating, wildfires and biological damage can all be accelerated by an increase in UV radiation
  • Earthquakes and volcanoes and other tectonic anomalies triggered by cosmic ray influxes

Space Weather

  • Weaker solar magnetic field aka solar flares
  • More cosmic ray influx from space
  • Longer coronal hole wind storms
  • More UV radiation entering the earth
  • The shift in our galaxy moving from its protective magnetic bubble

In Our Health

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Bouts of serious fatigue or mega sluggishness
  • Cardiac arrythmias
  • Chest pressures
  • Mood shifts
  • Time warps or feeling as if you are. May feel as if time is speeding up and then slowing down.
  • Emergence of unresolved old wounds or traumas
  • Spiritual awakening and growth
  • Heightened sensitivities or empathic abilities
  • Joint pains
  • Headaches
  • Vivid dreams

Other Disruptions

  • More electric events that affect communications such as cell phones and GPS systems
  • An enhanced risk for a solar flare that can disrupt our power grid
  • Increase risk of more radiation when flying
  • Deconstruction – political systems, relationships, jobs

As humans, we are experiencing massive spiritual upgrades as we deconstruct old beliefs systems and patterns. The storms, quakes, and tremors taking place on earth are also taking place within us, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

All these external experiences occurring reflect a universal transformation process affecting all levels of existence. It is important to get in alignment with these cycles energetically to master the flow of change within us. The changes taking place have a higher purpose.

The mainstream systems such as political, religious, media, and financial will try to gaslight the masses out of fear and desire to control. Resist the urge to go relinquish your natural born rights and freedoms. This does not mean to be a shithead. It means to step into your soul path.

The old ways of power grabs, belief systems, and patterns are being deconstructed for a higher spiritual evolutionary reasoning beyond our own comprehension.

Those in power do not like this and will attempt to gaslight and control the masses.  When we allow others to control us and force poisons into our bodies, minds, and spirit against our will, we give up responsibility to nurture our divine selves.

But the cosmic events and space weather do not lie.

We are in an interesting time in history literally and metaphorically. As we go through these multi layered shifts, we may feel out of balance at times – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. These are NORMAL when going through soul growth and expansion.

Actions to Take

  • Move out of the head and into the heart and gut space.
  • Listen to the wisdoms of the body as it has a wealth of knowledge for you to tap into.
  • Turn off tv programming that creates fear and agendas that are not in alignment with your very core being of who you are
  • Be careful of the inner critic. Don’t always trust that old chatter.
  • Trust that no matter what, your soul has your back.
  • Treat Your Body as a Temple. That means refrain from putting toxins into it.
  • Grow your own food or support a local, organic farmer.
  • You are more than the reality that you perceive. We are frequency and vibration. So work with the space weather to become a master of the flow.
  • Find a competent well skilled healer – who has done the work and walks the walk – to help you reset your nervous system, immune system, and endocrine systems.
  • Be aware of your triggers and work on healing those cords
  • Practice daily grounding, meditation, and gratitude
  • Release fear and step into your light and power.

What is happening with our space weather is just to help you better understand what is happening within and around us so we know what actions to take and know how to master the energetic ebb and flow of change.

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

Share with us what you learned or an experience with us that resonates with things in this post.

With appreciation,


To learn more about space weather, check out:

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission.
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

[1]The American Astronomical Society; The Astrophysical Journal Letters; “Ultraviolet Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength Observation of Solar Analogs”; Dec 27, 2017; https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aaa124

[2] Life Science; “How the Sun’s 11-Year Solar Cycle Works”; Denise Chow; 2011; https://www.livescience.com/33345-solar-cycle-sun-activity.html

[3] NASA Science; https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/solar-minimum-is-coming

[4] NASA Science;  https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/solar-minimum-is-coming

[5] Abrupt Earth Changes; “The next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes (an introduction)”; SACHA DOBLER; January 2018 https://abruptearthchanges.com/2018/01/14/climate-change-grand-solar-minimum-and-cosmic-rays/

[6]  Abrupt Earth Changes; “The next Grand Solar Minimum, Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes (an introduction)”; SACHA DOBLER; January 2018 https://abruptearthchanges.com/2018/01/14/climate-change-grand-solar-minimum-and-cosmic-rays/

[7] Space Weather Archive; “The Worsening Cosmic Ray Situation”; Dr. Tony Phillips; March 2018; https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2018/03/05/the-worsening-cosmic-ray-situation/?fbclid=IwAR1rh1iUZ2r-Uzd-w7y_HMX7cPizn3NDdOV8nimtaVQU0LtJYnnOCaZQ5-U

[8] ESA United Space In Europe; “BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION”;European Space Agency;  April 2017; https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Preparing_for_the_Future/Space_for_Earth/Space_for_health/Biological_effects_of_radiation/(print)?fbclid=IwAR1qy9emOccbpFgpqQzLJt0aTZtA10eHsYGg0qnaUET6dVTqlyWbMSeYS-M

Survivor Stories Project: Laura’s Story Published on The Pixel Project

I must admit, Mother’s Day this year was not a joyous day for me and it can be challenging for me every year knowing I failed to protect my children from abuse and there is nothing greater than grief over the loss of having your children in your life. Sadly, taking children away from the protective parent is more common than not as the abusers last straw to get back at the the person they are terrorizing for leaving.

BUT, I got great news today.

Although, my circumstances with my children remain the same unfortunately, I always look for things where I CAN make an impact and hopefully use my story to facilitate change.

So, after a challenging weekend digging into my own shadows of grief, I see THIS.

My story involving domestic violence with the The Pixel Project – It’s Time To Stop Violence Against Women. Together. was published as one of 31 stories of not just happened to me, but how I am healing and rebuilding my life and helping other women do the same.

About the Pixel Project

The Pixel Project is proud to present our sixth annual Survivor Stories Blog Interview Project in honour of Mother’s Day 2019. The annual campaign runs throughout the month of May and features up to 31 interviews with a survivor of any form of violence against women (VAW) perpetuated by men and/or patriarchal culture/system including domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, stalking, online violence against women, female genital mutilation, forced/child marriage, sex trafficking, breast ironing etc.

This campaign was created to provide:

  • VAW survivors a platform to share their stories and solutions/ideas on how they rebuilt their lives and healed/are healing.
  • Girls and women currently experiencing or who have survived VAW ideas, hope, and inspiration to escape the violence and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and there is help out there.

About Laura’s Story

Laura from a recent trip meditating in the forests of California

Trauma is an unrecognized epidemic in this country with links to explainable health issues, chronic illness, mental health, and even cancer, and Laura aims to use her experience to break the cycle of abuse through healing.

Click here to read my story as featured talking about:

  • My personal experience with gender-based violence (this may include domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, female genital mutilation etc)
  • How I escaped the cycle of violence
  • How I healed and rebuild my life as well as actions I took to make it happen
  • Suggestions shared for another woman or girl facing the same situation as I did
  • How I think we can end violence against women
  • Why I support The Pixel Project

We would be honored if you would follow me on Facebook at Healing Trauma Through Spirit and/or Healing With Spirit. and help me continue to facilitate change by breaking the cycle of abuse through healing.

Your support is much appreciated in this mission to heal something so elusive in the medical community and as a society as a whole despite the ongoing ACE study and other data regarding violence against women and children.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story

I want women and mothers to know …


I am here to help guide you.  In the meantime, don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

With Appreciation,
Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Trauma Specialist and Healer
Providing Spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment. Available for private sessions, speaking opportunities, workshop facilitations, events, and groups. 

© 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

The Birthing Of Mothers – The Super SHEroes Of Modern Times

To birth as a mother is the gift of all life. As I age, with maturity and life experience comes a new perspective for me.  How I view Mother’s Day has changed over the years.

Why do I say “birthing of Mothers”? I inadvertently used this, and then began thinking why did I define it that way. I hear in my  inner voice say … “because Mothers ARE birthed”. Mothers are initiated. They are initiated into motherhood. If you look up the definition to “give birth”, the word initiate comes up.

Motherhood is a celebration of unconditional love that begins its journey from conception that no one could ever break. I read this quote and it summed it up for me …

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”

– Elizabeth Stone

So yes, mothers are initiated or birthed. I recall the first time I was going to be a mother and I totally panicked. Then when I delivered my daughter and after 2 days, the hospital sent me home and I panicked. “Like what do you mean I go home. What do I do? How do I know she is ok or not ok? What do I do? Like wow, I am responsible for this little person? What if I mess up? What if I miss the cues that something is wrong?” Sound familiar?

Motherhood changes you forever and encompasses every area of a our life. It changes the way we think about ourselves, our family, our friends, and the world all around us. It changes our belief systems, the way we view life, the way we reflect, and the way we act and react.  Motherhood teaches us to examine things differently with a different lens on things we never gave a second thought to before, and to even question everything we thought to be true.

Mothers are underappreciated and undervalued … in my opinion. To me, mothers are the modern day superhero or “superSHEro” who handle everything as a 24 hour job. Without the community support as in ancient times, mothers now we feel the constant pressure, stress, and feelings of being overwhelmed inundated with yelling text messages, kicking, screaming, and resistance without a moment of quiet solitude.

Somehow, mothers still find a way to push through it all despite the demands to maintain a full time job while meet the demands of motherhood, and patriarchal societies telling mothers how to feed their newborns with attempts to control their super powers.

It truly is the hardest job there is. Why? Because despite how tired, exhausted, worn down, burnt out we may feel crying ourselves to sleep wishing for 5 minutes of zenful peace, we still carry on like super SHEroes. 

With Mother’s Day, comes mixed bag of emotions. It is supposed to be a day to honor our Mothers.  Many have an undeniable unbreakable bond with their mothers.

However, as someone who has worked with many women over losing their children, the grief can be unbearable. For these mothers, it is not all peaches and cream.

For children who may have lost a mother prematurely, it can be equally as unbearable. I saw a client once who was dealing with that very situation where a loved one with a young elementary school children was given a diagnosis of 3 months to live and these children were having difficulties in understanding what is happening and struggles watching his/her mother die.

It is important to recognize this reality if we are to heal the whole collectively. We need to honor ALL mothers regardless of situations or stories we play out in our lives.

StockSnap / Pixabay

Women have been called to rise up and unite collectively as it was done so many centuries ago in a community of sisterhood where we can be held, heard, supported, valued. 

Alone we are strong.
Together in a community of sisterhood, we are unstoppable.

We all have our separate experiences with unique journeys in regards to our own motherhood journeys or with our own mothers. It is important to honor those journeys as sacred wherever they may be. 

It is important for us to dismantle the colonialist conditioning of women conflicting with other women when in reality it’s natural for us to nurture, hold space, heal, in a safe container. We have just the event to inspire you.

Be sure to check out our upcoming Women’s retreat. Surrender into self care. Journey into self discovery and nurture your soul in a community of sisterhood. Give yourself the time out you need. Click here for details on our upcoming retreat.

I want women and mothers to know …


I am here to help guide you.  In the meantime, don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

With Appreciation,
Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Trauma Specialist and Healer
Providing Spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment. Available for private sessions, speaking opportunities, workshop facilitations, events, and groups. 

The Shifting Energetic Tides, Our Dream States & 3 Tips To Guide You Forward


How have your dreams been over the last few months? Anything revealing?

The energies in the Universe have been really pushing us hard to release old beliefs systems and patterns and open us up to expansion. Although, we may not perceive it in this way. We are at a time where questioning our reality is increasing. That is when we should actually take a pause. Quiet the mind, and let the inner wisdom guide us to our truth. The more we resist or fear, the more push back we may experience.

How much spiritual internal work we have done and continue to do, will determine the degree of push back. None of us are immune. The difference really lies in the awareness and having the tools to adjust accordingly. Those who have been avoiding, fearing, or spiritually bypassing*, are finding out things to be quite challenging.

One of the ways we are adjusting or sorting things out energetically is through our sleep and our dream state.

Dreams give us an opportunity and clues to our waking life. Paying attention to them can help us understand what is happening and what actions to take.

According to Psychology Today, dreams can show us meaningful patterns in our waking life. This can include things like:

  • The patterns in dreaming can correspond to various aspects of the dreamer’s physical and mental health.
  • Dreams can also accurately reflect people’s engagement in various other areas such as relationships, sports, education, spirituality, personal identity and more.
Laura recently in San Francisco area of Mill Valley, CA amongst the mountains & trees

What Laura’s Dream Show Us

A Forever Home, Trees, a Big Fluffy White Bed, and Nakedness. Whaaat?

My dreams have been vivid, full of messages, and very telling. These dreams are like clues on a treasure map to lead to the buried treasure which we sometimes think is hidden externally somewhere, but in reality the treasure we seek resides within. I talked about some of these experiences on social media. If you follow me, you may have caught some of the discussions. 

To give you an example, here is one dream I had and what it revealed to me in the end.

Recently, I had a dream that I finally bought my forever home. This was after losing my home in 2008 as a result of the ongoing onslaught of financial abuse after leaving my domestic abuser in 2005. I had bought my first home at age 19 and the home I lost was the result of almost 20 years of hard work gone … all because of a bad decision on who I chose to marry who saw me as a target he could steal, manipulate, control, and abuse.

I looked at this house in the dream, and knew it was it, and put a deposit on it same day. I sighed with happy tears in my eyes. I felt instantly lighter as if a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. This was a dream that I never thought was possible BUT, that fear was conquered. I not only got my forever home, I got my zen, happy place and peace restored.

The house was a modest 2 story home (guessing approx 1500 sq ft) and located in a quiet neighborhood at the top of the hill with lots of trees. It was abutting a beautiful forested wooded park like those I had seen in Seattle, WA. It was lush and healthy as if secret fairies, magic, and fairy gardens were hidden in there. That appealed to me greatly in the dream.

When I went inside the home, it was empty and bare. No curtains or furniture and even the cabinet doors in the kitchen were removed. I recall being a little startled until I walked into the master bedroom. It was the only room furnished simplistically with a big comfortable zenful white bed that I just had to lie in. I was suddenly in all my nakedness and was comfortable in my bareness.

The realtor, an elderly grey haired white man, walked in on me as I went to close the door telling him that I had no clothes on attempting to cover myself with my arms and hands. I noticed the door had no handle from the inside of the room and opened from right to left.

The house also had one of those wall-less walk in showers, but bathroom was seriously outdated and in need of repair, with falling tiles near the ceiling. It was as if no one had been in here for years with tiles that looked like it was from the 1960s. However, I recall loving the weird layout.

Bedrooms and bathrooms are big symbols in dreams and can help us understand the every day aspects of our life. Such as:

  • The open shower can represent an act of cleansing the inner self.
  • The bathroom itself can mean in this case that personal freedom still needs some work and cleansing.
  • Bathrooms in general are an important sign of an opportunity to expand business affairs and reach a satisfying conclusion.
  • Bedrooms on the other hand say a lot about our private life and things that might need resolve. This also might involve attachments to a project requiring negotiation which is likely to provide prosperity.
Photo: Pinerest

The big fluffy white bed denotes peaceful times, a purity, positive changes afoot and/or building of strong healthy relationships. It reminded me of the one I slept in at the Airbnb I stayed at in Seattle. It was comforting, peaceful, and made me feel blissful.

As a kid, I was wanted to study the science of dreams, and even represented my High School as a freshman in the regional science fair. My project was on whether or not food affects the way a person dreams. I still recall having ice cream, and then dreamt about going skiing.

This dream was a blessing with simple reminders for my waking life. The key message here is a reminder that miracles do happen. Messages I heard were:

  • You are on the right path.
  • You are almost there. So close you can taste it.
  • The old is crumbling away, and you are now within reach of attaining everything you have sought after and worked so hard for.
  • It is ok to question, but know when to discern things are moving in the positive direction vs a setback from the same old story keeping you hostage.
  • Your home is showing the areas you still need to release fears and old heal traumas, as that is what is holding you back the most now.
  • It is ok. You. Are. Safe. You don’t have to keep looking over your shoulder anymore.
  • It is time. It is time for you to rise up. No more cowering in the corner. You have bared all and stripped everything. Now rise. Walk through the fire and blaze a new path.

What have your dreams been expressing for you in your life? I’d love to hear your dream experiences. So please share in the comments below.

Three Tips To Guide You

We forget we are made of of mostly water and energy (frequency and vibration) that then make up our cells, tissues, organs and our very BE-ing. So to wonder why are we so sensitive and/or is this a load or horseshit, I’d ask you to really consider our very miraculous make up. We are stardust after all that originated from particles of a star. Are we not?

According to LSU physicist Edward Zganjar (pronounced Skyner), “the iron in our blood and the calcium in our bones were all forged in such stars.” Just think about that for a moment. (Pause)

So it is not unusual that we can be affected by our sun, our planet’s magnetic shifts, moon phases, astrological events, and even super novas millions of light years away.

Here are three tips to guide you as you move forward during these every changing energies:

1.Pay attention to your dreams when you have them. The ones to really pay attention to are those vivid dreams or those that feel like an alternate reality or even a message type of dream.

Upon waking, press the rewind button on your brain for dream recall. Then write down or voice record as much detail as possible. Be sure to include moods, colors, and how you felt during the experience and how you felt upon waking. Were you sweaty, fearful, anxious, numb, joyful, silly, etc.? They are all clues to helping you uncover the hidden meanings like clues on a treasure map.

Note that our dreams can hold clues to all we are currently experiencing on this planet at this time.

In ancient times, dreams were seen as a way to give information about the past, present, future or even as omens or insights. They are symbolic messages like clues to a treasure map of our own psyche.

So, pay attention. You just might get the answers you seek through the form of your dreams.

2. Be aware of your body’s experiences, build an intimate relationship with self, and develop a language of communication with the body . If you are feeling tension in the shoulders, pay attention. If you all of a sudden feel unexplained exhaustion, pay attention. This is a secret language we must learn. Your body will tell you everything you need to know. Trust its wisdom.


The clues our body gives us are one of the following: spiritual upgrades and adjustments, clues to what you need to address and not ignore or pretend it will just go away, and/or symptoms of releasing old beliefs, patterns, traumas (personal, generational, or past life). This is stuff usually not in our conscious awareness, but buried in the shadows of our subconscious. So it takes work, self compassion, self love and understanding.

3. The Shadow work continues. Everything we seek is buried in the depths of our shadows of our subconscious minds. If you want to change your life go into the depths of your shadows. Yes. Go there.

If you want to change what you see in the external world, go into the depths of your shadows. Yes. Go there.

It is important to continue to dig deep and get real with yourself and continue to go into the shadows of self and confront your fears. This is where the buried treasure resides. Spiritually bypassing* this reality is like a euphoric false sense of reality like an addictive drug that is blinding us from what we need to do collectively and in the end creates more unnecessary suffering as a result. 

Be gentle and compassionate with yourself in the process. This is not easy work. Internal work is a shit show that gets messy and raw, but in the end, it feels like massive weights and chains have been cut off and we can breathe again.

There is a lot happening energetically on the planet right now, and it is not going away any time soon. It is important we learn how to navigate these changes with as much grace and ease as possible. Will it be easy? No.

However, with tips like what I have mentioned above and sharing these experiences with you, hopefully will open your eyes a little bit to a whole new way of experiencing life and being part of the collective solutions our Great Mother desperately needs. We have a responsibility to our Mother. We are her stewards after all.

Do we treat her with respect?

Do we honor her?

Do we listen to her cries?

Do we take action to become better stewards?

Just food for thought here.

Your comments and feedback are so important to me. Please share what you gained or learned from this post or what questions did this post leave you with . What is your take a way?

Photo by: Verdi Studio

Thank you for sharing this journey with me and for reading. Don’t forget to pause and breathe.

With appreciation, 

Healing With Spirit – Facebook

Healing Trauma Through Spirit – Faceook

Want more? Check out our blog for more insights. Click here.

Spiritually Bypassing*

* To learn more about what spiritually bypassing is, you may watch the video I did in Nov 2018 on YouTube that talks about it. Click here for the video. AND be sure to subscribe to our channel to see more videos as they come in.

© 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

New Study Show How Going Into Nature Can Lower Stress

What if I said there is a free or low cost pill to help you with your stress, would you want to know more about how to get it?

What if I said to you that pill was in your own back yard or within walking distance for many with no lines of people, would you want to know more?

What if I said going into the woods or in nature is better than any pill to reduce stress, would you believe me?

Many of you have seen the pictures and hear about my journeys in nature and what it does for me, my anxiety, stress, CPTSD and my soul if you follow me on Healing With Spirit on Facebook, YouTube or Instagram.

For me, going into nature is a way for me to ground, reboot, relax, release, and connect to the divine around me and within me. I especially find something very comforting being in the mountains, but woods, trees, water, ocean, beach can all work for me too. It’s one of my main tools to me manage my triggers, anxiety and CPTSD.

For me it has been better than any pill ever given to me or as this study argues “nature pills could be a low-cost solution to reduce the negative health impacts stemming from growing urbanization and indoor lifestyles dominated by screen viewing”.

Because of my daily spiritual hygiene including meditation, energy healing, proper diet, and nature, I have removed all my medications I was on for my CPTSD. To read more about my nature healing journeys, click here to scroll my blog.

Here’s a study coming out of the University of Michigan that says “Just 20 minutes of contact with nature will lower stress hormone levels”


2019 by: Laura Joseph, Blue Hills Reservation, M

“Taking at least 20 minutes out of your day to stroll or sit in a place that makes you feel in contact with nature will significantly lower your stress hormone levels. That’s the finding of a study that has established for the first time the most effective dose of an urban nature experience. Healthcare practitioners can use this discovery to prescribe ‘nature-pills’ in the knowledge that they have a real measurable effect.”



In Japan, this is called “Shinrin-yoku” (Oprah), which was first introduced by Dr. Qing Li  and the Forest Agency of the Japanese government in 1982 when doctors began prescribing spending time in nature to help their stressed-out patients.

Shinrin-yoku 森林浴, which can be defined as “taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing”, has been receiving increasing attention in Japan in recent years for its capacity to provide relaxation and reduce stress. Since 2004, there have been studies to ascertain the physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku within the framework of the “Therapeutic Effects of Forests” project.  (NCBI; NIH)

Shinrin-yoku is considered to be one of the most accessible ways to get in touch with the natural world and to lower excessive stress to levels that are commensurate with what our bodies are “expected” to cope with. 

2019 Laura in the Marin County Redwoods, CA


Want to learn HOW to go into nature to reduce stress, create more insight, ground, and connect to the divine in nature and within, contact me TODAY .

Book a private and/or group  1-2 hour or half/full day sessions and groups TODAY.


Here are 5 simple steps to remember when practicing shinrin-yoku:

  1. Leave your phone, camera or any other distractions behind. Do not take them with you.
  2. Leave behind your goals and especially your expectations.
  3. It is important to press the PAUSE from time to time, to look more closely at a leaf or notice the sensation.
  4. Find a comfy spot to take a seat and just listen to the sounds around you. Take it all in.
  5. If others go with you, take note. It is important to resist any form of talking or any other distractions until the end of the walk. At the end you share your experiences with each other. I personally find doing this with others challenging. 


To read more about this study, click here.

with appreciation, 

I am available for private sessions, speaking opportunities, workshop facilitation, events, and groups.