By: Laura Bonetzky-Joseph, (republished. First published in 2012 on
The article below published titled, “Can Our Politicians Place Our Children At Risk For Profits?”, created some controversy as to whether or not to vaccinate your children against the HPV vaccine. Since that has been published, and since our poll has started, there has more evidence to suggest it is not only a dangerous vaccine, but a deadly one. Yet the US government has increased the recommendation of mandating the vaccination of our children.
According to Dr. Mercola, a leading holistic health physician, “At the end of 2013, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil had generated nearly 30,000 adverse reaction reports to the US government, including 140 deaths.” That is 132 MORE deaths since the CDC report in 2010. In 2010, there were 16 deaths. Since then, the average death rate is 44 deaths a year.
If I would not vaccinate my daughters of this vaccine, why would I subject your children too? Knowing this statistic alone and knowing what you know now versus the bill of goods your politicians and pharmaceutical companies sold you, would you still allow your daughter or son to get this vaccine?
In our practice we have seen many people that come to us AFTER they get the HPV vaccine with horrific stories of the countless adverse side effects. What is troubling, are the pediatricians and family care clinics that are failing to link the chronic health issues to the vaccine and in some cases completely disregarding this. As a holistic health care professional, I find this trend disturbing.
What is also disturbing is when families are reporting the side effects to the FDA, many times what has been reported to me are these complaints being ignored.
Even after Erin Brockovich attempted to go after the pharmaceutical giant Merck and later the investigative report by Katie Couric citing two mothers whose daughters’ health suddenly deteriorated after the Gardasil shots, both Erin Brockvich and Katie Couric have suffered a backlash for their efforts to expose the dangerousness of these vaccines that are, in my opinion, deliberately withheld from you for profits. The safety of these vaccines are questionable when the bottom line is profit for the individuals pushing the vaccination.
The medically documented risks to this vaccine include death and serious nervous system disorders. These have been medically documented in Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, European Journal of Neurology, and Journal of Investigative Medicine.
Are you still not convinced? The HPV virus is a sexually transmitted disease. There are an estimated 14,000,000 new cases of HPV in the United States every year with an approximate 79,000,000 infected every year.
Let’s look at the claims of the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine.
- The makers of the HPV vaccine claim to prevent cervical cancer and want you to believe it will prevent you from dying from cervical cancer. If that is true, then why do the majority of the HPV infections don’t NOT lead to cancer and the majority of the cases clear up on their own like the common cold would?
- The makers of the HPV vaccine direct their propaganda as a public health threat pushing and lobbying for government mandates of vaccination of your young children. The 2014 US population according to US News is at 317,000,000. The lifetime risk of developing cervical cancer is less than 0.7 percent in 2014 according to the National Cancer Institute. Cervical cancer is a PREVENTABLE cancer for 99.9% of the American population.
- The makers of the HPV vaccine want you to believe this will prevent HPV infections that they promote as a leading cause of cervical cancers. However, cervical cancer has one of the HIGHEST cure rates of all cancers. The best way to eliminate or reduce the risk of getting the HPV virus is via abstinence or condom use. Regular pap smears have proven to be the BEST protection against cervical cancer despite the HPV vaccine with a reduction of cancer by a rate of 70%. Lastly, since the introduction of the HPV vaccine, the reduction in HPV virus and cervical cancers has shown no significant reductions. As a matter of fact, the death rate associated to the vaccine has increased. So how can this vaccine be a good thing for our children?
- The makers of the HPV vaccines want you to believe you are protected from getting HPV once you are vaccinated. However, that is untrue. The HPV vaccine only protects against certain strains of HPV. None of which is proven to cause cancer if regular pap smears and screening is done. This is not to mention that the effectiveness of the vaccine to protect you for a lifetime is HIGHLY questionable.
So what is the solution?
- Get involved. The pharmaceutical industry is deliberately marketing the vaccines to the consumer leaving the physicians and clinicians ill-equipped and scrambling to find the same data as you considering all the other recent changes in the health care setting since the Obama Care took effect. So do your research before you vaccinate.
- VOTE. Listening to your politicians on tv, radio, or in a debate is not good enough. The grass roots is where it is at. Go to your politicians and find out their stance on mandating unproven vaccines with questionable safety. Find out if they received an political campaign funds from anyone in the pharmaceutical industry. This is about the future of your children. It is time the American people take a stance, but it takes getting involved.
- Know your rights under the law. You CAN say no despite peer pressure and political pressures.
- Sign up to the National Vaccine Information Center’s free online Advocacy Portal at and gain access to politicians and other issues that may affect your rights regarding legislations or mandates of vaccines.
- Have you been harmed by the HPV vaccine? I have encouraged each and every one of my clients to speak out. Create blogs telling the public their stories and the harmful effects they live with day to day. Get your story out to the media. Tell your friends and family. Speak at schools. Bottom line, if you do not want someone else harmed by this vaccine, you need to help advocate for the change. Your voice does matter.
- Finally, take our poll on this page about the HPV vaccine. Your voice does matter.
I will leaving you with this final question. Would you vaccinate your child KNOWING there is a risk of dying or paralysis considering there is NO guarantee of the effectiveness of this vaccine to prevent HPV or prevent cervical cancer for that matter? PERIOD!
HPV Vaccine Linked to Nervous System Disorder and Autoimmunity: Dr. Mercola, October 21, 2014.
National Vaccine Information Center’s free online Advocacy Portal;
Journal of Investigative Medicine March 18, 2014
MedAlerts. Gardasil Vaccine (HPV4) adverse event reports through Dec. 13, 2014. VAERS Database on MedAlert
Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports January-March 2014 vol. 2 no. 1 HPV Vaccine Linked to Nervous System Disorder and Autoimmunity: Dr. Mercola, October 21, 2014.
National Vaccine Information Center’s free online Advocacy Portal;
Journal of Investigative Medicine March 18, 2014
MedAlerts. Gardasil Vaccine (HPV4) adverse event reports through Dec. 13, 2014. VAERS Database on MedAlert
The 2014 U.S. and World Populations; By Robert Schlesinger; December 31, 2013; USNews
Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports January-March 2014 vol. 2 no. 1
© 2011-2013 Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit , Massachusetts Survivors Outreach, any of the places that employ Laura, places where she volunteers, or their affiliates. Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.