2020 September New Moon Thinning Veils, Signs, & Processing It All

Wow … this September new moon was a doozy for this empath, Pisces, and intuitive. I thought I would share with you my experience yesterday. How I pause and my processes leading up to this morning. I call it the #cantmakethisshitup story with signs.

The story may be different than yours, but I am curious to know if you’re experiencing anything similar maybe with signs or polarity or processing.

The Morning of Signs Begins

So yesterday I planned on doing a virtual new moon ceremony in our sister Facebook group “Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit”, AND … it never happened.

I started my morning early with a multitude of signs starting with cardinal/finch feather then a juvenile turkey feather and followed by a mourning dove feather all before 7am.

Signs galore on the new moon of 9/17/20

Then around noon time, I took the puppy for a walk to find a $5 bill in the parking lot. Ok signs? feathers? One? Two? Three? Four signs in a few hours? Now I think, something must be up and it is more than just the new moon or is it?

The energies this week with the uncontrolled fires on the west coast mirroring the anger and rage within the hearts of folks in the US had the trauma survivor, empath, and intuitive in me amped up with stuff coming at me from all different directions despite my feet firmly planted on the ground.

When to Pause

The veils have been quite thin since the sun entered its new solar cycle 25 and mars went retrograde. I can feel it. With this new moon hailed by astrologers to be one potentially a productive one, I saw opportunity, desire, and need for space for this new moon ritual, but something was not aligning.

When things are NOT flowing as easily or effortlessly as I had hoped in this process, I see this equally as a sign.

I recognized the power in the pause.

So I stopped.

I paused.

I attempted to get myself in alignment to tap into the new moon as well as all the other crazy energies for vision and clarity and struggled a bit mostly because I wanted to go DEEP to ensure my egoic mind is NOT impeding.

However, there was lots of static creating lots of indecision.

Gracie the 12mo old mix breed pup

When this happens I usually need alone time out in nature to quiet the static and listen to the whispers of the divine. This was ANOTHER sign that I was NOT to go through this process in a LIVE video, but needed to sit and work through this alone.

So I took Gracie (the 12 month old puppy I am fostering & rehabbing.) outside to accomplish 2 things.

1) to attempt more off leash training

2) to get myself grounded, centered and connected to the natural world around me. I know that when I access this, I access one of my so called super powers for the wisdom, clarity, and answers I seek.

Then THIS happened yesterday while outside …

The 5th sign on the new moon on 9/17/20 – Turkey feather.

… the 5th #sign of the day with MORE turkey. This one is an adult. The other from yesterday morning that I posted was juvenile.

Initiating The Processing

So I instantly gravitate to the juvenile Turkey feather & the adult one & think: “Does this mean that mother & daughter will finally be united and the justice scales begin to repair a long overdue injustice?”

“Does this mean that after 13 years, there might be a positive outcome that I had thought at one point was lost in this lifetime?”

As a trauma survivor and as someone who has experienced first hand systemic injustice and oppression, where the systems in place that on the surface were to protect people like myself and my children FAILED miserably.

If I couldn’t trust people nor myself back then, then who or what do I trust do I trust NOW?

This is where I learned the power of the pause where we can access the clarity, wisdom, and spiritual guidance aka the whispers from the soul that go beyond our logical mind that at times may seem incomprehensible.

SO I did what I have been doing for a long time. I stop. Paused and I went up … into spirit, God, the Universe or whatever divinity calls to you.

Beginning early 2009, I began my relationship with the divine in a new way through signs. I recall the experience as if it were yesterday driving and seeing angels in the sky.

That particular story is too long to share, and I will share that experience with you another time. Let’s just say, it changed my whole trajectory

Receiving signs from the divine have taught me so much since then. The first lesson I got from that initial experience was “Stop, pause and listen for they will guide you”. This was the message I heard from that first time seeing my first sign.

A deep healing needed to happen. The kind I was blinded from seeing at the time due to the protective mother hypervigilance of fight/flee/freeze that resulted in complex post traumatic stress disorder or CPTSD. So I improved my skill sets. Addressed and healed the wounds and continue to do still today. I don’t believe we are ever done. We just get better at addressing and healing them is all.

So yesterday was one of those days. I stopped. I paused. I open the gates to the awareness beyond what my eyes can see, my ears can hear, and my body can sense.

Turkey Medicine

Turkey medicine has so much to offer and has been one of those message bearers that has been with me on/off through this journey.

Turkey are most known symbolically associated with abundance and reflect an energy of sharing.

Turkey has been showing up STRONG since right before I found out what happened with my family. I guess time will reveal itself these truths soon enough.

I’ve learned to NOT expect an absolute truth over the years, but more of a process like putting pieces to a larger puzzle together for a different picture than maybe originally thought.

Turkey is sometimes called the earth eagle with rooted connections to our great Mother, inner vision and the 12mo cycles and is one of the most adaptable birds.

It also reminds me of a very powerful PBS documentary I watched a few years ago called “My Life As A Turkey

And finally, some indigenous mythologies talk about how Turkey can fight off evil spirits. Hmmmmm I wonder if this is what I need to listen to. The sitting. Pausing. Allowing. Processing will reveal when it is time what is needed to be known.

This is not something we can force, but align with and allow the flow of the process to commence in a sacred partnership.

Eagle Medicine on 9/18/20 a Master 22 Number in Numerology post new moon

The Eagle & The Master 22 Number

This morning as I woke up writing about this experience, I lost track of time, and was late to our FB LIVE event.

What I discovered was today is a master 22 number in numerology with eagle as the spiritual medicine.

The 22 is one of three master numbers in numerology that is about uniting the spiritual world with the material world in a four year in numerology – a number holding true to its energy as a “work” year balancing the egoic mind with the spirit – in a ninth month on the sixth day.

How Does It All Tie In Together?

ALL SIGNS if read like a sentence that says to continue to build and work on the relationship with spirit side of you. That all those things that have been surfacing for you this year from either a past trauma, generational link, karmic tie, past life experience will be closing this chapter soon.

As the eagle showed us this morning, there are no obstacles, only opportunities. The eagle does not need to fly into the storm. It can fly above the storm.

As we move forward, we need to be in conscious partnership with spirit on equal footing as things continue to amp up.  The veils are thin right now which is giving us a prime opportunity to co-create with the divine.

These so called signs are an indication and invitation from spiritual world to embrace the courage that will help us choose the kind of freedom we are actually seeking.

I get it …. of coarse we do not have time, enough sleep or enough money …. we never will.  If the time is NOT now with the earth literally burning, the waters polluted, nature poisoned by humans, the masses of folks enraged … then when?

Remember turkey is the the earth eagle that helps us stay grounded in the material world reminding us of the abundance that is coming. The eagle can soar the skies while seeing the smallest detail with precision without losing track of the larger picture.

This new moon was a doozy, but with the pause and silencing the mind, I got a clearer direction and validation that the choices made so far were the correct ones.


What signs are you seeing on your journey?

Are you able to pause and take it in these new moon energies?

Do you sit in a new moon ritual or ceremony?

Sign up for our Facebook group to share and unpack what is surfacing for you together as a group while gaining access to our FREE LIVE events for support, spiritual medicine & meditation 3x a week.

Please share your experience with me in the comments below.

I would love to know your experiences as well and be sure to join our Facebook group for extra support .

With appreciation,




Mini Master Classes:

  • Power of the Word
  • Power of the Pause
  • Power of Processing

The Rooted and Resilient Empath 8 week virtual course.

Bless Your Junk: 5 Ways To Compost The Shitola Into Magic 4 week virtual course.

Be sure you are on our email list for special insight. Click here

A Day On Cape Cod: Osprey Medicine

Why self care matters – at least to me.

I am in the business of energy balance, healing, spiritual guidance, mentorship, and transforming lives. How my vessel is maintained is crucial to my work. If I am exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, or unwell, I am not at the best I can be for who I serve.

If I want my clients to listen to the guidance given to them, then I must walk the walk. To me, it is the easiest form of helping another – leading by example.

There has been a LOT of growth, transformation, breakthroughs, healing, and more this year. That kind of movement can throw anyone well disciplined off tracks from time to time as it can feel like a treadmill speeding up but you can not always keep up. So, you pause a moment.

As a result of all this growth, I made a commitment to myself earlier this year to make room for more self care, personal development, self growth, healing, unplug, and connection to the divine as it going to be needed moving forward.

I have attended 2 one day retreats already this year, a sisterhood of the staffs gathering, and a sacred community weekend event with indigenous elders. I have more planned still this year including Italy and Vancouver.

For me, this allows me to come back and be present and be of service to others in need more effectively. This is not about going out traveling and partying. It is about listening to the needs of the soul and the wisdom of the body to flourish.

A Few Days on Cape Cod:

Photo: Laura Joseph – Swan Pond, Cape Cod, MA August 2019. All Rights Reserved

This week I took a few days off to go to Cape Cod for some much needed self care to reboot my energy, gain some insight, heed to calls of the wisdom of my own body, and the meet the needs of my soul.

I spent a great deal of my time kayaking for at least 3 hours every morning while invoking meditation, ceremony, connection to our Great Mother Earth, and divine wisdom.

One of the message bearers came from Osprey soaring the skies effortlessly, making it’s presence known with it’s unique calling, taking chances on questionable housing, and blended with the natural landscape when needed to ground itself with the medicine of the trees.

They are truly a majestic bird of prey and hunter of the oceans. Unlike the cousin, hawk, the osprey is a true master of the air, land, and oceans with the alchemy of fire.


Osprey medicine can come when we are faced with overwhelming or uncomfortable times in our lives.

Photo: Laura Joseph, Bass River, Dennis, Cape Cod, MA August 2019. All Rights Reserved

In my case, they can serve as a reminder to make sure my boundaries are healthy and clear enough to command the respect we desire from others.
As I observed continuously on the daily, osprey have sharp keen vision and can fearlessly dive into the oceans with sharp talons to catch it’s prey.

Finally, the osprey is also interestingly enough associated with solar forces with the alchemy of fire. What does this mean? Because, it has no fear of the sun, it is able to hunt and see unhindered by it.

It is able to work through the land (physical body), the air (the mental body, thoughts) and the ocean (the emotional body) to transform and transmute and misqualified energies within.

Its power and majesty make the Osprey an important symbol in spiritual and esoteric activities. It helps those who view it as a symbol of strength and power.

Because of this, osprey, like its cousin hawk, may be viewed as a messenger of the gods, with its swift wings and mastery over air, land and the oceans. It can fly anywhere as well as get anything it wants in a seemingly effortless way.

The Osprey is connected with Hermes or Mercury linked to communication and divine inspiration. As I witnessed these past few days, the osprey was quite vocal when it needed to be.

Photo: Laura Joseph, Bass River in Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA – August 2019. All Rights Reserved.

This Week’s Osprey Medicine:

  • Control over our own fate
  • Clarity of vision
  • Know your true power
  • Soar the skies effortlessly
  • Mastery over emotions and communication
  • Be Precise
  • Trust in our abilities backed by the confidence to know they can achieve their goals.
  • Message bearer – communication, divine inspiration
  • Avoid distractions
  • Motivation

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With appreciation,


Facebook Group: Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit

To book a psychic party or eventclick here or to book an appointment online, click here

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more. Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

What Happens When We Tap Into The Divine: A Morning With Deer

Morning Thoughts

I just returned from a fruitful and amazing women’s retreat on Sunday in Hingham, MA. The day after any event like this can be a little chaotic in trying to balance my own energies out while unpacking, reviewing feedback, holding space for clientele, and being keenly aware of my own energetic needs especially after a massive coronal hole wind storm that hit the earth plane on Sunday creating a geomagnetic storm.

Those with certain health conditions like cardiac issues or those empathic like me can feel these intensely. I recently wrote about this. You can read about “How Grand Solar Minimum is Affecting Our Health, Communications, and Climate Change” here.

So, today I went for a walk to prepare myself to do a reading shortly and set the tone for the day. Nature grounds me. It helps me clear my head and it allows me to access the divine easily and effortlessly. Then THIS just happened.

Early in my healing journey, I lost trust in humans and institutions that claim to protect victims of abuse and don’t.

The blessing is that it forced me to return to my soulful spiritual state. When I couldn’t trust people or even myself for that matter (my choices/decisions), I was forced to go up … to God, Great Spirit, Universe, the Divine or whatever you call it.

I began getting synchronistic things happening beginning 2009 with what I call #signs.

Going into that divine place kept me safe, and helped restore trust in myself and my ability to heal and move forward in life.

Not to mention my heightened keen sense and ability to sniff out disingenuous, narcissistic, abusive, manipulative, predatory people.

So, here as I prepare for this reading, I stumble upon this doe in my field at my house.

Deer Message

Deer Symbolism

I usually associate deer to gentleness, family, and compassion.

The Take A Way

The take a way she gave me was that she wasn’t afraid of me. She was aware of my presence and as long as I respected her boundaries, I was able to approach easily and effortlessly.

She wasn’t startled by me, which deer can easily become. She knew I was safe, but also made sure that didn’t change what she deemed as a healthy boundary.

In Numerology:

6/11/19 at 9:18am =
reminding me of the yin yang aka +/- and the neutrality/homeostasis/balance/partnerships as a big chapter is about to close and balance/partnerships will be needed moving forward into the next chapter successfully and purposefully.

If you missed my 2019 forecast post, please check out “What 2018 Taught Us, the Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019, and 6 Tips to Guide You in 2019”, here. I go into more details on what is happening spiritually and what 2019 means in numerology.

Do you get signs?

Please share a picture or experience in the comments.

Happy Tuesday …

I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

Share with us what you learned or an experience with us that resonates with things in this post.

With appreciation,


Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission.
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Embracing The Dragon Within

Dragons have been a huge part of my life and over the past few years, their energy and connection to me has grown stronger. I wrote this a few weeks ago and posted it on social media and felt I needed to share with you here as well.

Step into the embodiment of dragon, and step into your power.

Dragon … protect me, guide me, give me strength.

Let your scales protect and shield me as I travel into the shadows of death to face myself.

Let your claws break through the toughest of resistance for which is mostly likely buried in the depths of my own ego.

Let your #strength lift me out of the depths of darkness and into the light.

Let your wings be the hurricane to carry me, act as the winds of change needed for my highest and best and guide me on this journey.

Let your breath mix with mine and become one churning away in my pit of my belly and burn away my fears as I release its fire.

Let your #courage allow me to easily and effortlessly step forward trusting in my path.

Let your spirit energy raise my frequency and vibration.

Let your fierceness give me courage to do all that is needed for my soul’s growth

Written by: Laura Joseph, Healing with Spirit
Copyright 2018


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Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Are You Planting Seeds This Spring Equinox?

A good morning start with the medicine of mourning dove and crow as my natural morning alarm system.  What a magical way to begin my day.  Both birds have been very strong personal totems for me communicating messages to me in the areas of love, divinity, and magic for many years.

I saw this fallen tree pictured in the graphic on a hike I went on a while ago and was amazed at the resiliency and survival instincts. We can learn so much about ourselves cradled in the arms of nature.

March has sure come charging in a lion and has no slowing down in sight to exit as a lamb. You feeling this? If you live in New England, you may have certainly been feeling this.

Today marks the vernal equinox or otherwise known as the spring equinox. For some this day may seem insignificant, but for others, it marks the return to light as well as for rebirth, new beginnings, and fresh starts and has been celebrated by almost every native culture across the globe.

So TODAY, I am reminded with this message that came to me during my morning meditation.

“As I release the dead of winter, I plant heirloom seeds for the future I envision.  Today, I nurture my soul.”

So I am curious, how are you using the energies of today to nurture your soul?

Feeling the need for more guidance or direction?  You may also want to check out the Card For The Day to help guide you further today and days to come.

Happy Spring Equinox. Be sure to nurture you and the soul you ARE.

With lots of love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer


To schedule a private reading in person or via phone, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me