2020 Presidential Election Psychic Energy Forecast

What a Shit Show And Circus Being Allowed to Continue or Is It? Your Decide.

The energies are sure proving themselves in revelations of the darkness and shadows and while highlighting what we need to do in our evolution of our own soul growth.

First I want to state that pulling these cards took me 2 months to do to ensure the right energetic alignment was palatable enough to minimize the effects of my own personal beliefs interfering with this type of message.

I am aware of the toxic spirituality floating around and the level of predatory spiritual leaders in many communities for malicious or selfish agendas. History is riddled with this spiritual toxicity. This shadowy veil is highlighting this so we may evolve.  My efforts to ensure I am not complicit to the problem of abusing my own position of power to influence despite my imperfect humanness is important to me.

My goal with this post is to provide some energetic psychic insight to what is happening from as pure of a state as possible while giving you guidance on how to navigate these polarizing energies while balancing any triggers and increasing verbal assaults you might be faced with.

I want to start off with sharing the summary of the 2016 presidential election psychic reading I did in July 2016 so you have an idea of the energetic flow.

Followed by the 2020 election energies. Then a summary regarding the cards pulled over the last 4 years.

Finally, the verdict based on the cards pulled on September 29, 2020 and my final thoughts on how to navigate these energies DESPITE your political and/or personal beliefs.

First … the 2016 Election Summary

Cards RE:  2016 Presidential Election pulled on  7/6/2016

The cards I pulled for the 2016 election were accurate.

I posted the cards on Instagram without a description due to fear of repercussions from sharing what I saw especially since majority of the psychics and astrologers I saw post that Hillary would be the shoe in.

I did NOT feel that at all. As you can see just by looking at the cards, it did NOT look favorable for Hillary Clinton.  I saw “her world as she knew it crumbling” and what she “used” to gain power was unraveling before our eyes.

Her career started out with a passion that ignited her political career, but somewhere along the line, her passion became easily corrupted.  Her undoing was the interference of another – whether it was Snowden or another younger male. That “leak” is what began to deflate and expose the corruption surrounding the Clinton Foundation.

The cards did NOT feel as though she thought she did anything wrong. After all, she was a women in power that very few get to achieve in a culture where women are still NOT viewed as equals to men especially in areas of law, politics, social justice.

As far as Trump went, I was unclear actually about his success in the Presidency at the time when I pulled these. I just knew Hillary would NOT become President by her own misguided doings as shown by the upside down Page of Wands card.

Trump did have, however, a team of very powerful rich men behind him. He would not have run for President nor succeeded if he did not have this crucial backing as shown in the three of Pentacles above. This marked the initial stages of implementation of Trumps Presidential bid.

The middle card, the two of swords, indicates a decision to sever the personal and professional relationship Trump had with the Clintons understanding the consequences of this decision. The blindfold suggests that Hillary never saw it coming.

The two of Pentacles in Trump’s spread showed how he adapted and learned to juggle the world of politics. It reflects that he was able to take any stone thrown at him and in his words, “win”.

I think we know WHO won the 2016 election. This spread I pulled on July 6, 2016 was accurate.

My concerns on knowing Hillary was NOT going to win, but concerns with why I felt Trump’s fate in the election was not certain either, baffled me. However, looking in the rear view mirror, the Russia investigation, the election interference, and impeachment validated those intuitive hits I got. Everything made sense in hind sight.

The 2020 Presidential Election Forecast

So when I pulled this spread just before the first presidential debate on 9/29/20, my first initial reads were:

  • Trump was the “bringer of shadows and darkness”.
  • Justice is blinded
  • and there will be an element of manipulation, greed, and “trickery” by Trump to secure his re-election.

and that for Biden, my initial hits were:

  • a man who mastered his emotional state.
  • someone who fights for women’s rights
  • yet someone who is sensitive and emotionally unsure he can beat a Titan. With faith being tested.

On top of the this, when I look at the two center cards – the Justice and three of cups – The overall energies right now surround the future of rights for women – their ability to have autonomy and sovereignty – are currently on the table with Roe vs Wade on the table and VAWA taking the lead.

Make NO MISTAKE – Who we elect will determine the fate of women’s rights.

So now let’s look a bit deeper for clarification. The Justice and Magician card combo suggests that those who fear Trump are right to be afraid. This “frightening” human is wielding a power unprecedented in this young country.  He wields a power and mastery at the skill of manipulation and greed.

When we look at the Moon and Justice card combination under Trump, we see a very “dangerous person“.  I have seen this type of person before, which is why it took me so long to do this spread so I can present in a clear divine way to ensure I am reporting what I see clearly and unbiased. Not that easy.

This combination of cards for Trump also highlights the HOW factor. What I mean is that he is openly engaging in dangerous manipulation and trickery without care of repercussions. Like most abusers, he has been getting away with this behavior for decades without being held accountable for his actions.

Trump is a skillful person able to deflect and project his toxic behaviors, words, and actions successfully onto his so called “enemies”.

For folks involved in the occult or new age magic stuff – not my realm of expertise – this highlights the possibility of the use of occult malificia or psychic pressure for power or vengeance.

I will highlight the overall election VERDICT further down below.

Now as far as Biden goes …  at least with these cards, it seems a lot simpler here. The King of Cups tells us that Biden has had many battles that have challenged him emotionally and mentally. He conquered those emotions while maintaining the calming reassuring fatherly presence.

The three of cups is celebratory. What I heard with this card is to remember that Biden helped get a crucial legislation passed to protect women from violence and provide services, shelter and support for those abused or sexually assaulted.  The landmark violence against women act (click here for fact sheet) took over a decade if not mistaken to get this law passed.

It is showing up in the present because under the Justice card, the VAWA is currently under threat.

Click here for the facts on this current threat dated 9/13/20 stating “President Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have decided to block the most recent VAWA reauthorization”. Whether or not you feel this is fake news or not, the cards do NOT lie and have NOT lied ever since pulling them regarding anything political.

This is why I do not pull on the cuff. I wait to pull when energies are aligned and my personal energies and beliefs will have as minimal affect on the reading as possible.

The five of cups in the future position is highlighting that things might get disappointing for Biden and that things may not work out as expected on some level.

The Psychic hits between 2016-2020

Tarot Card Pull Regarding The Mueller Report Congressional Hearings

I did multiple card readings regarding Trump over the last four years. The most recent post on July 24, 2019 on the Mueller Investigation echoed the prior readings with reoccurring themes.

The main thread throughout the four separate times I pulled cards revolved around these aspects:

  • The USA is at a cross roads and depending on which path the American people choose will dictate the future.
  • If anything is going to change, it needs to come from the people NOT those in power and the people need to stop complaining and DO something such as organize local meetings, protest, make calls to legislators, and holding our elected officials accountable for their actions or inactions and stop thinking your neighbor will do it for you. If you want change, you must rise up and do it.
  • There is a LOT of distractions being tossed out and the gullible money driven media took the bait. This is a classic tactic batterers know how to do well. I know. I witnessed this first hand.
  • The warnings are a wake up call. If there is to be justice, that must come from the rise of the people. Unfortunately, we never saw that unified rise of the people that was needed to make the necessary changes.

SO here we are….

So What’s the Verdict for the 2020 Presidential Election?

Possible 2020 Presidential Election Results

At the end of the day, what happens rests in the hands of the UNIFIED citizens of the United States of America.  Make no mistake on dividing the people. That was a skillful tactic.

In traditional tarot, the page of swords is about a messenger, an emissary or liaison between separate camps. In this case, between separate presidential campaigns.

The page here has a  responsibility to faithfully represent one side’s communications to the other. Unfortunately, we did not experience this in the first debate on 9/29/20 as we all witnessed.

When applied to politics, this could mean a “spy” or someone working for one of the campaigns to gain access to sensitive information. This so called “spy” could be the undoing of the king rendering him powerless.

If Biden is going to win, he needs to learn how to use his quiet calm voice effectively and convincingly like RBG did in winning 5 out 6 supreme court cases especially in the arena around the threats surrounding women’s rights that are currently being challenged including Roe v Wade and The VAWA. He needs to basically call in the divine help of Ruth Bader Ginsberg to make this happen. He will also need to draw on his faith more. Trust his faith more than his aides.

If Trump is going to win, he will do so through cunning skillful manipulation and trickery with the help of a “spy” to accomplish this and will convincingly blame another for anything out of integrity or unlawful. Whether or not this means China, North Korea, Russia or even white supremacist extremist groups as he stated to “Stand by” while refusing to denounce racially motivated extremist groups.

Interestingly, as far as COVID or a COVID vaccine goes, that seems to be a mute point at least in regards to THIS reading.

Finally, if you read this post this far and maybe you are feeling triggered with fear or uncertainty, tap into the wisdom of the body for there resides the truth you seek and wisdom you desire.

Here is the final card for you: Surrender to the Wisdom of Your Body.

“Listen to your body’s messages about a person or situation. If you feel physically drained or uncomfortable, be cautious. If you are energized and happy, move forward.”

If you are STILL feeling stuck or fearful or unsure, please join us in our Facebook group for extra support, spiritual medicine and meditation offered LIVE 3x a week.

Or check out these upcoming classes to help you step into you power more effectively:

  • The Rooted and Resilient Empath 8 week virtual class
  • Bless Your Junk and BE EmPOWERed 4 wk virtual class.

Plus, 3 mini master classes each an hour long, complete with workbook, and experientials.

  • The Power of the Word
  • The Power of the Pause
  • The Power of Processing

Join our email list to learn more about these classes as they are launched. Click here.

Final Thoughts

The truth before our eyes is beyond the obvious.

Stop watching the news & TV or at least reduce your exposure. The serve investors NOT the people. This is the ultimate gaslighting and we, the people, rarely question the stories.

Start going within where the truth resides and wisdom is revealed.

Stop complaining.

Do the HARD shitty healing work that is needed, so you can elevate yourself as a better steward and human being.

Get active in activism. Do something to better the planet.

Above all – VOTE

This election especially will hinge on the turn out of the youth as the determining factor. Anyone under the age of 40, will need to be schooled on what is currently at stake for women rights that could set women back decades.

Did I explain it plainly enough keeping it simple without too much of my projection?

Let me know your thoughts on this post in the comments below. 

With appreciation,

Fall 2020 Psychic Review & Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You

WOW What a year huh? It is certainly the WTF kinda of year and NO matter how much we predicted these times – YES we did – it sometimes does not make these challenges any easier though.

All it does is give us a road map on how to navigate through all of this evolutionary change. I posted a 2020 forecast here with a followup here on karmic debt and three tips to moving forward. Did you catch those posts???

Since 2020 began, these energies have created lots of contrast in our lives. The idea of spiritually bypassing our way through life will not help any of us. The trading one feel good addiction for another has shown to be more harmful than good as I talk about here.

By April, it felt like all hell broke lose. So I pulled some cards on the matter and created a vlog post regarding COVID here. This is about emotional & spiritual maturity, truths revealed, shadows continuing to surface and how to navigate moving forward.  This year is VERY reflective of the “Tower” card in tarot.

There is a single threaded message that streams though all these posts addressing the triggers & ego destruction. This year has been less about trying to “control” situations or outcomes and more about mastering the calm within the storm while co-creating with the divine and disconnecting from the news & propaganda. Think Hunger Games, the Matrix series and Avatar.

In May, things escalated again on many fronts. So, I used my trauma & trigger healing journey to get quite candid and personal talking about Facing the Shadows & Healing During COVID19 as an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.

In June, the jaguar appeared where I talked about the Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest.  Here I talked about my premonitions over the years about these times and addressed 3 lessons we have learned so far  including upping our virtual presence and call for unity as well as continuing themes of trusting instincts and ego destruction.

Finally, in the end of July, we addressed “flow”, the dark night of the soul and 4 tips to help you navigate moving forward here.

We are stewards of this Great Mother and stewardship is our sacred duty that we collectively have neglected.  We have been talking about THIS aspect A LOT in our FB LIVES held 3x a week.

Since COVID shutdown everything days before my birthday in March, I felt a huge call to action to BE an anchor of support to the community. So, for the last 22+ weeks I have been offering free/by donation FB LIVE events ranging from energy updates to meditation to psychic medium readings to a 7 day challenge to somatic movements to council meetings on the topic of trauma, triggers, and spiritual medicine and more.

AND every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:30am (EST) I’ve been offering what has now morphed into Mornings with Laura: Spiritual Medicine and Meditation”.

Here is one of those messages recorded on 8/26/20 from a Facebook LIVE on Spiritual Signs, Time Master & Turtle Medicine, & completing with video Meditation W/ The Tibetan Singing Bowls.  Towards the end, we ask for shares and experiences.

Like the video above,  I have been blending many of the tools I’ve acquired over the last 15 years.  As a result of these teachings and the interaction and engagement of community to participate, we’ve witnessed some BIG medicine coming through that is helping so many during these challenging polarizing times as well as all life.

Since the launch of this initiative, our group has doubled in size since March to over 700 members from all over including MA, RI, CA, NM, AZ to Korea, UK, and Denmark.

These events have been instrumental as a spiritual guidance tool to help us co-create and navigate through all the human egoic bullshit coming at us from all different angles and sides. 

Before I share with you the tips to help you navigate the rest of this year, here is a followup from 8/26/20 that I felt compelled to share on 8/28/20 from another Facebook LIVE  on Trauma, Earth Medicine, Meditation and the Master 22 Number in numerology that is relevant to what I am posting about here. 

Now Moving Forward

Finally, things are shifting, moving, evolving in so many areas and planes from the earth’s electrical grid to space weather to rise in consciousness to shifts in the material world. There is an infinite intelligence of Great Spirit that makes up the fundamental fabric of the Universe. Think The Matrix Series, Tesla, and Einstein just to name a few.

The Facebook Live we did on September 4, 2020 addressed the “MAGIC”. Remember, we can’t experience or see magic if we do NOT believe. This is a time to reconnect with the inner child and see and experience the world through their eyes.  

We are being called to step up and recognize the universal … spirit … dance in all the synchronicity, signs, symbols, and omens you might receive or experience. This veil has been thinning for quite a while. 

I would ask that you trust in your divinity and flow and not fall into the illunsionary trap of many formalized religions. You have your own infinite intelligence built within you. We have been deprogrammed is all.  

Here are 4 tips to help you move forward this fall

Click here, where I elaborate on these tips in more detail.

  • FIRST, Continue to take personal responsibility for where you are at. Continue to clear the “old” and face the junk & shadows. Not sure how? Check out my Classes Tab for course descriptions. 
  • Second, learn how to navigate and master the flow. 
  • Third, Stay grounded  & center yourself.
  • Fourth, (NEWLY ADDED/ not in video) either learn how to co-create Source energy/the divine/Spirit/God/ Great Spirit/The Universe etc or deepen your connection to this co-creation piece. 

Think of 2020 as the year of ACCOMPLISHMENT from a soul perspective in four (4) “work” year in numerology . This is where we want to go:

  • when we master the idea of NOT controlling Mother Nature, but aligning with and co-creating with her in sacred partnership. 
  • settle karmic debt 
  • and clear out the shadows and/or shine the light in the dark places within. 
2019 Laura in Marin County Redwoods, CA

HOW do we implement these strategies? 

Life is a journey & lesson for evolution of the soul to BE EXPLORED. That exploration continues this fall.

Remember, THIS … THIS is multi-layered, multi-faceted. Some of this is individual AND some of this is collective. Learn to decipher what is your junk and what is someone else’s. 

Is it a SH*T SHOW right now??? 

Yes, it is … if we choose to see it this way or we can choose to see what is happening as an opportunity which brings me to a saying someone ones said to me early on my healing path. We are either in a pile of dung. Going into a pile of dung, or getting out of a pile of dung. The difference is HOW we handle these situations. 

This fall I will be launching the virtual class Bless Your Junk & Step Into Your EmPOWERed Self as well as the 8wk virtual class the Rooted and Resilient Empath.  Both are comprehensive and geared towards giving your the tools you need to move forward. Are you ready?

Learn more by joining our FB LIVE events. 

Want to know more about these FB LIVE events?

I offer these FB LIVE events in my group Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit and are available on replay. 

If you’re struggling, stressed, depressed, triggered, anxious, fearful etc … then what’s stopping you from committing to yourself to a healthier routine that will help you break these patterns?

These FB LIVE events have been so powerful and so on point each time in guiding us. I posted more about these events and feedback from them just in the past week. 

Here’s what folks are saying in the past week on these LIVES:

  • “I’m so glad I joined in today and that you had three takes… I finally made one of your talks. Love this Laura. 😍🙏  – Jocelyn
  • “The bowls and drums were amazing.” -Beth
  • “This is gold! You are my sign 💛🙏  -Merry
  • “Is there a way to share this or for others to watch it now? You’re on fire. Good Stuff’s Coming🙏”   -Laura
  • “I enjoyed your meditation this morning Laura thank you 🙂💗 I feel centered and relaxed ready to take on my day a few errands then ill be enjoying the pool and then maybe dinner by the ocean…🙂 -Jennifer
  • You speak so much truth in the political world.”  -Heather
  • “This was very relaxing in spite of me sitting at a garage where I’m getting my oil changed, 😂 but it was a great way to spend my time here!” -Monica
  • “Thank you. Beautiful Laura🙏❤️🙏  -Suzanne
  • “Beautiful message” – Gina
  • “Powerful Laura”. – Annette
  • “Thanx for this gift today. Loved the messages from Hurricane Laura too🧚♀️ “ -Laura
  • “Just watched the replay! Needed to hear that!”  -Joan

I hope you found this post helpful??? 

If so, please leave your comments below and let us know how we are doing.

With appreciation, Laura

Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.

For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.

To book a private session, click here.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.

© 2015-2020 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

The 444 Psychic Energy Regarding COVID19

A psychic energy perspective on the numerological  gateway date of  4/4/20 (444) where we chat about the energies during these evolutionary times.

This was originally recorded on Instagram LIVE but had to re-record this message in order to share this. There is LOTS of stuff surfacing karmicly, generationally, and past life on top of current stuff.  There is more to what is happening than the obvious.

In this video I share with you what is happening energetically, collectively and spiritually around the COVID19 and what we need to do collectively to move forward.

This is synonymous to what I wrote about in the 2020 forecast just amplified. Click here for the 2020 forecast with a followup posted here talking about karmic debt and three tips to moving forward. Did you catch those posts??? If not, please do as sometimes what is needed is seen through the congruency and patterns.

Click on the video below for the psychic reading and energy surrounding COVID19 and what we need to learn and do.

Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

Spiritfest Sunset Cruise – Plymouth, MA

Enjoy the magical experience of watching the sun set over Plymouth Harbor with your favorite cocktail, beer or wine from our full service bar. Take in the night air on our deck or relax inside our climate controlled cabin while you take in the views of Plymouth’s gentle and picturesque harbor as the rays of the setting sun dance on the water.

Enjoy an intuitive message from one of our top medium or psychic.
$40/20 Minutes.  Laura is excited to be apart of this fun event providing private readings.

Sponsored by Healthy Living Magazine. Click here for event details and tickets.

Spiritfest – Cohasset

Spiritfest is sponsored by Healthy Living Magazine. We are a Community of Mind/Body Individuals providing tools to transform your personal lives and help make the world a better place. Stop in to meet your community health and wellness experts.

Featuring 40+ Vendors, Experts in the Health & Wellness Field, Expert Readers & Healers.

Booking Info With Laura

Laura will be one of the readers at Spiritfest this year.  You can pre-book your reading with Laura, but it is not required. Click here to book with Laura now

For more information about this event, click here or call Candita 508-615-980

An Intimate Day W/ Loved Ones in Spirit; A Mediumship Demonstration

Not every psychic is a medium, but every medium is a psychic. A medium is someone who connects with Spirit entities or loved ones who have crossed over into the spirit world. The job of the medium is to prove that “…the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.”

Join Laura for an exciting and uplifting intimate afternoon of love, hope and healing as she connects with loved ones in spirit. Guests will receive evidential validations and messages of hope, love, and healing from loved ones on the higher side of life demonstrating that love never dies and life continues after the change called death.

Laura will do her best to reach as many guests as possible with a personal message as time permits.

Seats are limited for this venue.

Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.


Described by audiences as “amazing” and “phenomenal”, Laura has been a frequent guest speaker and medium at many Spiritualist Churches throughout New England, various venues throughout New England and Florida, as well as area celebrity charity events. She was also a featured guest on CBS radio, local TV in MA, RI, and NH,  and many Blogradio guest appearances.

Laura was born with the gift of mediumship with a passion to finding long term solutions to healing.

For more about Laura and her work, click here.


To Pay with a credit card, click here.

To Pay via check or cash, please fill out this form including that you would like to pay for this event via cash or check.

For check payments, please make payable to “Laura Joseph” and either mail or drop off to Healing with spirit, 256 Hull St, Hingham, MA 02043. Please fill out the form below to let us know it is coming. We will hold the seat for 3 days. Please be sure to include phone number and email address.

Contact Us

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Shanti Shala Winter Fair

Come join us at the next Shanti Shala Winter Fair in Plympton, MA, just outside Plymouth.  The grounds and location are amazing.

I am looking forward to sharing the sacred day with so many amazing healers, readers, and vendors of all walks of life.  I will be offering the following 20 min private sessions:

  • Psychic Medium Readings
  • Tarot, Angel, Oracle Card Readings
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Healings (in chair)

The fair is FREE to attend. Cost of services are set by the organizers. Some vendors accept credit cards, but most of the services are cash only.

For more information about the fair, please check out their facebook event page   for latest information and updates.

Click here for more information about Laura’s Readings.

Click here for what others say about Laura’s readings.

Shanti Shala Fall Fair

Come join us at the next Shanti Shala Spring Fair in Plympton, MA, just outside Plymouth.  The grounds and location are amazing.

I am looking forward to sharing the sacred day with so many amazing healers, readers, and vendors of all walks of life.  I will be offering the following 20 min private sessions:

  • Psychic Medium Readings
  • Tarot, Angel, Oracle Card Readings
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Healings (in chair)
  • Numerology

The fair is FREE to attend.

Cost of services are set by the organizers. Cash preferred event.

For more information about the fair, please check out their facebook event page   for latest information and updates.

Click here for more information about Laura’s Readings.

Click here for what others say about Laura’s readings.

Shanti Shala Fall Fair

Come join us at the next Shanti Shala Fall Fair in Plympton, MA, just outside Plymouth.  The grounds and location are amazing.

I am looking forward to sharing the sacred day with so many amazing healers, readers, and vendors of all walks of life.  I will be offering the following 20 min private sessions:

  • Psychic Medium Readings
  • Tarot, Angel, Oracle Card Readings
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Healings (in chair)

The fair is FREE to attend. Cost of services are set by the organizers. Some vendors accept credit cards, but most of the services are cash only.

For more information about the fair, please check out their facebook event page   for latest information and updates.

Click here for more information about Laura’s Readings.

Click here for what others say about Laura’s readings.