Setting the Tone for 2024 with Dragon and The Morrigan

What happens when you blend working with the Morrigan with the energy of the Year of the Dragon?

It’s been a POWERFUL fiery start to 2024 – year of the DRAGON.

How are you doing moving through the current new year energies?  I am curious what you are experiencing and feeling and if you are feeling all that I am about to discuss here too.

Let me know in the comments if this resonates at all with you.

Here is what happened by the day’s end of January 1st:

  • The sun kicked of the strongest CME since 2017 causing all kinds of energetic and radio disturbances.
  • The planet mercury stationed direct. So, the next 2 weeks will be time for more integration.
  • Profound vivid dreams
  • Internal ruffling of our feathers and more.

This continued through the week that impacted my physical strength & wellness that required more rest, grounding, and self care. These dark night’s of the soul bouts can be a real kicker.

This past Monday, on 1/1, we held sold out “Setting the Tone in the 2024 New Year” event. In general, what I heard folks want for 2024 was less stress, fear, and anxiety and to live more authentically.

But how does one do this actually?

We all want to DO this, but the question always remains HOW?

My How

The answer is simple and complex. The first step is knowing HOW you process something. If you do not know how, it begins with




What is the action step

It requires unpacking cultural conditioning and religious dogma, courage to face hard truths, humility, and willingness to see things through a different lens knowing that your soul knows better than you to guide you through.

For nearly 20 years, I have blended all I have learned in plant medicine, energy medicine, rooted spiritual practices, sacred activism and my relationship to the spiritual world to help emPOWER folks to heal root issues, unpack cultural conditioning, and reclaim lost or stolen aspects and/or powers of themselves or their ancestors.

I am a multigenerational healer and intuitive that come from my paternal  Russian and my maternal Irish/Celtic bloodlines.

Over 53 years, I have been molded in such a way that makes me unique in the way I deliver a reading, or give spiritual guidance, or help someone transition in end of life or help someone facing cancer or domestic violence.

My approach is always deep, rooted, and integrated as taught since I was a child.

2023 Sucess Story

One of the biggest success stories of 2023 was a story of a 30yo female diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer who was told she would never be able to have children. She came to me for Reiki initially only to find out why she left her prior practitioner was due to the practitioner shaming her telling her that her sexual assault in her past was not a real trauma.

So the work began. Over the next 4 years, we unpacked old stories and belief systems, addressed root issues, recognized some of links to her breast cancer from her cell phone and unresolved trauma, and implemented spiritual based integrative therapies that were complimentary to her medical care.

We implemented strategies including coaching, herbal remedies, spiritual healing, a wellness team, past life and generational healing, somatic trauma therapies, meditation, medical intuition and more.

Last year, 2023, she was given the green light to try to have children. In the summer, she was discouraged a bit, but my intuition said September and possibly multiples. Well let’s just say Momma is carrying THREE healthy babies due to be born this spring.

I have countless stories like this and published NINE of them in the book the Secrets To Healing.

What I am Witnessing in 2024

One thing that showed up on Monday for folks was recognizing that you can not achieve what you seek if you are doing it through the old colonizer, patriarchal lens. A lens sometimes hidden in the blinders of our subconscious and unconscious being.

I find this is a MAJOR blind spot for so many folks as to why they are NOT where they want to be. It is only when things align in a certain way, they begin to see. We do not know what we do not know until it hits us and there’s the old saying “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”

Unfortunately, much of American society is NOT ready for this change, but many are starting to see for the first time. That gives me hope.

Working With The Dragon  & The Morrigan in 2024

So this past New Year’s Day, we worked with meeting our dragon ally to help us to see what we can not see, to help us to hear what we have not been able to hear, help us to feel what we have not been able to feel, and help sense what we have not been able to sense.

I also in an impromptu fashion delivered channeled messages from the Irish Goddess, the Morrigan. I had been sitting with her for about 3 hours before preparing for this event, and she could not wait to bust through and speak on the topic of unpacking cultural conditioning and reclamation.

I want to pause a moment and reflect on how I am leading forward in 2024 is birthing a strong fierce warrior with the Morrígan as my guide riding my dragon spirit (ryūjin) ally I have been fostering a deep relationship with over the last several years. That is some powerful stuff. No wonder I needed a few days to integrate before writing this newsletter.

The latest cosmic energy blast from the sun on New Year’s Eve and Day has only amplified all this… talk about a breathing cosmic fire storm (by the way, there is a forecast of MORE earthquakes and volcanic eruptions moving through 2024 as the sun begins to move into the peak of this solar cycle).

How we relate to our own darkness and shadows  – befriend and make peace with  – will determine how well we move through the energies of 2024.

This year, the energy and spirit of the dragon unfurls like an ancient tapestry, weaving threads of profound significance and transformative energies from the ancient scripts & spiritual ways of being. Working with dragons are no joke either, but it is fascinating how in the east, dragons are  god-like, etheric, and celestial. And in Europe, we demonize the dragon as a villain to slay. I have always wondered why, but more to come on that topic later.

Dragon energies for 2024 bring in a much needed ethereal wisdom. The presence of the dragon itself signifies a paradigm shift we are experiencing, a beckoning of humanity towards evolution, renewal, and spiritual awakening.

In the tapestry & cycles of life, the Dragon emerges as a harbinger of change, symbolizing the cosmic forces aligning to guide us through an era of profound introspection and growth. It signifies a time where the ethereal meets the tangible—a convergence of celestial energies inviting us to delve deep into the recesses of our souls.

This celestial alignment between the dragon and the Morrigan I am witnessing is not coincidence. It heralds a period where the cosmos whisper secrets of renewal, reclamation, rebirth, and the need for dismantling patriarchal conditioning and toxic capitalist systems. Wowza right? It encourages humanity to embrace change, shedding old layers of limitation and embracing the expansive realms of possibilities.

Think: strength, courage, bravery, resilience.

Now when I match up the dragon with the energies of the Morrigan, you got yourself some serious badassery happening.

I have incorporated working with the ancient Irish Goddess, The Morrígan, in my work over the last 9mo or so. To me, she is fierce, strong, and often mischaracterized by a colonized patriarchal conditioning. She is the voice who rises to stand up against systems of oppression. She is often an emblem of feminism for this reason.

My relationship with her is one of deep remembering, reclamation, and transformation.

I highly recommend working with her if called, but I caution you to do it with some guidance and support by someone who has been on this path, lived this path and walked this path for over a decade.  Yes, with time, daily practice and rituals, comes experience.

2024 As The Pilgrimage

I am exciting to be weaving my work with some indigenous sisters in Ireland and incorporating the Morrígan energy into A Sacred Pilgrimage To Ireland 2024 starting with a 4mo pre-trip immersion starting in February.

The Old Irish word for “Pilgrimage” is “turas” (tur-ahs).

Owen and Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin say that ‘Turas’ in Irish means ‘journey’, but it’s imbued with layers of meaning that resonate deeply with us. In our culture, a ‘turas’ is more than travel; it’s a pilgrimage, a voyage that weaves together the physical and spiritual realms. It’s about transformative experiences, self-discovery, and a profound bond with our land and its ancient mythology. The word captures the essence of setting intentions, pursuing meaningful paths, and nurturing growth.

A pilgrimage by definition is a journey, often into an unknown or foreign sacred place, where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about their self, others, nature, or a higher good through the experience. It is often a spiritual journey that can lead to a personal transformation or in this case also a reclamation, after which the person returns to their daily life as a different more empowered version of themselves.

This year – 2024 – is a year in itself of a pilgrimage. A sacred pilgrimage back to self, and an unpacking and burning away of old stories, belief systems, traumas, systems of oppression.

Both the Dragon and the Morrigan have a few things in common – dismantling systems of oppression, courage, fierceness, resilience and strength.

How I can support you in 2024

Together, let’s call on these wise spiritual beings into our lives and spiritual practices.

If you would like to learn HOW,

  • book a 1:1 session with me
  • join us at one of the upcoming events including the women’s retreat in March
  • or the sacred pilgrimage to Ireland in May where elements of these beings will be infused.

This year we are also expanding our offering for a deeper more immersive experience with 1/2 day and full day immersion experiences.

We are partnering up with some new folks bringing you new amazing yumminess to the south shore of Boston – women’s retreats and a drumming circle plus more.

You can also check out our latest Triggers and Spiritual Medicine Podcast here on the 2024 Astrology, Energy, Numerology, Tarot forecast with guest Hilary Harley.

You can access our events, booking links, podcast episodes, social media handles, books, Ireland pilgrimage, sacred activism work here

We are here as a steward to serve. Let me know how I be of service to you, your group, family, organization or event.

Let’s do this!!!!

Here’s to a better year than last year.

May we all rise up to be the best versions of ourselves for an aching world.

May miracles happen more frequently and our eyes wide open to witness them.

Cheers 2024.

With appreciation,


Healing With Spirit LinkTree Link

Episode #17: 2022 in Review & 2023 Psychic Spirit Energy Forecast

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 17 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. In this episode, we decided to do an energy forecast for the 2023 year with three key takeaways in the end.

  • 2022 in Review
  • What did we learn & how are we moving forward
  • 2023 Numerology
  • 2023 Energies
  • Tarot Card Energies
  • Power of Crow/Raven Magic
  • Three in numerology
  • “0” in numerology
  • Surrender the Ego
  • Plus 3 Key takeaways


Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more.

In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives

Addressing Grief, Trauma, Fears, Chronic Stress with Rooted Spiritual & Plant Based Medicines

A THREE Part Post – Morning Reflections in Nature On The State Of Society Questioning How Do We Move Forward – A Successful Case Study Involving the Transformation & Integration from Grief & History of Domestic Violence – Benefits of Blackberry & Burdock From My Morning Reflections- Tips for Triggers, Stress & Fears – Tips Around Food Scarcity- Why Work With Me

I do not know about you, the intensity that has been climaxing has been quite difficult to navigate no matter where we are in our lives. I sometimes like to write my processes and thoughts after certain experiences.

This morning I was reflecting on the sad state of our society and how on one level how hyper triggered & stressed folks are and on the other level how toxic so many folks are expressing their pains by projecting them onto vulnerable populations such as victims of domestic violence or sexual assault, homeless or low-income populations, folks with certain religious beliefs, and women. The growing misogynistic vitriol on women seems to be the most vile I have ever witnessed. It is sometimes hard to witness as if I am reliving the early days of the Burning Times of Witches or as if I am watching Chapter 2 of the Handmaid’s Tale play out.

Why am I sharing this? We can’t heal old wounds or create policy change by sticking our heads in the sand. I am not about band-aid approaches, because frankly we have seen how well those have worked out for us haven’t, we.

Humans in general are resistant to change and we are experiencing evolutionary times on so many levels simultaneously which can be difficult for the average person to adjust yielding lifetimes of lessons to be addressed.

The current energies of Saturn and Pluto retrogrades are amplifying this construct through at least October 2022 when Saturn stations direct. Pluto won’t go direct til 2023.

However, for folks who are struggling with chronic health or mental health challenges or implications as a result of trauma or faced with systemic oppressions, or folks who are faced with one adversity after another without the ability to come up for a breath – this can feel extraordinarily burdensome.

In this post I want to share a couple of experiences I have had this week in hopes it inspires us as a culture to SHOW UP better.

I personally like going into nature start my day and for some reflections. This morning was of no exception. I live on land of the original Massachusett & Wampanoag First Nations. It is rich in wildlife, nature, and medicinal plants – that some would call weeds.  There has been lots of incorporating herbal medicine this week in my life & in my work.

Client Story

Earlier this week, I spent a half day with someone in deep pain and surmountable grief. They are a survivor of past domestic violence where the system failed to protect the children now grown adults.  They thought their life was finally on track with a new marriage and stability in their life.

However, when they came to me the other day, they were struggling with immense grief-stricken trauma associated of losing a spouse and child in a short span of time compounded by the fallout afterwards and old wounds were opened and bleeding out.

They have been stuck in a downward spiral with their overall health for over a year now with little support structures in place, felt like they were about to break, and nothing they were doing was working.

After incorporating a multidisciplinary approach over several hours including:

  • spiritual coaching & guidance,
  • somatic trauma healing and recovery work,
  • a holistic health assessment,
  • outdoor nature therapy,
  • a customized herbal medicine plan including a custom herbal medicinal tea blend as shown here.

The next morning, they reached out to me to tell me their nerves & anxiety were calmed, a lot of their physical symptoms were not present, pain noticeably diminished, and had the best night sleep since they can remember … sleeping through the night without any additional medication or aids.

They are initiating new daily protocols to help themselves navigate moving forward.

Hearing all this make my heart jump for joy. Meanwhile thinking to myself, how do I share WHY folks need to consider these very approaches in their lives to break to toxic cycles they are stuck in.

So, when I was out for my walk in my very large diverse backyard this morning reflecting upon society, I struggled with the notion that how few Americans find value, or seek out THIS type of help with a seasoned experienced healer and that makes me sad.

Then I get the calls for help and guidance from folks. We do the work. We get results and I am reminded that folks are seeking this out – they are seeking an alternative way of healing – of being – of living – of working etc. and I put my ego in check and go back to work honoring my path and this sacred work.

We have a lot of work to do and the Universe if forcing us to evolve. Old ways of BE-ing, working, living, and how we relate to ourselves, each other, the world around us MUST CHANGE.

However, just like that my once heavy heart was lifted by the surrounding plant medicine around me this morning.  Like an inquisitive child, I discovered a new wild blackberry bush while I stopped in my tracks to admire this gorgeous burdock lavishly making her presence & medicine pronounced & loud.

From there, this post was born.


Blackberries are not just yummy. They pack a host of amazing health benefits.  Some of the benefits wild blackberries include:

  • low glycemic index – this means that is likely to spike blood sugar levels.
  • nutrient dense – such as Vit C, Vitamin K, and manganese
  • high in fiber – That’s a problem: A low-fiber diet has been linked to digestive problems like bloating, constipation, and stomach pain. And according to a 2013 study, not getting enough fiber may increase your risk for heart disease.
  • may boost brain health & prevent memory loss according to a 2012 study
  • one of the top 10 highest-antioxidant foods
  • a 2013 study showed anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial benefits in oral health and a reason to add blackberries to your diet.
  • May Prevent and Slow Growth of Cancer

and more … Here is a good source for more on blackberries for health


The plant that led me to find the blackberry bushes was this gorgeous burdock – a plant we often “weed it out” as a nuisance, but it’s medicine is one of my favorites  for its support in liver health, promotes circulation and combats inflammation. Burdock root helps to strengthen the immune system and speed healing.  Some of the benefits include:

  • tonifies & “purifies” blood/liver
  • effective in removing toxins from blood/liver as proven in a 2010 Study
  • Nutrient dense
  • antioxidant rich including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids
  • inulin rich – prebiotic that aids in digestion
  • according to many studies, it may inhibit certain growth of some cancers such as pancreatic cancer.
  • Strengthens the Lymphatic System
  • Natural diuretic
  • improves arthritis according to a 2016 study

and more …

Tips on addressing triggers & stress

1) Stop.

2) Pause.

3) Create space to see where the triggers & stresses are rooted … beyond the obvious story.

4) Allow yourself the gift of sleep, rest, and Process

5) Implement & increase self care … go for a walk, get outside, turn off the TV, take an Epsom salt bath, get a massage or reiki session, listen to soothing music, take a COLD shower, dance even if naked in your house.

6) Eliminate expenses that REALLY are NOT necessary

7) Remove toxic experiences, people, things

Consider seeking out a knowledgeable experienced healer, earth medicine expert, or herbalist to see what medicinal plants may be best for you.

Addressing food scarcity fears

1) Grow SOME of your own NOW … hydroponics have come a long way. So this CAN be possible even in an apartment setting.

2) Shop LOCAL – mom and pop food stores & farmers markets. Shopping local & supporting LOCAL farms are MORE sustainable & better for the planet

3) Watch waste … Americans waste enormous amounts of food daily. Buy fresh and use only what’s needed. Cut back … I get not everyone is doing this, but Americans DO throw out more food than other countries.

4) If you are in a position, SHARE with the elderly and folks who are struggling. I mention the elderly cuz this demographic rarely complains but often must choose between food, shelter, medical care.

5) Donate food to especially domestic violence shelters that are currently under funded with DV skyrocketing and victims trapped due to lack of financial means to leave & systemic misogynistic biases making leaving difficult


Quite simply, I use a multidisciplinary approach that has a track record of getting results.

Since 2006, I have been offering spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment with a subspecialty in somatic trauma healing and recovery.

Over the years, I’ve empowered thousands of people heal issues and restore wholeness – personally, mentally, physically, spiritually, professionally – by addressing root causes, transforming pain, bridging science, research and practical magic of sacred ancient traditions & spiritual medicines.

I am a published author, speaker, award-winning advocate, teacher, an experienced rooted healer with teachers based in Kyoto, Japan, seeker, intuitive spiritual mentor, social justice warrior, and a survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault, with over 15 cumulative years of experience in the field of healthcare.

If you read this far down, what’s peaking your interest?

Are you wondering if working with me is what you need right now – whether a half day/full day immersion or a private one-hour session(s)?

Reach out. .. or comment below.

You can book a private session here.

Inquiries about half day or full day sessions, please contact me here.

I am here to support YOU

Thank you for supporting me and my work & mission.

With appreciation,


Psychic Energy Update 1/18/22

Here is the numerology and cards for the week to reflect upon. Plus, energy updates starting a quick summary.  I will go into details below.


  • Mercury Retrograde 1/14/22-2/4/22
  • Venus retrogrades til 1/29/22
  • Uranus direct 1/18/22 (TODAY)
  • Full Moon 1/17/22 (Yesterday)


CME’s and Solar flares trigging Geomagnetic storm 1/16 and 1/18


  • for 2022 = 6
  • Today: 16/7


Surrender Stubbornness: When I pulled this card in relation the numerology and energies as of right now, I heard a spirit whisper of “surrender resistance. Surrender the resistance of the flow of change and of natural laws”

“If you’re tensing up or taking a rigid stance about something, gently observe yourself and become more yielding. This will help you communicate more lovingly with others and yourself.”

Raven: All about Magic and owning your power.

Nine of Cups:  Satisfaction, Abundance, Reaping Rewards.

What does this all mean?

So today, we are coming off a VERY powerful full moon amplified by a geomagnetic storm from an incoming solar flare from the sun.

Some of you may have experienced sleep disturbances or elevated #triggers as we are being guided to surrender to the natural laws of the universe.

Mercury went retrograde this past Friday, 1/14/22 and Venus is still in retrograde to the end of the month on 1/29/22. Mercury will go direct on 2/4/22. This affects everything relational especially with self as well as anything regarding communication.

You might even feel a “tug o war” going on with the desire to rest, sleep, hibernate, organize, and plan mashing against the sudden urge to “get things done” or take action as Uranus went direct today.

Let me know in the comments below if this resonates with you as I do not know if what I post, or share helps you in any way.

Click here the 2022 energy forecast video. I go deeper into the numerology and themes for the year in that recording so I will not address it here.

Today is about cycles and flow. What cycles are you completing so you can move forward this spring, and how are you navigating that flow.

The recent solar storm activity just amplifies what already is, but if you are empathic or if you have health issues such as autoimmune disorders, mental health issues, or cardiac condition, you may have felt this. This could also trigger sleep issues such as overly exhausted yesterday but insomnia last night for those who are sensitive.

Are you resisting?

Are you making excuses?

Or are you pulling out your paddles in this grand flood of change and just steering however the Universe guides you?

The Raven is here to remind you of the magic you have inside you that maybe you have forgotten or ignored.

The Raven is a guide in the shadows and all that stuff you might feel lost. The raven will show you the way as the raven is between both worlds.

The raven also reveals a TRUTH you may not have seen before or even considered. Be sure to check your analytical brain or ego at the door and listen to the gut instincts.

Be sure your instincts are NOT coming from a place of triggers or trauma, but from a pure place.

The white artic fox in the 9 of cups card is a reminder of adaptability and purity.

The numerology is amplifying the raven energy and highlighting the shadow aspects that need to be resolved and dealt with – clearing out the mental, emotional, spiritual, physical clutter from your life so you are able to SEE clearly and OWN your power.

The 9 of cups is here to remind you that all this hard work will NOT go unrewarded in all areas of your life if you do THIS hard work that is asked of you.

This is a test of faith and a shift in your beliefs systems that are outdated.
Above all, this is a time to pull out your life raft.

Do NOT try to control others based on YOUR belief systems while ignoring another who may NOT share the same philosophy – This pandemic is an example of this.

Be open to ask questions. Be inquisitive.

Practice MORE empathy, compassion and understanding.

The news, political systems, Wall Street are all functioning from a place of ego.

Step away and tap into the wisdom of the soul as the soul knows YOUR truth.

Go there.

Be well my friends.

As always, your comments and feedback mean the world to me, and these posts are designed to guide you, but your feedback helps me help you more effectively.

Mid-Winter Psychic Blitz – Fair

Join me for a mid-winter psychic blitz. See flier for all the amazing offerings.

FREE admission

Doors OPEN at 9:30am

Readings are 20 mins for $25 (cash only please).

Due to the mandate of the mayor of Nashua, MASKS ARE REQUIRED.

I am grateful to be one of the readers onsite for this event offering:

  • numerology
  • psychic medium
  • spiritual mediumship
  • tarot
  • spiritual guidance
  • medical intuitive readings

To learn more about the spiritual guidance Laura offers, click here.

To learn more about the psychic mediumship readings, Laura offers, click here.

About Laura:

Laura comes from a strong family lineage of natural intuitives. Her father used his intuitive gifts as a physician to make life saving diagnosis’s in patients. Her mother used her intuitive gifts as a nurse. Her aunt read palms and her grandmother and great grandmother read tea leaves.

Laura has a private practice near the beach on the south shore of Boston, MA where she has been providing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment through programs, services, events, groups, retreats, and classes since 2006.

She considers herself a healer, educator, speaker, a natural born intuitive, metaphysician, trauma survivor, health advocate, mentor, artist, writer & overall spiritual badass.

She has 2 books coming out in 2022.

Coming on January 24, 2022 is “Feisty: Amazingly Dangerous Women Using Their Voices and Making an Impact” Click here to learn more.

And in the Spring of 2022, “The Secrets to Healing: An Invitation to Healing the Roots to Chronic Illness & Trauma Through The Japanese Reiki Gokai” where she shares how she healed the “Broken Me”

Click here to learn more about Laura.

Click here to learn more about Laura’s spiritual gifts.


2020 In Review and The 2021 Energy Forecast

Are you ready for it?

This 2020 review and 2021 energy forecast was recorded LIVE on 1/1/21 during our normally scheduled Mornings with Laura; Spiritual Medicine & Meditation event.

Here is a glimpse of what we talk about.

  • We reviewed the 2020 energies and themes that played out throughout the year.
  • Numerology for the day 1/1/21: 7
  • 2021 Numerology for the year: 5
  • Today’s Medicine 1/1/21: PAINTED TURTLE
  • PLUS, a guided meditation with the Tibetan Singing Bowls

The numerology for 2020 was a 4 year – a “work” year as talked about throughout the year in our LIVE events as well as throughout the blog posts posted throughout the year as well.

What does this mean – a “work” year? We have a leveling out that happened in 2020 between the ego/material world and the soul/spiritual realm. This means that:

  • shadows revealed
  • trauma healing – generational, past life, personal
  • karmic debt
  • no longer able to spiritually bypass without consequences

The deep hard stuff was in our face and we were forced to face it. Clearly 2020 was no joke. However, if you think 2021 will be a walk in the park, you might be in for a rude awakening.

The Beetle – The Past Lessons

The focus was on the “earth” elements, cocooning, and restoring balance of life.

This was reflected in the “Beetle” card pulled which is associated with the water element, the 7 of cups in tarot which highlighted the need to face necessary decisions.

In 2020 we discovered the need for stronger partnership with plant and herbal medicine and stewardship of our great Mother Earth.

We discovered the importance of grounding, centering, tapping into ancestral work/wisdom, decolonization work, and social justice.

(A complete list of 2020 reports at the bottom).

We have been learning how to balance the yin/yang, light/dark as we evolve into a new era of human evolution.

This years surrender influence: SURRENDER DEFENSIVENESS

Now before you all get defensive – hahahahaha – take a pause and process without judgment.  See what shows up for you as you go through the meditation portion in the video.

“Defensiveness is a sign of weakness. To communicate in a more empowered way, stay centered and hear someone out – then offer a clear, non defensive response.”

The Painted Turtle – The Present Moments

In 2021, we move into integration as brought to us by the painted turtle which is associated with the fire element and the 6 of wands in tarot.

The painted turtle is showing us to continue with what we set out in motion in2020 with the lessons of the beetle. Through all this good stuff will commence this year.

Themes of working together in groups or collaboration is important. It is key to be less “me” or “I” and more “we”, which is a very Aquarian age theme moving forward anyway.

The rewards are NOT without continued strong effort. These efforts will begin to see the payoff especially over the next 2-3 months – so basically through spring equinox.

What do you want to birth????

The Swan – Moving Forward

The swan in the future position has been showing up repeatedly during our Facebook LIVE events at the end of the year and in the beginning. There is no coincidence here.

Swan is connected to the Temperance (XIV) card in tarot. Over the next 2-3 months, it is important to move forward with the lessons from the prior two cards and implement their teachings.

Be aware of the increase sensitivities into new realms and energies associated with these teachings to be awakening for you. HOWEVER, we can NOT bypass the first 2 lessons of the beetle and turtle to get there.

It is important to pay attention to what shows up for you in the subtle energy realm over the next 2-3 months.

Try new things.


See what shows up without the need to control outcomes or create expectations.

Create and maintain more balance in the elementals – water, air, earth, fire. Yet, do not abandon everything right now either.

Watch the replay for more key information and discussions around what we learned from 2020 and how to move forward in 2021.

Plus, a meditation to help you begin the year centered, clear and balanced


Three Lessons 2019 Taught Us, Three Things To Know About Navigating the 2020 Energies, & What It All Means

The 2020 Intense Karmic Start and Four Tips To Move Forward – Well in case you missed my January post, 2020 is a massive year for “change” being a four year in numerology in all areas of our life. It is also a “work” year, a year to cultivate our deep inner spirit, and connect with the ancestors for healing and wisdom.

The 444 Psychic Energy Regarding COVID19– what is happening energetically, collectively and spiritually around the COVID19 and what we need to do collectively to move forward.

Facing the Shadows & Healing During COVID19, This is an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.

Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest -This has been quite the spiritual journey in the depths of the shadow realm this year, and there is a LOT surfacing personally, collectively, karmicly, and generationally in the first 6 months amidst a COVID19 outbreak with growing protests & civil unrest. A spiritual message is born.

2020 Mid Year Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You Into The Last QuarterWhat happened in July energetically, Numerology update, “FLOW”, “The Dark Night of the Soul”, 4 Tips to help you move forward into the last quarter of 2020. 

Fall 2020 Psychic Review & Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You –  An energetic over view year to date of what happened and how to move forward

2020 Presidential Election Psychic Energy Forecast, posted in September 2020, my election predictions.

Virtual Circle, Spiritual Medicine, & Meditation on ZOOM

Since March 2020, I’ve been offering various events to the community to help combat the stresses & uncertainties in life in a supportive way with an added intention to bridge in more diversity & inclusion.

We have expanded to offer a virtual circle format where travel is not required, you are in your own safe environment where you are witnessed and supported to process stagnant energy, old stories and stresses as we navigate these ever changing shifts together.

Here’s what you might experience:

  • The ability to enter into a safe container
  • A place where you can comfortably ease into a deep dive of vulnerability and trust effectively.
  • Meeting others that your normally would not meet in person
  • Some virtual love, circle, community, extra support,
  • Receive some spiritual medicine – spirit animals, earth based wisdom, psychic medium, numerology and more.
  • Receive updated cosmic energy reports that often affect our lives, health, & gadgets
  • A safe place to gain clarity, seek guidance, and/or allow yourself to process old energies, stories, emotions etc.

Typical FLOW:

  • Opening circle check ins
  • What is happening energetically & spiritual wisdom shared
  • Reflection
  • Meditation
  • Closing circle
  • Close out with movement, song, etc (not always)

Meditation (varies):

  • with the Tibetan Singing Bowls,
  • with drum
  • walking meditation in nature
  • or guided meditation.

Here is just SOME of what folks have been saying about these events:

“You are a beautiful blessing Laura Joseph …We love you” – Nancy

“Powerful Laura … (heart, prayer hands, heart emoji) beautiful day and meditation. I appreciate your transparency during this time of grief and healing. You are a true teacher.” – Annette

“Thank you for your uplifting messages and inspiration. Your dedication and caring shines through” – Pat

“Needed this today. Thank you!” – Joyce

“I truly appreciate everything you have been doing during these difficult times…. This was very relaxing in spite of me sitting in a garage where I’m getting my oil changed (laughing emoji) but it was a great way to spend my time here!” – Monica

“This was gold! You are my sign ( yellow heart, prayer hands emoji) “ – Merry

“Thank you. Beautiful …. Thank you for your time and gifts Laura (heart emoji)” – Suzanne

“That was amazing. Great start to the weekend. Feeling release and lighter.” – Annette

“Thank you! That was so spot on. I’ve been doing a ton for others and my health is starting to feel it.” – Rhiannon

“Oh Wow!!! You are spot on. Thanks Laura.” – Jenna

“I am so glad I joined in today …” – Jocelyn

“I have to say that every time I see you on your lives a feeling of overwhelming comfort comes to me. You’r such a strong force in my journey. I love you (star emoji x 3)” – Karen

“Thank you for all you do, sharing yourself with us. It means more than I can say. “ – Beth

“It is INCREDIBLE that you are here for us (prayer hands emoji) Thank you (heart emoji)… I appreciate you being here SO much” – Sarah

Registration Information:

This is organized with a sliding scale to offer these events that are accessible to all folks regardless of income.

For as little as a donation of any nominal value $1 to $22.

To register on eventbrite, click here.

DONATIONS Are Also Appreciated to keep these programs affordable.

Help  support our initiative, by becoming a Patreon. Check out our page to learn more about our initiative, projects, and exclusive offerings.  Learn how you can gain access to this event for FREE.

Want to know more?

To join our email list for latest news, updates, and events, click here

Virtual Healing & Community Circle & Meditation on ZOOM

Since March 2020, I’ve been offering various events to the community to help combat the stresses & uncertainties in life in a supportive way with an added intention to bridge in more diversity & inclusion.

We have expanded to offer a virtual circle format where travel is not required, you are in your own safe environment where you are witnessed and supported to process stagnant energy, old stories and stresses as we navigate these ever changing shifts together.

Here’s what you might experience:

  • The ability to enter into a safe container
  • A place where you can comfortably ease into a deep dive of vulnerability and trust effectively.
  • Meeting others that your normally would not meet in person
  • Some virtual love, circle, community, extra support,
  • Receive some spiritual medicine – spirit animals, earth based wisdom, psychic medium, numerology and more.
  • Receive updated cosmic energy reports that often affect our lives, health, & gadgets
  • A safe place to gain clarity, seek guidance, and/or allow yourself to process old energies, stories, emotions etc.

Typical FLOW:

  • Opening circle check ins
  • What is happening energetically & spiritual wisdom shared
  • Reflection
  • Meditation
  • Closing circle
  • Close out with movement, song, etc (not always)

Meditation (varies):

  • with the Tibetan Singing Bowls,
  • with drum
  • walking meditation in nature
  • or guided meditation.

Bring: a notebook, ritual items (optional) and a pen.

Here is just SOME of what folks have been saying about these events:

“You are a beautiful blessing Laura Joseph …We love you” – Nancy

“Powerful Laura … (heart, prayer hands, heart emoji) beautiful day and meditation. I appreciate your transparency during this time of grief and healing. You are a true teacher.” – Annette

“Thank you for your uplifting messages and inspiration. Your dedication and caring shines through” – Pat

“Needed this today. Thank you!” – Joyce

“I truly appreciate everything you have been doing during these difficult times…. This was very relaxing in spite of me sitting in a garage where I’m getting my oil changed (laughing emoji) but it was a great way to spend my time here!” – Monica

“This was gold! You are my sign ( yellow heart, prayer hands emoji) “ – Merry

“Thank you. Beautiful …. Thank you for your time and gifts Laura (heart emoji)” – Suzanne

“That was amazing. Great start to the weekend. Feeling release and lighter.” – Annette

“Thank you! That was so spot on. I’ve been doing a ton for others and my health is starting to feel it.” – Rhiannon

“Oh Wow!!! You are spot on. Thanks Laura.” – Jenna

“I am so glad I joined in today …” – Jocelyn

“I have to say that every time I see you on your lives a feeling of overwhelming comfort comes to me. You’r such a strong force in my journey. I love you (star emoji x 3)” – Karen

“Thank you for all you do, sharing yourself with us. It means more than I can say. “ – Beth

“It is INCREDIBLE that you are here for us (prayer hands emoji) Thank you (heart emoji)… I appreciate you being here SO much” – Sarah

Registration Information:

Investment: $22.22

Free For Patreon Members.

To register on eventbrite, click here.

DONATIONS Are Also Appreciated to keep these programs affordable.

Help  support our initiative, by becoming a Patreon. Check out our page to learn more about our initiative, projects, and exclusive offerings.  Learn how you can gain access to this event for FREE.

Want to know more?

To join our email list for latest news, updates, and events, click here

Mornings With Laura FB LIVE & Meditation

I am here for you & to support you through these changes.

Many of us mystics have been warning & preparing us for these times building up until now and there have been many prophecies foretold over the years.

We have a choice on how we navigate and evolve from this moment on.  Let me help you navigate these changes TOGETHER.

I am here for YOU.

I am here to serve the greater good for all.

I am holding space.

I’m offering FREE/by donation virtual events in the FB group Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit

This is an invitation to join us VIRTUALLY in the comforts of your home. Here is what you MIGHT experience:

  • virtual love & community
  • extra support,
  • spiritual medicine – spirit animals, earth based wisdom, psychic medium, and more.
  • Gokai (Japanese precepts for mind and body)
  • energy updates
  • numerology
  • & meditation
  • with closing movements to process energy as we navigate these shifts together.

Meditation portion can vary:

— with the Tibetan Singing Bowls,
— with drum
— walking meditation in nature
— or guided meditation.

DONATIONS Appreciated:

Funds are running low to keep these events operating for FREE.

Help  support our initiative, by becoming a Patreon. Check out our page to learn more about our initiative, projects, and exclusive offerings.

To join our email list for latest news, updates, and events, click here