Feisty: Amazingly Dangerous Women Using Their Voices To Make An Impact

How to Shine Without Shame in a World That Wants to Silence You

If you’re ready to rewrite all the rules and start thriving, just as you are, then Feisty is a must-read!

WARNING: This book is not for everybody. Well-behaved women rarely make history, so, check your good-girl card at the door. There is something even better waiting on the other side, if you dare venture.

Stories to inspire you to new heights of bravery, new depths of vulnerability, and new dimensions of femininity.

What does it mean to be feisty?

This collection of true tales of resistance and persistence in the face of historical oppression from cycle-breaking writers of all walks of life will defy your expectations, validate your experiences, and rally your inner warrior-woman.

Not only that, this book also teaches you how to:

  • Identify and share your own feisty flickers and acts of brave badassery
  • Release the “shoulds” and embrace your true desires
  • Heal from shame and trauma
  • Accept and embrace your authentic self
  • Find hope and resilience in any situation

Click here to get your copy

My story is finally being published as a chapter in THIS NEW inspirational powerful collaborative book of powerful stories of women from all over the world.

The Title of My Chapter:

“#MeTooFamilyCourts: Reality Is Stranger Than Fiction”

In this chapter, I shared my story of what it’s like to leave a domestic violence relationship only to have the abuse escalate AFTER I left spending the next 16 years vying for my freedom from abuse.

I share how I was incarcerated WITHOUT being charged or convicted of any crime while also being DENIED my right to a lawyer to represent me.

I share my journey, struggles and recovery that led to where I am today and the work I do today professionally as a result.

I’m not gonna lie or sugarcoat this.

I am scared.

I am frightened.

I am anxious.

… BECAUSE my fears of retaliation are REAL …  cuz they happened before as I write about in this chapter (which was very triggering yet empowering for me at the same time).

As of this past fall 2021, the escalation of my abusive ex to use the courts to harass, control and abuse with impunity have once again escalated making me wonder if I will ever be free. I am praying this new judge is able to see it for what it is and finally puts an end to all the abuse and grants my freedom.

Why I Wrote This Chapter

I was asked to contribute to this amazing international collaborative book of powerful women with incredible stories.

This chapter started out as a way to share my story and the trauma I endured, how I moved forward, how I became empowered, how I wanted to use my story to inspire other survivors of abuse to NEVER GIVE UP. This was to be a lead in for the upcoming book I have been writing for almost 10 years now on healing the roots to chronic illness and trauma through a Japanese healing system.

I wanted to share one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life that the father of my children wanted to perpetuate repeated and relentless harm in hope to kill me while keeping his hands clean (as one police chief told me once) in hopes it helps someone else who might feel stuck, hopeless, disempowered by a broken system that may have failed them too.

The allowance of court abuse on survivors over 10 years AFTER leaving the abusive marriage ultimately led to my diagnosis of complex post-traumatic stress disorder that led to a host of physical health issues.

I intended this story to be shared in hopes someday, my children will know what I have had to go through to escape domestic violence in hopes to protect them (and failed) and that I NEVER gave up on them despite the maternal deprivation and trauma bonding they fell prey to.

However, after the actions taken by my abusive ex this past fall to resume his patterns of abuse in the court system, this chapter has become my plea for justice and freedom from abuse while offering FIVE tips on how to support survivors so we may break the cycles of unrecognized unhealed unresolved trauma that is plaguing humanity in a grand scale.

Please consider supporting THIS BOOK.

  • Support my story… Support my freedom by purchasing this book.
  • Support ALL survivors’ rights to be free from abuse by purchasing this book.
  • Support all the amazing women from all over the world I’ve had the privilege to share space within this book.

Thank you to Sierra of Red Thread Publishing for your vision to bring these
#Feisty stories to publication.


Click here to get your copy of FEISTY


The courage to solidify my publishing team, complete the edits & publish my FIRST solo book despite all the threats I’m currently faced with. Projected release is slated for Spring 2022.

This book is about my story of healing the broken me, the prevalence of unaddressed, unhealed, unresolved trauma, and what to do about it, what is Jikiden Reiki, how can it help heal chronic illness, pain and trauma.

What is shared in this book is worth the weight in gold to anyone struggling to heal or for reiki practitioners and/or teachers wanting a more trauma informed approach to their practice and teachings.


Where the American Healthcare System Meets Jikiden Reiki®

So this just happened, and I am still in awe …

I just left my endocrinologist’s office for a follow-up visit and was pleasantly surprised that THIS happened.

During the visit he opened my chart and my eyes could not believe what I saw. I had to take a double take. What was it? It was the word Reiki written in kanji.

My doctor began to tell me that after my last visit with him, he was so taken back by my last visit that he decided to do some research on Jikiden Reiki® in his own. He even went on to show me his written notes from my last visit where he wrote the word Reiki in kanji. I was pleasantly surprised as this was unexpected.

So TODAY he inquired more about Jikiden Reiki® and how it has helped me overcome some of these “issues” where the American healthcare system was unsuccessful.

He was very curious and inquisitive which was refreshing to see from someone in the medical field. He said as a physician, he is limited in scope of care and there are many things that in the healthcare system, people just have to live with and listed many examples on why that is – eluding to how broken the system is.

My reply was “But it does not have to be so and this is why”. He said he’s never met a patient like me before in all the years he has practiced medicine.

I thought wow. I made this much of an impression on this western doctor so much so that after my last visit, he took it upon himself to research how reiki works medically.

Granted what I have overcome throughout the years shocks many. I explained to him that I am not a doctor, and looking to solicit his assistance to help working together to find out what this last issue that is hindering me to back to myself fully 100%. It is my belief that he can help me do that with appropriate tests and a diagnosis so I know how to treat possibly myself either via Jikiden Reiki®, nutrition, supplements, etc.

To give you a little back story about me and how I landed here…

Some of you know my story, but most of you don’t. To summarize, I left an abusive relationship in 2005 only to have my abuser use the system to continue patterns of abuse until 2014. As a result, I was officially diagnosed with complex PTSD.

In search of “healing the broken me” as I would like to call it, I originally delved into the traditional American Healthcare System in hopes I can quickly return to my unbroken self. Like many others, I have felt that I was not getting better and band-aids were being applied to my mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that were not getting better and began to spiral out of control.

This affected everything with many bizarre symptoms that I felt or manifesting physically as a result of the trauma and abuse I endured.

Some of these symptoms include:

  • From my ability to swallow
  • Choking on water and own saliva
  • Enlarged thyroid
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Intestinal issues
  • Bladder issues
  • Hemorrhagic uterine bleeding
  • Low stress tolerance
  • Heart flutters and palpitations while in a calm state
  • Avoidance issues and fear
  • Nightmares and flashbacks
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Chronic physical pain
  • Memory issues
  • Vision disturbances
  • Left sided weakness
  • Fluctuating weight
  • Circulatory issues

So I increasingly became very frustrated with our system and their ability to help me put myself back together with each new physical symptom that popped up. No one seem to be able to connect the dots to whole picture.

I am more than my uterus or brain or thyroid etc. My body is a miraculous being that is interconnected and multi-functional.  There is NO one shoe fits all as the system attempts to do. Just look at how separated our system is designed by specialists in areas of body parts. Where is the physician who can tie into the link between what is going on in my inner ear with my gut for instance? That what might be going on in one area of my body my actually be caused in another area of my body?

I realized there had to be more to all this and began looking into the spiritual aspects of my issues that the healthcare system couldn’t figure out.

I started reconnecting to my spiritual path. I began meditating. I eliminated inflammatory foods. I sought out reputable teachers and healers. I started connecting with the divine within me and my divine team. I learned and studied multiple holistic health modalities and spiritually based practices.

It wasn’t until I learned Jikiden Reiki®, my entire life drastically changed. I had already been practicing and teaching the more westernized cousin of reiki for 6yrs. But this was different, and in a league of its own.

I’ve learned over the last several years that we have become a culture that will take something that is pure in its roots and traditions … that is connected somehow deep to some ancient wisdoms and healing … and “Americanize” it or westernize it. This is when we have lost the magic aka medicine for the soul to fully heal those deep wounds that escape our awareness.

While practicing all these other westernized forms of healing and spiritually based practices, I didn’t quite understand this until recent years. As time goes on and I work on my craft and my own personal healing, the clearer that gets.

Needless to say, today I see my health almost fully restored thanks to these alternative treatments.

I avoided a hysterectomy, a root canal, 3 rounds of antibiotics for infections due to these therapies and saved my body from additional physical traumas and toxins that would stifle the work I am doing to restore wholeness in my life.

So sometimes, there is more to what’s going on with you than meets the eye.

My question for you is this … when the healthcare system is unable to help you restore “wholeness ” in your life, do you or would you consider alternative therapies to help you?

Do you believe there is more to illness and disease than what’s presented in the way the healthcare system categorizes it?

I come away with a few thoughts:

  1. Don’t give up on you docs who are AT LEAST open to learning, supporting, and aligning with the concept of mind-body medicine or proven alternative therapies
  2. Be a good patient. Walk the walk. Do the work to improve your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually without spiritually bypassing, and watch everyone around you ask you how you did that. Best testimonial is your own story.
  3. When you take responsibility for your life and health – eat right. remove toxicity – foods, thoughts, poisons, environment, etc. not only employ therapies such as yoga, reiki, meditation, thai chi, etc, but embody them… your health care team will want to learn more on how you do that without the need to “sell” them.
  4. A pill and/or a procedure will fix very few things so called, wrong. When we understand this and understand how to support our body’s ability to heal itself, and actually choose to live a better healthier life, toxic pills and harmful procedures will be lessened and the burden on our health care system financially will be significantly reduced. This is not to mention the side effect of a lessened burden on our ecosystem and environment due to reduction of medical waste.
  5. Trust your instincts and listen to the wisdoms of the body.
  6. I can keep going on, but won’t. This is a long enough post. The rest may just be added into a chapter in the book I am writing. So stay tuned …

Have you had a good experience like this bridging western medicine with holistic therapies? Please share.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me and supporting my life’s work

With love and appreciation,

To learn more about Jikiden Reiki, click here.

To learn more about Trauma, click here.

To read more about my reiki stories, click here.

Follow me:


Did you know we now have a YouTube channel?

Please subscribe to our channel and scroll for complete playlists on spiritual vlogs, spirit messages, energy updates, nature meditations, mindfulness in nature, reiki and more.

Click here to view my channel and to subscribe.

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Breaking Free From The Chains Of The Past

Trauma …

Trauma … We have all been affected by trauma one way or another in our lifetime. However, we may not realize how a traumatic event may have affected our life or impacted our soul.

The challenge is trauma doesn’t affect us the way we perceive it. It affects us on a cellular and soul level and may not even be in our own awareness leading to chronic illness, cancer, pain, poor relationships, etc.

So, when I read the following quote, it struck me and gave me lots to ponder on and contemplate ultimately leading to this post:

“If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence.” – Eckhart Tolle

I am going on my 13th year when I made a crucial decision to leave an abusive relationship and begin my healing path for first time in my life.

One of the things that I have learned in my 13 years, is that the more I connected to the divine within, soul, inner child, it also reveals the root cause that wounded my core. I began to discover the roots to my fears, insecurities, and my own self sabotaging behaviors … to the place it all began … the seed that began decades before I married an abuser.

I began my healing journey broken wondering how to put all the pieces of me back together.

I began to employ traditional therapies (which didn’t help me much), support groups, spiritually based practices such as developing my sequestered intuition, meditation, reiki, acupuncture, journaling, dance, connecting to nature and more.

We have technology which is supposed to make us more connected than ever. However, we are actually more disconnected than ever. We are not connected to the very life that breathes underneath our feet, Mother Earth. We are not connected to our own BE-ing or essence.  We live in a society of wanting everything now, instant gratification, and a “plugged in” to that technology 24/7.

Unfortunately, healing doesn’t work like that. Employing a one day at a time mindset goes a long way as well as a lot of self-compassion. Learning new ways “to be” takes time. Discovering you again takes time. Developing new skill sets to heal takes time. Finding someone to help you who has the skill sets is huge if you can find that coach/healer.

Employing a mindset of presence helped me with my trauma, PTSD, anxiety and the physical illness that resulted from my trauma. There’s many ways to learn the art of presence whether through meditation or mindfulness-based practices, but from me, learning Jikiden Reiki changed everything for me. This is where I have seen the most growth in my life since I began this journey in 2005.

Want to learn more?

Please join me at one of these 4 events this spring:

Check out

Copy right 2018. Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit.  All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

5 Reasons Why You Need To Bless Your Junk

This series “Today I Bless My Junk” has been quite the challenge for me. However, I feel if I am to convey a certain message, I choose to be raw, real and authentic seeing all of me with an unaltered video.

Here is part four in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk”. In this video I go into the “WHY” we need to bless our junk  especially during these intense energetic times as part of the today I bless my junk series.

We all have junk … Do we not?

We all have junk lurking in our shadows … in our closets … in the depths of our minds. We don’t know what to do with something and what do we do? We put it in the closet? Right? Then when our closet gets full, we gasp and avoid dealing with the closet. Sound familiar?

Why the #metoo and #timesup movements are important


Survivors of abuse who have once been silenced are now being heard in ways unprecedented. This is BIGGER than we know and could ever imagine and goes far beyond what has happened with abuse survivors. It transcends into race, culture, economics, religion, and more.


What does it mean to bless your junk?

To bless your junk means to take all the pain, hurt, trauma, betrayals, etc and transform it for wholeness, happiness, prosperity, and success.

According to the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, a blessing is “a thing conducive to happiness or welfare”. A blessing endowed power for prosperity and success.

Foreword- Tigger Alert – Triggers can happened in sometimes the most unpredictable ways.  Be aware of what triggers you. If by any reason you find this video triggering. I encourage you to stop and pause a moment before you continue. 

In this video:

  • What is the junk?
  • The paradigm shift
  • Importance of the #metoo movement
  • What does it mean to bless your junk
  • 5 reasons why to bless your junk

Take a Class

Please join us March 31st for our next class on “Learn How To Bless Your Junk and Take Back Your Power Now” at a great low introductory rate. Please visit our calender event for details.




  Other Videos in the Video Series

For my other videos in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk #metoo

Question To Ponder

I ask for you to consider one question

Are you part of the solution to systemic abuse or are you part of the problem? The choice is yours and only yours to make.

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

Take action on the things I mention in this video series

  1. Share these videos
  2. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  3. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  4. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  5. As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.

With love and appreciation,


Today I Bless My Junk Part 3 – Speaking Out and 10 Tips You Can Do Today To Be The Change

This series “Today I Bless My Junk” has been quite the challenge for me. However, I feel if I am to convey a certain message, I choose to be raw, real and authentic seeing all of me with an unaltered video.

Here is part three in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk”. This topic is on what happens when you speak out and why women wait 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years to speak out.

  • I go into the retaliations and a little bit of my story and my experiences with retaliations. I have only spoken out twice in my life outside this video series, and both times I experienced retaliations that I feel were worse than the abuses themselves.
  • So, why wait?
  • Why speak out now?
  • Don’t be fooled by the bogus apologies.
  • When will it all end?
  • Followed by 10 tips on what you can do today to be the change for the future.

Other Videos in the Video Series

For my other videos in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk #metoo

Question To Ponder

I ask for you to consider one question

Are you part of the solution to systemic abuse or are you part of the problem? The choice is yours and only yours to make.

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

Take action on the things I mention in this video series

  1. Share these videos
  2. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  3. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  4. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  5. As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.

With love and appreciation,

Do You Bless Your Junk? One Story of Healing From Trauma

Part 1 of a Series …

Thank you to all who have come forward to share their stories as this gave me the courage to do this video.

Do you bless your junk?

Have you been feeling all these cosmic changes and shift storms especially since the solar eclipse?

Truths are being revealed and shadows are coming to the light.

Learn how to take your old traumas (personal, generational, and karmic) and stories and bless them. Learn how to let go so you can Free Yourself of your past.

This video was inspired after the countless courageous women who stood up against abusers especially those in a position of power and are finally being heard.

This is my journey of healing from multiple abuses from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence that resulted in PTSD.

I hope this inspires you on your healing path, and I thank you for reading and watching.

Please be kind and leave a positive comment here or on Youtube. .


This video is the first in a series “Today I Bless My Junk”

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

  1. Take action on the things I mention in this video series
  2. Share these videos
  3. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  4. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  5. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.
As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
With love and appreciation,

Are Your Old Traumas Making You Sick?


Are you still carrying around old traumas and don’t even realize it? Do you know how trauma affects your quality of life, health, and soul in the long term?

Do you suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, adrenal stress, anxiety, addictions, cancer, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal disorders? This is just a few illnesses and chronic health issues linked to trauma.

Here are just some of staggering statistics:

  • 7.7 million are diagnosed with PTSD in USA. Many who have PTSD are not diagnosed and treated symptomatically.
  • 40 million are diagnosed with anxiety. Only 33% seek help.

In light of recent cumulative events over the last couple of years and the stigma associated with trauma, I believe these numbers are higher.

Please … join me Wed Nov 1st for a presentation and some experientials on Healing Trauma. (Please scroll for complete event details.)

I will also be sharing my own story including healing and how to heal from trauma which can manifest symptoms emotionally, physically, and spiritually and can show up years and decades after a traumatic incident.

The information I will share is backed by scientific and/or medical research and my own personal and professional experiences.

What you will learn, will enlighten you no matter what form of trauma may be lurking in your past here in this life, generationally, or karmicly.

Please join me as I would really LOVE your support on a topic I’m very passionate about.

Together we CAN make change for a better world beginning with US.

In the meantime, don’t forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.

With love and appreciation,






Healing Trauma Through Spiritually Based Practices

THIS Wednesday, Nov 1st 
 12pm- 2pm 
Hingham Public Library, Hingham, MA

Are you still carrying around old traumas and don’t even realize it? Do you know some of the symptoms of trauma? Can you recognize some of the symptoms of abuse?

The topic of abuse … domestic abuse, child abuse. sex abuse … is never an easy one to discuss never mind heal from in a way it does not control your life. It can even be very dis-empowering and even energy draining.

Many victims of abuse struggle with moving forward. Many times we are judged harshly for choosing to love someone who ultimately would hurt us. Many times we are left with devastating scars. Many times we feel we’ve done everything in our power to heal, but somehow the traumatic experiences still haunt us. Just because we were hurt by another, doesn’t have to mean a life sentence. Many times the traditional therapies we have sought out doesn’t seem to be working no matter what we seem to try.

Join us for a deep conversation and how to heal those traumatic wounds as Laura shares her healing journey from abuse, her struggles, her triumphs, and why spiritually based practices saved her life. She will discuss how she overcame the dark days and how she reclaimed her power.

What you will learn

  • The many faces of trauma
  • Trauma defined
  • Effects of trauma
  • Emotional, physical, and spiritual symptoms of trauma
  • Gaslighting
  • Causes of PTSD
  • Trauma and the effects on the brain
  • ACE Study
  • Trauma and abuse
  • The “Three-legged stool”
  • Understanding the human existance
  • The holistic process theory of healing
  • Stages to healing
  • Healing trauma
  • Medical research and studies to various holistic and spiritually based therapies shown to heal trauma
  • Experience various exercises
  • and more …

Please join us supporting a topic I have been so passionate about since 2006. My goal is to help survivors empower themselves while finding long term healthy solutions to healing from abuse. With these techniques, I hope to break the cycle of abuse through power of healing.


• This event is for survivors of abuse,

• loved ones of survivors of abuse,

• as well as anyone who works with abuse victims such as LCSW, and advocates.

There will also be time for Q&A.

This event is FREE. RSVP Requested but not required. Call/text your RSVP to 857-880-0365

Come experience the healing and sample various methods of healing techniques and leave feeling inspired. Spend this time with us and explore methods of self-care and healing that will empower you beyond your story and past and break free from the chains of abuse or traumatic event/s.

Discover the power that lies within us all.

When we address trauma (sometimes hidden), we are less likely to get sidetracked by projecting – in this political age that’s very valuable.


Laura Joseph, RMA, RMT is a survivor of repeated abuses, but most notably domestic abuse and systemic abuse. Experiencing many difficult life lessons resulting and complex PTSD and Trauma, Laura had a feeling there was something wrong with her until she rediscovered her gifts, learned spiritually and holistic based therapies, and learned to embrace her sensitivities.

She has a background as a college educator, domestic abuse advocate, Reiki and Meditation Instructor, and allied health professional with a focus on trauma informed holistic care where she has been a frequent guest speaker throughout New England discussing her experiences healing trauma associated with abuse through spiritually based modalities. She has over 15 cumulative years in the holistic and allopathic health fields and has incorporated spiritually based practices and healing since 2006.

Laura believes our body is designed to heal itself. We sometimes need to be reminded how. She is very compassionate and passionate and teaches from the heart what she feels will help humanity heal and break the cycles of abuse through healing.

Laura brings her 12 year journey of acceptance into self discovery, self care, and self love.

She has published many articles on the topics of Holistic Health, Spirituality, Healing Trauma, and Reiki. She is also a frequent guest speaker, writer, and artist.

Laura has a private practice near the ocean on the Weir River in Hingham, MA, where she provides spiritually based holistic health enrichment services and classes. She is also a founding member of Massachusetts Survivors Outreach.

Laura brings her passion, compassion, and wit to assist in bringing out the best in you.

For more information about services and classes, visit Healing With Spirit

Learning Jikiden Reiki in a Western Reiki World

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho”, which translates as “Usui treatment fo the improvement of body and mind”.

Some of you reading this may have had the opportunity to experience the wonderful benefits of traditional non-westernized Japanese reiki with Jikiden Reiki.
Jikiden Reiki® personally changed my life more than any other modality including my dedication to my more western Reiki for 10yrs.  Nothing I have ever seen where I bared witness to such amazing healing results from non healing wounds last over 3mo suddenly closed in hours to incurable cancer not being found on scans to long term severe eczema suddenly gone to ptsd finally in the past to traumas no long reoccurring to increasing the quality of life in end of life issues etc etc.
I wish I had the words to describe what I’ve seen happen where traditional medicine failed except to call them miracles in a westerners eye.
For a long time, I have a passion of healing traumas associated with abuse … domestic abuse, child abuse, and sex abuse. For the first time, I truly feel we can end abuse through healing one frequency and vibration at a time using this form of healing.

Beginning this month, I am honored to take my Jikiden training to a whole new level. I am now authorized to begin offering Jikiden Reiki Training in the Massachusetts area.

I recently returned from San Diego from my 10 day intensive training with Arjava Petter!!!! I am now officially certified as a Shihan kaku in Jikiden Reiki and accredited by the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai (Institute) in Kyoto, Japan.

What an amazing journey this has been so far. I met a lot of great new friends. I had an incredible class, and got to have a little adventure to boot. What else can one ask for?

There are sooooooo many people to thank who helped make this dream a reality … who supported me and my desire to help others in their healing process especially those struggling to heal from trauma associated with abuse.
You all know who you are. My heart is filled with so much gratitude.


Laura and Frank “Arjava” Petter
2016 Jikiden Reiki Shihan Kaku Training


I am already a reiki master teacher in the Western version of Usui Reiki, but felt a calling to Jikiden Reiki a couple years ago and I am honored to have been studying with such authentic teachers who are also some of the world’s leading reiki historians.

The lessons I am learning is molding my teaching style to be more authentic and my own personal healing more profound.

Since I personally switched from practicing Westernized Reiki to Japanese Reiki, I have seen a huge difference and shift in my personal practice, spiritual growth, mediumship, and results my clients are experiencing. It’s like a coming home. So much is NOT taught and learned with western reiki and I am excited to bring back to Massachusetts the original/direct teachings.

Westernized Reiki training is not standardized. It varies widely from teacher to teacher. Most Reiki teachers receive their entire training in just one weekend. Many start teaching Reiki classes immediately without the benefit of experience. This often leads to the passing of misinformation to students. Unfortunately, many students who take classes from these types of teachers leave unsure and confused. They feel something was missing from their training.
Laura administering Reiki to a silver
back gorilla.

One of the benefits I cherish with Jikiden Reiki is the thoroughness in training and qualifications of it’s teachers to be authentic as Chiyoko Sensei and Dr. Hayashi Sensei taught. I look forward to now being authorized to begin teaching Jikiden Reiki. The term “Jikiden” means direct teaching in Japanese, so it is free from Western influence.

Jikiden Reiki® classes are presented with credibility and clarity from authentic Japanese lineage. This lineage goes from Dr. Hayashi to Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi, Tadao’s (current President of Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai) mother, who learned Reiki in 1938. Because this lineage has not gone through Mrs. Takata, it lacks the Westernization of Reiki.
It is entirely free of Western influence. Its roots go back almost to the discovery of Reiki itself. It differs from “Western” style of Reiki in approach, attitude, and ideas.
This is what I’ve been practicing in my office for over a year now with incredible results after practicing western reiki for over 10yrs in its original beauty and simplicity.
What I have learned over the past year?

Well because Jikiden Reiki is non-westernized, there have been numerous personal developments I have experienced on top of what I have witnessed with others.

Here is what I noticed in myself:

  • I have had a long battle with sugar my whole life and trying to reduce it or eliminate it has been difficult. What I have noticed without conscious effort, is that I no longer crave sugar. I have unconsciously eliminated 95% of sugar from my diet.
  • I crave healthier foods. Ironically, I have been craving things like spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, flax seed, cucumber, etc salad. I say ironic, because eating more vegetables have been difficult for me as well my whole life.
  • I have had a reduction of systemic bouts of yeast.
  • Enhancement of my mediumship connections to those on the higher side of life with less “preparation work”.
  • A near elimination of all spiritual based practices on cord cutting, clearing spiritual or energetic attachments
  • A significant reduction of the need of spiritual based protections such as using or wearing protective stones, rituals, prayers, etc.
  • A significant reduction in psychic attacks
  • Elinination of taking on “other’s” stuff energetically.
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved ability to handle my own personal elimination of toxic releases stemming from old traumas associated with abuse.
  • Improved relationships.
Bottom line, every area of my life has significantly improved without much conscious effort.


Who is Jikiden Reiki For?
Jikiden Reiki® is for anyone interested in learning Reiki and for current practitioners who wish to deepen their practice & understanding.
Currently, I use reiki in a medical setting as a viable treatment option for issues such as anxiety, post traumatic stress, spinal stenosis, cancer, eczema, dementia, depression, arthritis, inflammation, wound healing, kidney stones, breaking bad habits and much more by removing accumulated toxins from the body.
If you are interested in scheduling a private session or attending a Jikiden Reiki Training Seminar, please email me or visit my website.
With love and appreciation,
Laura  Joseph
Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Shihan Kaku Jikiden Reiki® Practitioner and Teacher,  Public Speaker, and Teacher


All content and photographs are copyright protected. ©2016 Laura Joseph of Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved. All content and photographs or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of the author.

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To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.


My Story of Embodying Reiki to Heal Trauma Associated With Abuse

The Back Story

Yesterday I had a pretty deep conversation with a good friend of mine regarding the struggles to survive fleeing an abusive relationship where I lost my sense of self for over 20yrs. This in depth conversation brought to the surface certain pains and traumas from the abuses the victim part of myself would assume to forget.

However, in reflecting about this conversation and previous ones, it got me thinking about my path on where I was, where I am, and where I am going.  I look back now through a different lens amazed how far I have come since I made that crucial decision to leave an abusive partner who displayed narcissist sociopathic tendencies that nearly killed me more than once.  I am happy to say, his wish was not granted, and not literally buried six feet under.

The Healing Journey

I am still here to not only talk about it, but to share bits and pieces of my healing path to reclaiming my power back in hopes to inspire others on their healing journey.

Probably one of the decisions I made early on was to never doubt my gut or intuition again as it tried to warn me of the dangers that lay ahead at that time.  One of the things that saved my life was my connection to spirit followed by the healing path.

I first had to learn how to trust again and have faith in the unknown which is not simple feat when dealing with the after effects of abuse especially “gaslighting”. I had been beaten down physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So how do I learn to trust again so I can heal?

How Reiki Helped Me

By embracing Reiki in its full embodiment not only helped me regain sense of self, but my sense of purpose. It helped me to heal the past while staying present, and not let my triggers of the past cause worry or fear of the unknown. It was not easy and I still feel I am a work in progress learning, healing, and growing every day.

This process didn’t happen over night, but over the course of 11 years. I had to learn to surrender to the Universe, which is probably the most difficult task in the entire process. The mind/ego wants to shield and protect you from any repeats of what had happened to you in your past. It is like an loop constantly repeating itself that has to be broken in order to heal and move forward in your life.

I knew I could not trust the system, domestic abuse groups, family, community, and the like as the mighty power of a skillful abuser can sway anyone in their favor creating an avalanche of being re-victimized. So if I could not trust people, who could I trust? Well it was spirit after all that tried to save me from this fate and I ignored the signs.  So I went back to my faith knowing I could trust Spirit. That started the surrendering process leading into my healing.

I started with meditation and started going to church again rediscovering myself in the process. The more I learned to trust in the divine, the more healing took place in my life, which led me down the reiki path. Receiving reiki and learning reiki was the single most best decision I made for myself as it not only changed my life, it saved my life.

However, what I have learned over the years in studying the various different forms of Reiki, is it is not learned in one day as some may believe. I have been learning Reiki now for 11 years and I practice Reiki daily embodying all that Reiki has to offer.

You can not learn that after one class and receive your certificate.  You must master Reiki completely and incorporate it into your life so you can BE REIKI. This process takes years of discipline to develop.

What I wrote in the picture are truly five things you can start to do today that over time will change your life. They stem from the teachings I learned in reiki so I know this to be true. I personally say these in Japanese as a mantra every morning when I wake and every evening when I prepare for sleep. By chanting these precepts, you begin to change the way you see yourself and the world around you.

Moving Forward

This year is the grand year of transformation, a nine year in numerology. It is the year of completion, and I personally look forward to fully and unequivocally shining in my own light at full strength once again. I wrote about the importance of this year in 6 Tips To Guide You Towards Soul-fillment in 2016 if you wish to read more on that topic.

Reiki is more than taking a one day class, receiving a certificate, and laying hands on someone.  I think this is the greatest travesty of misconception of what our Western society believes is important. Reiki is so much more. It is a way of being and a way to self discovery back to soul. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, so all we have to do is tap into that source energy. Reiki helps facilitate that.  I have been practicing Reiki over a decade now, and even after all this time, I feel like I have so much to still discover about the magic Reiki offers all of us inside and out.

Healing trauma is not easy, but I am so grateful for the system of Reiki and all the teachers I have had along the way to guide me in my spiritual path to healing and self discovery.

For those who are struggling now or feel like you can’t see above water, please keep the faith. I remember days, where I felt like it was the end, and I am not only here, but I am beginning to thrive. You can too.  I am here to help you best I can and so are so many other wonderful reiki healers.

 Tips on Finding a Qualified Practitioner

If you struggle with healing from trauma associated with abuse, here are some tips in choosing a reiki practitioner.
  1. Make sure you find a qualified practitioner who has trauma informed care as part of their training.
  2. Make sure you find a practitioner who has been practicing Reiki for a long time as trauma has its own intricate needs.
  3. Ask questions about the Reiki practitioner’s training and belief system
  4. What system of reiki did they study?
  5. What was included in their studies?
  6. What level of Reiki have they completed?
  7. How long have they been practicing Reiki?
  8. Do they practice reiki every day? (My apologies as many reiki practitioners may disagree,  I feel THIS is the most important question). If they are not practicing reiki every day, how can they possibly understand how to help you? This goes beyond just reiki, but understanding trauma and all its intricate components.
  9. What is their level of experience and training in working with people with trauma?
  10. How many clients have they used Reiki for healing trauma?
  11. Ask how they use Reiki in healing trauma.
This is just a simple guide, but you can also check out the article I wrote on Reiki Can Do No Harm or Can It? for more tips and guidance.

I hope what I wrote helps someone out there in need who needs something to help them survive in order to thrive. Please share the love and compassion.

With love and light,

Laura  Joseph

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.