Trivia, Book Talk, FUNdraise, Survivor Support For Domestic Violence Awareness Month

*** UPDATE: Location Change due to schedule conflict with the Hingham Public Library 2.2 miles down the road to Healing With Spirit. ***

We are thrilled to host a book talk, shedding light on this important issue and offering perspectives on empowerment, healing, and resilience in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month with local author of two books on the topic, survivor, and Hingham native, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph.

We encourage you to bring family, friends, and community members to this event as we come together to raise awareness about domestic violence.

By participating and engaging in this special event, you will not only support survivors but also contribute in making our community a safer and more compassionate place for everyone.

Gain a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding domestic violence, its impact on individuals and communities, as well as the resources available for support and prevention.

Light refreshments offered.

Event FLOW :

Not necessarily in this order.

  • DV trivia game
  • Laura will be sharing her story, her journey and her experience working with others using these Japanese therapies to address root causes to trauma and chronic illnesses.
  • Address the pending legislation faced in Massachusetts, the 11 bills she testified before legislators in 2023. There are currently 70 pending bills addressing various aspects surrounding domestic violence and sexual abuse and exploitation.
  • Talk about the T.R.A.C. coalition that she is a part of,
  • what ACTION steps you can take today.
  • Q & A
  • Opportunity to sign books. Bring your copy or purchase a copy on the day of the event
  • and fundraise to support this cause if called but NOT required to join us

Please INVITE and SHARE this event with everyone you know. This is ONE action step you can take today to help us make the world a safer place for all.


About Laura’s Book

Laura’s latest book, The Secrets to Healing, explores the root issues to chronic illness, trauma, and address the elephant in the room on why we in the west are NOT taught these aspects to healing.

In this book, Laura shares her story and journey, what she has learned along the way through the decades, showcasing 9 client studies and bridging the science, data and spiritual based Japanese therapies.

About the Author:

Laura testifying before legislation in Massachusetts Summer 2023

Since 2005, Laura has been passionate about using her voice for that change after experiencing a broken system that failed to protect her from domestic abuse.

Over the years, she has spoken on various platforms, radio, and tv on the topic of unhealed trauma and abuse and how to address the broken system and heal root issues through spiritual based therapies.

She has a podcast called Triggers and Spiritual Medicine which debuts a new episode on the 1st Monday monthly. Click here for latest episodes.

In 2022, Laura joined the T.R.A.C. coalition in Massachusetts comprised of organizations, advocates, lawyers, and survivors to help address the growing coercive control and litigation abuse tactics through policy and legislation. This is a volunteer position that requires enormous amount of financial resources, time, energy, and commitment.

In 2023 alone, Laura has testified on 11 of the 70 pending domestic abuse or sexual assault related bills using her story and others she has helped throughout the years to create a safer healthier world for future generations to come.

She also has helped survivors of abuse navigate the family court system and teach them tools and skills to help them reclaim parts of themselves stolen by their abuser.

As a career, Laura is also the founder of Healing With Spirit based in Hingham that offers a variety of meditation classes, spiritual based therapies and wellness events since 2006. She is currently planning a Sacred Pilgrimage to Ireland in 2024 with a small intimate group of seekers.

Learn More Here

Why Make A Donation

Laura Testifying on the Coercive Control & Litigation Abuse Bill in Ma Sept 2023

Please consider making a donation to support this work. To date, I have funded this project alone in the last 5 years. Many well-intentioned groups are limited in HOW they can advocate due the grants they receive.

I have utilized publishing a book as an education tool that cost approximately $10k from start to finish including book launch, editors, publishers, etc.

I have started a podcast called Triggers and Spiritual Medicine that I earn NO money from to address the intersectionality of root issues and trauma that costs approximately $100 mo to produce.

The 11 bills I testified on cost me an estimated $5k in lost income due to taking time off from working to prepare, meet with legislators, and take time off NOT including cost of driving in to Boston or other expenses.

I have waited 15 years to see the movement we have going on now with legislators who get it and want to make a difference to organizations who get it and are moving towards these same changes, and with 70 pending domestic violence bills, my story is textbook.

I cannot fix what happened to me, but anyone who knows me and vets me out and tell you how dedicated and consistent I have been since the beginning.

The ONLY thing stopping me from taking this to a larger scale or seeing these bills through to the next phase of getting a bill passed in legislation is strictly financial due to the toll I was hit with this year.

Laura with 2 books she published in 2022 addressing the domestic violence “industry” and her healing journey over 50+ years

I am grateful on one end as I have worked hard for a LONG time, but it also is coming in all at once. This summer put me in a difficult financial position that without donations and financial support, I may not be able to see these bills through or may be forced to turn away folks who need help. I just want my bills paid is all and my ability to go to the Battered Mothers Custody Conference in April 2024. I am not looking for anything more at this time.

I am looking to raise $10k to cover me for the next 6-9mo so I can do this work as it is meant to be done. Please help me make it a reality.

You can donate via Eventbrite or you can donate here via PayPal.

You can also become a Patreon Member for a low as $5 a month to help support this work I am deeply passionate about and the impact I want to make.

I CAN do it with YOUR support.

TSM Episode 23: A One Mom’s Battle: Post Separation Abuse, Parental Alienation & Reunification Camps

Welcome to Episode 23 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for deep, enlightening, raw podcast episode on the topic of “A One Mom’s Battle: Post Separation Abuse, Parental Alienation & Reunification Camps” with the incredibly powerful, Tina Swithin.

Society believes that there are laws to protect victims of domestic violence from abuse. However, when victims, especially women, are faced with custody against abusers in family courts, laws seem to NOT apply in many cases.

Tina highlights the “FOR PROFIT” industry of the family court system that many times operates like a business. We as citizens believe, the system is supposed to operate in the best interests of the children, until we or someone we know goes into this “industrial complex”.

In this episode, Tina shares her lifelong journey in the family courts system first as a child and later in divorcing a narcissist.

In family court, children are used as pawns and property as if they were like a commodity traded on Wall Street, which is the very definition of legalized trafficking of children.

We highlight the following in Family Courts:

  • No accountability
  • No transparency
  • And judges have FULL immunity for their actions even if their actions deliberately cause the death of a child.
  • The lack of training of judicial officers or the deliberate training to discredit abuse in these cases.
  • The use of parental alienation as a tactic abusers uses to gain custody. Why victims of abuse should NEVER use this terminology as it furthers dark money.
  • The use of “high conflict” terminology to discredit abuse .
  • The use of “reunification camps” as a form of legalized kidnapping and brainwashing tactics to discredit abuse for MONEY.
  • the use of prisons to silence and punish victims for speaking out about abuse.  We talk about how DA’s punish and prosecute survivors when seeking help to save their own lives from abuse.
  • the monetization racket.

We highlight cases like Catherine Kassenoff, Anna Walshe, as well as Maya and Sebastian.

The Medicine Portion:

Tina goes on to share how she harnessed the medicine and power of her voice to create change through her social media platform, her “channeling” of her writing, her publishing her books, and her courses.

She talks about why it is important to NOT stay silent on what is happening surrounding the growing abuse in family courts.

She talks about her journey and why this path is personal for her, how her children were afraid of their father, what that looks like, and how she is using her voice to address the growing bigger issues surrounding the monetization of parental alienation and reunification camps in family courts.

She talks about the importance of language in the courts. Why survivors should be studying the system, describe the behavior, document and show patterns of behavior of period of time. Tina talks about why it is crucial to be able to communicate these patterns in a way that would register with the courts.

Because of the consistent work of Tina, there are some very BIG things are happening – movies, books, criminal investigations, and class action lawsuits.

In the end, Tina shares 3 actionable steps to be a change and how to create change.


Tina Swithin survived a “Category Five Divorce Hurricane” while acting as her own attorney in a high-conflict custody battle that turned her family’s life upside down for over a decade. While divorces are never easy, Tina quickly learned that a divorce involving a narcissist takes the term, “high-conflict” to a level that few can comprehend. To articulate what was happening, she took shelter from the storm by chronicling her journey in her (now) internationally recognized blog, “One Mom’s Battle.” Tina’s plight grew from just one mom to a village of tens of thousands who all share the same story. There were different variations and nuances, but the common denominator is toxic, high conflict individuals and post-separation abuse.

With all odds against her, Tina’s battle came to an end on August 30, 2019, when she successfully terminated her ex-husband’s parental rights. Tina has chosen to assume the title of survivor versus victim and has become an advocate for change in the Family Court System after seeing the flaws first-hand. Tina believes that the courts have lost sight of their primary focus, which should be the best interest of the child and instead, are too focused on parental rights.

Tina believes that children are suffering unnecessarily due to the lack of education on the front lines—and behind the judicial bench.

Tina Swithin is the author of Divorcing a Narcissist (series) and founder of the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program. Tina is a co-founder of the National Safe Parents Organization. Tina resides in San Luis Obispo, California with her husband and her two daughters.


To learn more about Laura, her work, her social justice and sacred activist work, social media, podcast, books, etc visit: Laura Healing With Spirit | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Additional Resources:

To learn more about the Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast or to become a guest, click here.

Feisty: Amazingly Dangerous Women Using Their Voices To Make An Impact

How to Shine Without Shame in a World That Wants to Silence You

If you’re ready to rewrite all the rules and start thriving, just as you are, then Feisty is a must-read!

WARNING: This book is not for everybody. Well-behaved women rarely make history, so, check your good-girl card at the door. There is something even better waiting on the other side, if you dare venture.

Stories to inspire you to new heights of bravery, new depths of vulnerability, and new dimensions of femininity.

What does it mean to be feisty?

This collection of true tales of resistance and persistence in the face of historical oppression from cycle-breaking writers of all walks of life will defy your expectations, validate your experiences, and rally your inner warrior-woman.

Not only that, this book also teaches you how to:

  • Identify and share your own feisty flickers and acts of brave badassery
  • Release the “shoulds” and embrace your true desires
  • Heal from shame and trauma
  • Accept and embrace your authentic self
  • Find hope and resilience in any situation

Click here to get your copy

My story is finally being published as a chapter in THIS NEW inspirational powerful collaborative book of powerful stories of women from all over the world.

The Title of My Chapter:

“#MeTooFamilyCourts: Reality Is Stranger Than Fiction”

In this chapter, I shared my story of what it’s like to leave a domestic violence relationship only to have the abuse escalate AFTER I left spending the next 16 years vying for my freedom from abuse.

I share how I was incarcerated WITHOUT being charged or convicted of any crime while also being DENIED my right to a lawyer to represent me.

I share my journey, struggles and recovery that led to where I am today and the work I do today professionally as a result.

I’m not gonna lie or sugarcoat this.

I am scared.

I am frightened.

I am anxious.

… BECAUSE my fears of retaliation are REAL …  cuz they happened before as I write about in this chapter (which was very triggering yet empowering for me at the same time).

As of this past fall 2021, the escalation of my abusive ex to use the courts to harass, control and abuse with impunity have once again escalated making me wonder if I will ever be free. I am praying this new judge is able to see it for what it is and finally puts an end to all the abuse and grants my freedom.

Why I Wrote This Chapter

I was asked to contribute to this amazing international collaborative book of powerful women with incredible stories.

This chapter started out as a way to share my story and the trauma I endured, how I moved forward, how I became empowered, how I wanted to use my story to inspire other survivors of abuse to NEVER GIVE UP. This was to be a lead in for the upcoming book I have been writing for almost 10 years now on healing the roots to chronic illness and trauma through a Japanese healing system.

I wanted to share one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life that the father of my children wanted to perpetuate repeated and relentless harm in hope to kill me while keeping his hands clean (as one police chief told me once) in hopes it helps someone else who might feel stuck, hopeless, disempowered by a broken system that may have failed them too.

The allowance of court abuse on survivors over 10 years AFTER leaving the abusive marriage ultimately led to my diagnosis of complex post-traumatic stress disorder that led to a host of physical health issues.

I intended this story to be shared in hopes someday, my children will know what I have had to go through to escape domestic violence in hopes to protect them (and failed) and that I NEVER gave up on them despite the maternal deprivation and trauma bonding they fell prey to.

However, after the actions taken by my abusive ex this past fall to resume his patterns of abuse in the court system, this chapter has become my plea for justice and freedom from abuse while offering FIVE tips on how to support survivors so we may break the cycles of unrecognized unhealed unresolved trauma that is plaguing humanity in a grand scale.

Please consider supporting THIS BOOK.

  • Support my story… Support my freedom by purchasing this book.
  • Support ALL survivors’ rights to be free from abuse by purchasing this book.
  • Support all the amazing women from all over the world I’ve had the privilege to share space within this book.

Thank you to Sierra of Red Thread Publishing for your vision to bring these
#Feisty stories to publication.


Click here to get your copy of FEISTY


The courage to solidify my publishing team, complete the edits & publish my FIRST solo book despite all the threats I’m currently faced with. Projected release is slated for Spring 2022.

This book is about my story of healing the broken me, the prevalence of unaddressed, unhealed, unresolved trauma, and what to do about it, what is Jikiden Reiki, how can it help heal chronic illness, pain and trauma.

What is shared in this book is worth the weight in gold to anyone struggling to heal or for reiki practitioners and/or teachers wanting a more trauma informed approach to their practice and teachings.


Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Episode #2: Healing & Recovery From Domestic Violence

Triggers & Spiritual Medicine: Episode #2 with guest Lovern Gordon

TOPIC: Healing & Recovery from Domestic Violence.

Join us in the conversation about healing & recovery after Domestic Violence. Lovern shares her story of repeated domestic violence as shared in her Memoir “The Legacy He Left Me”.

Her story doesn’t end there. She is an inspiration to so many survivors of abuse from all over the world. It is not only what happened to her, but her recovery.

Lovern shares her struggles leaving and the shame that comes with it as well as her ability to leave and thrive. She shares her spiritual medicine with us giving us 3 things she did that was key to her recovery, healing, and thrive as well as to how to relearn to self love and what healthy love looks like.

Click on the video below to watch the interview.

Be sure to help us gain visibility and don’t forget to:

  • engage in our content
  • comment
  • share


Lovern Gordon is a two-time sur-THRIVER of domestic violence (a child witness until she was 15 years old and a 2-year, young adult relationship). Ten years after escaping, she subsequently became the Founder of Love Life Now Foundation, Inc. (LLN), where she used 2 back-to-back pageant wins to increase awareness around issue in 2010 and the following year, LLN was formed.

Today, she conducts DV Awareness Workshops worldwide, hosts events that raise thousands of dollars to benefit DV shelters and points people in the right direction for DV resources.

She is the author of the DV awareness memoir, The Legacy He Left Me and has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including: CBS This Morning nationally and NBC’s This is New England locally.

Print includes features on Huffington Post and Boston Voyager Magazine.

The Boston Celtics named her one of their ‘Heroes Among Us’ and she was featured as part of Instagram for Business’ – entrepreneur ‘togetHER’ minidocuseries for Women’s History Month.


Lovern’s Book:

To learn more about our Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Program, click here

To stay in the loop on our project, click here

Follow this series on YouTube, click here.

Episode #1: The Bystander Effect on Teen Influences & Sexual Violence

This is a must watch or listen for any parent with guest, Ukumbwa Sauti who is an expert in all things men’s work, dismantling patriarchy, & conscious consent.

We talked about a recent incident locally where adults “innocently” published a photo of minor boys insinuating they were naked behind signs saying they will wash your adult cars for you.

We ask that you watch with an open mind through a different lens than maybe what you had before. We understand you might find this conversation triggering. We ask you to pause before jumping to reactionary mode.

This conversation is NOT to blame anyone, but to open a conversation about a topic that is typically silenced and how we, as a society, as a culture, have normalized certain unhealthy behaviors that can have detrimental consequences for generations to come.

Let’s change this narrative, shall we???

Considering the following stats per (NSVRC) :

  • 1:5 women in the United States experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime.
  • 24.8% of men in the U.S. experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime
  • 1:3 female victims experienced rape for the first time between the ages of 11 and 17.
  • 1:4 male victims experienced rape between the ages of 11 & 17
  • Only 25% of rapes in 2018 were reported to the police.
  • 1:4 undergraduate women experienced sexual assault or misconduct at 33 of the nation’s major universities

In this episode, we talk about

  • the community backlash when addressing this issue
  • the subtleties of mixed message signaling
  • the harmful influence it has on children
  • the bystander impacts
  • how systemic issues created blind spots that on the surface can appear comical & funny
  • Why this kind of messaging is problematic
  • The “NOT intentional sexualization of teenage boys” (as someone in the local community put it) – and the gateway to unintentional grooming practices by predators & rapists that blur healthy boundaries & potential put our children in harm’s way.

Most survivors I’ve encountered self-shame because of imprinting placed upon them by a culture of abuse.

Let’s change this narrative.

In this episode we offer 5 things we can do now to begin that shift & BE a part of the solution.

Additional Resources:

  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center:
  • Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network’s (RAINN) or call their National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected w/ a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area
  • CDC ACE Study, click here 
  • The Relation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Health: Turning Gold into Lead, click here
  • The Bystander Effect, click here
  • Healing Trauma Archives (click here)

How Can Your Support Our Initiative?

1) Please like, comment, share these posts

2) Follow Healing Trauma Through Spirit on Facebook (click here) and Instagram (click here) – Add help us with the algorithms by sharing, liking, and commenting on our content.

3) Become PATREON Member (click here) for a little as $5 a month. 

Help support our mission to BE a solution in the epidemic of unresolved unhealed trauma in society & culture of unhealthy trigger responses through healing, emPOWERment, events, speaking, and writing.

Plus, get discounts up to 50% OFF on Private sessions, events, classes, retreats, good karma and more.

4) Learn how to turn triggers into a power, click here.

5)  Stay in the loop,  subscribe to our email list 

About the project:

We’ll feature a different guest w/ each episode sharing experiences & solutions w/ the greatest epidemic of our times world – an epidemic of unrecognized unhealed unresolved trauma that is placing misguided burdens on our society, increasing rates of chronic illness, mental illness, & addictions & stressing an already taxed broken healthcare system ill-equipped to treat root issues because it is NOT profitable.

Our goal is to highlight & address the commonalities all these issues share that plague our society including:

  • Racism
  • Domestic violence
  • LGBTQ discrimination
  • Homelessness
  • Addiction
  • Women’s rights
  • Sexual violence
  • Discrimination
  • Systemic oppression
  • Genocide
  • & more

By highlighting what all these issues share in common, we hope to create

  • greater awareness
  • unity building
  • understanding
  • inclusivity
  • solid long term healing
  • community building
  • societal cultural change

In this project, we hope to offer

  • practical tangible solutions for change
  • healing of unrecognized trauma held w/in the body
  • increased empowerment
  • increased sovereignty
  • experientials
  • how to’s
  • & more


Ukumbwa Sauti, M.Ed. is an educator, facilitator, speaker and consultant. His areas of work include his Men’s Work Initiative, Conscious Consent, anti-patriarchy, anti-racism, environmental issues, Indigenous spirituality and media studies.

Ukumbwa Sauti has taught cultural media studies engaging issues of race, sex and gender oppression, class, colonialism, modernity and technology. He has presented in academic, spiritual/cultural and community venues and taught classes on consent, sexual and intimate safety in sex-positive conferences and organizations for more than 15 years.

Ukumbwa currently runs an initiative called Men’s Work, engaging men and others in the process of interrogating and dismantling patriarchal privilege and power, toxic masculinity, misogyny and homophobia. He runs on-ground and online groups and events.

Ukumbwa consults with organizations and communities around issues of social justice, diversity and inclusion and sexual harassment.

Facebook Men’s Work Initiative, click here.


ABOUT LAURA & “MY WHY” (on this series specifically)

I am a truth seeker & change maker. I highlight the shadows on topics most shy away from & invite difficult conversations on topics typically silenced. I’ve been this way for over 50 years.

As a professional healer, spiritual mentor, advocate & multiple trauma survivor (child abuse, sexual assault, attempted sexual abduction & domestic violence) who witnessed a lot & experienced my fair share of issues & my dedication spanning almost 20 years in healing the roots to the broken me, I see what is broken.

I’ve learned what works & what does NOT and I am here to share what works through the muck of what does NOT. Together let’s break the cycle of the continued perpetuation of unresolved unacknowledged unhealed trauma for a healthier world for all.

Why Spiritual Medicine Is Needed More Than Ever Before

 … And 6 ACTION Steps To Take Now

The energies these past couple weeks, months, and years have been increasing in the intensity of change, integration, spiritual growth, and discernment.

Are you feeling the growing shifting waves of energies?  What a ride so far huh?

I am NOT sure if this post is just for me to take stock of where I am, where I was and where I am headed or if this message will resonate with you and inspire you in some way.

With all that’s unraveling, shifting, disrupting, up-leveling, I’ve learned one string of things over the last 16yrs since THIS journey began for me after the struggles of leaving a domestic abusive marriage … that is to

  • Stop.
  • Pause.
  • Surrender into the natural flow of life
  • Listen to the divine soulful whispers within
  • And take action.

Who I have become is thanks to the connection to spirit & spiritual medicine I have learned to embrace in my life  and in my work – over many decades.

It is the one thing I see missing in today’s “modern colonialist consumerist culture”.

What is missing … is the link to the divine connection to the spirit of life, its wisdom and its medicine.

Why is that?

I think the why will need to be answered another day as that’s a little more complicated rooted with weavings into patriarchy, systemic oppression, colonization, and control.

I believe the fundamental story in movie Avatar eloquently showed us if you can get passed the sci-fi box office plot. I always wondered if the movie was released prematurely as its message is needed NOW.

We do NOT have to work harder.

We do NOT need to go back to school and get another certificate or degree.

We do NOT have work ourselves into the grave.

We just need to tap into the infinite wisdom of the spiritual world. Think I am nuts?

We all have gut instincts that have helped us save our child from something or to close a sale or to hit some mark successfully.

We have all experienced this to some degree. Some call it alignment. I see those instincts connected to this same spiritual world I am speaking about.

But first, let me share with you a glimpse of my 2020 year and how I am moving forward.

My 2020 Story

The year 2020 started out to be the best year in my career and personal life since I left my abuser in 2005 (who near destroyed me). I was on par to have the best year of my career, looking to expand my office, hire my first employee,  and work towards more professional education. While working with professionals and state agencies to make this all happen and to become whole in my own trauma recovery & healing, I was fortunate to have qualified for a grant for an addictions counseling certification program.

Like many others who suffered the wrath of 2020, I am still recovering from the string of unfortunate events that included …

  1. readjusting how I work
  2. family health challenges
  3. an unexpected and sudden fostering of a traumatized puppy and a cat.
  4. discovering my abusive ex moved to Florida with my children without permission (Now a court issue)
  5. working towards completing my addictions counseling certification at UMass Boston
  6. Finally, having a medical crisis that required surgery.

I share my struggles, my victories and journey with you to keep it real and hopefully the words and inspiration I speak on these pages will inspire someone.  I walk this path with you NOT just talks about it.

Why Spiritual Medicine Is Needed NOW More Than Ever

While all these human events occurred like a sequence of hurricanes that pummeled the shores one after another before the shorelines had time to recuperate, never lost sight of my divine spark within.

Did I question my faith, my purpose, or my life?

YES. Of coarse, I did.

That is called being HUMAN.

However, understanding that my soul – the divine presence within me – has a greater wisdom and knowledge than me to guide me in this current storm was critical.  It is the ONE thing that keeps me balanced, centered, focused, healthy, and ON PURPOSE.

All while STILL showing up in this hurricane we all experienced in 2020.

  • Guiding others on their spiritual journey.
  • Holding a safe container for others to dig deep, heal old wounds/stories, reclaim their power, and stand in their truths.
  • Starting my clinical internship for my addictions counseling certification.

This connection to the divine within is a skillset that has systematically been stripped away from us through systems of control like governments, corporations, and formalized religions.

The spirit world can NOT be controlled, monetized or tamed.  The spirit world just is. It is BIGGER than the human construct or human consciousness. As history has shown us,  these systems of control are threatened by its medicine that is offered, but that is changing NOW. 

These powers are losing control NOT by rebellious humans acting stupid and irresponsible, but my the Universe itself. 

I am human that still has human experiences regardless of my spiritual development.  By February 2021, I was a nervous wreck. Why?

I let my head get in the way temporarily trying to force things to happen while beating my head against the wall. Sound familiar?

So instead, I stopped.

I paused.

I listened to the whispers of the divine within.

What I heard from the spirit realms was that 2021 was an integration year for me – a pause year – a clearing out year – a rebalancing year.

Any project I want to launch NOW or attempt to launch now will be met with obstacles. I need to focus on clearing out the rest of the “clutter” and build a MORE solid foundation than the last one and come out banging in 2022.

So I sighhhhhhed.

I stopped and paused.

I put together an action plan.

I worked my personal numerology and my astrological signs with what I saw collectively energetically for 2021 and as I forecasted earlier this year and said OK.

So I decided it is time to switch gears. What do I do NOW?

I have been strengthening my systems and foundations.

I have been calling in and seeking out authentic solid sustainable partnerships, while listening to my soul like a GPS to guide me on where to go and which turns to take.

Are you finding yourself in a similar pattern?

6 ACTION Steps To Take NOW

There is sooooo much polarity and division happening here in the USA and globally it is like watching a bunch of parentless children running around aimlessly without guidance, self discipline or moral fortitude.

As we continue to grow and evolve,  please BE gentle with yourself AND others.

Many of our fellow humans are stuck in fear and struggling with trusting in spirit or letting go of the egoic mindset. Be aware of this when it creeps in.

1.BE aware that our thoughts may NOT even be our own, but part of the collective consciousness.

2. BE aware that some of what is surfacing is OLD stories and old traumas that were stuck in

the soil we reside

the blood in our veins and electrical circuitry from our genealogy – aka generational trauma

the spirit of our soul from our past karma and past lives

in the mind and bodies of our own past traumas

3. It is important to build a strong relationship with the diving presence within – soul – spirit – in order to have the skillset to discern what is ours, what is NOT, and what is our contribution to it.

If you think you already have it, you do not. Build a stronger one.

4. Remember to



Choose what action to take next.

5. Above all, please

BE kind

BE compassionate.

BE the solution the world needs.

As I wrote in my 2021 energy forecast, this is a year for change. It is a year for creating more balance between the human ego material world and the spiritual world.

6. It is imperative we find a way to shed the colonized mindset that has been cultivated and bridge in the necessary spiritual medicine & cultivate a relationship with Spirit once again honoring what the Universe is requiring of us in this time and space.

Thank you for coming to my TedX talk

With appreciation,


To stay in the loop, be sure to be in one of these 3 key areas where announcements are made:

1.Be sure to subscribe to our email list  – you can subscribe to whatever lists you wish to receive to control how many emails you receive.

2. Become a Patreon Member for a little as $5 a month for exclusive previews, events, benefits, and support.

3. or join our Facebook Group.

Learn About “MY WHY” I Launched on Patreon

I did it. Say whaaaatttttt?

After partaking in another Patreon as a member with strong social justice goals, and watching the benefits unfold, I finally created a Patreon account to give you a better virtual experience, expand our virtual reach, offer exclusive specials and offers while broadening my social justice goals that are so important to me.

I want to share with you more about myself with you.  So, I would be honored & grateful if you could take a moment and read my WHY I launched on Patreon.

  • My why
  • What I have done in the past
  • What is happening NOW
  • What I can offer It take a community to make this happen.

Let’s join forces AND BREAK The CYCLE of the Perpetuation of Unresolved Unhealed Trauma TOGETHER.

To be honest ….

I am a bit Nervous.



AND that is all ok.

I am putting the trust and faith in this journey and allowing it to unfold as it needs to.

Have you ever heard of Patreon before?

Here is the dish … It is a wonderful subscription service for content creators and in my case content creators with a social justice or social impact mission in mind.

What is unique about this platform, it lets people financially support and reward content creators — such as podcasters, writers, and YouTubers — through a monthly subscription.

Creators can set up multiple membership tiers with various rewards so each subscriber can choose the amount of money they feel most comfortable giving to a project and in my case – healing the perpetuation of unhealed unresolved trauma that is plaguing our society.

So, please check out my “My WHY” Patreon post, and if the message resonates, please consider
  • commenting on the original post
  • sharing with loved ones or those in your community who identify with my mission.
  • joining to support my social justice impact goals
  • or joining for the great benefits such as FREE 1:1, FREE events, and up to 40% off classes offered.

Would LOVE your thoughts AND …

I am new to learning how all this works and working on building a team to make my dreams and missions come to light so I can show up more effectively and more impactful for YOU.

Me doing THIS work is and always has been about BE-ing of greater service to the community & our Mother Earth.

Like everyone else, I am learning HOW to show up BETTER to meet that soul journey mission.

If you decide to become a patron on Patreon, you become active participants in the work I am doing while supporting a cause we all love and NEED especially during these challenging times where the trauma epidemic is running wild like an uncontrolled unchecked avalanche or a volcano that is about to explode.

Let’s DO THIS … TOGETHER … Shall we?

Click here to learn more about this initiative.

I have so much love and appreciation in my heart for all your support in my journey.

Thank you.


To learn more about me, visit “About” tab.

To learn more about my work healing trauma, click here.

Guest Radio Show Appearance Talking Healing Trauma & Domestic Violence & Empowering Survivors

The Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour on VoiceItRadio Cleveland, OH

In case you missed the LIVE broadcast on Monday, November 9, 2020, here is the recording from the Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour Show where we talked about healing and empowering survivors of abuse & trauma.

Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:

I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.

I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy, strength, and power.

Laura Cowan on the Tamron Hall Show

In this episode, we chatted about our stories, healing, trauma, the broken system and how to heal the “broken me” after a series of abuses – child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and systemic oppression.

If you are struggling right now, please check out this episode.

If you are a survivor of abuse, please listen in.

If you just need extra support right now, this is sure to be inspiring.

Would love your feedback on this radio show episode.

Guest: Part 2: Laura Cowen’s Empowerment Hour Radio Show

I am grateful and honored to have been invited to be on Laura Cowan’s Empowerment Hour radio show.

Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here:


✔ Join us THIS Monday at 6pm.

✔ SHARE this offering with loved ones or anyone who could benefit.

Laura Cowan on the Tamron Hall nationally syndicated tv show.

For those checking this out, I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.

I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy. She’s a powerful speaker and radio personality.

If you are struggling right now, please join us.

If you are a survivor of abuse, please join us.

If you just need extra support right now, please join us.


Please join us Monday evening 6pm where we’ll be chatting about

♡ our shared healing journeys from abuse,

♡ my upcoming book on healing the roots to chronic illness & trauma through a Japanese healing system,

What I will be sharing will give you a glimpse into my upcoming virtual classes on healing trauma whole-istically through Spirit:

You don’t want to miss this broadcast.

Via: Zoom and Facebook Live