Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer
September 4, 2020

Fall 2020 Psychic Review & Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You

WOW What a year huh? It is certainly the WTF kinda of year and NO matter how much we predicted these times – YES we did – it sometimes does not make these challenges any easier though.

All it does is give us a road map on how to navigate through all of this evolutionary change. I posted a 2020 forecast here with a followup here on karmic debt and three tips to moving forward. Did you catch those posts???

Since 2020 began, these energies have created lots of contrast in our lives. The idea of spiritually bypassing our way through life will not help any of us. The trading one feel good addiction for another has shown to be more harmful than good as I talk about here.

By April, it felt like all hell broke lose. So I pulled some cards on the matter and created a vlog post regarding COVID here. This is about emotional & spiritual maturity, truths revealed, shadows continuing to surface and how to navigate moving forward.  This year is VERY reflective of the “Tower” card in tarot.

There is a single threaded message that streams though all these posts addressing the triggers & ego destruction. This year has been less about trying to “control” situations or outcomes and more about mastering the calm within the storm while co-creating with the divine and disconnecting from the news & propaganda. Think Hunger Games, the Matrix series and Avatar.

In May, things escalated again on many fronts. So, I used my trauma & trigger healing journey to get quite candid and personal talking about Facing the Shadows & Healing During COVID19 as an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.

In June, the jaguar appeared where I talked about the Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest.  Here I talked about my premonitions over the years about these times and addressed 3 lessons we have learned so far  including upping our virtual presence and call for unity as well as continuing themes of trusting instincts and ego destruction.

Finally, in the end of July, we addressed “flow”, the dark night of the soul and 4 tips to help you navigate moving forward here.

We are stewards of this Great Mother and stewardship is our sacred duty that we collectively have neglected.  We have been talking about THIS aspect A LOT in our FB LIVES held 3x a week.

Since COVID shutdown everything days before my birthday in March, I felt a huge call to action to BE an anchor of support to the community. So, for the last 22+ weeks I have been offering free/by donation FB LIVE events ranging from energy updates to meditation to psychic medium readings to a 7 day challenge to somatic movements to council meetings on the topic of trauma, triggers, and spiritual medicine and more.

AND every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:30am (EST) I’ve been offering what has now morphed into Mornings with Laura: Spiritual Medicine and Meditation”.

Here is one of those messages recorded on 8/26/20 from a Facebook LIVE on Spiritual Signs, Time Master & Turtle Medicine, & completing with video Meditation W/ The Tibetan Singing Bowls.  Towards the end, we ask for shares and experiences.

Like the video above,  I have been blending many of the tools I’ve acquired over the last 15 years.  As a result of these teachings and the interaction and engagement of community to participate, we’ve witnessed some BIG medicine coming through that is helping so many during these challenging polarizing times as well as all life.

Since the launch of this initiative, our group has doubled in size since March to over 700 members from all over including MA, RI, CA, NM, AZ to Korea, UK, and Denmark.

These events have been instrumental as a spiritual guidance tool to help us co-create and navigate through all the human egoic bullshit coming at us from all different angles and sides. 

Before I share with you the tips to help you navigate the rest of this year, here is a followup from 8/26/20 that I felt compelled to share on 8/28/20 from another Facebook LIVE  on Trauma, Earth Medicine, Meditation and the Master 22 Number in numerology that is relevant to what I am posting about here. 

Now Moving Forward

Finally, things are shifting, moving, evolving in so many areas and planes from the earth’s electrical grid to space weather to rise in consciousness to shifts in the material world. There is an infinite intelligence of Great Spirit that makes up the fundamental fabric of the Universe. Think The Matrix Series, Tesla, and Einstein just to name a few.

The Facebook Live we did on September 4, 2020 addressed the “MAGIC”. Remember, we can’t experience or see magic if we do NOT believe. This is a time to reconnect with the inner child and see and experience the world through their eyes.  

We are being called to step up and recognize the universal … spirit … dance in all the synchronicity, signs, symbols, and omens you might receive or experience. This veil has been thinning for quite a while. 

I would ask that you trust in your divinity and flow and not fall into the illunsionary trap of many formalized religions. You have your own infinite intelligence built within you. We have been deprogrammed is all.  

Here are 4 tips to help you move forward this fall

Click here, where I elaborate on these tips in more detail.

  • FIRST, Continue to take personal responsibility for where you are at. Continue to clear the “old” and face the junk & shadows. Not sure how? Check out my Classes Tab for course descriptions. 
  • Second, learn how to navigate and master the flow. 
  • Third, Stay grounded  & center yourself.
  • Fourth, (NEWLY ADDED/ not in video) either learn how to co-create Source energy/the divine/Spirit/God/ Great Spirit/The Universe etc or deepen your connection to this co-creation piece. 

Think of 2020 as the year of ACCOMPLISHMENT from a soul perspective in four (4) “work” year in numerology . This is where we want to go:

  • when we master the idea of NOT controlling Mother Nature, but aligning with and co-creating with her in sacred partnership. 
  • settle karmic debt 
  • and clear out the shadows and/or shine the light in the dark places within. 
2019 Laura in Marin County Redwoods, CA

HOW do we implement these strategies? 

Life is a journey & lesson for evolution of the soul to BE EXPLORED. That exploration continues this fall.

Remember, THIS … THIS is multi-layered, multi-faceted. Some of this is individual AND some of this is collective. Learn to decipher what is your junk and what is someone else’s. 

Is it a SH*T SHOW right now??? 

Yes, it is … if we choose to see it this way or we can choose to see what is happening as an opportunity which brings me to a saying someone ones said to me early on my healing path. We are either in a pile of dung. Going into a pile of dung, or getting out of a pile of dung. The difference is HOW we handle these situations. 

This fall I will be launching the virtual class Bless Your Junk & Step Into Your EmPOWERed Self as well as the 8wk virtual class the Rooted and Resilient Empath.  Both are comprehensive and geared towards giving your the tools you need to move forward. Are you ready?

Learn more by joining our FB LIVE events. 

Want to know more about these FB LIVE events?

I offer these FB LIVE events in my group Reiki & Spiritual Enrichment With Laura Healing With Spirit and are available on replay. 

If you’re struggling, stressed, depressed, triggered, anxious, fearful etc … then what’s stopping you from committing to yourself to a healthier routine that will help you break these patterns?

These FB LIVE events have been so powerful and so on point each time in guiding us. I posted more about these events and feedback from them just in the past week. 

Here’s what folks are saying in the past week on these LIVES:

  • “I’m so glad I joined in today and that you had three takes… I finally made one of your talks. Love this Laura. 😍🙏  – Jocelyn
  • “The bowls and drums were amazing.” -Beth
  • “This is gold! You are my sign 💛🙏  -Merry
  • “Is there a way to share this or for others to watch it now? You’re on fire. Good Stuff’s Coming🙏”   -Laura
  • “I enjoyed your meditation this morning Laura thank you 🙂💗 I feel centered and relaxed ready to take on my day a few errands then ill be enjoying the pool and then maybe dinner by the ocean…🙂 -Jennifer
  • You speak so much truth in the political world.”  -Heather
  • “This was very relaxing in spite of me sitting at a garage where I’m getting my oil changed, 😂 but it was a great way to spend my time here!” -Monica
  • “Thank you. Beautiful Laura🙏❤️🙏  -Suzanne
  • “Beautiful message” – Gina
  • “Powerful Laura”. – Annette
  • “Thanx for this gift today. Loved the messages from Hurricane Laura too🧚♀️ “ -Laura
  • “Just watched the replay! Needed to hear that!”  -Joan

I hope you found this post helpful??? 

If so, please leave your comments below and let us know how we are doing.

With appreciation, Laura

Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.

For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.

To book a private session, click here.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.

© 2015-2020 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

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4 years ago

I’ve never liked Leap Years because they have bereavements and losing friends in my experience. This has been quite a year, Laura. We went into total lockdown and I am still waiting to have a birthday cake – the one I didn’t have in April. It’s also been a year when I have been able to show my spiritual practices to loved ones and friends and help them stay grounded during these uncertain times.

4 years ago

Staying grounded and taking responsibility are the two biggest lessons I’ve taken from this year.

4 years ago

This year was and is very reflective of the “Tower” card in tarot as you mentioned. It came up in many reading I did, personally for others, and collectively as a whole. An interesting yet necessary year. A powerful one to remember the higher/highest source. To never forget again.

4 years ago

I love that you have been supporting people with your Facebook lives and look forward to checking them out. Your statement, “This year has been less about trying to “control” situations or outcomes and more about mastering the calm within the storm while co-creating with the divine and disconnecting from the news & propaganda,” really resonates with me and I so appreciate viewing this year through that lens. Thank you for the strategies to navigate this challenging time and sharing your wisdom and insights!


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