Facing Hard Truths & Actions To Take

There are a lot of energies triggering unresolved stuff in our DNA. We are witnessing this in the current world events happening all around us from political unrest, climate change, space weather amplification, post pandemic challenges. You can check out my podcast episode which takes a broader aspect on Three Tips To Moving Through Hard Truths. 

This post will focus on the Gen Z population, our children and college protests.

In case you are unaware, on top of my work with Healing With Spirit, I am a sacred activist with 18 years of domestic violence advocacy, podcast host of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine, and I speak frequently about the intersectionality of aspects that impact survivors of abuse. You can learn more about me, here.

Here is what I have to say about recent events, and I hope it is received well. And, if triggered, I ask you to stop. Pause, and address the underlying issues before responding. Remember, a trigger is something unresolved unrelated to current topic.

So, if you are endorsing, condoning or amplifying violence on our children on college campuses, YOU are part of the problem NOT the solution.

If you are wishing harm or being WILLFULLY ignorant to violence, oppression, slaughter of children and NOT taking action steps towards peace, freedom for ALL people not just white Christians, ending violence & oppression, YOU are part of the problem.


NO politician can fix a SICK UNWELL society.

Only WE can do that.

This, Saturday, May 4th, is the 57th Anniversary of the National Guard shooting and killing 4 UNarmed Kent State college students protesting a war.

It was NOT klansman promoting white male supremacy who were killed, but anti-war students.

Think about that for a minute and the narratives PROMOTED on TV to convince the masses a certain narrative.

The attack on our right & freedom to protest a war is currently being threatened where we see history repeating itself again, anti-war, anti-killing children, anti-genocide protesters are being attacked, beaten, brutalized while white supremacists, white nationalists, and Zionists can walk the streets without police interference to protest freely hate, commit acts of violence, invade encampments of anti-genocide protestors to beat with sticks, toss flash grenades, fireworks and more acts of violence.

Only WE can remember your roots and value of local neighborhood community and take action.

Kindness wins.

Loving thy neighbor wins.

Unifying voices wins.

Equity wins

Equality wins

Unifying Causes wins.

Sharing your meal wins.

Giving up your coat wins.

Opening a door wins.

Our triggers get in the way of the facing hard truths of maybe realizing what we thought we knew was a lie or that how we were taught was a lie or that we struggle with escalating brutality, and it is hard to face.

Remember, these are OUR CHILDREN being brutalized by militarized police – many of whom were trained in Israel and systems who profit off of violence, war, oppression.

This is a simple reminder too that …

You are loved.

You are worthy.

You are deserving.

Meanwhile, those in power want us suppressed and oppressed.

And the oligarchs & billionaires are laughing all the way to the bank cashing in on these growing divisions they created that some of us bought into instead of unifying voices to end collective punishment, violence, oppression so that ALL OUR families CAN be safe & free from harm.

Energetically, shitola going to get real.

Like really real

It’s big.

It’s multi-level

If we are NOT living in a way of devotion, stewardship, authenticity, and integrity, the Universe will call us out on our BS.

There is NO escaping this.  Old patterns, old wounds, ancestral trauma, past life trauma are all surfacing simultaneously for us to face and heal.

It is a time to face our resistance.

Face hard truths.

Face the Triggers & wounds.

Pause and listen to the quiet whispers beckoning for us to take some action, clear out old harmful patterns, and heal old wounds.

We all have wounds … it is NOT an excuse to project our wounds onto another… our duty is to tend to our wounds. Be aware of how we react and show up BETTER!!!

We are in revolutionary times.

This also means ALL of us are being called to address our unresolved crap… myself included… and remember the power of our ancestors and reclaim aspects lost or stolen due to oppression, war, violence, etc.

Remember, as we talked about in the 2024 Energy forecast in the podcast, this is a dragon year … a year of upheaval and reclamation.

When energies align, I will be doing an election forecast as I have done in the past for the last several elections.  Stay tuned.

Now, Let’s get to work, shall we?

Peace out.

Triggers & Spiritual Medicine #12: Addressing the Mindset and Roots to Clutter

Welcome to Episode 12 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on “Addressing the Mindset and Roots to Clutter” with Declutter Expert, Krystal Holm

In this episode we dig in the roots that causes clutter.  Like why is it so hard for some of us to declutter?

Why do we sometimes run away or avoid decluttering? Why is history of unresolved trauma linked to clutter?

We talk about how the mind affects our external environments and why addressing the internal clutter, can help with the external. We talk about the blocks, attachments to things, causes, and offer tips on how to move past it so you can free yourself from the clutter that is robbing you of your freedom.


Krystal is a Feng Shui Master, Interior Designer, Clutter Expert, & trauma survivor who helps work-from-home entrepreneurs turn their spaces into offices they love to work in (even if they suck at it). Using her proprietary framework, The Designed Life Method℠ Mind, Body, Soul, Home, she helps her clients declutter and design a workspace that empowers them to create the life & business that they want.

Krystal shows women how to use their workspace as a 3D vision board to help them design who they are becoming & the life they want with it, right into their space.

Be sure to subscribe for upcoming episodes and share 




For more information on this podcast or other offerings with Healing With Spirit: https://linktr.ee/HealingWithSpirit


Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.


Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Episode #11: Reinventing Yourself After Cancer

Welcome to Episode 11 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for a fun amazing podcast episode on “Reinventing Yourself After Cancer” with Actor, Producer & Renaissance Man – Eli Hans.

Eli shares his journey from growing up in a conservative home as a “gay boy” to a life of constant go go go to losing his partner to suicide to being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer with a 10% survival rate to 7yrs remission, to falling in love, to the importance of incorporating your intuition into your healing, to the pandemic … to what it took & the journey within in writing his journey of unpacking & healing his life in a rich authentic deep funny musical play that audiences are raving about – “Out of the Blue”



Eli is a true Renaissance man; an actor, writer, artist, producer, director, singer, and recently, a composer. Eli has reinvented his career many times, from producer and director of TV commercials and large-scale corporate events to interior designer, and now a life and creativity coach. He has always dreamed of being on Broadway, and after surviving a dire cancer diagnosis, he decided to create an autobiographical musical called Out of The Blue, an inspiring story of hope and resilience in which he plays 25 characters. He recently had a sold-out run of his World Premiere in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and a successful U.S. Premiere at the Hollywood Fringe Theater festival.

Listen to the episode HERE

OR watch the episode here:

Additional Resources:


Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Testimonial With Dr. Adrienne McClain – Shifting Beliefs, Healing Trauma Roots, Dragon Magic

Unsure if working with Laura is right for you?

This recording was NOT planned as you can see in the video. Dr. Adrienne McClain offered to share in the raw what she experienced after 2 sessions working with Laura as she found them to be quite powerful.

In this brief 6-minute video, she shares:

  • Her experience working with Laura.
  • What she didn’t anticipate would happen.
  • What shifted that landed her a job offer and new clients.
  • Why to work with Laura.
  • What separates Laura’s work from others.
  • Why others should work with her.

To learn more about Laura’s work, social justice work, podcast and more scroll through this website or visit: https://linktr.ee/HealingWithSpirit


Addressing Grief, Trauma, Fears, Chronic Stress with Rooted Spiritual & Plant Based Medicines

A THREE Part Post – Morning Reflections in Nature On The State Of Society Questioning How Do We Move Forward – A Successful Case Study Involving the Transformation & Integration from Grief & History of Domestic Violence – Benefits of Blackberry & Burdock From My Morning Reflections- Tips for Triggers, Stress & Fears – Tips Around Food Scarcity- Why Work With Me

I do not know about you, the intensity that has been climaxing has been quite difficult to navigate no matter where we are in our lives. I sometimes like to write my processes and thoughts after certain experiences.

This morning I was reflecting on the sad state of our society and how on one level how hyper triggered & stressed folks are and on the other level how toxic so many folks are expressing their pains by projecting them onto vulnerable populations such as victims of domestic violence or sexual assault, homeless or low-income populations, folks with certain religious beliefs, and women. The growing misogynistic vitriol on women seems to be the most vile I have ever witnessed. It is sometimes hard to witness as if I am reliving the early days of the Burning Times of Witches or as if I am watching Chapter 2 of the Handmaid’s Tale play out.

Why am I sharing this? We can’t heal old wounds or create policy change by sticking our heads in the sand. I am not about band-aid approaches, because frankly we have seen how well those have worked out for us haven’t, we.

Humans in general are resistant to change and we are experiencing evolutionary times on so many levels simultaneously which can be difficult for the average person to adjust yielding lifetimes of lessons to be addressed.

The current energies of Saturn and Pluto retrogrades are amplifying this construct through at least October 2022 when Saturn stations direct. Pluto won’t go direct til 2023.

However, for folks who are struggling with chronic health or mental health challenges or implications as a result of trauma or faced with systemic oppressions, or folks who are faced with one adversity after another without the ability to come up for a breath – this can feel extraordinarily burdensome.

In this post I want to share a couple of experiences I have had this week in hopes it inspires us as a culture to SHOW UP better.

I personally like going into nature start my day and for some reflections. This morning was of no exception. I live on land of the original Massachusett & Wampanoag First Nations. It is rich in wildlife, nature, and medicinal plants – that some would call weeds.  There has been lots of incorporating herbal medicine this week in my life & in my work.

Client Story

Earlier this week, I spent a half day with someone in deep pain and surmountable grief. They are a survivor of past domestic violence where the system failed to protect the children now grown adults.  They thought their life was finally on track with a new marriage and stability in their life.

However, when they came to me the other day, they were struggling with immense grief-stricken trauma associated of losing a spouse and child in a short span of time compounded by the fallout afterwards and old wounds were opened and bleeding out.

They have been stuck in a downward spiral with their overall health for over a year now with little support structures in place, felt like they were about to break, and nothing they were doing was working.

After incorporating a multidisciplinary approach over several hours including:

  • spiritual coaching & guidance,
  • somatic trauma healing and recovery work,
  • a holistic health assessment,
  • outdoor nature therapy,
  • a customized herbal medicine plan including a custom herbal medicinal tea blend as shown here.

The next morning, they reached out to me to tell me their nerves & anxiety were calmed, a lot of their physical symptoms were not present, pain noticeably diminished, and had the best night sleep since they can remember … sleeping through the night without any additional medication or aids.

They are initiating new daily protocols to help themselves navigate moving forward.

Hearing all this make my heart jump for joy. Meanwhile thinking to myself, how do I share WHY folks need to consider these very approaches in their lives to break to toxic cycles they are stuck in.

So, when I was out for my walk in my very large diverse backyard this morning reflecting upon society, I struggled with the notion that how few Americans find value, or seek out THIS type of help with a seasoned experienced healer and that makes me sad.

Then I get the calls for help and guidance from folks. We do the work. We get results and I am reminded that folks are seeking this out – they are seeking an alternative way of healing – of being – of living – of working etc. and I put my ego in check and go back to work honoring my path and this sacred work.

We have a lot of work to do and the Universe if forcing us to evolve. Old ways of BE-ing, working, living, and how we relate to ourselves, each other, the world around us MUST CHANGE.

However, just like that my once heavy heart was lifted by the surrounding plant medicine around me this morning.  Like an inquisitive child, I discovered a new wild blackberry bush while I stopped in my tracks to admire this gorgeous burdock lavishly making her presence & medicine pronounced & loud.

From there, this post was born.


Blackberries are not just yummy. They pack a host of amazing health benefits.  Some of the benefits wild blackberries include:

  • low glycemic index – this means that is likely to spike blood sugar levels.
  • nutrient dense – such as Vit C, Vitamin K, and manganese
  • high in fiber – That’s a problem: A low-fiber diet has been linked to digestive problems like bloating, constipation, and stomach pain. And according to a 2013 study, not getting enough fiber may increase your risk for heart disease.
  • may boost brain health & prevent memory loss according to a 2012 study
  • one of the top 10 highest-antioxidant foods
  • a 2013 study showed anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial benefits in oral health and a reason to add blackberries to your diet.
  • May Prevent and Slow Growth of Cancer

and more … Here is a good source for more on blackberries for health


The plant that led me to find the blackberry bushes was this gorgeous burdock – a plant we often “weed it out” as a nuisance, but it’s medicine is one of my favorites  for its support in liver health, promotes circulation and combats inflammation. Burdock root helps to strengthen the immune system and speed healing.  Some of the benefits include:

  • tonifies & “purifies” blood/liver
  • effective in removing toxins from blood/liver as proven in a 2010 Study
  • Nutrient dense
  • antioxidant rich including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids
  • inulin rich – prebiotic that aids in digestion
  • according to many studies, it may inhibit certain growth of some cancers such as pancreatic cancer.
  • Strengthens the Lymphatic System
  • Natural diuretic
  • improves arthritis according to a 2016 study

and more …

Tips on addressing triggers & stress

1) Stop.

2) Pause.

3) Create space to see where the triggers & stresses are rooted … beyond the obvious story.

4) Allow yourself the gift of sleep, rest, and Process

5) Implement & increase self care … go for a walk, get outside, turn off the TV, take an Epsom salt bath, get a massage or reiki session, listen to soothing music, take a COLD shower, dance even if naked in your house.

6) Eliminate expenses that REALLY are NOT necessary

7) Remove toxic experiences, people, things

Consider seeking out a knowledgeable experienced healer, earth medicine expert, or herbalist to see what medicinal plants may be best for you.

Addressing food scarcity fears

1) Grow SOME of your own NOW … hydroponics have come a long way. So this CAN be possible even in an apartment setting.

2) Shop LOCAL – mom and pop food stores & farmers markets. Shopping local & supporting LOCAL farms are MORE sustainable & better for the planet

3) Watch waste … Americans waste enormous amounts of food daily. Buy fresh and use only what’s needed. Cut back … I get not everyone is doing this, but Americans DO throw out more food than other countries.

4) If you are in a position, SHARE with the elderly and folks who are struggling. I mention the elderly cuz this demographic rarely complains but often must choose between food, shelter, medical care.

5) Donate food to especially domestic violence shelters that are currently under funded with DV skyrocketing and victims trapped due to lack of financial means to leave & systemic misogynistic biases making leaving difficult


Quite simply, I use a multidisciplinary approach that has a track record of getting results.

Since 2006, I have been offering spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment with a subspecialty in somatic trauma healing and recovery.

Over the years, I’ve empowered thousands of people heal issues and restore wholeness – personally, mentally, physically, spiritually, professionally – by addressing root causes, transforming pain, bridging science, research and practical magic of sacred ancient traditions & spiritual medicines.

I am a published author, speaker, award-winning advocate, teacher, an experienced rooted healer with teachers based in Kyoto, Japan, seeker, intuitive spiritual mentor, social justice warrior, and a survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault, with over 15 cumulative years of experience in the field of healthcare.

If you read this far down, what’s peaking your interest?

Are you wondering if working with me is what you need right now – whether a half day/full day immersion or a private one-hour session(s)?

Reach out. .. or comment below.

You can book a private session here.

Inquiries about half day or full day sessions, please contact me here.

I am here to support YOU

Thank you for supporting me and my work & mission.

With appreciation,


Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Episode 9: Disrupting Toxic Capitalism & Hustle Culture

Welcome to Episode 9 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph and guest international speaker & social impact business coach, Brigette Iarrusso

TOPIC: Disrupting Toxic Capitalism & Hustle Culture

Do you want to be a change agent???? Join this conversation with Brigette, as she shares her story of how she became a disruptor on fire with the purpose of accelerating entrepreneurial leaders and change agents that are driven by more than just profit.

If you are tired of spinning wheels and feel like you want to learn how to be that toxic capitalist disruptor, this is an episode for you. Hundreds of entrepreneurs have accessed her free online training “How to Grow an Online Business in Integrity” and have used her methods to create more impact and more income. In this episode, Brigette will share with you 3 ways you can start to do that today.

Listen to this episode here:

Or watch here on YouTube.  Click here to subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Click below to watch episode 9.


Brigette’s mission is to help coaches, healers, and experts, who care about racial and social justice to scale their sales and impact with integrity, equity and inclusion.

She is committed to raising awareness around coercive marketing and sales practices in the coaching and online business space. And, disrupting harmful practices that disproportionately affect People of Color and other people with marginalized identities.

She creates inclusive and engaging events that inspire and connect business leaders with widely diverse backgrounds from around the globe.

Her Speak to $cale framework helps experts increase online visibility and share their story and their offers in an authentic way that connects them with ideal clients and gets sales flowing! Brigette founded Embrace Change as a social impact business entity that pays forward 20% of revenue into opportunities and sponsorship for Black, Indigenous, People of Color who are entrepreneurial leaders changing the face of how we do business. Brigette donates her time pro bono to support equitable collaborations and authentic human connection across diverse communities. She is committed to service before sales and her mantra is “when you focus on real social impact, the income will follow”. You can find her here: https://embracechange.us/.



Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more.

In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Click here for more information: https://laurahealingwithspirit.com/healing/trauma/triggers-spiritual-medicine/

Quantum Shift Podcast Episode 18: Cocooning Vs Isolating

Check out the interview on the Quantum Shift Podcast with Shawna Pelton. How many of you feel there is something coming????

In this episode, we chat about the topic of Cocooning vs Isolating – a spiritual perspective of the lockdown at the beginning of the pandemic

We talk about all the deep stuff not to miss.

  • from a trauma informed lens
  • transformation
  • trauma that’s embedded in the soil we live on
  • spiritual bypassing
  • triggers
  • changing the language
  • shadow work
  • maladaptive behavior
  • lineage based patterns that are repeating
  • what is the difference between isolation vs cocooning
  • the psychic elements of manifestations
  • the war that was forecasted on our soil and what that really means.
  • How cocooning is a mindset shift.
  • Ancestral wisdom
  • Asking permissions and why that matters
  • Avoiding pausing as a form of distraction
  • Managing triggers, trauma responses.
  • Addressing Fear
  • Colonized mindsets and conditionings
  • A global awakening
  • The aftermath – How do we move forward
  • Taking action
  • The opportunity
  • The Japanese Jikiden Reiki Gokai Teachings



Virtual Class: Learn 3 Tips To Manage Anxiety, Stress & Triggers During COVID19

I am here for you & to support you through this … what some see as isolation, confinement or quarantine … I see as cocooning.

What does this mean? What does this look like? Stay tuned … I will go into this more.

Many of us mystics have been warning & preparing us for these times building up until now and there have been many prophecies foretold over the years.

Let us … all the spiritual people who have been apprenticing for decades for these times … help you navigate these changes.

I am here for you.

I am holding space.


  • Managing Anxiety, Stress, & Triggers While Finding Balance and Mastering Presence In Times of Crisis.
  • Learn 3 Tips You Can Implement NOW
  • Will do a mini meditation if time allows as well as an opportunity for questions/answers


This will be virtual class on Zoom.

To Register, Click here.

For more information, contact us


Funds are currently running low due to financial investments needed to offer these events operating for FREE.

Help  support our FREE initiative, by making a donation to help us keep offering these events for FREE by making a donation

Virtual Class: Learn 5 Tips To Manage Anxiety, Stress & Triggers During COVID19

I am here for you & to support you through this … what some see as isolation, confinement or quarantine … I see as cocooning.

What does this mean? What does this look like? Stay tuned … I will go into this more.

Many of us mystics have been warning & preparing us for these times building up until now and there have been many prophecies foretold over the years.

Let us … all the spiritual people who have been apprenticing for decades for these times … help you navigate these changes.

I am here for you.

I am holding space.


  • Managing Anxiety, Stress, & Triggers While Finding Balance and Mastering Presence In Times of Crisis.
  • Learn 5 Tips You Can Implement NOW
  • Will do a mini meditation if time allows as well as an opportunity for questions/answers


This will be virtual class on Zoom.

To Register, Click here.

For more information, contact us


Funds are currently running low due to financial investments needed to offer these events operating for FREE.

Help  support our FREE initiative, by making a donation to help us keep offering these events for FREE by making a donation

To get a glimpse about what you might experience on Friday?

Here is an intro to what was run on Monday with the experientials removed and individual mentoring removed for privacy reasons

In this video I share what is happening energetically and spiritually that led to these times and I share 3 tips to help you navigate.

On Friday, I will share 5 tips and will have a more elaborate approach to what is shown here with direct interactive group work and experientials.