Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest

Spiritual Medicine During Times of Crisis 

My heart is aching as I continue to find my place in this world.  This has been quite the spiritual journey in the depths of the shadow realm this year, and there is a LOT surfacing personally, collectively, karmicly, and generationally in the first 6 months amidst a COVID19 outbreak with growing protests & civil unrest.

A spiritual message is born.

We are going now into our 12th week broadcasting LIVE:  3x a week in our Facebook group (free to join);  1x a week in the Web of Love on Zoom; 1x a week for Jikiden Reiki Practitioners on Zoom.

Each week, I have been consistently offering extra support, spiritual guidance, spiritual medicine, Gokai, meditation, and movement. We have learned so much in these gatherings.

In this post, I will talk about:

  • What We Have Learned So Far
  • My Premonition 10 Years Ago
  • My 2020 Forecast
  • Then COVID Happened – The spirit message
  • The Current Civic Unrest – what it means spiritually and energetically
  • The Culmination – A string of energetic, solar events, protests and other events on Friday 5/29/20
  • Spiritual Medicine with Jaguar

Here is what we have learned so far:

  • reaching out through the virtual world can be powerful medicine
  • coming together as a group through the virtual world can be powerful medicine
  • “Trust our instincts” and “ego destruction” has been consistent messages we have been seeing play out throughout our 12 weeks together

For me – I have learned to trust my premonitions and spiritual guidance and NOT try to pretend to make what I see better than it really is.

My premonition

I had a vision that began over 10 years ago. Obama was running for President at the time. I recall when I first talked about what I saw during a private psychic medium party I was asked to give guidance to the attendees. At the end of the event, I was asked what I saw coming, and I recall saying, there is a code, if we see difficult times ahead, we try not to feed it, but try to adjust to it for spiritual growth.

What I saw – I said I feel war coming on our soil. I did not know what or how at the time. I sat with this for quite some time. I mentioned that I felt it would be bigger than 9/11, but unsure of time frame or how.

That was the beginning, as time went on, my vision has NOT waived, and it actually got clearer.

About 3 years ago, I sat in ceremony with some very deeply connected and rooted spiritual friends.  The vision I had was quite disturbing. I saw red skies at night and people running around screaming. I heard “you are going to see a lot of this. Do not get off your path”.

It was shortly thereafter, I saw a war being waged a different kind of war. The clarity came in.  I did not see bombs and was told this is not the same kind of weapons. I saw the use of technology and bio-weaponry being used.

The 2020 Forecast

kalhh / Pixabay

My January 2020 forecast was difficult for me to write. It came in 2 parts as I felt something quite disruptive trying to emerge that I struggled with for over two weeks trying to find a way to make this a positive forecast for folks.

As January moved forward everything I was feeling was coming into play.

Click here for my 2020 Forecast with three things 2019 taught us and three things to know to navigate in 2020 and click here for the updated forecast with the karmic kicker with four tips to move forward posted at the end of January 2020.

Then COVID Happened

We got blindsided. It did not matter how prepared we were, this took the average person by surprise. Those in a position of power knew about this virus in advance.  Check out my COVID forecast here.

In the beginning, I found myself highly triggered and my fight/flight/freeze response kicked into HIGH gear. I had to sit with this. Then I wrote my response to what was happening from a TRAUMA perspective where I talked about facing the shadows & healing during Covid.

This was an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.

I told a story that is relative to what is happening all around me with the growing mental health crisis I am witnessing before my eyes and hoped it will shed light for someone who needed it.


We are six months into 2020 and things keep spiraling out of control with greater velocity.

I am witnessing so many folks highly charged & triggered with much surfacing out of the depths from the shadows on so many fronts. Instead of addressing what is surfacing, folks are resorting to very toxic egoic reactionary triggered behavior.

The current energetic climate is amplifying what’s already there.

Addictions up.

Suicides up.

Violence up.

Domestic Violence up.

Racist attacks UP.

We, in New England, forget how women were burned at the stakes for simply loving nature and having a connection to plant medicine. Then we have the indigenous who were brutally genocidally massacred. The Wampanoag are who greeted the first white man are now being faced with LOSING THEIR LANDS FEDERALLY.

The soil we reside on is riddled with many centuries worth of oppression, trauma, rooted in a colonized mindset model buried deep in the subconscious DNA of the collective birthed from the very soil we’ve tainted and poisoned.

We need to be mindful of what triggers surface for us as we move forward. We need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Pronto.


  • Call in the appropriate help whether a mental health counselor or
  • Hire a BIPOC coach to help you understand your own white privilege, white fragility and want to learn how to unpack your stuff
  • or book a private session with me in person or virtually

Please do NOT escalate what’s bubbling inside to violence, oppression and hate.

We all must do the inner work being REQUIRED of us. There is NO avoiding it as talked about CONSISTENTLY in almost every post in recent years.

The Culmination

Then CAME THIS message Friday, 5/29/20 with pieces to the puzzle coming together with interesting updates:

The date: 5/29/20 = 2 in numerology = balance/duality/change in a closing of a chapter

In light of what’s happening especially in USA today with protests, rallies and the arrest of Officer Chauvin.

Lions gate jellyfish suddenly washing up on our shores TODAY on the beach by me. These things apparently pack quite the sting.

NASA cams suddenly went down today 15min prior to a big solar event.

Emotions especially anxiety/ptsd type, fatigue/energy challenges and sleep issues were affected. I now know why.

Finally … The sun threw its FIRST BIG SOLAR M CLASS FLARE TODAY in years since 2017.

And Schumann’s resonance jumped up to an amplitude over 60 – The Chart was not easily able to read that day.

This is big.

There’s lots to process and digest just with this.

Today’s Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar

Here is a quick highlight from this morning’s FB Live – bridging all this together. I apologize for low sound quality. I am unsure how to boost that for you.

Video Flow:

  • Check in
  • Prayer/Invocation
  • Spiritual Medicine with Jaguar
  • Brief Meditation
  • Movement to “Dragonborne”
  • About Robin and Rabbit

Where do we go from here?

Do we continue resisting what the divine whispers aka soul whispers within are guiding for us?

Do we give in to our triggers, rage, anger, worry?

Do we finally buckle up our bootstraps and face our shadows with courage knowing this is the ONLY way through?

Remember, what we see externally is only a mere reflection of what is internal. Go inside, and you will find the super powers that reside ready to be unleashed when you beckon the call.

In the meantime, can we at least start with a discussion in the comments below???

Let me know your thoughts on this post.

Dragon Warrior

With appreciation,


Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.

For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.

To book a private session, click here.


Follow me on FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube.

*BIPOC = Black Indigenous Persons Of Color


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The 2020 Intense Karmic Start and Four Tips To Move Forward

Well in case you missed my January post, 2020 is a massive year for “change” being a four year in numerology in all areas of our life. It is also a “work” year, a year to cultivate our deep inner spirit, and connect with the ancestors for healing and wisdom.

And boy oh boy, 2020 has not failed to disappoint to hold to that theme. What a karmic shakeup January started off. What a shift show!!!!!

Have you felt this?

2020 Kicks off a karmic boom and waves of change

I am gonna mention something that is taboo – politics. There is a spiritual component.  Hear me out before the eyes start rolling. I see politics as a reflection of what is within us all collectively. We are all feeling this, but we are often too triggered or afraid to voice our truth about it.

Well let’s just start with the energetics of the impeachment trial. Regardless of which side of the fence you believe in, no one can disagree with the debacle being made of our system.

So what is the spiritual component to all this?

With that said about what is happening, truths are still being revealed and triggering disruptions. 

The recent shooting in Hingham, MA and the subsequent racial/classist undertones that ensued afterwards is upleveling the shadows hidden in the darkness. 

Some of these disruptions may include the sudden unexpected transitions of loved ones. I talking about my feelings surrounding the Kobie Bryant crash here

As an empath, healer, intuitive, and trauma specialist we will continue to see unresolved trauma surface – personal, generational, karmic, and past life. The ideas around power, control, manipulation will continue to be “seen”.

Moving forward, the idea of Spiritually bypassing your way through life will not help anymore for any one of us. Trading one feel good addiction for another is more harmful than good.

It means we stand in our truth unapologetic. We speak out for those who do not have a voice. We call out and address predatory behavior infiltrating sacred safe spaces and protect those preyed upon by predators. It means we do not stay silent.

It means we change the way we live and address simple things we can do NOW

What is the solution moving forward?

The solution is to FIRST have the courage and take full responsibility for where you are at. Getting real and getting raw with yourself is where you will ultimately find the peace and freedom as well as tap into the natural flow of the Universe with ease. 

Second, spiritually bypassing our issues away is no longer an option and an addictive behavior that leads to a bottomless pit. Click here for more information and tips to guide you. Triggers are a mere flasher trying to redirect you back to the inner being of who you are.

Thirdly, challenge your belief system. Decolonize your mindset. Are your beliefs your own or are they part of the collective consciousness and/or conditioning?


There is NO way around this, but through. Your inner child will thank you for taking this leap of faith. This is NOT work that can be done by reading a book or watching videos. It requires ongoing support and guidance. I am here to support you. If you are feeling ready to do this work, click here to book a session today.

In the meantime, we continue to come face to face with our shadows. The more we surrender the stories of the egoic mind and into the flow of our intuitive soulful self continues to rise.

Let’s take shame out of our unrealistic egoic expectations of BE-ing spiritual by sharing our experiences.

Life is a journey & lesson for evolution of soul to BE EXPLORED. That exploration continues into 2020.

THIS … THIS is multi-layered, multi-faceted. Some of this is individual & some of this is collective.

It’s a SH*T SHOW. Yes, it is … if we choose to see it this way or we can choose to see what is happening as an opportunity which brings me to a saying someone ones said to me early on my healing path.

What do you choose?

Finally, this is election year, the Universe is asking us to VOTE with our conscious NOT by party affiliation. Do not let the external world brainwash you, manipulate you, bully you, or intimidate you into swaying from YOUR truth.

Please leave your comments below and let us know how we are doing.

To read and/or watch the videos of the 2020 energetic forecast, visit “Three Lessons 2019 Taught Us, Three Things To Know About Navigating the 2020 Energies, & What It All Means“.

With appreciation,

Spiritual Medium, Healer, Speaker, Writer, Metaphysician, Advocate, Holistic Health Practitioner, Facilitator, Trauma Specialist, Empowerment Specialist and Spiritual Badass.

For more information about classes, click here and our events calendar, click here.

To book a private session, click here.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.

© 2015-2020 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Three Lessons 2019 Taught Us, Three Things To Know About Navigating the 2020 Energies, & What It All Means

Happy New Year. This is a time of year where I pause. I unplug. I go within. I listen. I process the lessons of 2019 & the past decade while acknowledging the gifts & blessings received.

I ask the divine within me what 2020 & the next decade asks of me moving forward. I feel into the blessings & the chaos. I allow the wisdom from my ancestors & divine team to be openly received.

One thing I have learned over time is that change is constant in the grand scheme of the Universe and 2019 was a BIG year for change and transformation to prepare us for a powerful punch in 2020. Are you ready?

Laura in Rome, Italy September 2019

In This Post:

  • A Refection
  • What 2019 Taught Us – There are many, but I focus on three,
  • Why spiritual bypassing our way through life will no longer work being an addictive crutch moving forward,
  • 3 Things To Know About the 2020 Energies moving forward,
  • What it All Means 

A Reflection

A Roman burial site; San Gemini, Italy; Sept 2019

I DON’T do resolutions. Do you? Instead, I reflect.

As I sit here reflecting on the past year and decade, I realize that I would not be here without YOU. So, I thank you for supporting me in this journey of mine which transitioned into a business on its own over the years with 2 simple things in mind:

  1. How do I fix the broken me and restore wholeness in my life
  2. and the desire to help others in their path especially those without a voice, abused, neglected or facing end of life.
Vancouver, Canada 2019; Jikiden Reiki Congress

It has taken me 3 weeks to formulate what I was going to say and how – well maybe longer as my prep started in November.

There is SOOOOOO much happening energetically at rapid rates that I found myself challenged with putting together all I know in a format simple enough and easy enough for you to follow, grasp, and possibly align with.

I was chuckling this week with some of my clients on how the Universe does NOT know it is a new year, new decade, and by gosh I gotta have my newsletter and forecast done by January 1st.

I have learned to pause and wait for the alignment of flow to show up. 

Into the ancient forest I went. Lost my mind & found my soul in Canada 2019

This time last year (November 2018 – January 2019), I posted many energy updates including a video stating how the energies then were about to “disrupt”, shift and shake the paradigm.

This was a massive shift from old belief systems and patterning to a new more aligned one. Many of us resisted and others aligned.

The year 2019 was clearly about with all the intertwining lessons and growth in between while learning how to navigate the flow of change.

Click here to check out my post on “What 2018 Taught Us, the Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019, and 6 Tips to Guide You in 2019”. It might help you understand things a bit more moving forward.

So what did 2019 teach us and what is in store for 2020?  Here is my  review and guide.

What 2019 Taught Us

Last year was a THREE year in numerology where we witnessed the past, present, and future colliding – personal stuff, generational, karmic, and past life – all coming to a head.

It’s wakey wakey time. No more being asleep. We can no longer run away or seek out the easier route, because the easier route is to move into the path your soul came here to do and be.

There are many lessons taught in 2019, but I focus on three. The video will go into details, but here is a quick synopsis.

One of the first things we learned in 2019 is that NOT everything can be explained literally, materially, or physically in the egoic dominated material world.

Secondly, when we can step away from “the story” created by the egoic mind, we can understand our triggers are mere clues on the treasure map within us and can empower us beyond our expectations.

Thirdly, spiritually bypassing our way through life is no longer working. We can not afford to spiritual bypass our way through life like an addictive crutch moving forward. Doing the required inner work can no longer be shoved under a carpet and ignored.

In 2019:

  • We cleared out old outdated beliefs and patterns to make way for the new.
  • We connected deeper with our inner spirit aka divine aka soul
  • We were forced to do our inner work to allow for the opportunities to reveal themselves
  • We reconnected with all things divine.
  • We have been returning to the sacred ancient teachings.
  • We stepped away from ego or at least understood where ego’s place should reside.
  • We awakened to the collective
  • We integrated our shadows with our light

Why spiritual bypassing our way through life will no longer work.

In this segment, I will elaborate more on spiritual bypassing because I am aware that many of us either do not know what it is or we have a misconception of what it is.

So, I will address:

  • What is spiritual bypassing?
  • Examples of what spiritual bypassing looks like
  • When do we engage in spiritual bypass?

3 Things To Know About the 2020 Energies moving forward

Our culture is uncomfortable with pain, grief, and other negative feelings, wanting to only discuss or address these things if they are more sanitized pleasant emotions.

This casts shame on grief, anger, and other less pleasant emotions, casting them into the shadows. If we never shine a light down there, these shadows can fester like an unhealed open wound, and the denial mechanisms around them become more and more desperate.

Moving into the 2020 energies, the idea of Spiritually bypassing your way through life will not help anymore for any one of us. Trading one feel good addiction for another is more harmful than good.

We are stewards of this Great Mother and stewards is where we must return our priorities. It is our collective sacred duty.

2020 will create remarkable opportunities for us to move FORWARD with diligence and courage.  Depending upon our actual birthdate, how and when these changes takes place is different for every one of us.

With full commitment and conscious engagement, we can open doors to immense success, happiness, and financial flow in your life in 2020.

Think of 2020 as the year of ACCOMPLISHMENT — making your dreams real. But that’s just part of the story…

So moving forward, consider these three aspects:

  • Space weather including cosmic rays, solar cycles, and earth’s changing poles.
  • 2020 being a FOUR year in numerology
  • Addressing the shadows within – checking in vs checking out. Leading with vs ignoring the spirit within.

What it All Means

It means we stand in our truth unapologetic. We speak out for those who do not have a voice. We call out and address predatory behavior infiltrating sacred safe spaces and protect those preyed upon by predators. It means we do not stay silent.

It means we change the way we live and address simple things we can do NOW.

It means we do the hard inner work that is required of us.

As an empath, healer, intuitive, and trauma specialist we will continue to see unresolved trauma surface – personal, generational, karmic, and past life. The ideas around power, control, manipulation will continue to be “seen”.

We continue to come face to face with our shadows. The more we surrender the stories of the egoic mind and into the flow of our intuitive soulful self continues to rise.

Finally, this is election year, the Universe is asking us to VOTE with our conscious NOT by party affiliation. Do not let the external world brainwash you, manipulate you, bully you, or intimidate you into swaying from YOUR truth.

What does spirit within you say? Go there. Vote from THAT place.

Let’s take shame out of our unrealistic egoic expectations of BE-ing spiritual by sharing our experiences.

Life is a journey & lesson for evolution of soul to BE EXPLORED. That exploration continues into 2020.

THIS … THIS is multi-layered, multi-faceted. Some of this is individual & some of this is collective.

It’s a SH*T SHOW. Yes, it is … if we choose to see it this way or we can choose to see what is happening as an opportunity which brings me to a saying someone ones said to me early on my healing path.

What do you choose?

Again, thank you for BE-ing a part of this GRAND experiment called life with me and supporting my work.

With appreciation,



New Moon Energies Dec 2019, 3 Things We Are Learning & 3 Tips to Navigate Through It All; December 27, 2019; Blog Post & YouTube Video

Nov 2018 Energy Updates – Politics, Trauma, Spiritual Bypassing, and more; November 2, 2018, YouTube Video

What 2018 Taught Us, the Energy Forecast Heading Into 2019, and 6 Tips to Guide You in 2019; December 31, 2018, Blog Post

Mid January 2019 Cosmic Energy Updates and What You Need To Know; January 10, 2019; Blog Post with YouTube Link

What January Taught Us and The February Reveals; February 5, 2019; Blog post