Open Reiki Share

This event is open to the general public and to reiki practitioners of any lineage who wish to share.

Suffering from depression, anxiety, arthritis, trauma, pain, cancer, chronic stress, headaches, chronic illness? Never experienced Reiki before? Please keep reading to learn more about the benefits of reiki and what a Reiki share is.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy that works with the human body’s own bioenergy field. It uses vibrational, or subtle energy, administered most commonly by a light touch of the hands to assist the body’s ability to heal itself.

Reiki has gained acceptance and popularity over the years and is widely used and accepted as an effective therapeutic treatment in many medical offices and hospitals across the country.

As time goes on, there are more and more medical studies coming out on the efficacy of Reiki as a viable alternative treatment option especially in the areas of acute hospital care, hospice, pre-op and post-op, psychotherapy, stress, and trauma. It is also used not as a substitute, but in conjunction with other conventional medicine treatment options.

What is a Reiki Share?

Reiki Shares are gatherings of Reiki practitioners to practice Reiki as a group. Some Reiki circles are exclusive, open only to trained Reiki practitioners. An exclusive Reiki Circle is a gathering where practitioners can let their hair down a bit. These circles are meant as occasions to socialize with other Reiki healers, support each other’s paths as healers, and to exchange Reiki treatments with one another.

Open Reiki Shares are invitational types of gatherings which allow the general public to come and experience Reiki in a group setting. Public circles are mainly intended to bring awareness to Reiki and to help educate anyone who is curious about learning about Reiki. These gatherings also help to promote Reiki practitioners as well as the benefits of reiki healing in the area.

Our mission with these shares is to offer people greater knowledge of and access to Reiki, a complementary healing practice whose primary benefits include relaxation and stress reduction. Through sharing the gift of Reiki, we hope to empower others in their journey as they seek balance and healing in their daily lives.

COST: By Donation
Suggested donation $10

*** RSVP’s requested. **** Dates and times subject to change.

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CANCELLED: Open Reiki Share

This event is open to the general public and to reiki practitioners of any lineage who wish to share.

Suffering from depression, anxiety, arthritis, trauma, pain, cancer, chronic stress, headaches, chronic illness? Never experienced Reiki before? Please keep reading to learn more about the benefits of reiki and what a Reiki share is.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy that works with the human body’s own bioenergy field. It uses vibrational, or subtle energy, administered most commonly by a light touch of the hands to assist the body’s ability to heal itself.

Reiki has gained acceptance and popularity over the years and is widely used and accepted as an effective therapeutic treatment in many medical offices and hospitals across the country.

As time goes on, there are more and more medical studies coming out on the efficacy of Reiki as a viable alternative treatment option especially in the areas of acute hospital care, hospice, pre-op and post-op, psychotherapy, stress, and trauma. It is also used not as a substitute, but in conjunction with other conventional medicine treatment options.

What is a Reiki Share?

Reiki Shares are gatherings of Reiki practitioners to practice Reiki as a group. Some Reiki circles are exclusive, open only to trained Reiki practitioners. An exclusive Reiki Circle is a gathering where practitioners can let their hair down a bit. These circles are meant as occasions to socialize with other Reiki healers, support each other’s paths as healers, and to exchange Reiki treatments with one another.

Open Reiki Shares are invitational types of gatherings which allow the general public to come and experience Reiki in a group setting. Public circles are mainly intended to bring awareness to Reiki and to help educate anyone who is curious about learning about Reiki. These gatherings also help to promote Reiki practitioners as well as the benefits of reiki healing in the area.

Our mission with these shares is to offer people greater knowledge of and access to Reiki, a complementary healing practice whose primary benefits include relaxation and stress reduction. Through sharing the gift of Reiki, we hope to empower others in their journey as they seek balance and healing in their daily lives.

COST: By Donation
Suggested donation $10

*** RSVP’s requested. **** Dates and times subject to change.

Open Reiki Share

This event is open to the general public and to reiki practitioners of any lineage who wish to share.

Suffering from depression, anxiety, arthritis, trauma, pain, cancer, chronic stress, headaches, chronic illness? Never experienced Reiki before? Please keep reading to learn more about the benefits of reiki and what a Reiki share is.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy that works with the human body’s own bioenergy field. It uses vibrational, or subtle energy, administered most commonly by a light touch of the hands to assist the body’s ability to heal itself.

Reiki has gained acceptance and popularity over the years and is widely used and accepted as an effective therapeutic treatment in many medical offices and hospitals across the country.

As time goes on, there are more and more medical studies coming out on the efficacy of Reiki as a viable alternative treatment option especially in the areas of acute hospital care, hospice, pre-op and post-op, psychotherapy, stress, and trauma. It is also used not as a substitute, but in conjunction with other conventional medicine treatment options.

What is a Reiki Share?

Reiki Shares are gatherings of Reiki practitioners to practice Reiki as a group. Some Reiki circles are exclusive, open only to trained Reiki practitioners. An exclusive Reiki Circle is a gathering where practitioners can let their hair down a bit. These circles are meant as occasions to socialize with other Reiki healers, support each other’s paths as healers, and to exchange Reiki treatments with one another.

Open Reiki Shares are invitational types of gatherings which allow the general public to come and experience Reiki in a group setting. Public circles are mainly intended to bring awareness to Reiki and to help educate anyone who is curious about learning about Reiki. These gatherings also help to promote Reiki practitioners as well as the benefits of reiki healing in the area.

Our mission with these shares is to offer people greater knowledge of and access to Reiki, a complementary healing practice whose primary benefits include relaxation and stress reduction. Through sharing the gift of Reiki, we hope to empower others in their journey as they seek balance and healing in their daily lives.

COST: By Donation
Suggested donation $10

*** RSVP’s requested. **** Dates and times subject to change.

RI: Jikiden Reiki Training in Shoden (Level I Training)

CLASS TIMES:  Friday,  7-9:30pm,    Saturday/Sunday 9:30am-6pm

Are you looking for ways to improve your quality of life, reduce stress and anxiety, remove toxicity from the body and guiding it towards wholeness?
The traditional standard treatment in our American healthcare system rarely looks at the “root cause” of our symptoms and treats only the symptom. Therefore, we rarely address and heal the underlying cause. Left untreated, it can manifest into illness.
Our bodies are designed and fully equipped to heal themselves. Reiki taps into those innate abilities.
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho”, which translates as “Usui treatment for the improvement of body and mind”.
Reiki supports the whole person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually while drilling down on specific issues. Jikiden Reiki® sessions focus on removing toxins from the body and guiding it towards wholeness.
Jikiden Reiki® is the “direct teaching” of Reiki presented with credibility and clarity from authentic Japanese lineage.
This lineage goes from Dr. Hayashi to Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi, Tadao’s (current President of Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai) mother, who learned Reiki in 1938. Because this lineage has not gone through Mrs. Takata, it lacks the Westernization of Reiki.
Learning reiki is easy and can be used in a home or clinical setting to enhance the health and emotional wellness of both self and others. It is also complementary with all other alternative or traditional medical treatments, and in non-invasive.
In these classes (called seminars), you will experience Reiki in its original beauty and simplicity as it was taught in Japan before it was brought to the west in the 1930’s. Because Jikiden Reiki is free from Western influence, it differs from “Western” style of Reiki in approach, attitude, and ideas. Its roots go back almost to the discovery of Reiki itself.
Who should take a Jikiden Reiki® Class?
Jikiden Reiki® is for anyone interested in learning Reiki and for current practitioners who wish to deepen their practice & understanding.

What you will discover:

  • It is unique – A Japanese Reiki with NO western ties.
  • It is much more than a relaxing therapy
  • A deep Jikiden Reiki® practice with a history of success with chronic illness as well as to address deep rooted beliefs, habits, traumas and addictions.
  • A proven approach that is safe and effective
  • An effective treatment option for alleviating pain, pre-op and post-op surgery recovery, anxiety, skin conditions and post-traumatic stress.
  • A simple, non-religious therapeutic treatment that works
  • Includes ideas and methods not previously taught in the West

♡ Accreditation through the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai (Institute) in Kyoto, Japan.  Certificates in Japanese are sent directly from the Institute in Kyoto, Japan.



Investment: $350

A $150 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit required to reserve your spot


For more information, please contact Laura or call 857-880-0365

Click here for more information about Jikiden Reiki® Services

Click here for more information about Jikiden Reiki® Training Classes.


To Register:

Please download and complete the registration form and mail back  2 weeks before class dates.

Click here for registration form. RI: JIKIDEN SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM

*** Due to class materials coming from Kyoto, Japan, deposits must be received no less than 30 days prior to class time. If you are registering within the 30 days, please inquire first availability.


Our seminar teacher is a certified Shihan through the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. She is a student of Frank Arjava Petter, Vice Chairman of the Jikiden Reiki® Institute who studied directly with Chiyoko Sensei and Tadao Yamaguchi, current chairman of the Jikiden Reiki® Institute. .

Laura has a background as a college educator, domestic abuse advocate, and allied health professional with a focus on trauma informed care.

She has over 15 cumulative years in the holistic and allopathic health fields and has incorporated reiki in her line of work since 2006. Laura brings her passion, compassion, and wit to assist in bringing out the best in you.

For more information about Laura, please visit our About Us page or go to her Reiki Blog 

Healing Trauma Through The System of Reiki at the Healthy Living Expo

Join Laura at the Healthy Living Magazine Conference & Expo on Sunday April 8th as a featured presenter.

TIME: 2-3pm in the Halifax Room

Trauma is not what you may think.

Have you endured unexplained or life lifelong symptoms?

Do you suffer from chronic illness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, physical pain or even cancer?

Did your symptom or illness manifest as the result of a past trauma?

The #metoo movement has done an amazing job at opening the doors on many fronts. Many are beginning to awaken and understand the reason they feel the way they do maybe due trauma – personal, generational, karmic and are finally searching for ways to address those innate needs.

Our bodies are miraculous beings fully equipped to heal themselves. Reiki taps into the body’s innate abilities.

However, when we experience trauma, such as an accident, natural disaster, loss, or even abuse, those abilities become significantly compromised. Although, we are taught that time heals all wounds, we are learning this is not always the case. Many times these traumas manifest years later.

The traditional standard treatment in our American healthcare system rarely looks at the “root cause” of our symptoms and treats only the symptom. Therefore, we rarely address and heal the underlying cause. Left untreated, it can manifest into illness.

What happened to you does not have to be a life sentence. Join Laura for powerful presentation and discover how the system of reiki can empower you, remove toxicity, restore wholeness and create a healthier you!

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho”, which translates as “Usui treatment for the improvement of body and mind”.

Reiki supports the whole person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually while drilling down on specific issues. Reiki is easy to learn and can be used in a home or clinical setting to enhance the health and emotional wellness of both self and others. It is also complementary with all other alternative or traditional medical treatments, and in non-invasive.

Jikiden Reiki® is the “direct” teaching of Reiki as it was taught in Japan before it was brought to the west in the 1930’s. Because Jikiden Reiki® is free from Western influence, it differs from “Western” style of Reiki in approach, attitude, and ideas.

Jikiden Reiki® sessions focus on removing toxins from the body and guiding it towards wholeness. It is known for its effective treatment of acute and chronic conditions, as well as to address deep rooted beliefs, habits, traumas and addictions. Reiki has been effective treatment option like alleviating pain, pre-op and post-op surgery recovery, anxiety, skin conditions and posttraumatic stress.

About the Presenter:

Laura Joseph is a survivor of abuse, speaker, healer, intuitive, writer and teacher. She has a background as a college educator and domestic abuse advocate with over 15 cumulative years of experience in healthcare with a focus on trauma informed care.

Laura has incorporated spiritually based holistic health practices such as reiki in her line of work since 2006 and is a Jikiden Reiki® Shihan

Laura frequently travels as a guest speaker at conferences and organizations on healing trauma through spiritually based and holistic based practices. Laura brings her empathy, passion, compassion, and wit to assist in bringing out the best in you.

Usui Reiki Level II Workshop

In Reiki II the focus is higher – in the emotional and mental bodies. Physical healing (learned in Reiki 1) means the clearing of disease and other negative physical body conditions. Emotional and mental healing means the clearing and revising of what the student thinks and feels.

Learn the Reiki symbols and how to use them in distance healing, scanning, and healing techniques. The use of these symbols increases the power and focus of the hands-on healing technique learned in Reiki I. This workshop will also continue with the knowledge learned in Reiki I including: meditation, chakra clearing, hands on healing, and grounding the energy.

You must have completed your Reiki Level I training and attunement to study Level II. Extensive notes & hands-on training. Expect change in your life with this workshop.

Tuition: $250 Resits: $100

** Prerequisites: Reiki Level 1 certification is required to take this course.

Testimonials About Reiki

“The Reiki one course was a unique and powerful experience and yet another opportunity to open the portals into the spiritual world. Laura walked us through the important aspects of the origin of Reiki, led each of us through the attunement process and gave us ample opportunity to practice what we had learned. She is a knowledgeable and a patience teacher….”

“…She is an awesome teacher and a beautiful soul!!!”

“It was an awesome learning experience…”

“I left my skeptism at the door because I’m curious if all I’ve known and all that I’ve had is really all that I’ll ever be…After just a couple visits I know I’m more…I’ve learned to cut the string of baggage past…”

“Without the help I have received here I do not know where I would be today or who I would be.”

TO REGISTER: Call/text 857-880-0365 or email us

♡♡ Please NOTE: There are different schools, thought, and practice. It is important to find a teacher who will give you all that you seek in your reiki studies and with whom you align with. For me, this is one of the most important elements in learning Reiki.

♡♡ This is not Jikiden Reiki which is a different Reiki style that is a deeper more traditional Japanese practice pre-Mrs.Takata. Please visit OR the Facebook event page for class dates and information


*Must have text book and copy of your certificate to qualify for discount. Add $30 for text book if it needs to be ordered.

Vibrational Healing Meditation w/ The Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan Singing Bowls have been used by Tibetan monks for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. These bowls create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out-of-harmony parts of the body, mind and soul.

Join us for an evening of healing and relaxation and discover the power of simple Meditation with the vibratory sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls. Stimulate a profound relaxation response that bypasses the brain and targets the cellular tissues directly inviting powerful positive quantum shifts in your body, mind, spirit and life.

Experience a powerful healing and spiritual encounter that can

  • stimulate a profound relaxation response,
  • increase clarity,
  • achieve greater inner peace,
  • generate greater healing,
  • enhance awareness,
  • provoke greater ability toward visualization,
  • balance your energy
  • and aid you in reaching goals.

Want to learn more?

Visit our Tibetan Bowl Healing Page

Check out our blog post:   Medical Study of the Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-Being


Retreats & Events

See what others are saying about this class:

“I have attended, one of Laura’s Reiki meditation and attunment evenings and came away feeling like a new person. The energy was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Thank you, Laura! I am truly grateful; you are so very gifted!”

See more testimonials, Click here 

FOR THE LATEST UPDATES, visit our Facebook Events Page

Please arrive 5-10min prior to start so there will not be any interruptions during meditation.

MOST classes are facilitated sitting NOT lying down.

Investment: $25 with registration with at least 24 hrs. Less than 24hrs is the drop in rate.

**To Register via paying cash at the event, click here.

** Please note that if you choose this option, and you do not show up nor cancel with a minimum 24 hrs notice, you will be required to pay in advance moving forward.

To Register via credit card, visit eventbrite here.

Drop ins: $30 (Cash Only – NO Venmo)


Our facilitator is Laura Joseph of Healing With Spirit. She has a private office located on the water in Hingham, Ma where she has been providing spiritually based holistic health enrichment services and classes since 2006.

Laura has been combining all her trainings over the years that have led her to facilitate this combination style meditation since 2008. She continues to grow and transform as to follow her spiritual purpose offering this style of meditation in her office, in groups, during retreats and women’s circles, as well as in corporate wellness programs.

To learn more about Laura, click here.

Reiki Vibrational Healing Meditation

Join us for an evening of healing and relaxation. We chose to do this just prior to our reiki share. You may come to one or join us for both.

Join us and discover how simple Meditation combined with a Reiki healing attunement and the vibratory sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls can bring about a powerful positive quantum shift in your life as well as stimulate a profound relaxation response.

The combined form of meditation is a powerful healing and spiritual experience that can bring about relaxation, clairvoyance, increased healing ability, enhanced awareness, greater ability toward visualization, balance your energy and aid you in reaching goals.

See what others are saying about this class:

“I have attended, one of Laura’s Reiki meditation and attunment evenings and came away feeling like a new person. The energy was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Thank you, Laura! I am truly grateful, you are so very gifted!”

See more testimonials, Click here.

To pre-register: Call 857-880-0365 or  Contact us. 


Please arrive 5-10min prior to start so there will not be any interruptions during meditation.

CANCELLED For August: Reiki Vibrational Healing Meditation

Join us for an evening of healing and relaxation. We chose to do this just prior to our reiki share. You may come to one or join us for both.

Join us and discover how simple Meditation combined with a Reiki healing attunement and the vibratory sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls can bring about a powerful positive quantum shift in your life as well as stimulate a profound relaxation response.

The combined form of meditation is a powerful healing and spiritual experience that can bring about relaxation, clairvoyance, increased healing ability, enhanced awareness, greater ability toward visualization, balance your energy and aid you in reaching goals.

See what others are saying about this class:

“I have attended, one of Laura’s Reiki meditation and attunment evenings and came away feeling like a new person. The energy was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Thank you, Laura! I am truly grateful, you are so very gifted!”

See more testimonials, Click here 

FOR THE LATEST UPDATES, visit our Facebook Events Page

Please arrive 5-10min prior to start so there will not be any interruptions during meditation.

To pre-register: Text RSVP to  857-880-0365 no later than 24hrs prior to class for $20 rate or Contact us


Reiki Vibrational Healing Meditation w/ The Tibetan Singing Bowls

Join us for an evening of healing and relaxation and discover how simple Meditation combined with a Reiki healing and precepts as well as the vibratory sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls can bring about a powerful positive quantum shift in your life as well as stimulate a profound relaxation response that bypasses the brain and targets the cellular tissues.

The combined form of meditation is a powerful healing and spiritual experience that can bring about relaxation, clairvoyance, increased healing, enhanced awareness, greater ability toward visualization, reduce stress, balance your energy and aid you in reaching goals.

We chose to do this just prior to our reiki share which begins at 7:15pm. You may come to one or join us for both.

Want to learn more?

Visit our Tibetan Bowl Healing Page

Check out our blog post:   Medical Study of the Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-Being


See what others are saying about this class:

“I have attended, one of Laura’s Reiki meditation and attunment evenings and came away feeling like a new person. The energy was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Thank you, Laura! I am truly grateful, you are so very gifted!”

See more testimonials, Click here 

FOR THE LATEST UPDATES, visit our Facebook Events Page

Please arrive 5-10min prior to start so there will not be any interruptions during meditation.

To pre-register: Text RSVP to  857-880-0365 no later than 24hrs prior to class for $20 rate or Contact us for more information.