Triggers & Spiritual Medicine #12: Addressing the Mindset and Roots to Clutter

Welcome to Episode 12 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on “Addressing the Mindset and Roots to Clutter” with Declutter Expert, Krystal Holm

In this episode we dig in the roots that causes clutter.  Like why is it so hard for some of us to declutter?

Why do we sometimes run away or avoid decluttering? Why is history of unresolved trauma linked to clutter?

We talk about how the mind affects our external environments and why addressing the internal clutter, can help with the external. We talk about the blocks, attachments to things, causes, and offer tips on how to move past it so you can free yourself from the clutter that is robbing you of your freedom.


Krystal is a Feng Shui Master, Interior Designer, Clutter Expert, & trauma survivor who helps work-from-home entrepreneurs turn their spaces into offices they love to work in (even if they suck at it). Using her proprietary framework, The Designed Life Method℠ Mind, Body, Soul, Home, she helps her clients declutter and design a workspace that empowers them to create the life & business that they want.

Krystal shows women how to use their workspace as a 3D vision board to help them design who they are becoming & the life they want with it, right into their space.

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For more information on this podcast or other offerings with Healing With Spirit:


Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.


Harness & Master The Secrets To Your POWER in 2022

Learn the mechanics of HOW and transform your life in this 3 part interactive experiential virtual workshop series

If you clicked on a link and you are reading this, there is a reason. Thank you and thank yourself too (you will be glad you did).

Let’s uncover what’s blocking you from BE-ing in your full power, and harness it with simple easy to learn time tested exercises backed by a facilitator with immense personal & professional experience of almost 20 years.

Heal old stories & trauma (personal, generational, karmic & past life) stealing your joy, purpose, and life. Learn HOW to turn triggers into super powers.

This is a three part interactive experiential virtual workshop series NOT a lecture series that is designed to help you make breakthroughs you have been seeking but maybe never considered THIS as a possibility.

This event is NOT pre-recorded. This event is a LIVE interactive experiential virtual event on Zoom.

We will dive deep in the operating systems of our subconscious minds to reveal what needs upgrading or purging preventing us from BE-ing in the fullness of our power..

This program comes at a time where the craziness of the world perpetuates more divide and harm knowingly or unknowingly avoiding the key root issues.

Are you ready to change and up level yourself?

Join me and learn how to harness & master these three super powers.

We chose these dates with the 1st New Moon of 2022 on January 2, 2022 at the start of our course and the 1st Full Moon of 2022 is on January 17, 2022 at the completion of our course.

This is a GREAT course to kick off the new year with 2 POWERFUL moon cycles to start the year off strong and the timing can not be more perfect with this moon cycle.

This course also makes a GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT to ask for or give as a gift to someone you love this holiday season.

Who This Program Is For:

This program is anyone called to it for whatever reason and/or for those

  • seeking deep guidance, direction and breakthroughs through a series of experientials.
  • who feel like they are doing everything right, but not matter what they “do”, they can’t seem to make the breakthroughs they are seeking. They want to understand what is missing and make a change.
  • for those who want to improve outcomes, results, and manifestations.
  • who want to break cycles, but don’t know how because everything else they tried has not worked or worked effectively enough.
  • who are struggling with triggered responses

Part 1: The POWER of the Word

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

7-9pm (NY-EST)

 (1st New Moon of 2022 on January 2, 2022)

Words have energy do they not?

If you are saying to yourself right now, “yeah yeah yeah. I have heard this. I do this work. I have done affirmations and mantras.” I want to challenge you. Let’s uncover what is unseen buried in the subconscious mind through a series of experientials.

Words have spiritual power is also what makes gaslighting so effective to create harm, but why haven’t we mastered the power of the word to empower us? Learn what is missing and how to harness this simple power to breakthrough imaginary walls and empower our very BEing.

We will use some very simple Japanese concepts rooted in Shinto teachings. There is a reason why Japan did NOT have a written language until Buddhist was imported in 4th century.

Part 2: The POWER of the Pause

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

7-9pm (NY-EST)

The RBG Superpower
This is the most widely known concept, but the most misunderstood. Shift the power of the word and shift the energy driving it by learning not just to pause, but learn how to master the pause.

Bring clarity into the problem and identify HOW you can move towards an effective solution.

Learn what is missing and how to harness this simple power. THIS was the power that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) mastered that enabled her to win five our of six supreme court cases. Are you ready?

Part 3: The POWER of Processing

Tuesday, January 18th

7-9pm (NY-EST)

(1st Full Moon of 2022 is January 17th)

Feel. Understand. Let Go.
How many times have you heard “just let go and move on” Well if we knew HOW to do this effectively, we would, right?

Emotions are energy in motion.  This is a step I witness most folks wanting to avoid, escape from, or numb ourselves from.  Learn why this is a crucial step that is needed and why processing our junk effectively matters.

By Learning HOW to effectively process our “stuff”, we gain clarity. We gain understanding. We make sense of things. We deal with our “stuff” in a healthier way so it is NOT running like a toxic operating system running in the background of our minds sabotaging our efforts.

How we process starts with our own tool box.

Join us an learn HOW.

Are you ready?

About Your Facilitator:

Laura Joseph is New England native located just south of Boston. She goes by the pronouns she/her. She is a seasoned multi-generational healer, speaker, intuitive, holistic health practitioner, educator, truth seeker, social justice junkie, trauma survivor, trauma recovery specialist, seer, & earth based medicine woman.

Laura is currently working on getting certified in addictions counseling and is learning every day through various teachers on the topics of privilege, anti-racism, diversity, inclusion and decolonizing the mindset.

What started out as trying to learn how to fix the broken me after succession of various form of abuse Laura endured culminated by domestic violence, let to her career practicing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment since 2006.

This program is born out of the accumulation of teachings, personal growth, healing & recovery and her professional experience helping thousands of others in their path.

What is NEXT?

Investment: Special Limited Time Offering $199 (Savings of $50)

Patreon Member? Get up to 40% off. Click here to learn how to become a member today

To Register go to Eventbrite here.

Limited scholarships available. To qualify, please write a one page paper as why you need the scholarship, your commitment to self development, Why you feel this workshop could help you and what you hope to gain, and attach any supporting documentation or reference. Click here to inquire

Not sure if you are ready?

Timing bad?

Want to do this NEXT time?

Stay in the loop and click here.


Are You Planting Seeds This Spring Equinox?

A good morning start with the medicine of mourning dove and crow as my natural morning alarm system.  What a magical way to begin my day.  Both birds have been very strong personal totems for me communicating messages to me in the areas of love, divinity, and magic for many years.

I saw this fallen tree pictured in the graphic on a hike I went on a while ago and was amazed at the resiliency and survival instincts. We can learn so much about ourselves cradled in the arms of nature.

March has sure come charging in a lion and has no slowing down in sight to exit as a lamb. You feeling this? If you live in New England, you may have certainly been feeling this.

Today marks the vernal equinox or otherwise known as the spring equinox. For some this day may seem insignificant, but for others, it marks the return to light as well as for rebirth, new beginnings, and fresh starts and has been celebrated by almost every native culture across the globe.

So TODAY, I am reminded with this message that came to me during my morning meditation.

“As I release the dead of winter, I plant heirloom seeds for the future I envision.  Today, I nurture my soul.”

So I am curious, how are you using the energies of today to nurture your soul?

Feeling the need for more guidance or direction?  You may also want to check out the Card For The Day to help guide you further today and days to come.

Happy Spring Equinox. Be sure to nurture you and the soul you ARE.

With lots of love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer


To schedule a private reading in person or via phone, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me