A Personal Message For Those Interested in Learning Reiki or Receiving Reiki

Want to meet or join a reiki healing community?
Interested in knowing more about reiki as part of your self healing?

Want to learn how to do reiki either on yourself or others?

My goal is to help make this world a better place, and help others find their own magnificence and healing within.

As Glenda from the Wizard of Oz would say “you’ve had the power all along my dear”

As someone who worked in the healthcare industry most of my life, I used to get frustrated at where we were headed. This frustration stemmed from patients thinking a pill or vaccine will fix everything including viruses to doctors treating your parts and symptoms not root causes. I’ve dedicated the last 9 yrs to studying and learning holistic therapies and alternatives.

Reiki has by far made the greatest impact in my life personally, and what I’ve seen reiki do for others is like watching your child take their first step. It’s utter magnificent.

I’ve worked on clients with cancer, trauma associated with abuse, spinal stenosis, arthritic pain, eczema, stress, anxiety, ptsd, insomnia, addictions, bad habits and so forth.

I’ve studied Western Usui Reiki with the influence of Mrs. Takata and I use William Lee Rand’s teaching materials.

I’m currently studying other forms of reiki with the emphasis on the “original” non westernized form of reiki with Jikiden Reiki being the primary focus. I was fortunate to have studied with Frank “Arjava” Petter, who is the Vice President of the Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto, Japan.

Along the way, I’ve been honored and blessed to have met some amazing people who have changed my life forever.

My goal in teaching reiki comes from the heart teaching what I’ve learned to help you become empowered and understand we all have the power to heal. Like our founder, Mikao Usui, I focus on the individual needs of the student. Are there guidelines on what to focus on? Yes, but how it is taught changes.

If you are interested in learning more, feel free to private message me or visit www.laurahealingwithspirit.com
Here is a list of upcoming fall dates for upcoming reiki healing days, reiki shares, and reiki certification classes in Hingham, MA
(dates subject to change. Please email us for confirmation):
Open Reiki Share and Healing Day
Dates: Sunday, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15 starting at 3pm.
First come first serve by donation.
Open to practitioners of any lineage who would like to share and exchange and anyone interested in receiving reiki or learning more about how reiki can help with self healing. …


Open Reiki Share and Healing Day
Dates: Monday, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7 starting at 7pm.


First come first serve by donation.
Open to practitioners of any lineage who would like to share and exchange and anyone interested in receiving reiki or learning more about how reiki can help with self healing. …

Reiki Healing Guided Meditaion and Attunement:

Dates: Monday, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7 starting at 6pm.


Registration required

Reiki Level I Workshop and Certification
Sunday, October 11th from 10am-6pm
Open to anyone interested in learning this wonderful Japanese healing modality. Level I focuses on the physical plane. Learn the history of reiki, its various applications of use, hand on techniques, the importance of practicing reiki, receive an attunement, learning the reiki precepts and why they are important and more. Text book included. Lots of hands on training. Recerts available at discount.

Reiki Level II Workshop and Certification
Sunday, November 1st from 10am-6pm
Open to anyone who wishes to progress their reiki training to the next level who have successfully completed Reiki Level I training. Reiki II focuses on the mental plane. Learn the Reiki symbols, receive an attunement to reiki, learn additional tools and training in the applications of use, and additional hands on training. Recerts available at a discount.

Want to learn reiki, but unable to attend these workshops? Inquire about private individual reiki training or retraining.

For more information about services, events, or reiki classes, please visit www.healingwithspirit.webs.com or private message us.

I look forward to sharing reiki with you.

Reiki on …
Breathe Reiki
Live reiki
Be reiki

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.


It’s All How We Perceive Our World – A Message From The Divine

There have been lots of synchronistic events and transitions over the past week with an overwhelming feeling of “Have Faith”. Can you feel it?

All these shifts seemed to have started beginning with the Summer Solstice followed by many solar flares. For me personally, I have experienced an extraordinary amount of synchronistic events with the “faith” theme beginning to sound like a skipping record. Does that resonate with you?

Love this
(c) Karen Salmansohn

These shifts seemed to come in like waves of energy bursting bubbles, shifting the sands, removing what no longer is necessary, and freeing us to move into our soulful path.

So with these shifts, I decided to move outside my teaching comfort zone, which can be quite structured and regimented, and listened to Spirit in regards to the planning of my most recent Reiki Continuing Education Class.

Since we had a small group, I decided to take a chance and do the first portion of the class blending reiki continuing education with the energies from the Jade Buddha for Universal Peace that was visiting us until the following day before it was shipped to its final destination in Australia.

2015 Reiki Continuation Group at the
Jade Buddha For Universal Peace
As nervous as I was about doing this at this location, with wandering thoughts of

“What will people think”,

“Will I or the class be effective there”

“Will I be able to convey the history of reiki with its roots to Buddhism”

“Will I be able to get my students to feel the kind of energies at that location with a definite purpose”

These feelings and thoughts by the way, neither of my students know until now. What I learned was to get out of my own way, and have faith in what Spirit was showing me, because this posed an opportunity for all of us to grow spiritually.

What a great decision to come here that day for 1st part of the class. Tomorrow is the last day before it heads to Australia.

What an incredible day it was with lots of reiki energy, reiki healing, reiki love, and just being reiki. I worked myself up for no reason, but quickly recognized that and “chose” to listen and follow spirit.

We brought our Tibetan bowls to be used to start off the day, and we were graced by the presence founding Buddhist Monk of this site in Abington, MA. His words of wisdom he gave us and his use of the bowls were priceless and synchronistic.

Where am I going with all this?

My own schedule lately has been quite a hectic one and I have my problems too like everyone else, but the only difference between all of us is how we perceive what is around us, what is in us, what moves through us and how we react to situations, people and things.

I wanted to share with you my morning experience with a message behind it.

Within minutes of walking to my car, I experienced some beautiful magic. Between these beautiful flowers filled with honey bees, my three turkey visitors, and my very vocal cardinal friend, who could ask for a better start to the day.

My trio of visitors as I left the house.
What a beautiful start to the day.
Thank you Great Spirit for this day.
Photo (c) 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit

Everything in our life is all how we perceive our world. We all experience challenges, but it is how we face them and view them is what makes all the difference.

(I apologize in advance for the language, but felt it was important to drive home the message) Everyone is either in a shit storm, just getting out of a shit storm, or currently in a shit storm.

I could have chose to think, feel , and say things like:

“I am broke and life sucks”

“I have no place that I can call home”

“I hate my job”

“My family doesn’t appreciate me”

“I hate the way I look”

“I am not good enough”

“What’s wrong with me”

However, I didn’t. Do any of those things sound familiar? Are you laughing right now at how silly the things we say to ourselves? Ok are you at least smiling? Those are things, thoughts, and words I use to say to myself daily, but made a conscious decision to stop doing that.

I choose to be grateful and appreciate everything. The day we make that choice, is the day we begin to create new neuropathways in the brain. With new neuropathways, we create new habits and thoughts and life begins to change.

We can be a victim of our circumstance or we can rise above. We choose how we view the circumstances in our lives and how we react to them.

Don’t be a victim of circumstance. Champion above them.

I believe in you.

I have faith in you.

It I didn’t, we would not be connected – regardless of how much or how little. We are connected.

I remember when it down poured the other day, I saw many posts saying things like:

“Ugggg my weekend is ruined”

“this sucks, cuz I can’t go to the beach”

However, I saw the much needed rain after the week of divine synchronicities and messages, as an opportunity. This was an opportunity to go within. This soaking rhythms of the rain provided us a gift for the opportunity to listen to the soul.

Remember, the Universe is constantly providing us with opportunities. We just need to be open to see it and take notice so we can act. The biggest challenge many times is getting in our own way and not going with the flow of the Universe, which is a theme that has been carried through since the year 2015 began. So, get out of your own way and begin living the way of your soul. What do you have to lose?

So be mindful of your thoughts. None of us are immune. Change takes time and discipline and above all faith.

You ARE capable. Have FAITH!  As the wizard would tell Dorothy:

 “You have had the power all along my dear”

#‎Thoughtfortoday‬: focus on faith not fear.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on my writing as it helps me help you.

Have an enlightening day. Namaste

A gift from spirit sent to you with light and love,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

A Period Of Transformation and Transiton

Posted September 29, 2014

How quickly did the summer go?

This past summer was fun, exciting, yet challenging. It was quite polarizing. It gave us a lot to work on. Gave us challenges and if you did your work, it revealed a lot to us. We are all in a process of transformation. How are you embracing it?

On of the themes that seemed to keep emerging was about faith especially in the areas surrounding fear and love. Many of the reiki sessions, holistic health sessions, and readings seemed to have revealed the common themes. Many of us had and may still be having our faith challenged. However, in order to have love, you can not have fear. Fear and love can not coexist.

The Universe is reminding us to always have faith especially during times of great distress, because the minute you lose faith is the time you have lost the miracle you have been waiting for. Always have faith because with faith, anything is possible.

In my last newsletter, I talked about being called to open your heart to the ocean of dreams … to step outside the box and live a little. To enjoy living as it is a matter of perspective. Did you?

This is a time to set your spirit free and soar to new heights. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. So let the magic begin. Time to let go of control a bit. You just might surprise yourself by discovering things about yourself or others you may not have seen through different eyes. So, be in your power.

We are all in a period of transformation and transition. Embrace it. A lot of the readings over the past month or so as well as direct messages from Spirit have brought new meaning to “the world is your oyster”. It is time to light your fire and get moving. Don’t forget to have fun in the process. Have a blessed day!

With lots of love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

© 2010-2014 Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.