TSM Episode 37: Getting to the Roots: Healing, Growth, and Overcoming Obstacles

Welcome to Episode 37 of “Triggers and Spiritual Medicine” with your host  Laura Bonetzky-Joseph of Healing With Spirit and Healing Trauma Through Spirit.

In this episode Laura dives into addressing, getting into the roots and shares:
– a few metaphor examples of what these roots can look like,
– how they represent the foundation of everything—whether it’s physical health, emotional well-being, personal growth, or problem-solving.
– Understanding the Rootstraumat
– What “getting to the roots” means in different contexts (e.g., mental health, physical health, spiritual well-being)
– Why addressing surface-level symptoms isn’t enough such as addressing the root cause of stress rather than just managing stress symptoms.
– Address common misconceptions such as thinking short-term solutions will solve deep-seated issues.
-Addressing cultural conditioning,  toxic capitalist structures as a root
– Getting to the roots in healing physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
– The importance of identifying and processing deep-seated emotions
– Exploring spiritual and soul roots and the role of spiritual beliefs and practices in addressing underlying issues.
– Getting to the roots in growth personally & professionally
– Understanding your core beliefs and values as the foundation for personal growth.
– The importance of deepening connections and understanding the root of conflicts or misunderstandings in relationships.
– Discuss how to identify the underlying causes of recurring challenges in life.

In the end Laura offers practical strategies for addressing and overcoming obstacles at their root with at least 3 actionable steps you can employ today to begin “getting to the roots” in their own lives.

Additional Resources:
“The Secrets To Healing” by Laura Bonetzky-Joseph, (https://www.amazon.com/stores/Laura-Bonetzky-Joseph/author/B09QMVSW7Y?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true)

Dr. Jessica Taylor (https://www.drjessicataylor.com/)

Dr Emma Katz (https://dremmakatz.com/)

TSM Episode 33: A Reiki Journey with Mari Okazaki

Welcome to Episode 33 of Triggers And Spiritual Medicine with Laura Bonetzky-Joseph, your host and special guest, Mari Okazaki talking about her Reiki journey.

In this episode, Mari shares her story of how she discovered Reiki in her life. As a Japanese woman living in Canada with a very sick infant, she talks about how Reiki changed her life and how she continues to share her journey and teachings now that she lives in Japan.

So, join us as Mari shares not only her wisdom but also three practical tips for bringing Reiki into your life. Let’s embark together on this journey of transformative healing energy!

About Mari

Mari is a full-time Reiki practitioner who has been offering Reiki sessions in her home studio on a daily basis since 2006. She also regularly teaches Jikiden Reiki® Shoden (Level 1) and Okuden (Level 2) Certification classes, as well as Shihankaku (assistant teacher) classes upon request.

Originally from Nagasaki, Japan, Mari now resides in both Chilliwack, BC, Canada, and Nagasaki, Goto, Japan.

She is one of the office staff at the Jikiden Reiki Institute and has been working as an organizer and translator for the Jikiden Reiki® Vancouver seminar since 2008, traveling to Halifax with Mr. Tadao Yamaguchi, the Co-founder of the Jikiden Reiki Institute. She continues to use Reiki to help her family, friends, and herself.

Since 2023, Mari has been living in Japan and helping to spread the teaching of Reiki in its birthplace.

To learn more about this podcast, Triggers and Spiritual Medicine, click here.