The past couple weeks have been nuts say the least. Do you agree? There have been many blessings, but many catastrophic tragedies here in the United States and abroad.
Like many of you I have felt a huge sense of emotional fluxuations over the atrocities we have been hearing about all over the world. Spirit has compelled me to share the peace and healing with as many people as I can reach here, in person, or social media to create positive ripples of prayer, faith, and healing. Hope you will join me in promoting healing.
I started yesterday morning sending great healing to mother earth after hearing the catastrophic earthquake and aftershocks in Nepal …. The chaos currently happening is devastating to say the least to so many and to have so many in short period of time is a sign to pay attention.
There is lots of activity in the Pacific with the devastating earthquake in Nepal …
The eruption of the volcano in Chile …
The catastrophic storms the ripped through Australia …
The continuation of violence here in the United States and across the globe, but especially Baltimore, Maryland right now…. Baltimore is crying out and many people are in pain. Violence does not and has not solved any conflicts. Never has and never will. Only peace can.
This is not to mention the new massive cauldron building under Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming that is 11x the size of the previous discovery. If Yellowstone blows, we are all in a lot of trouble. Do you realize that?
We are being sent messages from the Universe to extremes. Have you been listening or have you been making excuses as to why you can not do something? If you have been
following my posts, you will know what I have been speaking of.
Photo and Design: Laura Healing With Spirit
Questions to ask yourself
- Are you following your soulful path?
- If you have been praying and asking for help, are you opening yourself up to receive?
- Are you reacting to current events with peace in your heart or anger and rage? This can not be peace in one area and anger in another as each of these are lessons for us to learn.
- Are you mindful of your actions and reactions?
- Have you let go of people, situations, and things that no longer serve you for your highest and best? aka those so called energy vampires.
- Are you paying attention to yourself, inner workings, and your surroundings?
We ALL need to stop and think about how we either show our Mother Earth love or do we abuse her. I keep feeling a lot of what’s happening in the Pacific has a lot to do with her being upset at all the nuclear waste from Fukushima that is poisoning our oceans, sea life and everything else it comes in contact with not to mention our continuation as a species to abuse her and each other as well as all the other atrocities …. Some may call this the beginning of the end of the world. Others say it is Armageddon. I say it is a wake up call for us to choose how we are going to evolve.
Many have lost faith and their path. I discuss this to some degree in my last post in Spirituality and Your Health where I discuss my experiences after the Boston Marathon bombing. At that time of the Marathon bombing, I was teaching medical classes at a local college near the Marathon finish line. Classes were cancelled that day because of the marathon. I wrote about my experiences of that tragic day and the subsequent events that followed. My journey Boston Strong was quite a spiritual one with many revelations.
We hear so many times about the power of prayer and healing, and many of us I believe sometime doubt how powerful it really is. Well I can attest to you the overwhelming feeling I was experiencing at the growing memorial site was just that. I wish everyone could have felt and experienced the immense love, prayers, healing, and unity on a global scale at the newly developing and growing memorial site that I experienced that day. Words
cannot describe it. It can only be felt.
So I ask you to PLEASE be more mindful of your choices, thoughts, decisions, prayers. We are ALL in this together. None of us are immune. We all know what it feels like when another person or situation takes takes takes from us to point we are depleted and energetically exhausted.
Just like we’ve been undergoing lots of changes, so has Mother Earth. Let’s show Mother Earth we are united together to heal her, and we will no longer abuse her nor each other. Let’s help her transition more smoothly than what she has been showing us lately.
Can I please ask we send our Mother Earth healing, ask for prayers for healing, and begin with ourselves? #Peace peace peace … I pray for peace and it starts with me. It’s an internal job creating peaceful ripples of love outward and onward into the world and the Universe.
Here is a healing prayer to start with:
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: “Infinite God of love and light, our country and our planet is in crisis. Many of your children are currently going through a healing crisis at this current time and are in desperate need of your divine help. So many of your children are confused and blinded by greed, self interests, and conflict.
We desperately need your guidance now more than ever to help us see what is needed to create peace, balance, ad liberty for all life on Earth. Help us find the path to work together instead of conflict in order to find the solutions we need for all life.
Please send the necessary Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides and whatever reinforcements needed to assist us in this matter. Please shower us and bathe us with love and healing light. Help us see and acknowledge the necessary changes needed to restore our world. May all the healers and lightworkers unite together sending healing energy throughout the world that is so strong it pulverizes any dis-ease, evil, and negativity in its path.
We ask you to invoke the violet flame to permeate every cell, molecule, and spaces in between in through and around us beginning with us and expanding the healing light outwards encompassing our Mother Earth transmuting all misguided energies. We ask of this with much gratitude and love. Thank you Great Spirit for your assistance in this matter. Have a blessed day.” – Laura Healing With Spirit
Please share this post and let the peace and healing spread far and wide. Namaste. As always, I would love to hear about your experiences. Please leave your feedback as it helps me help you. Have a blessed day.
Laura Healing With Spirit,
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements – Fundraisers – Events – Classes – Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent