Wisdom Of The Stormy Seas

We can learn so much from nature if we just stop, pause and listen to the ancient wisdoms, divine voice, etc. I went to the beach after an early morning appointment and could not believe my eyes with the raging seas day 4 AFTER the major storm that devastated this region.

So I stopped and paused.

Listened to the waves and channeled this message:

Mother Earth is sure pissed.
She breathes.
She lives.
“Why don’t they see me”, she says
” Why don’t they feel me” with each wave crashing over
“Don’t they hear my tears”?

She’s making her stance
Letting humanity know that abusing her is no longer tolerated.

“Abuse me”, she says
“And I will reclaim all the gifts  I’ve given you”.

Change is imminent.
What does man do now?
Does he hear her cries?
Does he feel her pain?
Mother Earth is pissed.

As she cleanses herself of man’s trash from the depths of the raging seas
She helps cleanse My soul.

I feel you.
You and I are one.
Feed me and I will teach respect.
Cleanse me and I will be your voice
Nourish me and I will teach your wisdoms.

What do we do from here?
Can man see beyond?
See beyond the minute
Thank you.
I hear you.
I feel you.
I align with you.”


I love it when I receive messages from the divine.

Hope what is given here serves as food for thought as we go through our “busy” day, to remember how connected we are to our Mother Earth, and to align with her.

We are experiencing a great opportunity, a paradigm shift. That shift which is fundamental when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.

Our Mother Earth is alive and breathing. Despite all the technology that is supposed to keep us connected, we are more disconnected than ever. When we connect with our Mother Earth, we connect to our own BE-ing and essence.

Remember she lives. She breathes. Take a moment and connect to her. Take 5 minutes and feel her.

In case you missed it, please check out my 2018 cosmic forecast:  “A Year of Magic, Miracles, Paradoxes, Social Justice, and Opportunities. PLUS, 5 Tips To Guide You in 2018” 

Have a beautiful day,


Copy right 2018. Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit.  All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

I love trees. They have so much to say if we quiet the mind and listen to their wisdom. ..There is such beauty in the storm. We just have to shift our perspective a bit and open our eyes to see. .Today’s tree message: ..”I reach to the sky with my extended branches. Catching each snowflake andLetting it melt into my bark. ..My roots are nourished asI drink up and quench my thirst.I extend my reach undergroundTo brace myself in these winds.My trunk holds me steady As I ride out this stormBalancing my branches aboveAnd my roots below. ..I provide you nourishment tooAnd provide you with the air you breathe.Why have you forsaken me?Do not see my intrinsic value? ..We are connectedYou and IDon’t you see?Don’t you see?Respect meLove meNourish meAnd I will provide for you

I love trees. They have so much to say if we quiet the mind and listen to their wisdom. .
There is such beauty in the storm. We just have to shift our perspective a bit and open our eyes to see. .
Today’s tree message: .
“I reach to the sky 
with my extended branches. 
Catching each snowflake and
Letting it melt into my bark. .
My roots are nourished as
I drink up and quench my thirst.
I extend my reach underground
To brace myself in these winds.

My trunk holds me steady 
As I ride out this storm
Balancing my branches above
And my roots below. .
I provide you nourishment too
And provide you with the air you breathe.
Why have you forsaken me?
Do not see my intrinsic value? .
We are connected
You and I
Don’t you see?
Don’t you see?

Respect me
Love me
Nourish me
And I will provide for you

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This whole year is about stepping into your power and manifesting what it is you came here to do from the point of soul.March is a BIG transition month. Are you ready? Are you stepping into your power? Or is something deep inside you causing some sort of resistance preventing you from being all you can be?Join us March 31st and learn how to bless your junk and take back your life. ..Visit our calender at www.laurahealingwithspirit.com for details

This whole year is about stepping into your power and manifesting what it is you came here to do from the point of soul.

March is a BIG transition month. Are you ready? 
Are you stepping into your power? Or is something deep inside you causing some sort of resistance preventing you from being all you can be?

Join us March 31st and learn how to bless your junk and take back your life. .
Visit our calender at www.laurahealingwithspirit.com for details

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Today’s storm is reflective of the storm that is raging within ALL of us as a collective every time we attempt to bury, hide, ignore the shadows that want to rise. ..Our human egos get in the way to this cleansing process..Bringing the shadows to light (although can be a painful process like the storm outside) transmutes traumas and everything else that may be buried whether it’s our own junk, generational junk or traumas, or karmic “stuff”. We, the feminine collective, must stay on the path and do THIS work as it creates a path TO peace.My heart says stay on the path and dont let the “distractions” steer you off. Are you feeling this too?Join us March 31st to Learn How To Bless Your Junk and Take Back Your Life Back NOW. Registration is NOW OPEN. ..Click: http://laurahealingwithspirit.com/event/learn-how-to-bless-your-junk-take-your-power-back-now/ for class details and registration

Today’s storm is reflective of the storm that is raging within ALL of us as a collective every time we attempt to bury, hide, ignore the shadows that want to rise. .
Our human egos get in the way to this cleansing process.
Bringing the shadows to light (although can be a painful process like the storm outside) transmutes traumas and everything else that may be buried whether it’s our own junk, generational junk or traumas, or karmic “stuff”. We, the feminine collective, must stay on the path and do THIS work as it creates a path TO peace.

My heart says stay on the path and dont let the “distractions” steer you off. Are you feeling this too?

Join us March 31st to Learn How To Bless Your Junk and Take Back Your Life Back NOW. Registration is NOW OPEN. .
Click: https://laurahealingwithspirit.com/event/learn-how-to-bless-your-junk-take-your-power-back-now/ for class details and registration

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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit

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Surrender To Self Care and Nurture Your Soul RETREAT

Feeling depleted? Overwhelmed? Stressed? It is time to press pause. Let go of your obligations and responsibilities just for one day to replenish and tickle your soul. You ready to take some “you time”?

Women hold the medicine our world needs. Join us for a full day surrendering into self-care, journeying into self-discovery, nurturing your soul, and community.  Spend the day with us pampering the soul and lifting your spirit. This is about YOU.

This retreat is designed to help you create a deeper awareness and connection to the inner wisdom in a very nurturing environment.

Get back to you … Your authentic you.

Here is a small taste of your day:

  • A deeper discovery into self through an enrichment circle
  • Self-care and soul-fillment experientials
  • Renewal and reflection with Journaling and Creative Arts
  • Spiritual journeys of self-discovery and exploration in nature (earth, wind, fire, water)
  • Reiki vibrational healing meditationwith the Tibetan Singing Bowls
  • Quiet time in nature
  • Connect with like-minded community
  • Get out of your mind and into your body and heart through conscious movement, music, dance, and energetic explorations of a Journey Dance* guided by Deneen McQueen
  • Healthy lunch, light snacks, and water provided.

Empower yourself and your soul. This will be a powerful interactive day with built in quiet time to go within. You will no doubt leave more empowered and living more in vibrational alignment with your authentic truth. 

What previous attendees had to say:

“Highly recommend”
“Love it. An Awesome day! Thank you.”
“I loved the bowls (OMG)”

“This was the best retreat I have been to and I go to a lot.”

“Others should know how relaxed and calm you will feel.”

“This retreat exceeded my expectations”.

“I loved it all – enough movement & contemplation – nicely balanced!”

“I thoroughly enjoyed Laura’s ability to guide me back to my inner self and appreciate me for all that I am.”

“Laura has a unique ability to guide attendees and help them become more in tune with themselves. She helps all see the beauty within and gives the tools to continue the work on your your own and carry it forward.”

“The journey dance experience was extraordinary”

What To Bring:

  • Dress comfortable with wear loose, easy to move in clothing for movement, but be mindful  and suitable of weather
  • Yoga mat
  • Comfortable shoes for movement and nature
  • Wear/Bring socks or bare feet for journey dance
  • A pen or colored pencils
  • Something for our sacred space (sage, flowers, herbs, crystals, etc)
  • Optional: Something to share with others for goodie bag (samples, biz coupons, etc)
  • An open mind
  • A smile

Retreat time:

Doors Open: 8:00 am

Social Gathering, Creative Time: 8am

Retreat:  8:30 am-5pm (with breaks for snack and lunch)

*About This Event’s Journey Dance Portion:

Get out of your mind and into your body and heart through conscious movement, music, dance, and the energetic explorations of JourneyDance.

Through a combination of dance, expressive arts, sacred drama, supportive mentoring, and contemplative process guided by Deneen McQueen, discover how to live your life with enthusiasm, passion, and purpose.

All are welcome to become part of this vibrant community and share this journey of self-exploration and self-acceptance.  Absolutely no dance experience necessary!


Local accommodations at Nantasket Beach Resort located approximately 1-2mi from the retreat. On the beach with swimming pool and spa. Private units complete with fireplaces.


To Register:

Option 1:  Please mail a check made payable to “Laura Joseph” and mail to Cohasset Medical, Att: Laura, 256 Hull St, Hingham, MA 02043. Put in subject line Oct Retreat with email address.  

Option 2: Pay online via eventbrite. Click here to pay with credit card.


$175    –  Healthy lunch, coffee, tea, water and snacks included

Plus, goodie bag for each attendee, raffle, custom notebook, and more.

For latest updates, please check out our Facebook Event by clicking here.

RI: Spring Health and Wellness Fair

Laura from Healing With Spirit will be available at the Spring Health and Wellness Fair in Rhode Island as an exhibitor and she will be doing a Mediumship Demonstration at 4:15pm.

This event is FREE to the public.

For more information about the event, please click here

5 Reasons Why You Need To Bless Your Junk

This series “Today I Bless My Junk” has been quite the challenge for me. However, I feel if I am to convey a certain message, I choose to be raw, real and authentic seeing all of me with an unaltered video.

Here is part four in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk”. In this video I go into the “WHY” we need to bless our junk  especially during these intense energetic times as part of the today I bless my junk series.

We all have junk … Do we not?

We all have junk lurking in our shadows … in our closets … in the depths of our minds. We don’t know what to do with something and what do we do? We put it in the closet? Right? Then when our closet gets full, we gasp and avoid dealing with the closet. Sound familiar?

Why the #metoo and #timesup movements are important


Survivors of abuse who have once been silenced are now being heard in ways unprecedented. This is BIGGER than we know and could ever imagine and goes far beyond what has happened with abuse survivors. It transcends into race, culture, economics, religion, and more.


What does it mean to bless your junk?

To bless your junk means to take all the pain, hurt, trauma, betrayals, etc and transform it for wholeness, happiness, prosperity, and success.

According to the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, a blessing is “a thing conducive to happiness or welfare”. A blessing endowed power for prosperity and success.

Foreword- Tigger Alert – Triggers can happened in sometimes the most unpredictable ways.  Be aware of what triggers you. If by any reason you find this video triggering. I encourage you to stop and pause a moment before you continue. 

In this video:

  • What is the junk?
  • The paradigm shift
  • Importance of the #metoo movement
  • What does it mean to bless your junk
  • 5 reasons why to bless your junk

Take a Class

Please join us March 31st for our next class on “Learn How To Bless Your Junk and Take Back Your Power Now” at a great low introductory rate. Please visit our calender event for details.




  Other Videos in the Video Series

For my other videos in the series of “Today I Bless My Junk #metoo

Question To Ponder

I ask for you to consider one question

Are you part of the solution to systemic abuse or are you part of the problem? The choice is yours and only yours to make.

Please go to my Vlog on Youtube for the following videos.

How Can You Help?

As always, please support my healing journey and my desire to help break the cycle of abuse through healing. There many ways you can do this.

Take action on the things I mention in this video series

  1. Share these videos
  2. Leave supportive comments and let me know what pearl you took away with you
  3. Let me know what you would like to see the next video to be on
  4. Book me for a speaking engagement. I speak on many topics. One of the most common is on healing trauma through holistic and spiritually based practices.
  5. As always, thank you for your support and being a part of my spiritual journey.
  6. Become an ally – Help me become a better speaker, communicator and video producer. Want to volunteer your services to help make that happen? Email me and let’s collaborate.

With love and appreciation,


Healing Trauma Through The System of Reiki at the Healthy Living Expo

Join Laura at the Healthy Living Magazine Conference & Expo on Sunday April 8th as a featured presenter.

TIME: 2-3pm in the Halifax Room

Trauma is not what you may think.

Have you endured unexplained or life lifelong symptoms?

Do you suffer from chronic illness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, physical pain or even cancer?

Did your symptom or illness manifest as the result of a past trauma?

The #metoo movement has done an amazing job at opening the doors on many fronts. Many are beginning to awaken and understand the reason they feel the way they do maybe due trauma – personal, generational, karmic and are finally searching for ways to address those innate needs.

Our bodies are miraculous beings fully equipped to heal themselves. Reiki taps into the body’s innate abilities.

However, when we experience trauma, such as an accident, natural disaster, loss, or even abuse, those abilities become significantly compromised. Although, we are taught that time heals all wounds, we are learning this is not always the case. Many times these traumas manifest years later.

The traditional standard treatment in our American healthcare system rarely looks at the “root cause” of our symptoms and treats only the symptom. Therefore, we rarely address and heal the underlying cause. Left untreated, it can manifest into illness.

What happened to you does not have to be a life sentence. Join Laura for powerful presentation and discover how the system of reiki can empower you, remove toxicity, restore wholeness and create a healthier you!

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho”, which translates as “Usui treatment for the improvement of body and mind”.

Reiki supports the whole person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually while drilling down on specific issues. Reiki is easy to learn and can be used in a home or clinical setting to enhance the health and emotional wellness of both self and others. It is also complementary with all other alternative or traditional medical treatments, and in non-invasive.

Jikiden Reiki® is the “direct” teaching of Reiki as it was taught in Japan before it was brought to the west in the 1930’s. Because Jikiden Reiki® is free from Western influence, it differs from “Western” style of Reiki in approach, attitude, and ideas.

Jikiden Reiki® sessions focus on removing toxins from the body and guiding it towards wholeness. It is known for its effective treatment of acute and chronic conditions, as well as to address deep rooted beliefs, habits, traumas and addictions. Reiki has been effective treatment option like alleviating pain, pre-op and post-op surgery recovery, anxiety, skin conditions and posttraumatic stress.

About the Presenter:

Laura Joseph is a survivor of abuse, speaker, healer, intuitive, writer and teacher. She has a background as a college educator and domestic abuse advocate with over 15 cumulative years of experience in healthcare with a focus on trauma informed care.

Laura has incorporated spiritually based holistic health practices such as reiki in her line of work since 2006 and is a Jikiden Reiki® Shihan

Laura frequently travels as a guest speaker at conferences and organizations on healing trauma through spiritually based and holistic based practices. Laura brings her empathy, passion, compassion, and wit to assist in bringing out the best in you.