The “Epic Comeback” Interview

I am happy, humble and yet grateful to announce the guest appearance I had on this amazing podcast “The Epic Comeback” with the incredible Nikki Bruno talking about my story healing from trauma and abuse.

On Episode 71:

I share that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are

(1) to get out of your head and into your body;

(2) to “bless your junk” by transforming pain, hurt, and trauma into wholeness;

(3) to understand that the solutions to your challenges are internal, not external; and

(4) to take back your power and illuminate your gifts. Laura learned these lessons while enduring domestic abuse and rape.

You can catch the episodes here:

With appreciation,


International Women’s Day: A Personal Journey


I am a badass dragon spiritual warrior goddess that burns away fear buried deep in my shadows, shields my human vessel from harm, stands strong in my truth and raw authentic power, and moves swiftly against those who victimize others.

Today, I am making “herstory” with some dragon magic in tow. I am no longer a victim of my past, but a badass. It’s taken me a VERY long time (decades) to get to this point. CPTSD and the fallout of trying to survive after abuse is NOT easy…far from it.

I’m going thru lots of growing pains right now & on the verge of a major breakthrough … the kind I’ve waited a lifetime for if not multiple lifetimes.

See me.

Feel me.

Hear me.

Bare witness to the transformation and magic of dragon in the depths of my soul.

AND so, I bless my junk … I bless all who caused me harm & I mourn all I lost. In doing so, I find the buried treasure residing within me all along … buried in my own shadows.  To read more on this bless your junk series, click here.

Today I celebrate ALL OF ME and all the brave courageous strong women before me.

I celebrate the wisdom of my ancestors breathing and pulsating in my veins.

I celebrate all the badass women and men who have guided me, supported me, journeyed with me, and mentored me throughout the years.
Thank you.

I am dragon.

I am the divine feminine.

I am the fire, water, air, and earth in the womb.

I am woman. 

I am ME.

Together we rise. Together we are unstoppable.

Happy International Women’s Day 3/8/19

With appreciation,

Available for speaking opportunities, workshop fascilitations, events, and private sessions. Contact us here.

Embracing The Dragon Within

Dragons have been a huge part of my life and over the past few years, their energy and connection to me has grown stronger. I wrote this a few weeks ago and posted it on social media and felt I needed to share with you here as well.

Step into the embodiment of dragon, and step into your power.

Dragon … protect me, guide me, give me strength.

Let your scales protect and shield me as I travel into the shadows of death to face myself.

Let your claws break through the toughest of resistance for which is mostly likely buried in the depths of my own ego.

Let your #strength lift me out of the depths of darkness and into the light.

Let your wings be the hurricane to carry me, act as the winds of change needed for my highest and best and guide me on this journey.

Let your breath mix with mine and become one churning away in my pit of my belly and burn away my fears as I release its fire.

Let your #courage allow me to easily and effortlessly step forward trusting in my path.

Let your spirit energy raise my frequency and vibration.

Let your fierceness give me courage to do all that is needed for my soul’s growth

Written by: Laura Joseph, Healing with Spirit
Copyright 2018


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 © 2015-2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Shifting Health And Wellness Whole-istically

**** Laura was invited as a guest on a webinar by Zandra Matthews of “Exploring Your Goddess Nature” – This is a FREE event for women age 18+***

Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you seeking healthier alternatives? Do you suffer from autoimmune disease, cancer, unexplained back pain, anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, fatigue, lack of vitality, etc? Is there buried trauma personally, generationally, or karmicly?

Trauma isn’t what you may think. Laura will share her experience of healing multiple illnesses including complex PTSD and colds and averted surgeries such as root canals and hysterectomy using various spiritually based holistic health therapies. Learn also what to look for in finding a qualified practitioner to work with and how to avoid potential predators masquerading as healers.

About Laura

Laura is a trauma survivor, healer, writer, speaker, spiritual medium. She has been providing spiritually based holistic health enrichment at Healing With Spirit since 2006. She has over 15+ cumulative years in health care and experience as a college educator and domestic violence advocate. She’s also a Shihan through Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto Japan. Shes based in Hingham, Ma.

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My Story of Embodying Reiki to Heal Trauma Associated With Abuse

The Back Story

Yesterday I had a pretty deep conversation with a good friend of mine regarding the struggles to survive fleeing an abusive relationship where I lost my sense of self for over 20yrs. This in depth conversation brought to the surface certain pains and traumas from the abuses the victim part of myself would assume to forget.

However, in reflecting about this conversation and previous ones, it got me thinking about my path on where I was, where I am, and where I am going.  I look back now through a different lens amazed how far I have come since I made that crucial decision to leave an abusive partner who displayed narcissist sociopathic tendencies that nearly killed me more than once.  I am happy to say, his wish was not granted, and not literally buried six feet under.

The Healing Journey

I am still here to not only talk about it, but to share bits and pieces of my healing path to reclaiming my power back in hopes to inspire others on their healing journey.

Probably one of the decisions I made early on was to never doubt my gut or intuition again as it tried to warn me of the dangers that lay ahead at that time.  One of the things that saved my life was my connection to spirit followed by the healing path.

I first had to learn how to trust again and have faith in the unknown which is not simple feat when dealing with the after effects of abuse especially “gaslighting”. I had been beaten down physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So how do I learn to trust again so I can heal?

How Reiki Helped Me

By embracing Reiki in its full embodiment not only helped me regain sense of self, but my sense of purpose. It helped me to heal the past while staying present, and not let my triggers of the past cause worry or fear of the unknown. It was not easy and I still feel I am a work in progress learning, healing, and growing every day.

This process didn’t happen over night, but over the course of 11 years. I had to learn to surrender to the Universe, which is probably the most difficult task in the entire process. The mind/ego wants to shield and protect you from any repeats of what had happened to you in your past. It is like an loop constantly repeating itself that has to be broken in order to heal and move forward in your life.

I knew I could not trust the system, domestic abuse groups, family, community, and the like as the mighty power of a skillful abuser can sway anyone in their favor creating an avalanche of being re-victimized. So if I could not trust people, who could I trust? Well it was spirit after all that tried to save me from this fate and I ignored the signs.  So I went back to my faith knowing I could trust Spirit. That started the surrendering process leading into my healing.

I started with meditation and started going to church again rediscovering myself in the process. The more I learned to trust in the divine, the more healing took place in my life, which led me down the reiki path. Receiving reiki and learning reiki was the single most best decision I made for myself as it not only changed my life, it saved my life.

However, what I have learned over the years in studying the various different forms of Reiki, is it is not learned in one day as some may believe. I have been learning Reiki now for 11 years and I practice Reiki daily embodying all that Reiki has to offer.

You can not learn that after one class and receive your certificate.  You must master Reiki completely and incorporate it into your life so you can BE REIKI. This process takes years of discipline to develop.

What I wrote in the picture are truly five things you can start to do today that over time will change your life. They stem from the teachings I learned in reiki so I know this to be true. I personally say these in Japanese as a mantra every morning when I wake and every evening when I prepare for sleep. By chanting these precepts, you begin to change the way you see yourself and the world around you.

Moving Forward

This year is the grand year of transformation, a nine year in numerology. It is the year of completion, and I personally look forward to fully and unequivocally shining in my own light at full strength once again. I wrote about the importance of this year in 6 Tips To Guide You Towards Soul-fillment in 2016 if you wish to read more on that topic.

Reiki is more than taking a one day class, receiving a certificate, and laying hands on someone.  I think this is the greatest travesty of misconception of what our Western society believes is important. Reiki is so much more. It is a way of being and a way to self discovery back to soul. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, so all we have to do is tap into that source energy. Reiki helps facilitate that.  I have been practicing Reiki over a decade now, and even after all this time, I feel like I have so much to still discover about the magic Reiki offers all of us inside and out.

Healing trauma is not easy, but I am so grateful for the system of Reiki and all the teachers I have had along the way to guide me in my spiritual path to healing and self discovery.

For those who are struggling now or feel like you can’t see above water, please keep the faith. I remember days, where I felt like it was the end, and I am not only here, but I am beginning to thrive. You can too.  I am here to help you best I can and so are so many other wonderful reiki healers.

 Tips on Finding a Qualified Practitioner

If you struggle with healing from trauma associated with abuse, here are some tips in choosing a reiki practitioner.
  1. Make sure you find a qualified practitioner who has trauma informed care as part of their training.
  2. Make sure you find a practitioner who has been practicing Reiki for a long time as trauma has its own intricate needs.
  3. Ask questions about the Reiki practitioner’s training and belief system
  4. What system of reiki did they study?
  5. What was included in their studies?
  6. What level of Reiki have they completed?
  7. How long have they been practicing Reiki?
  8. Do they practice reiki every day? (My apologies as many reiki practitioners may disagree,  I feel THIS is the most important question). If they are not practicing reiki every day, how can they possibly understand how to help you? This goes beyond just reiki, but understanding trauma and all its intricate components.
  9. What is their level of experience and training in working with people with trauma?
  10. How many clients have they used Reiki for healing trauma?
  11. Ask how they use Reiki in healing trauma.
This is just a simple guide, but you can also check out the article I wrote on Reiki Can Do No Harm or Can It? for more tips and guidance.

I hope what I wrote helps someone out there in need who needs something to help them survive in order to thrive. Please share the love and compassion.

With love and light,

Laura  Joseph

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.