7 Simple Rituals To Maximize The Full Moon Energies

Doing a full moon ritual or a ceremony are sacred practices that date back to ancient times. These moon rituals are found in almost every ancient culture where worshiping the moon was part of their culture as we have seen in Celtic traditions, Babylonian, Egyptian, to Shinto in Japan and more.

There is tremendous power in learning to harness – what I like to call – moon magic, which is the energies, flows, rhythms. However, like anything else, this is NOT a one shot deal and poof, it’s magic. It takes dedication in learning these sacred rituals, implementing them, getting into vibrational alignment with them, and more.

The moon is our teacher and we are her students. Over time, we learn how work WITH these natural flows and rhythms in all her phases. Tuning into these phases of the moon can help provide us with a framework or guide to work from. This can be immensely empowering.

Working with the moon in a ritualistic or ceremonial way is needed more than ever in our technological driven culture that is ever increasingly losing connection to the greatest influencers, creators, and destroyers in life – the moon, father sun and mother earth.

What Does The Full Moon Represent?


This is when the moon is at its peak energy – a time where there is a build up of energy accumulated – both illuminating and shadowy – light and dark.

She represents the receptive energies or what others might call the feminine.

She reflects back to us a strong full illumination from the sun where she is the brightest.  She highlights all that needs to be illuminated in your life in this lunar cycle.  This is where the energies are most potent and a time for strong creative and intuitive influxes.

The full moon is all about endings and completions of a cycle and in this case the lunar cycle. This is a good time to:

  • reflect
  • evaluate
  • access
  • cleanse
  • recharge

Here are three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual

1) Focus on what you have done in the past 28-30 days. What transpired in this time? Where are you stuck? Reflect.  How have you utilized the energies in this lunar cycle?

2) What have you reaped – gained? Reflect.

3) What needs to be leg go of? Purified? Cleansed? Reflect.

Photo by: Laura Joseph, (c) 2021

Preparations For Full Moon Rituals

This is a great time to take a hard look at what has come into fruition and what has not.

It is a time to get quiet, connect, and honor the sacredness of the moon, all she offers us and the other elementals harnessed.  Implementing these rituals should show clear respect with proper cultural appropriation.

This includes asking for permission of the ancestors of the land you occupy to guide you. For me, that would be asking permission from the Massachusett People, the original stewards of this land I reside on, to be here.  Asking the ancestors forgiveness for those who may have come before me and asking for them guide me today in this sacred ritual so I may become a better steward for all future generations to come.

Here are additional tips to prepare:

1) Get centered & calm – so yes, meditate in preparation

2) Write it out – (see three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual above for prompts)

3) Take a sacred bath – you can use epsom salt or Himalayan salts with some herbals like roses, lavender or essential oils. The intention here is asking the moon and waters to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit.

Photo by: Laura Joseph (c) 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Here are 7 simple rituals to maximize the full moon energies.

1)  Cleanse – Clear, cleanse, purify your mental and physical space. Clean out those closets. If you choose to smudge, please consider avoid using white sage or palo santo due to the increasing poaching of these items leading to imbalances.

2) Put out a bowl of moon water.  Let the bowl of water bask in the radiance of the full moon energies.  Create intentions and rituals.  Sip it daily as a reminder of the intentions created and the full power of the moon.

3) Releasing Ritual – Write whatever you wish to release, let go of on a small piece of paper.  Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then with things you want to release either place in a bowl of water and sprinkle pink Himalayan salt to purify/cleanse or burn in a ceremonial sacred fire.

4) Meditate – This is one of the most important things you can learn, do, and incorporate as part of your daily rituals. This is the space we can access the wisdom and answers we seek.  However, this is NOT something you want to initiate on a full moon as a new practice if you have not already been practicing meditation.

5)  Dance – Physical release is a good way to purge stuck energies that need to move and filter out.

6) Gratitude Ritual – Write whatever you wish to be grateful for – successes, opportunities, etc on a small piece of paper.  Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then bury it in the garden and wait til the next new moon to plant any seeds and watch what grows.

7) Charge your stones/crystals – Put them in the moonlight to bask in the energies of the full moon to cleanse, charge, and purify these stones and crystals.

Laura Joseph, Seattle, WA 2018

Above all, remember to set good intentions and check out the 2021 energy forecast for more.

Approach these rituals from a soulful place and less from the egoic earthly place with honor, respect, and sacredness.

You’ll be amazed at what shows up for you when you adopt these flows & cycles into your life.  Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment below if you find these tips helpful.

With appreciation,

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A 2020 Halloween Astro, Full Moon, Numerology, Cosmic, Energy, Space Weather Updates + 5 Tips to do NOW

Halloween Energy Update

We will talk about what has been happening w/ a summary in the areas of
  • Numerology
  • Mercury Retrograde
  • Mars Retrograde
  • Recent Space Weather events
  • Recent electrical events on Earth
  • Tomorrow’s Full Moon
  • How Halloween factors in all this

AND 5 TIPS on where to focus NOW

My goal  with this post is to provide some energetic psychic insight to what is happening from as pure of a state as possible while giving spiritual guidance on how to navigate these polarizing energies while balancing any triggers we may encounter along the way.

For more on the three Powers classes:


12/12 Full Moon Energy & Numerology Update

Today at 12:12 am on 12/12/12 (2019=12), we experienced one shit kicker of a powerful full moon.

This marks not only the last one of this year, but the last one for this decade and it is on a TRIPLE 12/3 of a day at a 24/6 (12:12am) time.

In this video update, I will share with you what is going on:

  • 12 meaning
  • karma
  • translation in numerology 1, 2, 3
  • links to 3 major scientists: Tesla, Pythagoras, and Isaac Newton
  • relations in tarot – The Hanged Man, The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Empress
  • what it all means
  • The take-a-ways for today, this year, and this decade

For more information about the upcoming women’s retreat on January 12th 2020 or to register, click here. The focus will be on the numerology forecast as I mentioned in the video as well as connecting to the ancestors for wisdom and healing.

Honoring The Sacredness of Water and Why the Events At Standing Rock Matter For the Evolution of Humanity and Our Souls

October 13, 2016

BY; Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit, Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer, Author

Excerpts from Lecture Sunday, October, 16, 2016 at The First Spiritualist Church of RI

What a ride this year has given us especially on the emotional plane. Many of us have been experiencing sudden bursts of unexplainable anxiety and may feel quite ungrounded. Maybe the seeds we planted have not sprouted as we’d like or maybe they are smothered by worry and fear or maybe you are not able to see what is growing. How many of you have been worrying whether or not you are good enough or lovable enough or deserving enough?

Please know we are in the journey together and you are not alone. I chose the topic of water and spirituality for many reasons. We are all undergoing a great change including Mother Earth as we shift from the third dimension to the fourth and fifth dimension. The veil of illusion is lifting. These changes are happening at such and incredible rate causing physical changes to happen with the body itself.

Our planet is transmutating and so are we …. Our bodies, our souls, our cells. The coding that was imprinted in our DNA structures is currently being activated. This is your blueprint back to the ancients.

Many religions and spiritual practices include water in their ceremonial and ritualistic practices and we are going to talk about this topic in light of what is currently happening in this material world and how it affects us spiritually.

Why this topic? There are many reasons, but here are four:

  1. In light of recent historic events occurring at Standing Rock with the largest gathering of “water protectors” 
  2. This weekend’s full moon is currently in Aries and how it affects us now 
  3. Ending of cycles and beginning a new – This year being a 9 year in numerology and what this means for our soul growth.
  4. Water as being sacred.

There is so much going on right now and we can choose to either get sucked into the chaos or rise above it. How many of you are appalled at the state of what is happening in this country and around the world most notably pronounced is the US Presidential election?

How are you doing emotionally? Regardless of the current political environment.

Have any lessons risen up for you this year but especially over the last month or so?

Right now we have an opportunity. However, we need to shift our perspective in order to shift our results. This is like fine tuning a musical instrument or making carburetor adjustments to your vehicle.

We can choose to focus on the doom and gloom out of fear or we can choose to create change through the frequency and vibration of love.

Hate? Worry? Intolerance? Depression? Those are all fear based. Joy? Happiness? Authentic truth? Compassion? Consciousness? Those are all love based. If you have ever read or studied “Abraham” Hicks and Eckhart Tolle, both have been great spiritual teachers on the mastery of vibrational alignment. Which vibration are you currently vibrating in? Which vibration do you choose to be in?

Why is water so important? Why is honoring our water needed and important to our human self as well as our spiritual self? What can water teach us to help us evolve spiritually?

Before I address the importance, we must first take inventory and take personal responsibility for where are currently at in our lives. I know this is not an easy task for many as we must face head on our shadow self and all the junk attached. In some cases, this can be triggering for those traumatized as a result of situations such as war, violence, or domestic abuse. As a survivor of abuse with a history of PTSD, I sympathize.

However, this is the time to step up and take action. The Universe has been giving us signs and has been supporting all of us who have been called to light the way for others to find their way home and help save our wounded Mother. Water is key. So hang on for the divine reinforcements and help. It is a matter of trust, surrender and belief.

Water has many spiritual meanings and implications, but most importantly water reflects its sacredness. It represents the “circulation of life”. Water is to our Mother Earth just as the blood that flows through our veins is to our physical bodies. Water is the very life force for which gives birth to life. No wonder NASA and other organizations are searching for signs of life through water on other planets.

Our bodies are made up of mostly water making water vital for human survival. “According to Dr. Jeffrey Utz, Neuroscience, pediatrics, Allegheny University, different people have different percentages of their bodies made up of water. Babies have the most, being born at about 78%. By one year of age, that amount drops to about 65%. In adult men, about 60% of their bodies are water.”[1]

Water also has some symbolic significance relating to purity and fertility as the source of life as seen in many creation myths.

In Taoist tradition, water is viewed as an aspect of wisdom. Here, the concept is the philosophy that water takes the path of least resistance. The path of least resistance is part of nature. We see this with rivers which flows around rocks and mountains while slowing shaping the landscape. Hence, the element of patience to create change.

Coy Right 2014-2016 Healing With Spirit

“Water is one of the five elements, and can manifest as yin or yang: flowing water, ice, or steam. It flows and finds its way into all places. This is seen in the Dao de Ching, which says the highest good  is like water. The best of man is like water, giving life to all things, it flows in places that men reject. So, it is like the dao. All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are, humility gives it power. Think about that.”[2]

The Greeks also understood the transitions of water manifesting as liquid, solid, or vapor. It is the epitomal symbol for metamorphosis and philosophical recycling.

Native Americans considered water a valuable commodity especially in the plain states. They revered water as the symbol of life.

We have been experiencing and baring witness to a great transition and/or transformation that we have not seen in hundreds of years. Right now our wounds fresh or old have been resurfacing this year. This may be the most difficult task you are to experience on this earth. However, the life you seek is not found by avoiding the past or avoiding the hurts and pains associated with it. Healing comes from letting the pains of the past go knowing this is right for your path.

Remember, it is only through resistance do we grow and truly move forward. When we avoid issues, the Universe keeps sending them back for review. This is not to punish you. Please do not misunderstand.

Right now we have the current full moon in the fiery sign of Aries. Now I am far from being called an astrology expert, and consider myself quite weak in the astrology realms. However, I do understand cosmic cycles and energy shifts and I feel, witness and understand patterns. Today’s energies are a reflective of a great time to exert a little more faith and courage. The divine within is with you.

We are currently being showered with divine healing love which if you have not noticed is greatly needed at this time. It is all about how we choose to focus. We CAN choose to be receptive to this divine healing bringing us closer towards greater harmony or we can choose to stay in the shadows of fear and doubt.

In India, today’s full moon is associated with the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi. What a great opportunity we have here to allow Lakshmi’s divine feminine infuse the healing energies of the full moon to detoxify and create a flow of abundance. If you have been feeling unsure, now is the prime opportunity to bathe in the moon. Stop trying to control the outcomes and expectations and just receive. You just might find you will get what you are seeking without all the resistance and stress.

In tarot, water is symbolized in the suit of cups. The suit of cups is symbolic of emotion, intuition, and interconnected flow of energy between all things alive.

Water is essential to our very existence. It is no wonder the symbolism is far reaching and profoundly deep. The wisdom of water is infinite and significant to our current times.

Water and spirituality as you can see go hand and hand. Many religions and spiritually based practices include water in many ceremonies, prayers, meditative practices, and rituals.

Water is a very powerful element with the potential to heal or destroy on many levels. Water is very amiable. When stressed simply wash your hands of negativity. Now increase the temperature and make it hot. This adds the fire element. Let the fire and water help you release all those is no longer of service for your highest and best. Once released, cool the water back down for a more regenerative vibrations.

Things you can do NOW … today

  1. Shift perspective. – Inside environment. Healing is internal not external
  2. Rain – when it comes, instead of creating the vibration of oh my word, it is raining now my plans are ruined etc. Bless the rain for it brings life.
  3. Do you own internal work – Change begins with us by the frequency and vibration we put out. That is the true virus. Is your vibration of fear or love?
  4. Self care, self care, self care – self compassion, and soul-fillment
  5. Personal responsibility
  6. Be like water

The power of the sacred waters runs within each of us.
Among all the chaos, we see the greatest opportunity for unity and soul growth.

Source: The Root.com

This is a historic moment backed by prophecies with the unity of hundreds of tribes from US, Canada, Central America, Hawaii, South America all in the Dakotas in Standing Rock BE-ing the water protectors. This is the largest gathering of its kind in more than a century.

There’s a large camp growing with focus on prayer and creating solutions including people pulling money out of the big banks that are supporting the pipeline. We have a chance here. This is a historic event, and Mother Earth is making it known.

Mother Earth is alive and breathing whether or not you choose to believe that or not. We need to listen to her as she does communicate with us. The current transmutation process we are all experiencing will help strengthen the ties. We need to see and listen and respect the land and water as sacred.

I believe the current recent events and especially Standing Rock is our chance. Don’t focus on the hurricane we are in, but the rainbow and sun that follows.

Image result for standing rock nodapl
Source:  Youtube

What we all have been experiencing this year is due to the increased energies vibrating at a higher frequency. Our physical bodies are trying to catch up speeding up our molecular structure. Some may be experiencing a spiritual flu so to speak wishing when it will end. Our bodies are learning to evolve and adapt to the new frequencies creating in some cases energy overloads as the physical body attempts to maintain it’s natural state of homeostasis or in simple terms, balance.

So be gentle with yourself as you go through these changes. Focus on healing the emotional and mental bodies which is again symbolic with the element of water. BE like water. Create the vibrational alignment between your heart, mind, and spirit. Step into your role as co-creator within the Universal Laws. Create the frequency and vibration of love, and let it begin to vibrate out to the external world and the rest of the cosmos. This will help us uncover our true passions that lead to the evolution and growth of our souls.

Faith is so important here. I know we have all been tested. I believe the reason many people never see the Universe working in their lives is because they gave up too soon. They did not hang in there long enough for the Universe to manifest.

Quitting is not an option. If we choose to quit on the Universe, then we inherently believe it’s all up to us alone and we will be like the hamster on the wheel never getting off. We are never alone. As a testament to many great spiritualist mediums who prove every day the continuity of life and the divine presence of Angels, guides, and Ascended Masters.

Remember, this is a 9 year in numerology. We are at the home stretch of completing this cycle. Clear, purge, ground, balance, and align yourself with your higher self so the year 2017 creates a strong foundation for the next 10 years of the life you wish to create.

I will end with this quote from Bruce Lee: Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.”

With Love and appreciation,
Laura  Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Shihankaku in Jikiden Reiki

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please visit www.laurahealingwithspirit.com 

SERVICES: Holistic Healing, Jikiden Reiki, Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Yuen Energetics, Spiritual Guidance, Soul Mentoring

Speaking Engagements – Fundraisers – Events – Classes – Services



(c) 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

[1] The Water In You; The US Department of the Interior; Updated May 2016; http://water.usgs.gov/edu/propertyyou.html
[2] Be Like Water; by Toni Josephson; Tan Dao for evolving martial arts; http://www.tandao.com/2009/05/02/be-like-water/