The Back Story – Purpose & the Why
First, this post was inspired by a conversation with a friend on this topic. I want to thank my friend, Cassandra, for sparking the dialogue.
Those who are around me know that I don’t hide anything. My filter to be able to put on a mask at will is not possible for me in my eyes. If you have been following me on my blogs and/or my story you may have gotten glimpses of my spiritual journey.
Needless to say, I hide nothing. I tend to bare all. I don’t want to just talk the talk. I want to walk the walk. Sharing my healing journey – the good, bad, ugly, indifferent is all part of it all. I still have a long way to go in my mind with so many different layers to my story to heal like an integral cosmic web.
What I understand is those who may just be beginning the arduous journey of healing any kind of trauma, that it can be debilitating, discouraging, overwhelming, and very “alone” at times. By sharing my stories and healing processes, hopefully it helps others know by baring witness to my journey, they are NOT alone, to NOT give up and THEY CAN do this.
There is a saying about parents who constantly argue in front of their children create undo stress. What most parents fail to realize arguing is a form of conflict resolution. The reason it creates undue stress in children is because the children see the argument, but are not a part of the resolution process.
We all work through layers of trauma at different speeds with different ways of processing. This is not a one shoes fits all as how our broken healthcare system attempts to apply. Figuring out what triggers it can be challenging and frustrating especially if compounded by the effects of cosmic weather or astrological events.
I hope this post and my story inspire you to stay on the path no matter what challenges or storms come your way.
So, Here is What is Happening?

We are now in the 2nd eclipse window with mercury in retrograde as of 7/7/19, other retrograde planets such as Saturn, Pluto, and Neptune and lots of shifts in the space weather category that are all affecting us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Not to mention we are in a THREE year in numerology with past, present, future colliding.
This means that old beliefs systems, patterns, generational trauma are continuing to surface to be released as I continue to write about this year. Old karmic patterns released. According to many of the astrology reports, people from the past are also returning for some reason – healing, assessing, evaluating, releasing. It is a good time to release subconscious blocks that might be preventing you from moving forward.
What Have I Noticed?

For me? My dreams have become more vivid and my desire to want to stay in bed to see it all play out in my subconscious mind is quite fascinating to me. I did have one nightmare involving my abusive ex-husband which I not go into details.
An ex-cop who I had a protection order order against that expired in 2013 out of the blue contacted me. Yes, that is 6 years later. The protection order was the result of my domestic violence advocacy work days where I reported him for inappropriate sexual behaviors in lieu of false claims of helping victims. He threatened my work and jeopardized safety of my advocacy work as a result.
There is a woman who is a “healer” and is affiliated with a local church who posted online that “women lie about rape” in November. I tried to explain how harmful that statement is to victims of abuse and rape backed with statistical data in an attempts to open her eyes and awaken her to the healer she claims she is. She unfortunately got viscous like an attack dog. She made multiple credible threats to me. I had to block her on multiple platforms, and she continued to stalk and harass me. After I felt I created a healthy boundary for myself in this situation, while being a voice for those silenced, I thought it was over. Apparently NOT, and I will leave it at that for now.
I also was having a deep reflective moment on 4th of July on what “freedom means to me after being silenced”. You can read my post here.
The culmination of all this did trigger a “WTF” kind of response and a level of exhaustion that ultimately led to a massive painful physical release over the weekend. I have learned to listen to my body as it is the fog horn within guiding me towards wholeness despite the fact it does not always feel that way.
Where Am I Going With This?

These eclipse energies combined with Mercury retrograde and some of the space weather is amplifying stuff in people’s shadows. NONE OF US ARE IMMUNE.
Batterers, abusers, narcissists, sociopaths, etc are feeling the wrath of these energies too. In my case, maybe these individuals are struggling with the fact that I refused to allow them to take my power away and I took away their ability to control me, belittle me, shame me, or abuse me.
So maybe they hold bitterness towards me or anger or whatever and it’s coming to the surface for them. That is their work. Maybe for me, it is to show me how far I have come.
The dream nightmare was showing me my fears and areas I still need to work on.
So where do we go from here? How do we use these energies to propel us forward not backward without fear?
Three Tips On How To Work With All This

These energies are challenging as it is bringing a lot from the depths of our shadows to the surface as I said earlier. If you are a victim of abuse or work place harassment or anything alike, which is most of us, hopefully these tips will help you navigate these waves of energetic change.
TIP #1: Safety and healthy boundaries first. It is important to realize that these energies can trigger lots in people. In recent weeks, many have been reporting higher rates of frustrations, anger, grief, anxiety, panic, and so forth. I am not immune to experiencing any of this either. However, for those who are extremely unhealthy, violent, narcissistic, controlling abusive, or in active addictive behaviors, these can be amplified… not with everyone.
So be careful to not judge everyone or label them. You know instinctual if someone is dangerous or unhealthy for you. LISTEN to that inner voice of wisdom NOT the inner critic.
This is not to scare you, but help you to become more aware of your surroundings, situations, patterns, behaviors, etc. So, have your antennae up. Don’t be naive. This is about working more with your instincts here.
A contact from an abusive ex does not mean get back together. It could mean a moment of healing or resolve so you can be FREE and move forward. It could also mean something more threatening. So, this is why it is important proceed forward with caution, and LISTEN to your gut instincts.
When the ex-cop contacted me, I answered him with “Do not contact me again. Stop stalking me. Leave me alone.” I then blocked his information. Did it trigger me? Yes because it had been so many years gone by, but it did not last for long and I used my triggers to help me navigate to a better place of BE-ing.

Tip #2 Take inventory of your responses. If you are already familiar with and have already done some work on building a relationship with yourself and your body awareness, tap into yourself and listen to how the body is responding to the given situation.
Are you being triggered in any way? If yes, how? Where in the physical body? If no? Then listen to what the wisdom the body is showing you. It might be as simple as to remind you of how far you have come.
For me, it’s taking inventory of my responses especially viscerally and listening to the wisdom of my body for guidance is crucial for healing, awareness, and ability to move forward from triggers and trauma.
If you have never done any of this work before, I would encourage you to find a practice to lead you into this work such as yoga, traditional non-westernized reiki, mindfulness, meditation, or Thai chi. It takes time and patience to develop this skill. So, BE gentle with your self as you go through the process.
If you feel you need some professional guidance in this area, please contact me to book a session.
Tip #3: Up the dosage of self care practices. This can be in the form of shin rin yoku or forest bathing, grounding, earthing, prayer, meditation, traditional non-westernized reiki, traditional non-westernized yoga, Thai chi.
THIS is a good time to see a seasoned practitioner for some energy work, massage, or spiritual healing. Make sure the practitioner you seek maintains high standards of ethics and integrity, maintains healthy boundaries, and never tells you to take your clothes off (except massage).
Keep in mind, there are lots of predators in every industry as the veil continues to lift to expose these folks. Be sure to listen to your GUT INSTINCTS not your head or your wounded heart to be swayed by these individuals who are masters at seeking the most vulnerable and grooming for malicious intentions.
Be sure to check out my post on how to find a quality qualified practitioner and/or teacher with tips to guide you.
We all need a little guidance from time to time. We are human after all. I hope I was able to be that source for you today.
As my friend Cassandra told me today: Make sure you are recognizing that as you are doing all of this guidance for others, you are processing it all too!
Sometimes we need a little reminder. Yes we do. Thank you my friend for reminding me.
AND REMEMBER: We can’t change what happens around us, but with awareness, we better equipped to know how to navigate through these waves of energetic change and work on how to change what is inside of us.

Thank you for BE-ing a part of this journey with me. We are all in this together. Thank you.
With appreciation,
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To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me
© 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission.
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates. Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.