Slam The Gravel Podcast: Fix The System Inside Out

Slam the Gavel welcomes Laura Bonetzky-Joseph to the podcast of Healing With Spirit and Healing Trauma Through Spirit.

In this episode I talk about
  • my domestic violence journey,
  • how I lost my virginity to a rapist at 15 years old
  • my journey through family court sanctioned abuse after I left my abuser
  • the unlawful incarceration by a Massachusetts family court judge who denied my right to a lawyer & tried to prevent medical care & attention to me
  • what I’ve seen change in the near 20 years I’ve been embedded in this systemic oppression
  • why understanding and learning about systemic racism and for us white folks to listen to BIPOC folks as well as Palestinian voices and how it is all interconnected … this is crucial, especially for white women…
  • my abuse advocacy work,
  • my work as a T.R.A C. coalition member on DV legislation & policy in MA
  • my work helping survivors of family court abuse
  • my books & podcast and what they are about
  • Healing root issues
  • and what survivors need to focus on while in the fight for survival in the family courts.
and more.



Laura is a book author, podcaster, survivor and advocate. She is also a multigenerational intuitive and business owner of Healing With Spirit and is a member of Track Coalition in Massachusetts.

Since 2006, Laura has helped thousands of people take back their health and power by addressing and healing root issues. She is an experienced multi-generational healer & intuitive, crone witch, best-selling author, speaker, award-winning advocate, spiritual teacher, sacred activist, and survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault.

She’s apprenticed with an Osteopathic Physician for more than 20 years learning holistic health and preventative care and has also studied with teachers and lineage holders based in Japan, Canada and Greece.

Her clients are diverse and inclusive from various ethnic cultures, skin color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and socio-economic backgrounds.

In 2022, Laura published two books. She’s the co-author of “Feisty: Dangerously Amazing Women Using Their Voices to Make an Impact”. Her chapter, “#MeTooFamilyCourts”, highlights what it takes to leave a domestic violence relationship in a broken system that punishes you.

Her first solo book published in October 2022, “The Secrets To Healing: An Invitation To Healing Trauma And Other Root Causes of Chronic Illness Using the Japanese Reiki Gokai” weaves her personal story, her work, the science, and the teachings with nine client case studies.

Her books can be found on Amazon.

Laura currently sits on the Massachusetts domestic violence task force addressing legislation and policy for survivors of abuse. Also, Laura brings an authentic unique view with a unique talent and skill sets uncommon today.

“Triggers and Spiritual Medicine,” Laura’s podcast, can be found on YouTube, her website, and most podcast streaming platforms.

To Reach Laura Bonetzky-Joseph:  Linktree Link:

About Slam The Gravel:

Slam the Gavel is a podcast to discuss Family Court Issues, Support Court, Support-contempt conferences and hearings and Child Services issues. Advice on how parents can cope with these issues along with Parental Alienation. Based off the book, Dismantling Family Court Corruption, Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough. This book can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Apple and Podcast music provided by

Could you please sign and share the petition:… This episode of Slam the Gavel is sponsored by CPSprotect Consulting Services. Child Protective Services cases are among the most frightening experiences any parent can endure- don’t face them alone! With UrgentAssist by CPSprotect, you get the peace of mind to raise your children as you see fit and the personalized assistance of their team of expert child welfare consultants- former CPS investigators themselves- right when you need it. Get started absolutely free at

DISCLAIMER The use of this information is at the viewer/user’s own risk. Not financial, medical nor legal advice as the content on this podcast does not constitute legal, financial, medical or any other professional advice. Viewer/user’s should consult with the relevant professionals for specific advice related to their own situation.

Trivia, Book Talk, FUNdraise, Survivor Support For Domestic Violence Awareness Month

*** UPDATE: Location Change due to schedule conflict with the Hingham Public Library 2.2 miles down the road to Healing With Spirit. ***

We are thrilled to host a book talk, shedding light on this important issue and offering perspectives on empowerment, healing, and resilience in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month with local author of two books on the topic, survivor, and Hingham native, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph.

We encourage you to bring family, friends, and community members to this event as we come together to raise awareness about domestic violence.

By participating and engaging in this special event, you will not only support survivors but also contribute in making our community a safer and more compassionate place for everyone.

Gain a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding domestic violence, its impact on individuals and communities, as well as the resources available for support and prevention.

Light refreshments offered.

Event FLOW :

Not necessarily in this order.

  • DV trivia game
  • Laura will be sharing her story, her journey and her experience working with others using these Japanese therapies to address root causes to trauma and chronic illnesses.
  • Address the pending legislation faced in Massachusetts, the 11 bills she testified before legislators in 2023. There are currently 70 pending bills addressing various aspects surrounding domestic violence and sexual abuse and exploitation.
  • Talk about the T.R.A.C. coalition that she is a part of,
  • what ACTION steps you can take today.
  • Q & A
  • Opportunity to sign books. Bring your copy or purchase a copy on the day of the event
  • and fundraise to support this cause if called but NOT required to join us

Please INVITE and SHARE this event with everyone you know. This is ONE action step you can take today to help us make the world a safer place for all.


About Laura’s Book

Laura’s latest book, The Secrets to Healing, explores the root issues to chronic illness, trauma, and address the elephant in the room on why we in the west are NOT taught these aspects to healing.

In this book, Laura shares her story and journey, what she has learned along the way through the decades, showcasing 9 client studies and bridging the science, data and spiritual based Japanese therapies.

About the Author:

Laura testifying before legislation in Massachusetts Summer 2023

Since 2005, Laura has been passionate about using her voice for that change after experiencing a broken system that failed to protect her from domestic abuse.

Over the years, she has spoken on various platforms, radio, and tv on the topic of unhealed trauma and abuse and how to address the broken system and heal root issues through spiritual based therapies.

She has a podcast called Triggers and Spiritual Medicine which debuts a new episode on the 1st Monday monthly. Click here for latest episodes.

In 2022, Laura joined the T.R.A.C. coalition in Massachusetts comprised of organizations, advocates, lawyers, and survivors to help address the growing coercive control and litigation abuse tactics through policy and legislation. This is a volunteer position that requires enormous amount of financial resources, time, energy, and commitment.

In 2023 alone, Laura has testified on 11 of the 70 pending domestic abuse or sexual assault related bills using her story and others she has helped throughout the years to create a safer healthier world for future generations to come.

She also has helped survivors of abuse navigate the family court system and teach them tools and skills to help them reclaim parts of themselves stolen by their abuser.

As a career, Laura is also the founder of Healing With Spirit based in Hingham that offers a variety of meditation classes, spiritual based therapies and wellness events since 2006. She is currently planning a Sacred Pilgrimage to Ireland in 2024 with a small intimate group of seekers.

Learn More Here

Why Make A Donation

Laura Testifying on the Coercive Control & Litigation Abuse Bill in Ma Sept 2023

Please consider making a donation to support this work. To date, I have funded this project alone in the last 5 years. Many well-intentioned groups are limited in HOW they can advocate due the grants they receive.

I have utilized publishing a book as an education tool that cost approximately $10k from start to finish including book launch, editors, publishers, etc.

I have started a podcast called Triggers and Spiritual Medicine that I earn NO money from to address the intersectionality of root issues and trauma that costs approximately $100 mo to produce.

The 11 bills I testified on cost me an estimated $5k in lost income due to taking time off from working to prepare, meet with legislators, and take time off NOT including cost of driving in to Boston or other expenses.

I have waited 15 years to see the movement we have going on now with legislators who get it and want to make a difference to organizations who get it and are moving towards these same changes, and with 70 pending domestic violence bills, my story is textbook.

I cannot fix what happened to me, but anyone who knows me and vets me out and tell you how dedicated and consistent I have been since the beginning.

The ONLY thing stopping me from taking this to a larger scale or seeing these bills through to the next phase of getting a bill passed in legislation is strictly financial due to the toll I was hit with this year.

Laura with 2 books she published in 2022 addressing the domestic violence “industry” and her healing journey over 50+ years

I am grateful on one end as I have worked hard for a LONG time, but it also is coming in all at once. This summer put me in a difficult financial position that without donations and financial support, I may not be able to see these bills through or may be forced to turn away folks who need help. I just want my bills paid is all and my ability to go to the Battered Mothers Custody Conference in April 2024. I am not looking for anything more at this time.

I am looking to raise $10k to cover me for the next 6-9mo so I can do this work as it is meant to be done. Please help me make it a reality.

You can donate via Eventbrite or you can donate here via PayPal.

You can also become a Patreon Member for a low as $5 a month to help support this work I am deeply passionate about and the impact I want to make.

I CAN do it with YOUR support.

TSM Episode 23: A One Mom’s Battle: Post Separation Abuse, Parental Alienation & Reunification Camps

Welcome to Episode 23 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for deep, enlightening, raw podcast episode on the topic of “A One Mom’s Battle: Post Separation Abuse, Parental Alienation & Reunification Camps” with the incredibly powerful, Tina Swithin.

Society believes that there are laws to protect victims of domestic violence from abuse. However, when victims, especially women, are faced with custody against abusers in family courts, laws seem to NOT apply in many cases.

Tina highlights the “FOR PROFIT” industry of the family court system that many times operates like a business. We as citizens believe, the system is supposed to operate in the best interests of the children, until we or someone we know goes into this “industrial complex”.

In this episode, Tina shares her lifelong journey in the family courts system first as a child and later in divorcing a narcissist.

In family court, children are used as pawns and property as if they were like a commodity traded on Wall Street, which is the very definition of legalized trafficking of children.

We highlight the following in Family Courts:

  • No accountability
  • No transparency
  • And judges have FULL immunity for their actions even if their actions deliberately cause the death of a child.
  • The lack of training of judicial officers or the deliberate training to discredit abuse in these cases.
  • The use of parental alienation as a tactic abusers uses to gain custody. Why victims of abuse should NEVER use this terminology as it furthers dark money.
  • The use of “high conflict” terminology to discredit abuse .
  • The use of “reunification camps” as a form of legalized kidnapping and brainwashing tactics to discredit abuse for MONEY.
  • the use of prisons to silence and punish victims for speaking out about abuse.  We talk about how DA’s punish and prosecute survivors when seeking help to save their own lives from abuse.
  • the monetization racket.

We highlight cases like Catherine Kassenoff, Anna Walshe, as well as Maya and Sebastian.

The Medicine Portion:

Tina goes on to share how she harnessed the medicine and power of her voice to create change through her social media platform, her “channeling” of her writing, her publishing her books, and her courses.

She talks about why it is important to NOT stay silent on what is happening surrounding the growing abuse in family courts.

She talks about her journey and why this path is personal for her, how her children were afraid of their father, what that looks like, and how she is using her voice to address the growing bigger issues surrounding the monetization of parental alienation and reunification camps in family courts.

She talks about the importance of language in the courts. Why survivors should be studying the system, describe the behavior, document and show patterns of behavior of period of time. Tina talks about why it is crucial to be able to communicate these patterns in a way that would register with the courts.

Because of the consistent work of Tina, there are some very BIG things are happening – movies, books, criminal investigations, and class action lawsuits.

In the end, Tina shares 3 actionable steps to be a change and how to create change.


Tina Swithin survived a “Category Five Divorce Hurricane” while acting as her own attorney in a high-conflict custody battle that turned her family’s life upside down for over a decade. While divorces are never easy, Tina quickly learned that a divorce involving a narcissist takes the term, “high-conflict” to a level that few can comprehend. To articulate what was happening, she took shelter from the storm by chronicling her journey in her (now) internationally recognized blog, “One Mom’s Battle.” Tina’s plight grew from just one mom to a village of tens of thousands who all share the same story. There were different variations and nuances, but the common denominator is toxic, high conflict individuals and post-separation abuse.

With all odds against her, Tina’s battle came to an end on August 30, 2019, when she successfully terminated her ex-husband’s parental rights. Tina has chosen to assume the title of survivor versus victim and has become an advocate for change in the Family Court System after seeing the flaws first-hand. Tina believes that the courts have lost sight of their primary focus, which should be the best interest of the child and instead, are too focused on parental rights.

Tina believes that children are suffering unnecessarily due to the lack of education on the front lines—and behind the judicial bench.

Tina Swithin is the author of Divorcing a Narcissist (series) and founder of the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program. Tina is a co-founder of the National Safe Parents Organization. Tina resides in San Luis Obispo, California with her husband and her two daughters.


To learn more about Laura, her work, her social justice and sacred activist work, social media, podcast, books, etc visit: Laura Healing With Spirit | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Additional Resources:

To learn more about the Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast or to become a guest, click here.

TSM Episode 22: Sexy But Psycho: How the Patriarchy Uses Their Trauma Against Them

Welcome to Episode 22 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on the topic of “Sexy But Psycho: How the Patriarchy Uses Their Trauma Against Them” with the incredibly powerful, Dr. Jessica Taylor.

Honestly after interviewing Dr. Jess, I’ve never met someone so akin to my life’s work and what my soul came here to accomplish here as a human.

For those who do not know Dr. Jess … I can’t highly recommend her and her work enough. This episode is life changing.  I rarely rarely rarely endorse anyone for good reasons. So when I do, there’s a good reason and I’d stake my reputation on it.

This talk is deep, direct, and powerful while addressing the elephant in the room, and offering 3 actionable steps folks can do today.

About Dr Jessica Taylor

Dr. Jess Taylor is a leading expert Forensic psychologist who has worked extensively with PD in SA, DV, CSA and sex trafficking cases in the UK.

She is also the Director of Victim Focus, and has authored multiple international best-selling books including:

  • “Why Women Are Blamed For Everything”
  • “Sexy But Psycho: How the Patriarchy Uses Women’s Trauma Against Them”
  • and her latest “The Trauma Impact Manual”.

She has made appearances on British television, including BBC Two documentary “Womanhood”, and in the true crime documentary “My Lover, My Killer”.

Whilst completing her undergraduate degree, she had written to professors and academics to submit her ideas and research proposals on the psychology of victim blaming of women and girls. Academics at University of Birmingham accepted her preliminary literature reviews and research proposals and offered Jessica an opportunity to study a PhD beginning in October 2015, at the age of 25.

During the PhD, Jessica explored emerging perspectives and critical approaches to understanding victim blaming. She also studied advanced psychometric theory and created the BOWSVA Scale (a validated psychometric which has the ability to measure victim blaming attitudes of women subjected to sexual violence and abuse).

It was this specialism which led Jessica to become publicly critical of psychometrics and screening tools being used with teenage girls subjected to sex trafficking and exploitation. In 2016, wrote several articles and speeches about the oppressive use of screening tools and measurements which led to widespread anger and backlash from leading services, academics and authorities. The organization Jessica worked for in senior management was targeted and told to stop her from criticizing the tools. It was this which led her to resign from a position she loved, as she didn’t want to draw negative attention to a charity she was committed to.

Jessica had a vision for an independent organization that could challenge, change and influence millions of people to understand that victim blaming, misogyny and pathologization was embedded into every system in the world, and so in April 2017, she launched VictimFocus.

In September 2018, Jessica was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts for her outstanding contribution to psychology and feminism.

In April 2020, Jessica released ‘Why Women Are Blamed For Everything’ in paperback by self-publishing via Lulu. With no publisher, agent or publicist, the book caused an international conversation and celebrity endorsements resulting in 10,000 copies sold in the first six weeks. With no distribution centre or logistical support, Jessica, Jaimi and Jaimi’s mum, Mandy, fulfilled tens of thousands of international orders from their dining room during the first part of COVID-19 Lockdown.

In March 2022, ‘Sexy But Psycho’ was released and went straight to Sunday Times Best Seller, entering at #5 in the national non-fiction book chart.



Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this collaborative program, we hope to share a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions.

Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives

Learn more about us, links to other podcasts, our books out on Amazon, social media outlets and more – Laura Healing With Spirit | Twitter, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree

Episode #14: Surviving & Thriving After Coercive Control & Post Separation Abuse

Welcome to Episode 14 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. Join us for amazing podcast episode on “Surviving & Thriving After Coercive Control & Post Separation Abuse” with Erika Hull, Abuse Survivor, Life Management Consultant, Author, & Co-Founder of The CornHer Office.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Sometimes after we leave an abusive relationship, the abuse does not stop. Erika talks about her journey through a repeated history of abuse including coercive control, Family court issues and post-separation abuse that led her to healing and reclaiming her power back.

We each share 3 tips on what survivors can do NOW despite the actions of their abusers and offer additional resources including both of NEW books coming out October 2022 that are complementary to each other.


Erika Shalene Hull is a Life Management Consultant, Author and Co-Founder of The CornHer Office. After spending over 10 years, primarily as a Financial Development Director for a world-wide non-profit organization, Erika sought to lessen the gap between the challenges of working and parenthood, by leaving corporate America and becoming a full-time entrepreneur. With having to overcome numerous traumas during this time, including abuse, suicide of oldest child, and the day-to-day hardship of a crippling genetic disorder, she is courageously passionate about helping others rise above their own personal obstacles. From minimizing daily burdens, creating manageability and building confidence, through The CornHer Office, Erika provides methods, tools and resources delivering the life fulfillment clients seek, intending to impact women’s lives for the BETTER. When she’s not taking on life’s challenges, she’s v’logging, road trippin’ or drinking a cup of coffee with her husband and five children in Ohio.

Website:     Book website:

Contact information:

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Educational information, hotline, and searchable database of programs and services near you.

Love Is Respect (National Dating Abuse Hotline): Offers young people a chance to chat online, call, or text with advocates.

National Domestic Abuse Hotline (800-799-7233): 24/7 hotline with access to service providers and shelters across the United States.

The Quincy Solution by Barry Goldstein:

Feisty; Dangerously Amazing Women Using Their Voices To Make An Impact:

The Secrets To Healing – Healing with Spirit with Laura (


Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more. In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Book Launch Party & Soft Opening of NEW Space

After 20 years since Laura embarked on this journey and 10 years writing, it is finally happening. The 2nd book in 2022 (her 1st book) and her first solo book, will be released on 10/10/22.

This book takes a real honest look at how we address and heal the growing chronic illness and trauma rates through the eyes of a domestic violence and sexual assault survivor, Reiki teacher, wellness professional, and advocate with over 20yrs experience working in a medical environment & legislative policy.

Laura weaves her personal story, work, training, and social justice work in this must have book.

I assure you … there is no book on the market like it that addresses the root issues and solutions like she does through this lens.

This book also includes a special insert on Shintoism by our dear friend, Reiki teacher, mentor, and Vice Representative of the Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto, Japan, Frank Arjava Petter.


The cost to attend is solely for the purchase of the book.

Every attendee registered will receive an autographed copy of “The Secrets to Healing: An Invitation to Healing Trauma and Other Root Causes of Chronic Illness Using the Japanese Reiki Gokai”

NOTE: If you have already purchased your book and would like to attend, please reach out via text message 857-880-0365 with a photo of you holding the book or receipt of purchase, and if tickets are still available, we will grant you a ticket at no extra cost – unless you wish to purchase an extra book as a gift.

Again, the purchase of a ticket for this event is for the book.

Light refreshments served.

Plus, we will be offering raffles prizes and gifts throughout the event.

This is a ticketed event due to space limitations & advanced book orders.

Due to immense interest in this event and book, we advise to purchase your tickets early to ensure you do not miss out.

We will also have limited copies of our first co-authored book, “Feisty: Dangerously Amazing Women Using Their Voices to Make An Impact” available for purchase as well.

To learn more about these books, services, podcast, social media and more, click here

Get Your Tickets Here