Adventures in Reiki with Surgery
Have you ever employed reiki for surgery? I don’t normally share my personal stuff publicly, but feel this might help another somewhere somehow and felt compelled to share my surgical…
A Personal Message For Those Interested in Learning Reiki or Receiving Reiki
Want to meet or join a reiki healing community? Interested in knowing more about reiki as part of your self healing? Want to learn how to do reiki either on…
My Jikiden Reiki Experience and Messages from Spirit Along the Way
Well I did it … 1st phase is complete with your help. I cannot say thank you enough to all who made this journey possible. I am officially Jikiden Reiki®…
My Journey and Experiment Through Jikiden Reiki
I wanted to share my personal story, spiritual journey and experiment through Usui Reiki and Jikiden Reiki®. Most of my background in Reiki over the last 9 years has been…
What is a Reiki Share?
Suffering from depression, anxiety, arthritis, trauma, pain, cancer, chronic stress, headaches, chronic illness? Never experienced Reiki before? Please keep reading to learn more about the benefits of reiki and what…
Upcoming 2015 Celebration of Reiki Conference
I am honored to be one of the featured ‘Reiki Reaches Out’ panelists this year for The Reiki Conference on April 26th in Brookline for my work the effectiveness use…
What is Reiki?
A study done in 2007 by the National Health Interview Survey indicates that 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children received one or more sessions of energy healing therapy such as…
Reiki Can Do No Harm or Can It?
Just as in any profession, there are many wonderful reiki professionals who do amazing work and many individuals receive the many benefits of reiki. However, there are also challenges. So,…
The Reiki Effect
Reiki is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy that works with the human body’s bioenergy field. It uses vibrational, or subtle energy, administered most commonly by a light…