Breaking Free From The Chains Of The Past
Trauma …
Trauma … We have all been affected by trauma one way or another in our lifetime. However, we may not realize how a traumatic event may have affected our life or impacted our soul.
The challenge is trauma doesn’t affect us the way we perceive it. It affects us on a cellular and soul level and may not even be in our own awareness leading to chronic illness, cancer, pain, poor relationships, etc.
So, when I read the following quote, it struck me and gave me lots to ponder on and contemplate ultimately leading to this post:
“If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence.” – Eckhart Tolle
I am going on my 13th year when I made a crucial decision to leave an abusive relationship and begin my healing path for first time in my life.
One of the things that I have learned in my 13 years, is that the more I connected to the divine within, soul, inner child, it also reveals the root cause that wounded my core. I began to discover the roots to my fears, insecurities, and my own self sabotaging behaviors … to the place it all began … the seed that began decades before I married an abuser.
I began my healing journey broken wondering how to put all the pieces of me back together.
I began to employ traditional therapies (which didn’t help me much), support groups, spiritually based practices such as developing my sequestered intuition, meditation, reiki, acupuncture, journaling, dance, connecting to nature and more.
We have technology which is supposed to make us more connected than ever. However, we are actually more disconnected than ever. We are not connected to the very life that breathes underneath our feet, Mother Earth. We are not connected to our own BE-ing or essence. We live in a society of wanting everything now, instant gratification, and a “plugged in” to that technology 24/7.
Unfortunately, healing doesn’t work like that. Employing a one day at a time mindset goes a long way as well as a lot of self-compassion. Learning new ways “to be” takes time. Discovering you again takes time. Developing new skill sets to heal takes time. Finding someone to help you who has the skill sets is huge if you can find that coach/healer.
Employing a mindset of presence helped me with my trauma, PTSD, anxiety and the physical illness that resulted from my trauma. There’s many ways to learn the art of presence whether through meditation or mindfulness-based practices, but from me, learning Jikiden Reiki changed everything for me. This is where I have seen the most growth in my life since I began this journey in 2005.
Want to learn more?
Please join me at one of these 4 events this spring:
- March 31st in Hingham, Ma to “Learn How To Bless Your Junk and Take Your Life Back NOW”
- April 8th at the Healthy Living Expo and Conference in Plymouth, Ma as a featured presenter on ” Healing Trauma Through the System of Reiki“
- May 4-6th in Hingham for Jikiden Reiki training in Shoden (Level I)
- March 19th: REIKI VIBRATIONAL HEALING MEDITATION with the Tibetan Singing Bowls in Hingham. Class held monthly.
Check out
- 5 Reasons Why To Bless Your Junk
- Medical Study of the Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-Being
- My Story of Embodying Reiki to Heal Trauma Associated With Abuse
- Plus, check out my 2018 cosmic forecast if you have not already; A Year of Magic, Miracles, Paradoxes, Social Justice, and Opportunities. PLUS, 5 Tips To Guide You in 2018
Copy right 2018. Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent