I know many of us are clamoring to get outside and to resume in person events again or “get back to normal”.
Am I correct in saying so?
I know for me, I will be looking forward to both attending and offering in person events myself including resuming our in person meditation groups, classes, and our popular women’s retreats while also utilizing the magic only virtual events and circles can give us.
I will also add, there is NO such thing as “get back to normal”.
Instead, We change. We evolve. We grow.
For those who do NOT know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Laura Joseph first so you know where I am coming from. I have been providing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment since 2006, and have a subspecialty in trauma healing & recovery.
Since March 2020, I’ve been providing these virtual circles as a way to support our community that was suddenly struck with crisis putting my training & spiritual gifts to use in a virtual platform. Since then, we’ve had folks join us from our local area, but have also had guests periodically join us from Scotland, Denmark, Canada, FL, NM, CA, GA, and more.
Despite my desire to resume in person events, I do find a special place where these virtual circles are still needed and offer a special benefits.
So, I thought I would share a few reasons with you.
Here Are 8 Benefits of Virtual Circles:
1.Travel is unnecessary. Therefore, takes no extra time, and causes no stress.
2. Meet others that you normally would not meet in person.
3. A virtual space can offer a safe place to gain clarity, seek guidance, and/or allow yourself to process old energies, stories, emotions etc.
4. You can stay safe in your own environments especially if you’re running in between clients or multitasking at home.
5. You can benefit from social support without fear of getting infected or spreading anything.
6. Caregivers or home schoolers can stay in the same place as your loved ones without the need to secure extra care or help.
7. You don’t have to wear heels or dress up … unless you want to. So go ahead & wear those slippers or PJ bottoms.
8. Go outside walking your dog or taking the baby for a stroll in the neighborhood
Your Are Invited to the Experience
I invite you to join us at one of the upcoming virtual events and circles. Please visit our calendar for dates & times.
Be seen.
Be heard.
Be supported in a safe nurturing diverse & inclusive virtual circle.
Here’s what you might experience:
The ability to enter into a safe container
A place where you can comfortably ease into a deep dive of vulnerability and trust effectively.
Some virtual love, circle, community, or extra support.
Some spiritual medicine – spirit animals, earth based wisdom, psychic spirit medium insight, numerology and more.
Cosmic energy reports that often affect our lives, health, businesses, gps, cell phones & other gadgets that might give you better insight into what is happening in your world.
Rituals, ceremony, and movement.
To stay in the loop, be sure to be in one of these 3 key areas where announcements are made:
1.Be sure to subscribe to our email list – you can subscribe to whatever lists you wish to receive to control how many emails you receive.
2. Become a Patreon Member for a little as $5 a month for exclusive previews, events, benefits, and support.
The Future of Reiki, Martial Artists, Spiritual Based, & Holistic Therapies in MA & USA
Your freedom to access or practice any of these therapies is being threatened with regulation.
What’s the threat?
The threat is coming from the private sector, organizations which stand to benefit by controlling from whom you can receive treatment, from whom you can learn any of these therapies, how you practice professionally, and what you teach.
That control can be gained by manipulating state governments that write licensing laws, ostensibly to protect the public from harm.
Do I have your attention? Are you ready to protect Reiki and other affected therapies?
Although this proposed bill affects ANYTHING that is deemed a holistic therapy or a spiritual therapy through “word or touch”, I am going to stick to my lane of knowledge in the realm of my extensive experience in trauma healing & recovery especially for domestic violence survivors and sexual assault survivors as well as spiritually based therapies such as meditation & reiki.
For more details on what is happening, please check out my prior post here.
If you teach or are a practitioner who uses other therapies such as
personal, business, spiritual coaching,
Thai chi,
martial arts,
You are being called to TAKE ACTION
If you receive any of these therapies especially for/or a part of a:
PTSD, mental health or trauma
terminal illness, dementia, cancer
senior care, volunteer programs, homelessness
Military vets
battered women’s shelter
or the like
Your access to services may become adversely affected … ACTION is needed NOW
Holistic healers are fighting “An Act Regulating Bodyworks,” the latest bill filed by State Sen. Mark Montigny (D-New Bedford) and Attorney General Maura Healey to allow authorities regular access to establishments they say are often fronts for trafficking.
I recently spoke with Rita Glassman who is heading up the lobbying efforts in Massachusetts to object to regulation of reiki that is beginning to sweep through many states in USA.
She and other practitioners from the National Health Freedom Action have been working to protect their right to professionally practice their respective modalities.
Montigny’s bill defines bodywork as a large swath of practices including touch, words or directed movement, from reiki to reflexology to meditation or martial arts.
For practitioners, you were you able to choose from among diverse practitioners and found the one you thought was the best fit for you.
When you started your professional practice, did you assume you’d always be able to practice according to your understanding your unique practice, without interference from your state government?
All of those choices will be taken away if we allow state legislatures to be manipulated by the private sector into requiring unwarranted licensing.
If you missed my prior blog post on what is happening, please click here to read it for information & background. Above all … please
share it,
take ACTION.
More recently, Pamela Miles (Reiki, Medicine & Self Care), who was instrumental in helping bring reiki on the map in the medical community in NYC and has been featured on Dr. Oz has jumped on the anti-legislative board due to the dangers this widespread legislation poses to folks in gaining access to specifically reiki.
She wrote a fabulous piece on how the threat of regulating reiki would affect you that I will NOT redo as it is perfectly executed.
You can read her wonderful article here where she talks about
WHO stands to profit from this regulation,
how this regulation can affect you,
the reiki diversity,
the reiki spiritual practice,
what states are under attack NOW,
and what you can do about it.
Pamela Miles has been a national voice and featured on the following:.
Pamela has hosted multiple webinars and sent out numerous emails on how to address what we are faced with in regards to legislation. Her voice is one highly credible and respected in the industry.
You can listen to her recent webinar, Protect Reiki from Regulation, with Rita Glassman. You can access it here.
It is imperative that we start writing and calling legislators NOW to oppose this bill.
The MA attorney general has filed the identical bill in the house and senate to ensure its passage. It is going to take a miracle to stop it.
We need an army of practitioners to contact their legislator and senator to establish a relationship with them and to let them know how this proposed bill would affect their income and family. They are elected officials and they listen to their constituents.
Rita and her team has made it easy for us to take ACTION. It is all done for you to make it easy for you to help stop this legislation.
Sample letters & talking points
Click on the links below for:
Draft of an email to students, practitioners, teachers and consumers
I STRONGLY suggest that you blind copy (BC) me on your emails to their legislators, so I can present all the letters to the committee it is assigned to at the public hearing.
You can bcc: your letters to healingwithspirit1@gmail.com.
Last year, Rita Glassman presented the list of over 20,000 who signed the an online petition she had created to oppose the legislation as well as copies of letters that were sent to legislators.
KEY RESULT: When NH tried to pass licensure legislation, they had a strong turnout of over 400 at the public hearing and over a thousand letters to legislators. They never filed another licensure bill for holistic practitioners. We need to do the same and just flood them.
If we learned NOTHING else from the election in November 2020, it takes the rise of us ALL. Please do NOT rely on someone else to take action. We can NOT do this alone. This does NOT only affect reiki, but other spiritually based practices as well.
To defeat this will require ALL of us to step up to the plate.
As for me, regulating these services will prevent folks in vulnerable communities I serve from gaining access to these therapies which in turn would harm my mission to break the cycle of abuse through healing the unrecognized unhealed epidemic of unresolved trauma that plagues our communities and over burdens our broken health care system.
Please share your thoughts and comments below in regards HOW this may or may not affect you. Thank you for reading.
Doing a full moon ritual or a ceremony are sacred practices that date back to ancient times. These moon rituals are found in almost every ancient culture where worshiping the moon was part of their culture as we have seen in Celtic traditions, Babylonian, Egyptian, to Shinto in Japan and more.
There is tremendous power in learning to harness – what I like to call – moon magic, which is the energies, flows, rhythms. However, like anything else, this is NOT a one shot deal and poof, it’s magic. It takes dedication in learning these sacred rituals, implementing them, getting into vibrational alignment with them, and more.
The moon is our teacher and we are her students. Over time, we learn how work WITH these natural flows and rhythms in all her phases. Tuning into these phases of the moon can help provide us with a framework or guide to work from. This can be immensely empowering.
Working with the moon in a ritualistic or ceremonial way is needed more than ever in our technological driven culture that is ever increasingly losing connection to the greatest influencers, creators, and destroyers in life – the moon, father sun and mother earth.
What Does The Full Moon Represent?
This is when the moon is at its peak energy – a time where there is a build up of energy accumulated – both illuminating and shadowy – light and dark.
She represents the receptive energies or what others might call the feminine.
She reflects back to us a strong full illumination from the sun where she is the brightest. She highlights all that needs to be illuminated in your life in this lunar cycle. This is where the energies are most potent and a time for strong creative and intuitive influxes.
The full moon is all about endings and completions of a cycle and in this case the lunar cycle. This is a good time to:
Here are three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual
1) Focus on what you have done in the past 28-30 days. What transpired in this time? Where are you stuck? Reflect. How have you utilized the energies in this lunar cycle?
2) What have you reaped – gained? Reflect.
3) What needs to be leg go of? Purified? Cleansed? Reflect.
Preparations For Full Moon Rituals
This is a great time to take a hard look at what has come into fruition and what has not.
It is a time to get quiet, connect, and honor the sacredness of the moon, all she offers us and the other elementals harnessed. Implementing these rituals should show clear respect with proper cultural appropriation.
This includes asking for permission of the ancestors of the land you occupy to guide you. For me, that would be asking permission from the Massachusett People, the original stewards of this land I reside on, to be here. Asking the ancestors forgiveness for those who may have come before me and asking for them guide me today in this sacred ritual so I may become a better steward for all future generations to come.
Here are additional tips to prepare:
1) Get centered & calm – so yes, meditate in preparation
2) Write it out – (see three things to consider when doing a full moon ritual above for prompts)
3) Take a sacred bath – you can use epsom salt or Himalayan salts with some herbals like roses, lavender or essential oils. The intention here is asking the moon and waters to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit.
Here are 7 simple rituals to maximize the full moon energies.
1) Cleanse – Clear, cleanse, purify your mental and physical space. Clean out those closets. If you choose to smudge, please consider avoid using white sage or palo santo due to the increasing poaching of these items leading to imbalances.
2) Put out a bowl of moon water. Let the bowl of water bask in the radiance of the full moon energies. Create intentions and rituals. Sip it daily as a reminder of the intentions created and the full power of the moon.
3) Releasing Ritual – Write whatever you wish to release, let go of on a small piece of paper. Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then with things you want to release either place in a bowl of water and sprinkle pink Himalayan salt to purify/cleanse or burn in a ceremonial sacred fire.
4) Meditate – This is one of the most important things you can learn, do, and incorporate as part of your daily rituals. This is the space we can access the wisdom and answers we seek. However, this is NOT something you want to initiate on a full moon as a new practice if you have not already been practicing meditation.
5) Dance – Physical release is a good way to purge stuck energies that need to move and filter out.
6) Gratitude Ritual– Write whatever you wish to be grateful for – successes, opportunities, etc on a small piece of paper. Whatever you wrote down, you can say a prayer, intention, or the like. Then bury it in the garden and wait til the next new moon to plant any seeds and watch what grows.
7) Charge your stones/crystals – Put them in the moonlight to bask in the energies of the full moon to cleanse, charge, and purify these stones and crystals.
Approach these rituals from a soulful place and less from the egoic earthly place with honor, respect, and sacredness.
You’ll be amazed at what shows up for you when you adopt these flows & cycles into your life. Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment below if you find these tips helpful.
*** If you provide or receive benefit from alternative, holistic, or spiritual based therapies and/or practices, this is a MUST read. ***
There are currently THREE pending legislations in Massachusetts that could have an impact in your rights of access to holistic and spiritual based therapies.
Two of the bills are potentially harmful and the third is a Safe Harbor bill to address the concerns of legislators while protecting the rights of Americans to access as well as protect many sacred teachings that fall under religious practices without government interference.
Holistic and spiritual practitioners in the state of Massachusetts who do not otherwise fall under professional or national licensing requirement (like Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Massage therapy) have been under potential threat of being controlled by the state.
According to the folks at this group, “Massachusetts previously introduced Safe Harbor Exemption legislation to protect the right to practice for, and the right of consumers to access, health care practitioners and healers who do not have conventional medical licenses such as herbalists, homeopaths, traditional naturopaths and many more.”
It was looking favorable last time we checked in early 2020. Unfortunately, like everything else, Covid slowed down the process of the Safe Harbor Bill going through. View the Bill here SD.1085/HD.1169
NEW Concerning Developments
Since then, there have been interesting and concerning developments.
1) There is an (alleged) federally sponsored organization that is working toward creating a mandatory licensing for a variety of modalities, including shamanic practice. They have developed standards, certifications and applications that would force certain practitioners to become licensed under them. They plan to get this passed in 8 applicable states, beginning with Massachusetts.
2) At the state level in Massachusetts, there were bills filed on Wednesday, co-sponsored by the Attorney General that would require a variety of modalities (listed below), to be licensed and overseen by the state and/or individual towns. From what it looks to me, they are putting these “alternative healing therapies” into a similar category as massage therapy.
These are the categories that I am reading about in the Massachusetts bill that was filed on Wednesday, February 10, 2021:
Feldenkrais Method
the Trager Approach
Ayurvedic Therapies
Polarity or Polarity Therapy
Qi Gong
Body/Mind Centering
Reiki, levels II and above
Here’s where I need your help:
This bill referenced in the Call to Action below, known as the Safe Harbor bill, would work to protect the rights of the practitioners listed. This would work in favor of these practitioners and allow them sovereignty over their healing art.
PLEASE SIGN HERE as this gets emailed directly to our legislators. It takes one minute.
Only Massachusetts residents can sign this.
You do NOT need to be a practitioner to sign. If you run a volunteer program or you have benefited in any way from these modalities, you are encouraged to sign.
Please share with clients or groups you work with who benefit from these therapies too.
** This is NOT a petition, it’s a direct email to legislators that can help us. **
What Else You Can Do NOW
Get Involved.
Protect YOUR rights and Access
Please do NOT expect someone else to do it FOR you. As we have witnessed in the last year, and if we learned nothing else from 2020, EVERYONE must rise and take action.
1) Read about the Safe Harbor Bill that is designed to protect you and your rights.
Key provisions of the Health Freedom Bill include:
Greater access to healing arts practitioners by the acknowledgment of its inherent benefits
Strengthened consumer protections to ensure public rights and safety
Enhanced practitioner safety underscoring the right to practice
Required disclosures relating to services and skills
HFAM “has worked to advance an initiative that balances consumer protections and public safety with the rights of those practicing healing arts. With the recent passage of health care reform on the state and national levels, it is now more important than ever that consumers have the right to safely access healing arts.”
Become a member
Donate to support this expensive legislative process to protect our rights and the groups mission.
Submit a Testimony in support of Safe Harbor Bill. Click here.
3) Learn About the Parent Group: National Health Freedom Action and their work nationwide and in grassroots organizations in various states where legislation is pending.
The Mission: “To ensure that the people of this nation have access to the broad domain of healing and health care information and services, to ensure the right of practitioners of the healing arts to practice, and to educate the public, promote health and well-being, conduct surveys and research, and participate in legislative, regulatory, legal, or public policy-reform and lobbying to accomplish the goal of health freedom.”
In full disclosure, I am a paid member of this organization and of their chapter HFAMA.
4) Know the other 2 bills presented for legislation that are potentially harmful especially towards vulnerable populations, interference with religious practices, discriminatory, and culturally targeted.
The other one is still pending as it is being re-written, but you can read about MA Bill 168 here prior to the pending re-drafting.
Please protect these sacred practices targeted.
Please develop a stronger back bone and self police unethical professionals to minimize harmful impacts to our communities.
Why Do I Care?
You can read about MY VIEWS as to WHY I support the Safe Harbor Bill and why I do NOT support the other 2 bills by clicking here. You can scroll towards the bottom of the post for the MY VIEWS part of the post.
Here I speak as a survivor of rape and domestic abuse who was subsequently diagnosed with CPTSD taking decades to reclaim my life as well as someone with years doing advocacy work in Massachusetts for victims.
The two harmful bills would also have a significant harmful impact on those faced with end of life too and not to mention low income communities.
So YES, I am quite passionate about THIS.
I will update you all as new information comes to light.
Thank you for reading and supporting the sacred arts.
After partaking in another Patreon as a member with strong social justice goals, and watching the benefits unfold, I finally created a Patreon account to give you a better virtual experience, expand our virtual reach, offer exclusive specials and offers while broadening my social justice goals that are so important to me.
I want to share with you more about myself with you. So, I would be honored & grateful if you could take a moment and read my WHY I launched on Patreon.
My why
What I have done in the past
What is happening NOW
What I can offer It take a community to make this happen.
Let’s join forces AND BREAK The CYCLE of the Perpetuation of Unresolved Unhealed Trauma TOGETHER.
To be honest ….
I am a bit Nervous.
AND that is all ok.
I am putting the trust and faith in this journey and allowing it to unfold as it needs to.
Have you ever heard of Patreon before?
Here is the dish … It is a wonderful subscription service for content creators and in my case content creators with a social justice or social impact mission in mind.
What is unique about this platform, it lets people financially support and reward content creators — such as podcasters, writers, and YouTubers — through a monthly subscription.
Creators can set up multiple membership tiers with various rewards so each subscriber can choose the amount of money they feel most comfortable giving to a project and in my case – healing the perpetuation of unhealed unresolved trauma that is plaguing our society.
So, please check out my “My WHY” Patreon post, and if the message resonates, please consider
commenting on the original post
sharing with loved ones or those in your community who identify with my mission.
joining to support my social justice impact goals
or joining for the great benefits such as FREE 1:1, FREE events, and up to 40% off classes offered.
Would LOVE your thoughts AND …
I am new to learning how all this works and working on building a team to make my dreams and missions come to light so I can show up more effectively and more impactful for YOU.
Me doing THIS work is and always has been about BE-ing of greater service to the community & our Mother Earth.
Like everyone else, I am learning HOW to show up BETTER to meet that soul journey mission.
If you decide to become a patron on Patreon, you become active participants in the work I am doing while supporting a cause we all love and NEED especially during these challenging times where the trauma epidemic is running wild like an uncontrolled unchecked avalanche or a volcano that is about to explode.
This 2020 review and 2021 energy forecast was recorded LIVE on 1/1/21 during our normally scheduled Mornings with Laura; Spiritual Medicine & Meditation event.
Here is a glimpse of what we talk about.
We reviewed the 2020 energies and themes that played out throughout the year.
Numerology for the day 1/1/21: 7
2021 Numerology for the year: 5
Today’s Medicine 1/1/21: PAINTED TURTLE
PLUS, a guided meditation with the Tibetan Singing Bowls
The numerology for 2020 was a 4 year – a “work” year as talked about throughout the year in our LIVE events as well as throughout the blog posts posted throughout the year as well.
What does this mean – a “work” year? We have a leveling out that happened in 2020 between the ego/material world and the soul/spiritual realm. This means that:
shadows revealed
trauma healing – generational, past life, personal
karmic debt
no longer able to spiritually bypass without consequences
The deep hard stuff was in our face and we were forced to face it. Clearly 2020 was no joke. However, if you think 2021 will be a walk in the park, you might be in for a rude awakening.
The Beetle – The Past Lessons
The focus was on the “earth” elements, cocooning, and restoring balance of life.
This was reflected in the “Beetle” card pulled which is associated with the water element, the 7 of cups in tarot which highlighted the need to face necessary decisions.
In 2020 we discovered the need for stronger partnership with plant and herbal medicine and stewardship of our great Mother Earth.
We discovered the importance of grounding, centering, tapping into ancestral work/wisdom, decolonization work, and social justice.
(A complete list of 2020 reports at the bottom).
We have been learning how to balance the yin/yang, light/dark as we evolve into a new era of human evolution.
This years surrender influence: SURRENDER DEFENSIVENESS
Now before you all get defensive – hahahahaha – take a pause and process without judgment. See what shows up for you as you go through the meditation portion in the video.
“Defensiveness is a sign of weakness. To communicate in a more empowered way, stay centered and hear someone out – then offer a clear, non defensive response.”
The Painted Turtle – The Present Moments
In 2021, we move into integration as brought to us by the painted turtle which is associated with the fire element and the 6 of wands in tarot.
The painted turtle is showing us to continue with what we set out in motion in2020 with the lessons of the beetle. Through all this good stuff will commence this year.
Themes of working together in groups or collaboration is important. It is key to be less “me” or “I” and more “we”, which is a very Aquarian age theme moving forward anyway.
The rewards are NOT without continued strong effort. These efforts will begin to see the payoff especially over the next 2-3 months – so basically through spring equinox.
What do you want to birth????
The Swan – Moving Forward
The swan in the future position has been showing up repeatedly during our Facebook LIVE events at the end of the year and in the beginning. There is no coincidence here.
Swan is connected to the Temperance (XIV) card in tarot. Over the next 2-3 months, it is important to move forward with the lessons from the prior two cards and implement their teachings.
Be aware of the increase sensitivities into new realms and energies associated with these teachings to be awakening for you. HOWEVER, we can NOT bypass the first 2 lessons of the beetle and turtle to get there.
It is important to pay attention to what shows up for you in the subtle energy realm over the next 2-3 months.
Try new things.
See what shows up without the need to control outcomes or create expectations.
Create and maintain more balance in the elementals – water, air, earth, fire. Yet, do not abandon everything right now either.
Watch the replay for more key information and discussions around what we learned from 2020 and how to move forward in 2021.
Plus, a meditation to help you begin the year centered, clear and balanced
The 2020 Intense Karmic Start and Four Tips To Move Forward – Well in case you missed my January post, 2020 is a massive year for “change” being a four year in numerology in all areas of our life. It is also a “work” year, a year to cultivate our deep inner spirit, and connect with the ancestors for healing and wisdom.
The 444 Psychic Energy Regarding COVID19– what is happening energetically, collectively and spiritually around the COVID19 and what we need to do collectively to move forward.
Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest -This has been quite the spiritual journey in the depths of the shadow realm this year, and there is a LOT surfacing personally, collectively, karmicly, and generationally in the first 6 months amidst a COVID19 outbreak with growing protests & civil unrest. A spiritual message is born.
The Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour on VoiceItRadio Cleveland, OH
In case you missed the LIVE broadcast on Monday, November 9, 2020, here is the recording from the Laura Cowan Empowerment Hour Show where we talked about healing and empowering survivors of abuse & trauma.
Laura Cowan is an Award Winning Speaker, Educator, Radio Personality/VoiceItRadio & DV Advocate who has been a featured guest on national tv shows such as the Tamron Hall Show. You can learn more about her here: www.lauracowanstory.com
I met Laura a couple years ago while I was volunteering as a moderator for the National Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence where she was an incredible powerful speaker talking about her incredible journey surviving domestic violence.
I was instantly drawn to Laura and her beautiful energy, strength, and power.
In this episode, we chatted about our stories, healing, trauma, the broken system and how to heal the “broken me” after a series of abuses – child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and systemic oppression.
If you are struggling right now, please check out this episode.
If you are a survivor of abuse, please listen in.
If you just need extra support right now, this is sure to be inspiring.
Would love your feedback on this radio show episode.
We will talk about what has been happening w/ a summary in the areas of
Mercury Retrograde
Mars Retrograde
Recent Space Weather events
Recent electrical events on Earth
Tomorrow’s Full Moon
How Halloween factors in all this
AND 5 TIPS on where to focus NOW
My goal with this post is to provide some energetic psychic insight to what is happening from as pure of a state as possible while giving spiritual guidance on how to navigate these polarizing energies while balancing any triggers we may encounter along the way.
If we look at the state of our society in 2020 in the United States of America, we might question, “how did we get here?”.
After the Spanish flu in 1918, Rockefeller discovered that humans and disease could be traded as a commodity on Wall Street. As a result of this colonized model, Americans in general are now suffering unprecedented increasing rates of
uncontrolled stress
domestic violence
chronic illness
autoimmune disease
trauma related illnesses
What I Have Witnessed In 2020
Since March 2020 when COVID shut our country down. I began offering extra support, spiritual medicine and meditation to the community 3x a week in our FB group. I am witnessing A LOT.
I have also launched polls via social media, worked with clients individually while elsewhere witnessed very heightened and triggered responses plagued with assumptions, toxic tongue, and weakening immune systems.
So what do we do about this?
As an empath, intuitive, seer, truth finder, healer, medicine woman, educator and trauma specialist in me, I began to witness some collective patterns.
Could there be a solution?
In this video, I share
my 15 year journey on how I turned my PTSD into a super power
the offering
why these mini classes are so important to the NOW in the grand scheme of things.
why take these classes
I share some very vulnerable things in this video about my journey not for sympathy but to let you know I GET IT and I have got skills to help you too.
I share with you my HOW
Culturally, we have turned what could be powerful negative emotions into an addictive toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing. We have become a culture of avoidance, addiction, distraction as a form of oppression, while blinded on seeing a way out and a path to wholeness.
Words have energy do they not?
Word have spiritual power that affect our physiology more than we really know or understand from a scientific standpoint.
If what we say can affect us, then HOW we say it affects us even more.
That is what makes gaslighting so effective to create harm, but why haven’t we mastered the power of the word to empower us? Learn what is missing and how to harness this simple power to breakthrough imaginary walls and empower our very BEing.
We will use some very simple Japanese concepts rooted in Shinto teachings. There is a reason why Japan did NOT have a written language until Buddhist was imported in 4th century.
Words can heal or words can harm!
You may know this, but is your reality matching what you think you know?
The Power of the Pause
This is the most widely known concept, but the most misunderstood.
Shift the power of the word and shift the energy that is driving it. Bring clarity into the problem and identify HOW you can move towards an effective solution.
Learn what is missing and how to harness this simple power. THIS is the power that Ruth Bader Ginsburg mastered that enabled her to win five our of six supreme court cases.
Are you ready to learn the secrets of what you may be missing in this super power?
The Power of the Processing
Learn the million dollar question when told to just “let it go”. In this class, learn HOW to let go and move on.
This is a step I witness most folks frequently wanting to avoid, escape from, or numb ourselves from. Learn why this is a crucial step that is needed and why processing our junk effectively matters.
It is important to undue the toxic oppressive cultural conditioning of the way we have been taught to misuse these powers in ways such as.
Words -> abuse, shame, greed
Pause -> silence, lack of, control, enslavement
Processing -> Getting triggered & reacting without pausing without understanding the power of the word or energy behind it and we become fuel to the raging fire instead of the sacred waters.
By facing this shadow aspects of these power, we can harness these powers effectively and create the shifts we need with more joy in our hearts.
Are you ready to own your power?
Are you ready to take the next step to learn HOW?
coming soon
I have spent the last 15 years looking to heal the broken me searching for the right seasoned rooted teachers that span the globe. THIS is important because I have been witnessing another phenomenon of spiritual addictions over the years as a way to avoid doing the work to heal, elevate or create necessary changes in our lives aka spiritual bypassing that is leading to our chronically sick culture.
I have walked this path NOT just talked it.
I have understood that value and power of the undoing, healing, letting go, processing, languaging, pausing, and more. This is personal to me. Maybe this momma bear does not want to see the kind of suffering I am witnessing and wants to share a BETTER WAY of EXISTING.
Are you ready to learn how to harness these powers for empowerment and growth?
I am still in the planning stages of this offering.
Click here to stay in the loop as these classes unfolds and for special offers. You may also join our Facebook group to also stay in tapped into what is happening with this launch.
I look forward to sharing the wisdom, lessons, and power behind it all and most importantly the HOW through a virtual format to including experientials and meditation.
What a Shit Show And Circus Being Allowed to Continue or Is It? Your Decide.
The energies are sure proving themselves in revelations of the darkness and shadows and while highlighting what we need to do in our evolution of our own soul growth.
First I want to state that pulling these cards took me 2 months to do to ensure the right energetic alignment was palatable enough to minimize the effects of my own personal beliefs interfering with this type of message.
I am aware of the toxic spirituality floating around and the level of predatory spiritual leaders in many communities for malicious or selfish agendas. History is riddled with this spiritual toxicity. This shadowy veil is highlighting this so we may evolve. My efforts to ensure I am not complicit to the problem of abusing my own position of power to influence despite my imperfect humanness is important to me.
My goal with this post is to provide some energetic psychic insight to what is happening from as pure of a state as possible while giving you guidance on how to navigate these polarizing energies while balancing any triggers and increasing verbal assaults you might be faced with.
I want to start off with sharing the summary of the 2016 presidential election psychic reading I did in July 2016 so you have an idea of the energetic flow.
Followed by the 2020 election energies. Then a summary regarding the cards pulled over the last 4 years.
Finally, the verdict based on the cards pulled on September 29, 2020 and my final thoughts on how to navigate these energies DESPITE your political and/or personal beliefs.
First … the 2016 Election Summary
The cards I pulled for the 2016 election were accurate.
I posted the cards on Instagram without a description due to fear of repercussions from sharing what I saw especially since majority of the psychics and astrologers I saw post that Hillary would be the shoe in.
I did NOT feel that at all. As you can see just by looking at the cards, it did NOT look favorable for Hillary Clinton. I saw “her world as she knew it crumbling” and what she “used” to gain power was unraveling before our eyes.
Her career started out with a passion that ignited her political career, but somewhere along the line, her passion became easily corrupted. Her undoing was the interference of another – whether it was Snowden or another younger male. That “leak” is what began to deflate and expose the corruption surrounding the Clinton Foundation.
The cards did NOT feel as though she thought she did anything wrong. After all, she was a women in power that very few get to achieve in a culture where women are still NOT viewed as equals to men especially in areas of law, politics, social justice.
As far as Trump went, I was unclear actually about his success in the Presidency at the time when I pulled these. I just knew Hillary would NOT become President by her own misguided doings as shown by the upside down Page of Wands card.
Trump did have, however, a team of very powerful rich men behind him. He would not have run for President nor succeeded if he did not have this crucial backing as shown in the three of Pentacles above. This marked the initial stages of implementation of Trumps Presidential bid.
The middle card, the two of swords, indicates a decision to sever the personal and professional relationship Trump had with the Clintons understanding the consequences of this decision. The blindfold suggests that Hillary never saw it coming.
The two of Pentacles in Trump’s spread showed how he adapted and learned to juggle the world of politics. It reflects that he was able to take any stone thrown at him and in his words, “win”.
I think we know WHO won the 2016 election. This spread I pulled on July 6, 2016 was accurate.
My concerns on knowing Hillary was NOT going to win, but concerns with why I felt Trump’s fate in the election was not certain either, baffled me. However, looking in the rear view mirror, the Russia investigation, the election interference, and impeachment validated those intuitive hits I got. Everything made sense in hind sight.
The 2020 Presidential Election Forecast
So when I pulled this spread just before the first presidential debate on 9/29/20, my first initial reads were:
Trump was the “bringer of shadows and darkness”.
Justice is blinded
and there will be an element of manipulation, greed, and “trickery” by Trump to secure his re-election.
and that for Biden, my initial hits were:
a man who mastered his emotional state.
someone who fights for women’s rights
yet someone who is sensitive and emotionally unsure he can beat a Titan. With faith being tested.
On top of the this, when I look at the two center cards – the Justice and three of cups – The overall energies right now surround the future of rights for women – their ability to have autonomy and sovereignty – are currently on the table with Roe vs Wade on the table and VAWA taking the lead.
Make NO MISTAKE – Who we elect will determine the fate of women’s rights.
So now let’s look a bit deeper for clarification. The Justice and Magician card combo suggests that those who fear Trump are right to be afraid. This “frightening” human is wielding a power unprecedented in this young country. He wields a power and mastery at the skill of manipulation and greed.
When we look at the Moon and Justice card combination under Trump, we see a very “dangerous person“. I have seen this type of person before, which is why it took me so long to do this spread so I can present in a clear divine way to ensure I am reporting what I see clearly and unbiased. Not that easy.
This combination of cards for Trump also highlights the HOW factor. What I mean is that he is openly engaging in dangerous manipulation and trickery without care of repercussions. Like most abusers, he has been getting away with this behavior for decades without being held accountable for his actions.
Trump is a skillful person able to deflect and project his toxic behaviors, words, and actions successfully onto his so called “enemies”.
For folks involved in the occult or new age magic stuff – not my realm of expertise – this highlights the possibility of the use of occult malificia or psychic pressure for power or vengeance.
I will highlight the overall election VERDICT further down below.
Now as far as Biden goes … at least with these cards, it seems a lot simpler here. The King of Cups tells us that Biden has had many battles that have challenged him emotionally and mentally. He conquered those emotions while maintaining the calming reassuring fatherly presence.
The three of cups is celebratory. What I heard with this card is to remember that Biden helped get a crucial legislation passed to protect women from violence and provide services, shelter and support for those abused or sexually assaulted. The landmark violence against women act (click here for fact sheet) took over a decade if not mistaken to get this law passed.
It is showing up in the present because under the Justice card, the VAWA is currently under threat.
Click here for the facts on this current threat dated 9/13/20 stating “President Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have decided to block the most recent VAWA reauthorization”. Whether or not you feel this is fake news or not, the cards do NOT lie and have NOT lied ever since pulling them regarding anything political.
This is why I do not pull on the cuff. I wait to pull when energies are aligned and my personal energies and beliefs will have as minimal affect on the reading as possible.
The five of cups in the future position is highlighting that things might get disappointing for Biden and that things may not work out as expected on some level.
The Psychic hits between 2016-2020
I did multiple card readings regarding Trump over the last four years. The most recent post on July 24, 2019 on the Mueller Investigation echoed the prior readings with reoccurring themes.
The main thread throughout the four separate times I pulled cards revolved around these aspects:
The USA is at a cross roads and depending on which path the American people choose will dictate the future.
If anything is going to change, it needs to come from the people NOT those in power and the people need to stop complaining and DO something such as organize local meetings, protest, make calls to legislators, and holding our elected officials accountable for their actions or inactions and stop thinking your neighbor will do it for you. If you want change, you must rise up and do it.
There is a LOT of distractions being tossed out and the gullible money driven media took the bait. This is a classic tactic batterers know how to do well. I know. I witnessed this first hand.
The warnings are a wake up call. If there is to be justice, that must come from the rise of the people. Unfortunately, we never saw that unified rise of the people that was needed to make the necessary changes.
SO here we are….
So What’s the Verdict for the 2020 Presidential Election?
At the end of the day, what happens rests in the hands of the UNIFIED citizens of the United States of America. Make no mistake on dividing the people. That was a skillful tactic.
In traditional tarot, the page of swords is about a messenger, an emissary or liaison between separate camps. In this case, between separate presidential campaigns.
The page here has a responsibility to faithfully represent one side’s communications to the other. Unfortunately, we did not experience this in the first debate on 9/29/20 as we all witnessed.
When applied to politics, this could mean a “spy” or someone working for one of the campaigns to gain access to sensitive information. This so called “spy” could be the undoing of the king rendering him powerless.
If Biden is going to win, he needs to learn how to use his quiet calm voice effectively and convincingly like RBG did in winning 5 out 6 supreme court cases especially in the arena around the threats surrounding women’s rights that are currently being challenged including Roe v Wade and The VAWA. He needs to basically call in the divine help of Ruth Bader Ginsberg to make this happen. He will also need to draw on his faith more. Trust his faith more than his aides.
If Trump is going to win, he will do so through cunning skillful manipulation and trickery with the help of a “spy” to accomplish this and will convincingly blame another for anything out of integrity or unlawful. Whether or not this means China, North Korea, Russia or even white supremacist extremist groups as he stated to “Stand by” while refusing to denounce racially motivated extremist groups.
Interestingly, as far as COVID or a COVID vaccine goes, that seems to be a mute point at least in regards to THIS reading.
Finally, if you read this post this far and maybe you are feeling triggered with fear or uncertainty, tap into the wisdom of the body for there resides the truth you seek and wisdom you desire.
Here is the final card for you: Surrender to the Wisdom of Your Body.
“Listen to your body’s messages about a person or situation. If you feel physically drained or uncomfortable, be cautious. If you are energized and happy, move forward.”
If you are STILL feeling stuck or fearful or unsure, please join us in our Facebook group for extra support, spiritual medicine and meditation offered LIVE 3x a week.
Or check out these upcoming classes to help you step into you power more effectively:
The Rooted and Resilient Empath 8 week virtual class
Bless Your Junk and BE EmPOWERed 4 wk virtual class.
Plus, 3 mini master classes each an hour long, complete with workbook, and experientials.
Stop watching the news & TV or at least reduce your exposure. The serve investors NOT the people. This is the ultimate gaslighting and we, the people, rarely question the stories.
Start going within where the truth resides and wisdom is revealed.
Stop complaining.
Do the HARD shitty healing work that is needed, so you can elevate yourself as a better steward and human being.
Get active in activism. Do something to better the planet.
Above all – VOTE
This election especially will hinge on the turn out of the youth as the determining factor. Anyone under the age of 40, will need to be schooled on what is currently at stake for women rights that could set women back decades.
Did I explain it plainly enough keeping it simple without too much of my projection?
Let me know your thoughts on this post in the comments below.