Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer
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November 2 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Buffalo Medicine Drum Workshop With Respected Elder Jane King

Come build your own sacred Buffalo Medicine Shaman-style Drum

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Janee from the January 2025 Deer drum making workshop at Healing With Spirit

The drum is the primal heartbeat of our Mother Earth.

It is your primal heartbeat.

It is the first instrument used by humankind.

A steady drum beat synchronizes the pulse, the blood, lymph, and all life flow, not only in human biology but in all life throughout the cosmos.

copyright 2024 Jane King. All photos are from recent drum making workshops led by Jane and are NOT stock photos

Past participants have experienced life-affirming shifts during this deep buffalo medicine immersion.

During this workshop, you will journey inward to the spirit of buffalo and receive the unique medicine that buffalo has to offer you receive your personal message and teaching from your buffalo.

You choose from handcrafted Vermont White Ash or Red Cherry wood, the standing tree spirit medicine that will be your hoop.

Ceremony is used to instill your personal energy, your medicine, and intention into your drum, creating a healing tool, a beautiful instrument as well as a sacred creation or art.

Making the drumstick is included.

All materials included.

This is a peaceful healing event.


Laura Bonetzky Joseph, founder of Healing With Spirit, making her deer drum January 2025

The only available size is a 15″ drum, with a full appreciation request of $420 (The rims are custom-handmade in Vermont)

Step 1:

Decide if you are paying in full or making a deposit

A minimum $150 non-refundable deposit is due by OCTOBER 10, 2025 to hold your spot and order supplies.

NOTE: This is NOT an event you can procrastinate on and see.


Take the step.

Take the action.

Commit to yourself and this medicine.

From January 2025 deer drum workshop at Healing With Spirit, (c) 2025 All Rights Reserved

Buffalo medicine is needed more than ever personally and collectively. We are LUCKY to have a wise elder to travel to Massachusetts to offer this powerful medicine that starts way before the day of the event. Please understand this.

This deadline allows Jane to tap into the group to energetically and spiritually prepare, order, and make the materials needed for the class. Contact Us Here for Availability after October 10th

Balance due by the day of the workshop (cash, money order or bank

The center altar space during the January 2025 deer drum making workshop at Healing With Spirit. (c) 2025 all rights reserved

check only if paid on the same day).

Step 2:

Decide payment method

To pay via cash or check:

Cash – please arrange with Laura for cash payment by calling/texting 857-880-0365.

Check – Make check payable to Janee King, c/o Healing With Spirit, and Mail check to Healing With Spirit, 185 Lincoln St. Suit 300, Hingham, MA 02043. Please include your full name, phone number, and email address to keep you posted for updates on class.

To pay via credit card:  Use the Eventbrite pay link here

Registration deadline is October 10th or until full.

There are NO refunds for this event. You can review cancellation policy here.

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About Your Facilitator:

Janee from the January 2025 workshop at Healing With Spirit

I am JaneE King, founder of Medicine Drum LLC. I have facilitated Medicine Drum drum-building workshops throughout the country since 1997.

A retired corporate accountant by profession, I was guided to the International Herb Symposium in 1993 in search of natural remedies for my health concerns at that time. Drumming, dancing, under the stars, herbalists decked out in their regalia, this was a dramatic life-changing culture shock to a conservative accountant like me. In fact an intense ( a long story for another time) dimension shift, a reality wake-up call occurred driving me to seek out my first frame drum.

Using that first drum as a model, my former partner, Richard King, gathered the drum parts and materials to create our first Medicine Drum. At that time all our drums were made with cow skins and imitation sinew lacing. Our first drum-building workshop was in our garage with friends and family participating.

Janee from the January 2025 Deer drum making workshop at Healing With Spirit

That was a magical winter Saturday where Mama Gaia confirmed our new venture by beginning the day with cold, snow that turned to rain, then the clouds churned with thunder and lightning only to have the day end with warm breeze and brilliant bright sunshine as the clouds parted in the sunset. A day emblazoned on my memory banks, February 27, 1997.

Richard and I have gone our separate ways. My passion for drums, drumming, and teaching drum building ramped up. While Richard had lost interest I expanded my passions to add deer skins to our previous monotone mix of only cow.

Today it is the animals, deer, elk, buffalo, horse, and bear that drive me to offer these deep-dive immersions into building your own sacred Medicine Drum. Offering two-legged souls, humans, the opportunity to foster and create a mutually respectful relationship with these animals by ceremonially rebirthing them, giving them a new voice in the voice of their Medicine Drum, feeds my soul. It is my small way of bringing oneness and peace to our planet.

My Healing Medicine Drum Circles also are now in demand inviting, allowing our Medicine Drums to play us with their living animal medicine vibes.

Janee from the January 2025 deer drum making workshop at Healing with Spirit

I am also a Certified Brennan Healer, a certified Hypnotist, an Ordained Minister, an earth ceremonialist, and an educator with over 25 years of experience teaching and practicing laying-on-of-hands healing. Melding all these parts into the sanctity of a healing session, when the client is ready, miraculous life-affirming positive changes occur.

My transformative “Way of being with” you can shift your vibe and assist in the awakening of your “inner Healer”, the only true healer. I offer private individualized healing sessions tailored to your uniqueness. Potentially metamorphic. My tools include drum, rattle, crystals, trance, singing bowl, human voice, and many other esoteric tools as called upon by your Being.

From career Accountant to Energy Medicine Professional to Animal Medicine Drum advocate, I humbly, modestly follow where my Soul leads as I continue to mine for my Soul’s gold within and in so doing catalyze others to do the same.




Jane E King
603-731-1646 medicinedrums@gmail.com
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Healing with Spirit
185 Lincoln St, Suite 300
Hingham, MA 02043 United States

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