Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer
December 18, 2018

Wrapping up a 13hr day doing what I do and now sitting down to some loose. . . This is WHY it was all worth it … . . Today, seeing clients with reports back w/ significant improvements to a variety of health issues and wellbeing followed by our last Vibrational healing for 2018 at Healing With Spirit in and completed the evening with the honor of assisting a friend’s mother who is transitioning into spirit in Boston. Yes, been called to do that work too. . . First, to start your day with feedback from a client who has been unwell for weeks with possible flair up from an autoimmune neurological condition, tell you that they can’t remember the last time they had function and mobility in their hand like they do now, you just go WOW. . . Finally, being blessed by my friend’s family to assist in their mother’s journey into the spirit world. To me, this is the greatest honor and privilege to work with end of life. A gift I honor and respect. . . So now I RELAX, reminding myself that my soul has my back sipping the comforts of loose lavender tea. . . Thank you Universe

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