April 30, 2018
Wowza me … Well it’s been quite a busy past 5 days returning from Seattle for more Jikiden reiki teacher training with Tadao Sensei ⛩ … . … to prepping for Sunday’s conference in Boston to watching the grace and presence of my friend and teacher as the keynote speaker at the conference delivering an incredible fact filled presentation on the origins of reiki as well as the welcoming response he received. . . There were those who traveled from all over the United States and Canada to be here. Amazing!!! . I am also grateful to all the organizers at the conference for the gift of yesterday. You are all so amazing. 💜. . I am also grateful to be able to host one of my greatest influencers and teachers who I call my friend in my home. What a gift. . . My heart is filled with so much gratitude for the gift of this beautiful human being and experiences I have gained over the years as a result of the wisdoms taught. . . Today Arjava Sensei and I visited “Vinny” who has terminal cancer and gave him some Jikiden Reiki love before I drove him to the airport for his next adventure in New Orleans. I am humbled by all these experiences over the past 2 weeks. Stay tuned for more pics 😘 There is no family like the Jikiden Reiki family. (((Hugs))) . There is no family like the Jikiden Reiki family. (((Hugs))) I look forward to the day Arjava sensei returns to Boston once again. In the meantime for class schedules and registration visit: www.laurahealingwithspirit.com . . ⛩ Next Shoden (level 1) is THIS weekend May 4th 7-9pm Sat/Sun May 5th-6th 9:30am-6pm. Next Okuden is May 11th 7-9pm and Sat May 12th 9:30am-6pm
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