Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer
December 31, 2014

Why Meditation

One of the most common reasons that people cite for wanting to learn meditation is to reduce stress.  Life is always going to be full of challenges, and a life without some turmoil is not only impossible but is also undesirable.

A considerable amount of research has shown that meditationhas benefits on mental & physical health, including a reduction inproneness to depression, an increase in emotional positivity, and an increasedability to deal with life’s inevitable stresses.

People often think of meditation as being nothing more thanrelaxation.  Meditation, however, not only involves relaxation (thecessation of unnecessary effort) but promotes mindfulness, which helps thestress-sufferer to recognize unhelpful patterns of thought that give rise to thestress response, and also involves the active cultivation of positive mentalstates such as loving-kindness, compassion, patience, and energy.

Each meditation group session is geared towards the needs ofthe individuals of the group itself.

“Meditation, It’s not what you think!”

With lots of love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2012-2018 Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.
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