Upcoming events 💜
Upcoming events: 💜 Sat 12/2 from 1-4pm: REIJU KAI FOR JIKIDEN REIKI PRACTITIONERS in Hingham, Ma. 💜 Sun 12/10 at 10am: GUEST LECTURER AND SPIRITUAL MEDIUM at the First Spiritualist Church of Brocton in Rehoboth, Ma. 💜 Sun 12/10 at 12pm CLASS: VIBRATIONAL HEALING AFFECTS ON THE HUMAN BODY complete with Reiki Vibrational Healing Meditation with Percussions and Tibetan Singing Bowls.💜 Mon 12/18 at 6pm: REIKI VIBRATIONAL HEALING MEDITATION in Hingham, Ma.💜 Mon 12/18 at 7:15pm: OPEN REIKI SHARE in Hingham.💜 Fri Jan 12th 7-9:30pm, Sat/Sun 13-14th 2018 from 9:30am-6pm: JIKIDEN REIKI SEMINAR IN SHODEN in East Providence, RI. Resits also welcomed.💜 Sun 1/28/18: Usui Reiki Level I Workshop and Certification… For more information about upcoming events, please visit Healing With Spirit’s facebook events page or visit www.laurahealingwithspirit.com
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