Triggers & Spiritual Medicine Episode #7
TOPIC: From Systemic Racism, Trauma, Addiction, Incarceration to Recovery, Healing & Freedom
With Guest Kelvin Young of Kelvin Young LLC.
Kelvin Young’s story is soooo incredible that this episode of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine will leave you so inspired. From growing up faced with systemic racism to trauma that led to addiction and ultimately in prison where he journeyed into self-discovery that ultimately led him to his freedom, recovery, and the work he does now today in the state of Connecticut.
In the end Kelvin will share 3 tips on how to shift course NOW for those facing challenges with addiction recovery, trauma recovery and reintegration from incarceration.
About Kelvin Young
Kelvin Young is a recovery coach, recovery support specialist, certified sound healer and owner of Kelvin Young, LLC. He has presented around the country in diverse settings, yoga studios, retreat centers, conferences, high schools, colleges, prisons, addiction treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals and mental health agencies. Kelvin is the co-founder of Toivo, a DMHAS funded, recovery-focus, holistic healing center in Hartford, CT. Today, he coaches and publicly speaks on addiction recovery to people from all walks of life. Kelvin also facilitates private and group sound healing sessions at different locations throughout the United States. He is passionate about holding space for people to heal and is known for his warm, loving and down-to-earth way of connecting with people.
Website: https://www.kelvinbyoung.com/
Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.
Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.
We hope by helping you connect the dots like a web, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more.
We hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.
This is a NEW collaborative program with industry experts, survivors, who have figured out the “how” to heal the effects from their trauma breaking FREE from the chains that bound them in ways society said was not possible.
We’ll feature a different guest w/ each episode sharing experiences & solutions w/ the greatest epidemic of our times world – an epidemic of unrecognized unhealed unresolved trauma that is placing misguided burdens on our society, increasing rates of chronic illness, mental illness, & addictions & stressing an already taxed broken healthcare system ill-equipped to treat root issues because it is NOT profitable.
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