Today, I bless my junk.
Wowza what? 😜I’ve had a busy week at Healing With Spirit as the energies continue to shift helping others through cancer, rape, pre-op, stroke recovery, trauma, digestive issues, addictions, anxiety, and connective tissue disorders. ..As I stop, pause and reflect before I head off this evening to provide readings for a home party, I sit in gratitude for experiencing trauma that resulted in PTSD. ..You must be thinking why? Are you nuts? For me it’s easy. I say that now after 10+ years of college level healing education on myself. Ask me 10+ years ago, I’d probably say you’re cray cray. Without working on my own junk, no level of degree or training wound render my abilities to help others as effectively without out. Without It, my eyes would not be as open and my awareness as clear. Without it, my level of empathy and compassion would not be as pure. Without, I wouldn’t have been led into the healing arts. Period.I can go on, but that’s for another day. So today, I bless my junk. I sit in gratitude and look forward to guiding my souls.
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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit