December 11, 2018
The reason I find most old wounds or traumas dont fully heal and manifest elsewhere such as cancer, autoimmune issues, depression, unhealthy relationships or beliefs, is because we are afraid to go deep, truly feel, and reclaim our power fully. ..The wounded soul still rules in the subconscious, and chances are, you may not even realize it.When we choose to dig deep within, a secret treasure is unearthed that we never knew existed. ..Dragons are powerful elementals and can guide us through difficult times and change. They offer us strength and protection when we feel weak. ..This may seem silly to some, but working with dragon energy since 2014 has helped me go deep in the shadows of pain, hurt, trauma. My work with them has made me stronger. ..Today, just for today, allow the dragon energy to guide you. Protect you. Breathe the fire within and burn away the resistance controlled by fear. ..Surrender to the flow. Embody the energy of dragon. Allow the magic to guide you, and bare witness to what’s released next. ..Join us Mon 12/17 in Hingham for the final 2018 Reiki Vibrational Healing Meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls. We plan on incorporating dragon energy to help us release the old in 2018 and empower us forward for 2019. ..Visit the calendar www.laurahealingwithspirit.com for detailsI’m also available for private sessions, groups, and speaking opportunities. ..With appreciation, Laura @healingtraumathroughspirit
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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit