January 7, 2018
: THE MOUSE/5 of PENTACLES This card falls along side what I posted for the 2018 cosmic forecast. You can read “A Year of Magic, Miracles, Paradoxes, Social Justice, and Opportunites. Plus 5 Tips To Guide You in 2018” http://laurahealingwithspirit.blogspot.com/2018/01/a-year-of-magic-miracles-paradoxes.html Mouse energy is quite fascinating to me as there tends to be many misconceptions surrounding the mouse. Several things come to mind when I saw this card: home, tidiness and fertility. Both the energy of the 2018 new year combined with the mouse energy carries a strong message of fertility. With fertility comes abundance. With abundance comes opportunity. This is a time for new births in the form of new ideas and/or social connections. Questions to ask yourself: What did the lessons of 2017 teach you? How well are you tendering to your “home” … your vessel … your physical body (health)? What do you need to tidy up in your life? Mouse energy can also be nervous and timid. Here this is a reminder to trust your instincts as your sensitivities continue to expand and proliferate. However, as your expand, it is important to also develop a ground-loving habit with Mother Earth. This connection will bridge you to the spiritual realm. Mouse is guiding you to quiet your mind, trust your instincts, and listen to the divine talk through you. The number 5 is reminding you that you are in a great change. Watch where you choose to focus this week. Regardless what you choose, make sure to stay centered and grounded. Surrendering the outdated paradigms to that which is authentic, true, and soulful will bring much joy. Just for today, let mouse be your guide … With lots of love and appreciation, Laura Healing With Spirit Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer SIGN UP FOR MONTHLY E-NEWS
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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit